1、 Unit Thirteen Chinas Ethnic Groups and Religions Part I Skill Focus- Note-taking (3) Part II Topic Focus -Chinas Ethnic Groups and Religions Shadowing retelling Warming upNote-taking (3)Dont be concerned with spelling and grammar. Practice首先,请允许我代表中华人民共和国和我所有的同行,并以我个人的名义,对约翰逊将军以及美国国防部的朋友们,表示衷心的感谢。E
2、xample 1 I PRCcoll mysf Gen Johnson NDD TKSNotesTsinghua undergraduates are fortunate in that more and more your university is encouraging teamwork in your case work, stimulating the transition from “me” to “we”.Example 2 TH 学 幸 TH 团合 case /meweNotes清华大学的学生是幸运的,因为贵校越来越提倡学生在案例学习中进行团队合作,促使“我”的思维模式向“我们
3、”的思维模式进行转变。译文Two-way trade has risen sharply in a few short years. The United States is now Chinas third largest trading partner. Our bilateral trade and economic cooperation show great promise for the future.Example 3 2 tr ys us中 3 tr 伙 2 tr e 合 Notes 美中双边贸易在短短的几年中大幅度增长。美国已成为中国的第三大贸易伙伴。我们的双边贸易和经济合作
4、前景广阔。译文America has need of idealism and courage, because we have essential work at homethe unfinished work of American freedom. In a world moving toward liberty, we are determined to show the meaning and promise of liberty.Example 4us ideal cour w 工 ie us 自 o 自 w / ! 自 义 承Notes 美国需要理想主义和勇气,因为我们要完成国内
5、的任务美国自由的未竞之业。在一个走向自由的世界里,我们要展示自由的真意和自由的承诺。译文As I understand, there is a big deficit between the US and China and between US and Japan. Would you explain whether there is difference between the two kinds of trade deficits, and what the US policies towards the two different kinds of trade deficits are
6、? We think you adopt kind of double standard to these deficits. Example 5 逆- US & CN US & Jap ? 区 ?US w: 双标NotesThat vast distance is one we have now crossed. We have communication, cooperation, trade, investment, tourism, and cultural and scientific exchanges. For example, in 1972, there were no Am
7、ericans as tourists in the P.R.C.; last year there were over 100,000. In 1972, there were no students form the P.R.C studying in the United States; last year there were over 12,000. In 1972, there was no trade between the two countries; last year trade went over six billion dollars. Thats an indicat
8、ion of what has happened in just 13 short years.Example 6 dist x comm, coop 贸 投 游 cul scien e.g. 72 x 美CN .y 100, 72 x 学US .y 12, 72 x trd .y 60亿 indic 发生 13yr Notes As an American manager of a Sino-American joint venture for two years, I have to say that there are differences in business management
9、 between Chinese and Americans./ We are more direct and straightforward than most Chinese Colleagues due to our different cultural traditions. / I cant say our way of doing business is absolutely superior. After all, there are strong points and weak points in both types of management./ In recent yea
10、rs, more and more American business executives have recognized the strong points of the more humane way of Chinese management. Example 7 美 经 JV 2 年 I : dif bus.man.中美 we 更 直率 不同文传 I x 我 bus. + 毕有 + & - both Rys 美企 exe. 强: humane 中管(笔记)Hungary has complained that its steel exports to the European Uni
11、on are unable to develop because of excessively restrictive quotas. But the Union representative pointed out that quotas are still underused by Hungary by a large margin, so the quotas themselves didnt appear to be creating the difficulties Example 8匈 钢 expo-EU X D 限 but U R: 定额 underuses a lot quot
12、as ?Reference Note 中国周边地区经济都得到发展,我们认为是很好的事。中国一直希望全世界人民都得到发展、繁荣、和平。如果地区间经济差距太大,世界就不会安定。所以,对东盟国家的发展和现代化,我们持高兴态度。从经济角度看,周边国家经济发展水平提高了,互相进口货物的能力也会提高,对我们本身经济也有促进作用。所以说竞争不是坏事。Example 9 经 good D中:O Pros peaif 差,O 定 Aseans D&M W ) 经 imp 中 经竞 X 坏中 中 厦门特区在党中央、国务院和福建省委、省政府的正确领导下,经过15年的奋斗,已经具有一定的经济发展规模,形成了外向型经济
13、格局。1994年底,全市国内生产总值达到189亿元,人均1.6万元。工业总产值246亿元,其中三资企业产值占70%,累计已投资的三资企业2061家,外商直接投资额达41.1亿美元,口岸外贸进出口总额达55亿美圆。Example 10Xm SEZ PCC + S. Coun + 省15Ys 经发 scale 外经格 1994底 GDP 189 亿 人1.6 万Ind. Output 246 亿 Jv. 投V. 2061直 inv. 41.1亿$口岸 Trade 55亿$Reference NoteAfter the accession to the WTO, Chinas reform and
14、opening up will enter a new historic era. Joining the WTO is the requirement of our reform and opening up which is in the fundamental interest of China. Example 11 入WTO 中改开新 era 加WTO 改开req 中利Notes计划生育是中国的基本国策。但贵国许多计划生育是中国的基本国策。但贵国许多人不太理解。实际上,从人不太理解。实际上,从19711971年至年至19981998年,年,由于中国实行计划生育政策,中国减少了由于中国
15、实行计划生育政策,中国减少了3.383.38亿人口。这相当于美国和加拿大两国亿人口。这相当于美国和加拿大两国人口的总和,也相当于整个欧盟人口的总和,也相当于整个欧盟1515国人口国人口的总和。而且我国的人均国民生产总值的总和。而且我国的人均国民生产总值GNPGNP上升到世界第七位。如果不实行计划上升到世界第七位。如果不实行计划生育,恐怕是倒数第七位。而印度目前人生育,恐怕是倒数第七位。而印度目前人口有九个亿。据专家预测,口有九个亿。据专家预测, 按他们目前按他们目前这种人口增长率,到这种人口增长率,到20502050年,他们的人口年,他们的人口就会超过我们中国。就会超过我们中国。Example
16、 12 计S, CN基策 But 你 x 理 71-98 计S 人 338m US CA or EU CN GNP 7th If x计S 7th IN 人 9亿 If now , 2050y CN / Notes美国是中国第二大贸易伙伴,中国是美国美国是中国第二大贸易伙伴,中国是美国第四大贸易伙伴。中国已成为美国飞机的第四大贸易伙伴。中国已成为美国飞机的第一大买主。截止目前为止,总计购买了第一大买主。截止目前为止,总计购买了337337架,这个月又签订了购买架,这个月又签订了购买3030架的合同架的合同和和2020架的意向协议。中国还是美国小麦的架的意向协议。中国还是美国小麦的最大买主,尽管我
17、们的粮食连年丰收,不最大买主,尽管我们的粮食连年丰收,不久前又宣布购买美国久前又宣布购买美国7070万吨小麦。随着经万吨小麦。随着经济的不断发展,中国将进一步扩大美国产济的不断发展,中国将进一步扩大美国产品的进口品的进口。Example 13 US 2大 CN 4大 飞:1买 已337j 月30j 合同 20j 意向 麦大买 Tho 丰收, 700, 经 , Pro./Notes中美建交以来,两国经贸关系迅速发展,中美建交以来,两国经贸关系迅速发展,并且已经对两国的经济发展产生了不同程并且已经对两国的经济发展产生了不同程度的影响。其主要表现在:度的影响。其主要表现在: 一是中美双边一是中美双边
18、贸易额大幅度增长,贸易额大幅度增长,19941994年底,美国已成年底,美国已成为继香港和日本之后,中国的第三大贸易为继香港和日本之后,中国的第三大贸易伙伴,而中国也成为美国的第七大贸易伙伙伴,而中国也成为美国的第七大贸易伙伴;二是美国对华投资迅速增长,截止到伴;二是美国对华投资迅速增长,截止到19941994年,美国在华投资项目达到年,美国在华投资项目达到14 18914 189个,个,协议金额协议金额169169亿美元,实际投入金额亿美元,实际投入金额6363亿美亿美元。元。 Example 15 中US 建交 E贸 Rel 2 E发影 1、双边贸:94 US中3 贸伙(HK 日) 中US
19、7 大 2、 us 中 投 94 项 14,189个 协 169亿 实 63 亿NotesNote-taking Skills 1. Take notes of the words you hear with the skill of abbreviation and repeat the words to your partner according to your notes. Sec 3 Sec 2Scripts and Reference answerNote-taking Practice 笔记训练accept ACPTarrival ARRVbefore BFRbank BKcou
20、ld CLDcontract CNTRCTcompany COcenter CTRmodel MDLmarket MRKToffer OFRpiece PCprice PRCquality QLYquotation QTNreceived RCVDSection 2 Note-taking Skills Sec 21. While issues like human rights and freedom of speech capture much of the publics attention, one of the most pressing issues in US-China relations is the continued trade deficit. Sec 3 Sec 2 The 2nd CAEXPO was held from October 19 to 22, 2005 in the Nanning International Conf
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