



1、人教版四年级下册英语填空题教学知识练习班级:_ 姓名:_1. 选词填空。went  bought had  fell  held1. We _ a picnic last week.2. Lily _ off the chair yesterday.3. Mum _ me a new pencil.4. David _ his head and it ached.5. She _ for a bike ride.2. 给下列数字图片选择对应的序数词。A. third

2、   B. first   C. twelfth   D. fifth   E. second 1(_) 2   (_)3   (_) 4(_)5(_)3. 背诵课文,填写对话或句子。1A: How are you? B: _2A: Nice to meet you. B: _3Steven, _. His name is Danny. Her name is Kim.4. 按要求写单词。1.rain(形容词)_ 2.snow(形容词)

3、_3.wind(形容词)_ 4.cloud(对应词)_5.we(宾格)_5. 用所给词的适当形式填空。1_(he) friend_(have) a big toy car.2I_(can) play erhu. I cant play the guitar_(too).3-Are_(this) your balls?-Yes, I like_(they) very much.4All of_(we) can sing English songs very_(good).5-I dont have_(some) cakes.-I have cakes. Would you like_(some)

4、?6. 读一读,填一填。am, is, are1I _ ten years old and Amy _ ten years old, too.2Look! Your pens _ under the schoolbag.3Lucy and I _ friends.4_ he a new teacher? Yes, he _.5Where _ the cute dog and the duck?7. 用所给单词的适当形式填空。1_ (that) are my toy

5、lions.2How many _ (pineapple) do you have?3I dont have _  (some) apples.4Liu Tao can _  (jump) very well.5_  (not) be sad.8. 读一读,选择正确的单词填空。1Welcome _(to/in) our school.2Our library is _(on/in) the first floor.3This is the _(teachers/teachers''

6、; ) office.4How many _(student/students) are there in your class?  Forty-two.5_(Is/Are) that the computer room?  No, it isn''t.6_(Are/Do) you have a computer room? Yes, we do.9. 单词分类。A. art  B. hot dog  C. chicken  D. Chinese  E. hamburgerF.

7、PE G. noodles H. science I. meat J. music1food: _2subject: _10. 选出合适的单词填入横线上。1Whats the weather like _ (in / at) New York?2Its _ (rains / rainy).3Its 23 degree. Its _ (warm / cold) outside.4_ (It / This) is the weather report.5Its cold. _ (Put o

8、n / Take off) your hat.11. 选词填空。1I cant play football _ (too/either).2Let''s _ (make/do) a fruit salad.3Do you have  _ (some/any) apples?4Su Hai likes _(mango/mangoes) very much.5I _ (dont/cant) like ap

9、ples.12. 看图,将对应的选项填入括号内。A. Big Ben B. cloudy C. robot   D. snow   E. ship 1 (_) 2 (_)3 (_) 4 (_)5 (_)13. 用所给单词的恰当形式填空,补全句子。1I don''t like _ (draw).2Let''s _ (has) a picnic now!3What do you do in _ (a) art class?4Wh

10、at _ (subject) do we have?5She''ll buy _ (I) a new jacket.14. 按要求改变单词。1tooth(复数)  _ 2his (宾格)   _3doll (同类词) _ 4there ( 同音词) _5it (复数) _ 6smooth (反义词)  _7my  (同类词) _ 8our (单数) _9too  (同音词) _ 1

11、0big (反义词)   _15. 按要求完成下列单词。1sea/si:/(同音词) _ 2too(同音词) _3homework(复数) _ 4teacher(复数) _5one(序数词) _ 6two(序数词) _7is not(缩写形式) _ 8near(近义词) _9hot(反义词) _ 10any(同义词) _16. 读一读,根据例词的读音规则补全下列单词。1dirtg _ l   th _d   th _ teen2hurtp _ ple   n _ se   hamb _ ger3afterdinn _   numb _   comput _17. 选择合适的单词完成句子。am  


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