



1、.初中语法之名词掌握要点:名词的分类(专有名词和普通名词)名词的数 1)区分可数名词和不可数名词,区分方法2)可数名词的复数变化,分为规则变化及不规则变化名词所有格 含义、构成 两种形式:s所有格及of所有格知识点:一、名词的分类1.专有名词:名字(人名、地名、书名、机构名)、与国家有关的(国家、国民、语言)、日期(节日、星期、月份)例句:My name is Lucy. I am a Chinese. I will go tothe Great Wallon Monday.2.普通名词: 包括可数名词和不可数名词 个体名词 表示个体的人或事物 例:sister、table、bike、wind

2、ow可数名词 集体名词 表示一群人或一些事物 例:family、police、class、group物质名词 表示构成物体的物质或材料 例:water、air、wood不可数名词 抽象名词 表示状态、品质、行为、感情等 例:danger、interest区分方法:将物体分成两半,如果每半不能叫原名,则为可数名词,如果还可叫原名,则为不可数名词。注:有些单词意义发生变化,单复数也发生变化,例:glass作玻璃杯时可数,作玻璃时不可数。身兼二职的名词对照表glassfish chickentime 可数玻璃杯鱼类小鸡次、倍不可数玻璃鱼肉鸡肉时间orange lightpaper hair 可数橘子

3、电灯报纸/试卷(几根)头发不可数橘汁光纸头发exerciseidea lifework可数练习题主意/意见生命著作不可数锻炼了解生活工作turkeyradioyouthexperience可数火鸡收音机青年人经历不可数火鸡肉无线电年轻、青春经验interest room可数爱好房间不可数兴趣空间二、名词的单复数形式(1) 规则变化:名词的复数构成,通常是在单数形式后面加-s或-es1、 一般情况在词尾直接加s , 例 bags。2、 以s、x、sh、ch结尾的词加-es,例bus-buses box-boxes。3、 以“辅音字母+y”结尾的词,y变成i加-es 例 city-cities;以

4、“元音字母+y”结尾的词,直接加s。4、以o结尾的除potato(马铃薯)、tomato(西红柿)、hero(英雄)加es,其余直接加s。5、以f或fe结尾的词,多数变f或fe为v加es, roof、proof直接加-s, 例 life-lives wife-wives roof roofs。(2)不规则变化1、单词拼写发生变化man-men woman-women policeman-policemen foot-feet tooth-teeth mouse-mice child-children2、某国人变复数,口诀:中日不变英法变,其余s加后面例:an Englishman-Englis

5、hmen an American-Americans3、单复数形式相同 常用分以下几类:表示动物的名词deer 鹿,fish 鱼,sheep 绵羊,bison 野牛,crab 螃蟹表示人的名词Chinese 中国人,Japanese 日本人,Swiss瑞士人,kin 亲属craft及由-craft构成的名词craft 飞机,aircraft 飞机, spacecraft 太空船表示数量的名词Hundred百,thousand千,million百万,dozen一打, score 二十其他series 系列;species种类;means方法(3)不可数名词一般只用单数,它不能与a/an及数次搭配

6、使用。表示数量时用量词搭配。例:a cup of coffee(一杯咖啡) two glasses of milk(两杯牛奶) three pieces of paper(三张纸) four bottles of water(四杯水)三、名词所有格含义:名词所有格表示名词之间的所有关系。表示形式:一种是s所有格,一种是of所有格Beijing is Chinas capital.=Beijing is the captital of China.This is Toms bike = This is the bike of Tom. Lily is the keys owner.= Lily

7、is the owner of the key.1、s所有格构成单数名词及不以s结尾的复数名词,只需在词尾加s,如 Lucys pen路西的钢笔Childrens Day(儿童节);以s结尾的复数名词,只加, 如the students books 学生们的书。2、几个人共有的东西,只需在最后一个人的名词后加s, 如 Lucy and Lilys bedroom(露西和莉莉的卧室)。表示各自所有,则每个名词都加s,如 Lucys and Lilys desks(露西的桌子和莉莉的桌子)。典型例题讲解1. They got much _ from those new books. A. idea

8、s B. photos C. news D. stories 解析: much 是用来修饰不可数名词的, A B D三个选项均是可是名词的复数形式, C项为不可数名词, 因此选C.2. I have two _ and three bottles of _ here. A. orange, orange B. oranges, oranges C. oranges, orange D. orange, oranges解析: orange 有两种含义, 一种可数名词橘子, 另一种是不可数名词橘汁, 此题第一空应填可数名词, 第二空填不可数名词, 因此选 C。3. Every evening M

9、r. King takes a _ to his home . A. 25 minutes walk B. 25 minutes walk C. 25 minute walk D. 25 minutes walk解析: 句中的 minute应该用其复数的所有格形式,只+,而不能+s,因此选A。4. An old _ wants to see you. A. people B. person C. the people D. the person 解析: person 与people 都有”人” 的意思, 但用法不同. “一个人”用 “a person”,“两个人” 用 “two persons

10、”; people 泛指 “人们”是集合名词,表示复数, the people 指 “人民”, a people 指 “一个民族”. 应选B。5. Help yourself to _. A. chickens and apples B. chickens and apple C. chicken and apple D. chicken and apples解析: chicken 可用作可数名词指小鸡,用作不可数名词指鸡肉,根据词题意应理解为鸡肉;apple为可数名词, 故应+s, 因此选D。6. Oh, dear. I forgot the two _. A. rooms number B

11、. rooms number C. room numbers D. rooms numbers解析: room number 房间号码. room可直接用作定语修饰后面的名词 . 类似的还有my phsics teacher,two bus drivers 等. 应选C。7. She has been in Tianjin for ten years. Tianjin has become her second _. A. family B. house C. home D. room解析: family指的是家庭或是家庭成员; house指的是房子(住所); room 指的是房间;而home

12、 指的是家, 因此选C.8. _ mothers couldnt go to the meeting, because they have gone to Shanghai . A. Mary and Peters B. Mary and Peter C. Marys and Peter D. Marys and Peters解析: 此句中 “mothers”是复数,表示两个人各自的母亲,因此应选D。9. Li Lei has been to _ many times this month. A. her uncle B. her uncles C. her uncles D. aunts 解

13、析: 此句意为 “李雷这个去她舅舅家多次”. 表示具体场所时, 可省去所有格后面的名词.因此选B。10. He is a success as a leader but he hasnt _ in teaching. A. many experiences B. much experience C. an experience D. a lot experience解析: experience 作 “经验” 讲时是不可数名词, 作 “经历”讲时是可数名词. 本句中应理解为 “经验”,因此是不可数名词,排除 A C. 又因 a lot of , lots of, plenty of 只用于肯定句

14、, 不用于否定句, 因此选B。11. A classmate of _ was here ten minutes ago. A. you B. your C. your sister D. your sisters解析: 此题考查名词的双重所有格.应选D。12. A group of _ are talking with two _. A. Frenchmen, Germans B. Germans ,Frenchmans C. Frenchmans , Germen D. Germen , Frenchmen 解析: Frenchman 是复合词,其复数形式为 Frenchmen; Germ

15、an 的复数为直接在单词末尾+S, 应选A.13.The team _ having a meeting . A. is B. are C. am D. be解析: team 是一个集合名词,即可表示复数意义(指整个小组) , 也可指小组中的成员(表示复数), 此题意为后者, 因此选B。14. “Would you like _” “_, please.” A. drink, Three coffees B. a cup of drink, Coffees C. a drink, A coffee D. a drink, Three cups of coffees解析: drink 和coff

16、ee是不可数名词, 可以用of来表示数量, eg, three cups of coffee, 当前面加a 时,则表示“一杯”因此选C。15. The Great Wall was made not only by _, but also the flesh and blood of _ men. A.earth and stone, millions of B. earths and stones, millions C. the earth and stone, million of D. the earths and stones, millions解析:earth 是不可数名词,因此删

17、除B D,数以百万的应为millions of . 因此选A。名词练习题1. This is _ reading-room.A. the teachers B. teachers C. teachers D. the teachers2. Nothing was found but _ broken.A. the room window B. the rooms window C. the room of the window D. the window of room3. How many_ would you like A. paper B. bread C. pieces of pape

18、rs D. pieces of bread4. He was praised for his _.A. brave B. bravery C. bravely D. great brave5. Please get me a new _ when you go to town.A. clothes B. dress C. clothing D. trousers6. There are 34_ doctors in the hospital.A. woman B. women C. womans D. womens7. Some_ are even thinner than your litt

19、le finger.A. bamboo B. bamboos C. kinds of bamboo D. kinds of bamboos8. He was born in this town and now he lives in _.A. Building second B. Building Two C. the Building Two D. Building the Second9. Old as he is, he has _to do every day.A. a lot of work B. much worksC. lots of homeworks D. quite a l

20、ot of homeworks10. Jacks room is furnished with _.A. new furnitures B. many new furnituresC. many new pieces of furnitures D. many new pieces of furniture11. Have you read _newspaper yetA. todays B. TodaysC. the todays D. your todays12. Its not far, only _walk from here to our school.A. a ten minute

21、s B. ten minutesC. a ten minutes D. ten minutes13. Last month, he wrote me _letter.A. a 1000-word B. 1000 wordsC. a 1000-words D. 1000 words14. He had a _sleep yesterday.A. a good night B. a good-nightC. a good nights D. good-nights15. _is not a long way to drive.A. Three miles distance B. Three-mil

22、e distanceC. Three miles distance D. A three-mile-distance16. His isnt fit for the work. Please get me _.A. something else B. somebody elseC. someone elses D. somebodys else17. Do you know how large _ isA. population of China B. Chinese populationC. China population D. Chinas population18. _ is too

23、much for the boy to carry.A. The box weight B. The boxs weightC. The weight of the box D. The box of the weight19. Excuse me, how can I get to the nearest _ shopA. shoes B. shoeC. shoes D. shoes20. What _ weather were having these days!A. nice B. a niceC. a bad D. worse21. They say that the meeting

24、will be _.A. of very important B. great importanceC. of great importance D. great important22. Im going to call at _ this evening.A. Mr Black B. the BlacksC. Mr Blacks D. Blacks23. What Darwin said was an attack on peoples religious _.A. belief B. beliefsC. beliefs D. believs24. There are some _wait

25、ing for you outside.A. German B. AmericanC. grown-up D. Japanese25. Their factory has developed a kind of _ to help people walk.A. machine B. machinesC. a machine D. the machine26. Therere many _ in my brothers album.A. leafs B. toysC. books D. stamps27. Yesterday I went to the super market and boug

26、ht a lot of _.A. tomatoes B. potatos C. vegetable D. meats28. Upon hearing what I said, his _ rose.A. anger B. angryC. angrily D. angriness29. Excuse me, can you change this _ for meA. five-pound note B. five pounds noteC. five-pound notes D. five pounds notes30. You have to make _ for your journey A. preparing B. preparationC. a preparation D. preparations31. While washing up, she broke a _.A. glass wine B. wine glassC. glass of wine D. wine of glass32. You have worked out the plan and now we must put it into _.A. fall B. reality C. practice D. deed


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