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1、人教版九年级英语Units-词汇运用专项训练(无答案)作者:日期:22017-2018学年度第一学期人教版九年级英语Units5-6词汇运用专项训练37根据句意及首字母和汉语提示填写单词。1. Her mother bought two(女式衬衫 )for her yesterday morning.2. After they are picked , they are sent to the factory for(力口工).3. Miss Zhu wears a(银色的)ring and looks more beautiful today.4. I don't think it

2、is convenient to eat food with a( 餐叉)and knife.5. It's relaxing to lie on the( 草地)in the sun on a sunny morning.6. This camera is our new(产品),so it is very expensive.7. My friend worked in a( 当地的)school four years ago.8. Mr. Brown has gone to(法国).He will come back in three days.9. Your(可移动的)phon

3、e looks really nice. Where did you buy it?10. I don't know why Julie always( 回避)talking to me these days.11. Tom's uncle has a factory and he is the(老板).12. Look! The(表层)of the ground is very dry.13. There is a hole in his g, so we can see two of his fingers.14. His friend comes from G. He s

4、peaks German very well.15. His parents are both(邮递员).They work in a big post office.16. His sister is studying in an( 国际的)school.17. The little boy is very good at( 放)kites.18. How often is the kite festival(举办)?19. It is really fun to see which kite can fly the( 高).20. The(参赛者)from all over the wor

5、ld took part in Weifang International Kite Festival.21. I put the(剪刀)on the table after I cut the paper.22. Mr.Smith could feel the(热)of the sun on his back.23. When will the(庆祝)start, Paul?24. Look! These(气球)are becoming smaller and smaller.25. How(生机勃勃的)the cartoon animals look!26. The tea is grow

6、n by farmers on the sides of mountains.27. Silk is(生产)in Zhejiang Province both in the past and now.28. Jingdezhen is famous for porcelain. Porcelain is the thin china made from a special( 材料)called clay.29. I r I had left my schoolbag at school when I got home.30. My two brothers are p. They send l

7、etters and newspapers in our neighborhood.31. It's difficult to a buying products made in China in American stores.32. Jack is the l boy in our class. He is always full of energy.33. I can't play soccer with you now because I have to cmy homework first.34. The Russians were the(先马区)of space

8、travel.35. Do you like the (款式)of the T shirt?36. Our new (项目)is to build a new hospital in the city center.37. Some important things were(提至U) in his report.38. She(列举)all the good restaurants in this city yesterday morning.39. The (味道)from the kitchen is wonderful.40. There are(几平)2 , 000 students

9、 in our school.41. They had a good time at the party. They ate and ate until no food ( 留)on the table.42. The boy burnt his hand when he was (煮)eggs.43. China does a lot of (贸易)with many countries.44. There are two old(冰箱)in the room.45. I can't understand the sentence. Please 翻译)it into Chinese

10、.46. It's very important to know what to do in a(n)( 地震).47. (有人)is knocking at the door. Go and see who it is , Sandy.48. The(曲奇饼)taste very nice. Would you like some?49. Because of the wet weather, these biscuits are not(脆的).They have become a little soft.50. Tom played computer games (直至U)12:

11、 00 last night.51. The apple looks green , but it doesn't taste(酸的).52. Mrs. Smith put some salt into her tea by m .53. For a restaurant, customers are the most i.54. James Naismith was a C. He invented basketball.55. The thirty first O took place in Brazil in 2016.56. I'm sure you can a you

12、r dream if you work hard.57. I have to prepare food for seven people i me.58. My mother(怀疑)if he was a real policeman.59. The(锁)is broken. You must buy one at once.60. The(网站)is useful. I found out some information that I need.61. There are a lot of(英雄)in the history of China.62. Is Easter a(国家的)hol

13、iday in China?63. It seems that(电)is really such a great invention that has changed people's lives completely.64. WeChat a new way to communicate , took the place of short messages all of(突然).65. Apple products are without( 怀疑)the ones that are most loved by Chinese(顾客).66. The tea was(bring) to

14、 Korea and Japan during the 6th and 7th centuries and became popular quickly. People are still drinking it now.67. In 1936 in Berlin , basketball became an event at the(奥林匹克).68. The popularity of basketball has(rise)around the world , with many young people.二.用适当的介词填空。69. Is your kite made your fat

15、her? How nice it is!70. We aren't allowed to enter the chemistry laba teacher.71. Most of the tea leaves are picked hand.72. Paper is usually made wood , so a great number of trees are cut down every year.73. I bought a scarf my mother last week.三.用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空。74. Mr. Green's little son e

16、njoys collecting old(coin) .75. These insects only eat young(leaf) of this kind of plant.76. Could you please teach me how to use(chopstick)?77. The big factory has(produce) more than 5 , 000 cars in the last three years.78. This city is(know) for its rice and seafood.79. They have already(complete)

17、 the work.80. That is a lovely dog.(it) name is Coco.81. Paper(cut) is one of the most popular traditional folk art forms in China.82. Lots of students went to the playground to cheer for their favorite(compete) .83. Her brother is writing a(history) novel about the nineteenth century France.84. Eng

18、lish(learn) as a foreign language in most of Chinese schools.85. The dogs(take) good care of by my mother.86. Usually , my homework(not do) in the afternoon.87. Are the flowers(water) every day?88. Computers(not sell) well in that shop.89. Is our school(visit) by many people every day?90. Three lang

19、uages are(use) in this country.91. The workers are(make) to work 12 hours every day.92. Such exercises are often(do) by the students in class.93. The car is always(clean) by Mr.Zhang in the morning.94. Mrs.Green bought a pair of shoes with special(heel) yesterday.95. In our(day) lives , we should pa

20、y attention to our actions.96. Music can offer(please) to us , so many people like listening to it.97. I think the light bulb is one of the most important(invent) .98. Please write down two useful(website).99. Was this kind of drink invented about three(century) ago?100. Tea, the most popular drink

21、, is an(accident) discovery.101. My mother pays much more attention to(nation) news than international news.102. Can you name some ancient(ruler)?103. When was tea(bring) to this country?104. I have a good friend(call) Mike.105. The soup is too(salt) to drink.106. My mother bought ten eggs and three

22、(potato) just now.107. He worked out the math problem by (join)" A" and" B" together.108. Tony is(quiet) than his brother Jim.109. The old man(near) lost his life in that terrible ship accident.110. How nice the cake(smell)! I can't wait to eat it.111. Shen Nong discovered te

23、a when(boil) drinking water.112. Mary was on the phone , all of a(suddenly) two strangers broke into her house.113. Some important information was(mention) in the reporter.114. The tea was first(drink) by Shen Nong nearly 5 , 000 years ago.115. Cha Jing was(write) by Lu Yu , “the saint of tea, durin

24、g the Tang Dynasty.116. According to Chinese history , kites were first(use) by Han Xin.117. Abacus was(create) in China in the sixth century by a Chinese man.118. Basketball was(invent) by a(Canada) doctor in the 19th century.119. The jeans were first(make) by a young man called Levi's in Ameri

25、ca in 1853.120. It is believed that the first ice cream(introduce) to Italy by Marco Polo in the 1500's.121. Hot ice cream scoop is used for(serve) really cold ice cream.122. Shoes with special(鞋跟)are used for(change) the(款式)of the shoes. They can make the shoes go from casual to dressy.123. The

26、 Internet is used for(communicate) and(search) useful information.124. (网站)are used for offering online service.125. My brother went to bed so late because his homework(not finish) on time.126. A present(give) to me by my friend on my birthday.127. He(see) to swim in Daming Lake yesterday.128. Annie

27、(invite) to the party. She had a wonderful time with us.129. Luckily , no one(hurt) in the car accident near the school.130. Sorry.The book you ask for(sell) out two days ago.131. My shoes(wash) by my mother yesterday.132. Were a lot of useful things(invent) by Edison?133. The window(clean) ten minu

28、tes ago , and the room looks bright now.134. I can sing the songs.They(teach) by our English teacher yesterday.135. The tea produced a pleasant smell after it(boil) in hot water for some time.136. The Great Wall, the biggest man made object(build) to protect the country and the people.137. The tea,

29、one of the most famous drinks , (discover) by accident.四.按要求完成下列句子,每空一词。138. They don't make this kind of watch in Beijing.( 改为被动语态)139. The bike is mended by Uncle Li .(对画线部分提问) is the bike mended by?140. The trees are watered by them once a week.(改为主动语态 )141. The witch turned the pumpkin into

30、a beautiful carriage at once.( 改为被动语态 )142. Tea is grown in the south of China.(改为一般疑问句)143. Such songs are usually sung by boys.(改为否定句 )144. The wall is painted every_year .(对画线部分提问)How often is the wall painted?145. My parents grow vegetables every spring.(改为被动语态 )146. Does she often look after th

31、e old woman ?(改为被动语态)147. We aren't allowed by them to take photos here.(改为主动语态)148. The watch was made in Switzerland .(对画线部分提问) was the watch made?149. Her father bought two pairs of basketball shoes last Saturday .(对画线部分提问) did her father buy two pairs of basketball shoes?150. I had to visit

32、five or six stores before finding a pair made in America 改为同义句 )151. You can buy almost everything made in China in all parts of the world.( 改为同义句 )152. Whatever you say, I won't believe you anymore.( 改为同义句 )153. Try to look up more information about the kite festival on the Internet.( 改为否定句 )15

33、4. It was a very exciting festival.(改为感叹句)155. Lisa went to the mountain last weekend .(对画线部分提问) did Lisa go to the mountain?156. Weifang is known for kites.(改为同义句)157. I really don't know how I can fly a kite.( 改为同义句)158. The telephone was invented in 1876.(改为一般疑问句)159. He advised me to eat mor

34、e meat.(改为否定句 )160. The young man stole a camera just now.(改为被动语态 )161. Where did you take these photos ?(改为被动语态)162. Suddenly I heard a child crying in the park.(改为同义句)163. I admired her when I heard she was a nurse.(改为同义句 )164. The first basketball game was played in December , 1891.(对画线部分提问) was the first basketball game played?165. Not only Tom but also Kate has been to the school library.(改为同义句)166. We heard Sandy sing in the classroom.(改为被动语态)167. A knife is used to cut


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