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1、精锐教育学科教师辅导讲义学员姓名: 年 级:高 三 课 时 数: 3辅导科目:英语 学科教师:授课内容Summary+多项综合练习教学内容Summary Writing【知识梳理1】从评分标准看概要写作要求概要写作评分标准档次内容语言A55B44C33D22E11F00评分细则: 1. 本题总分为10分, 其中内容5分, 语言5分。2. 评分时应注意的主要方面: 内容要点、信息呈现的连贯性和准确性。3. 词数超过60,酌情扣分。  各档次给分要求: 内容部分A. 能准确、全面地概括文章主旨大意,并涵盖主要信息。B. 能准确概括文章主旨大意,但遗漏个别主要信息。C. 能概括文章主旨大意

2、,但遗漏部分主要信息。D. 未能准确概括文章主旨大意,遗漏较多主要信息或留有过多细节信息。E. 几乎不能概括文章的主旨大意,未涉及文中有意义的相关信息。F. 完全未作答或作答与本题无关。语言部分A. 能用自己的语言连贯、正确地表述。B. 能用自己的语言较连贯、正确地表述,但有个别语言错误。C. 基本能用自己的语言连贯、正确地表述,但连贯性较差,且有少量不影响表意的语言错误。D. 基本能用自己的语言表述,但连贯性较差,且严重语言错误较多。E. 几乎不能用自己的语言连贯、正确地表述。F. 完全未作答或作答与本题无关【知识梳理2】如何寻找主要信息概要写作的第一个要求就是对短文进行概括,它是一个获取信

3、息、加工信息的过程,需要严谨的思维和准确的表达能力,而且要使用自己的语言来表达。因此,“概括短文的内容”,实际上就是客观简要地转述作者的论点、论据和结论。根据不同文体,我们把它归纳为“主题句+支撑句”的概括模式。不同文体,它的概括模式略有区别。1. 【记叙文】记叙文主要是记叙所发生的事情和经历。常见的形式有:故事、日记、新闻报道、游记等。记叙文通常要交待清楚五要素的内容,即where, when, what, who, how。期中最重要的是某人(who)做了何事(what)。若是夹叙夹议的文章,还要加上作者的看法、观点、经验或感悟。事情的叙述通常按时间的顺序叙述,让读者易于把握所叙述内容之间

4、的内在关联,写人的记叙文总结要对在于抓住人物主要特点或事迹。2.【议论文】议论文通常用来讲明道理、议论是非、提出观点和看法。因此,议论文的概要写作首先是要找出议论文三要素,即论点,论据和结论。其关键是找出主题句或结论句。而这种文章的整体结构多数为总分结构、分总结构、平行结构等。因此我们通常在首段或尾段,或者再各段的首句和尾句找论点。若文中有一分为二(即对立观点)的观点,两种观点都要概括,不要有所偏漏。3. 【说明文】说明文主要可以分为两类:一类是说明某个事物,作者可能以时间顺序来介绍事物的产生、发展与演变等过程,也可能通过说明事物的优缺点等特征特点及用途来说明该事物。另一类是说明某个现象,这是

5、你需要找出“现象”是什么,“造成这种现象的原因”以及“解决这种现象或问题的措施或建议”。【知识梳理3】如何缩句和改写一、缩句1)删除细节。只保留主要观点。 例1:“His courage in battle might without exaggeration be called lion-like.” 可以概括为:“He was very brave in battle.” 例2:“Around the world,music therapy(疗法) is being used to treat different medical conditions and illnesses.” (20

6、17奉贤一模)可以概括为:“Music therapy is a useful way to treat illness.”2) 选择一至两个例子。原文中可能包括5个或更多的例子,你只需从中筛选一至二个例子。 例:“Beautiful mountains like Mount Tai, Lushan Mountain, and Mount Huang, were visited by only a few people in the past.”可以概括为:“Beautiful mountains like Mount Tai were once visited by a few people

7、.”3) 避免重复。在原文中,为了强调某个主题,可能会重复论证说明。但是这在摘要中是不能使用的。应该删除那些突出强调的重述句。例:“A new study from the University of Toronto suggests that fast food might make it harder to stop and smell the roses. Researchers pointed out that the Americans have gained more and more leisure time, yet they arent any happier. The pr

8、oblem could be that modern conveniences make us more impatient, and therefore less able to appreciate small moments of joy.”(是对于前面两句的重复论证)可以概括为:“A new study shows that fast food will affect peoples ability to appreciate beauty, thus making them less happy.”4)使用概括性的名词代替具体的词例1:“At least that might giv

9、e us the chance to stock up on vitamins and wrap up warm before the germ attacks! ”可以概括为:“Users can take some measures to prevent disease.”例2: “She brought home several Chinese and English novels, a few copies of Time and Newsweek and some textbooks. She intended to read all of them during the winte

10、r vocation.” 可以概括为:”She brought home a lot of books to read during the vocation.”5)把长段的描述变成短小、简单的句子。如果材料中描述某人或某事用了十个句子,那么你只要把它们变成一两句即可。例1:“After monitoring 40 smart watch users for up to two years, the team has demonstrated that the devices can be used to detect the first signs of coming illness. Th

11、e participants pulse and skin temperature were continuously monitored. Continuous tracking of your vital signs is more informative than having a doctor measure them once a year.” 可以概括为:“Having followed some users for 24 months and monitored their pulse and skin temperature constantly, the team draws

12、 a conclusion that a constant record of necessary data is superior to a regular check-up . ”6)使用最短的连接词。比如,可以使用but, then, thus, yet, though,不能使用at the same time, in the first place, because of these, on the other hand等较长的连接词。通常,使用分号就能够达成使用连接词的效果。二、改写1)同义替换例:“A good story encourages us to turn the nex

13、t page and read more. ”(2017宝山一模)可以概括为:“An interesting story motivates/inspires us to read continuously.”2)改变词性例:Another great advantage of social networking sites is how easy it is to organize an event with your friends. (2017嘉定长宁一模)可以概括为:“Moreover, they facilitate the organization of various event

14、s. ”3)改变语态例:“Researchers carried out a few different tests focused on fast foods to test the theory.”可以概括为:“The theory was based on some tests.”4) 用介词短语,名词短语,非谓语等改变句式例1:“The survey concluded that another reason why people don't want to be teachers is that.” (普陀区2016高三一模考)可以概括为:“The survey conclu

15、ded that another reason of people's unwillingness to be teachers is that.”例2:“The girl who stood in the corner was wearing make-up.”可以概括为:“The girl standing in the corner was wearing make-up. ”例3:“The stranger, after he had discarded his jacket, moved threateningly towards me. ”可以概括为:“

16、The stranger, having discarded his jacket, moved threateningly towards me. ”例4:“If you are still anxious ,there is no harm in indulging(放任)in a personal routine. ”(2016虹口一模)可以概括为:“If still anxious, you can spend your time on your own routine. ”【总结】概要写作三步走第一步:阅读A. 认真阅读给定的原文材料。如果一遍不能理解,就多读两遍。阅读次数越多,你对

17、原文的理解就越深刻。B.该决定原文中哪些部分重要,哪些部分次重要了。对重要部分的主要观点进行概括。C. 简要地记下主要观点主题、标题、细节等你认为对概括摘要重要的东西。第二步:动手写作A. 摘要应尽量用自己的话完成。不要直接引用原文的句子。B. 应该遵循原文的逻辑顺序。这样你就不必重新组织观点、事实。C. 摘要必须全面、清晰地表明原文所载的信息,以便你的读者不需翻阅原文就可以完全掌握材料的原意。D. 写摘要时可以采用上述提及的技巧,确保少于60词。第三步:修改成文首先,与原文比较看是否把所有重要的观点都概括了,摘要中的观点是否与原文中的完全一致。第二,检查拼写、语法和标点符号的错误。最后,保持

18、语言简单明了。另外,可以通过以下四个方面来核对(checklist)写好的摘要。1. Does the summary include the main points? (是否涵盖全部要点)2. Are words or sentences copied or your own words? (是否是自己的话)3. Are transitional words used to make writing coherent? (是否使用了衔接词)4. Are all the sentences, spelling, and punctuation marks correct? (是否有语法,拼写错

19、误)【记叙文】Everyday Heroes: The Preteen TranslatorOn a cold afternoon in January 2015, Yesenia Diosdado, 11, got off a school bus in Lenexa, Kansas, near the apartment building where she lives with her family. When the bus pulled away, Yesenia saw police and emergency workers looking after victims of a

20、three-car accident that had occurred at a busy intersection nearby. Yesenia joined a small crowed of onlookers across the street.She worried using sign language, but he couldnt understand her. I heard him ask for an interpreter, Yesenia says.She ran over to the nurse to helpher mother, a former sign

21、 language interpreter, had taught her and her sisters how to sign ( no one in the family is hearing weakened).She said, “I sign. Can I help” says EMA captain Chris Winger. I was knocked down.Yesenia was able to replay to the emergency personnel that the womans neck was injured and tell them the name

22、 of the local hospital she preferred. She looked really hurt, says Yesenia. Im proud that I got to do something to help.When her mother, Susan Milidore, 36, heard about Yesenias heroics, she wasnt surprised. Its in her nature to help, says Susan. I was impressed that she recognized the seriousness o

23、f the situation and took charge. Most adults wouldnt have done that.A few weeks later, paramedics presented Yesenia with a gold coin and a certificate of appreciation at her elementary school.My mom always says that you never know when sign language might come in handy, says Yesenia. That day, it di

24、d._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (60)_ _ Key: A possible version:Yesenia Diosdado, a 11-year-old girl, helped police and emergency workers send a woman injured in a car accident to the hospital in January 2015. She manage

25、d to read the womans sign language taught by her mother, who has proud of her heroics. Later, she was awarded a gold coin and a certificate of appreciation.【议论文】If Youve ever sent an email that started with the words"Just sending a friendly reminder to please."we have some bad news for you

26、: It probably backfired. Not only are 'friendly reminder"emails one of the annoying email habits you have, but everyone also secretly hates them.To you, a reminder email could simply be 'a friendly way to ask for something that's late,"Fast Company writes. But unfortunately, th

27、at might not be the message coming across to your coworkers. You need to quit this bad email habit and stop sending them immediately. And here's why.For one, if you use "hedge words" such as"kind of,'"'maybe,'"probably."Etc. They will decrease your credi

28、bility with your coworkers. Although you might insert those phrases for a softer tone, they also make you sound insecure and unconfident. Be clear with your choice of words, choosing the straightforward"sending a reminder,"instead. Trust us, your employees will appreciate the directness.Bu

29、t that's not even the worst part. It's also easy for those reminder emails to get lost in people's inboxes, if not ignored immediately. With countless emails flooding in per day, yours could easily get lost in the shuffle. Very likely, your coworkers will hit the"delete " butto

30、n.Still, you need to get their attention somehow, right? After all, you have a job to do : Once you send the classic reminder email, try scheduling a meeting with the person via calendar invite. Even resending the original email with a red "utgent" flag could do the trick. Doing so ispract

31、ically guaranteed to get the message across-and still save face with your coworkers.(七宝中学2017十月月考)_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (60)_ _ Key: A possible version: Sending reminder emails ,which may irritate the receiver ,i

32、s a bad habit to quit as “hedge words” in them reduce your credibility,and they are often lost in other emails. Making an appointment or using a “urgent ” flag in your email are advised if a reminder mail is necessary.【说明文】It's not piano lessons or dance classes. Nowadays, the biggest extra-curr

33、icular activity is going to a tutor. "I spend about 800 Canadian dollars a month on tutors. It's costly," says Pat, a mother in Canada. However, she adds, "after finding out half my daughter's class had tutors, I felt like my child was going to fall behind because everyone els

34、e seemed to be ahead"Shelley, a mother of three, also has tutors constantly coming in and out of her home. "When I used to sit down with my children, it was hard to get them focused. I was always yelling. When I got a tutor once a week, they became focused for one entire hour and could get

35、 most of their homework done." Tutoring isn't simply a private school phenomenon. Nor is it geared only toward lower-achieving students. In Canada alone, seven percent of high school students reported using a tutor in 2010. That increased to 15 percent last year. Overall, parents hire tutor

36、s because they are worried schools are not meeting their expectations, but there is also a cultural shift. A special value is placed on education in Asia, where tutoring is viewed as an extension of the school day. As a large number of Asians emigrated to the West over the recent years, their attitu

37、des towards education have had an impact.Another reason for the growth in business is parental frustration and their packed schedules. "A lot of parents just dont have time to help their children with homework," says Julie Diamond, president of an American tutoring company. "Others co

38、uldn't help their children after Grade 3." There has been a shift in the attitudes, too. "Children used to get bullied (欺侮) for having a tutor," Diamond says. "Now it's becoming the norm to have one." Children don't seem to mind that they have a tutor. One parent

39、 feels surprised that so many of her childs classmates have tutors. "For the amount we pay in tuition, they should have as much extra help as they need," she says. Still, shes now thinking of getting a tutor. Why? Her daughter has actually asked for one.(2017高三上八校联考)_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

40、 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (60)_ _ Key: A possible version:(1)Tutoring is gaining popularity in Canada, suited to children (2) at different levels. Generally, (3) higher academic achievements are the goal, beyond which are the cultural and

41、attitudinal shifts, partly due to (4) Asian immigrants' influence, and (5) parents' lack of time or ability to help children. These all contribute to the rise of the business and (6)the growing acceptance among parents and children. (60 words)综合练习【语法填空】*2(1)Have you ever seen an old movie ca

42、lled Three Coins in the Fountain? It is about three young American women (21) _(search) for permanent romance in Rome and they all find it. Far-fetched Hollywood? Well, from the world history point of view, romance did, in fact, set down its roots in Rome. The word romance evolved in Latin from Roma

43、 to Romanicus of the Roman language, to the Old French romanz escrive, (22) _ means “to write in a Romance language,” and on to the English romance. The Romance languages (23) _(compose) of seven groups of languages that all have Latin (24) _ their basis. These languages include French, Italian, Spa

44、nish and Portuguese. The common people in ancient Rome spoke (25)_ is referred to as Vulgar Latin, an informal speech, as opposed to the classical Latin of the more educated. Most language experts agree that Vulgar Latin is the chief source of the Romance languages. Medieval Romances were tales (26)

45、 _(write) primary in French verse about brave heroes. The notion of having a romance with another person is thought (27) _(develop) sometime during the Middle Ages. In the late 18th century and on through the 19th, a romance was not a love story (28) _ a work of prose fiction that contained far-fetc

46、hed, mysterious events. Romances of this period (29) _(include) English Gothic novels like The Castle of Otranto by Horace Walpole.What exactly is a twentieth-century romance ? Does it have any relationship with the lively, popular novels written today, with their fantastic plots of love affairs? Or

47、 did the playwright Oscar Wilde have it right in The Picture of Dorian Gray: “ When one is in love, one always begins by deceiving (30) _, and one always ends by deceiving others. That is what the world calls a romance.”(2017八校联考)Keys:21. searching 22. which 23. are composed 24. as 25 .what 26. writ

48、ten 27. to have developed 28. but 29. included 30. oneself /himself(2)From classics to moviesHe can recite Shakespeares Hamlet from memory. His favorite ancient myth is The Odyssey. Tom Hiddleston, 32, could have been a popular professor teaching English Literature at (21) _ university, but the well

49、-educated British man chose to do something that he loves even more: acting. Hes well-known around the world as the villain Loki from the Hollywood films Thor (2011), The Avengers (2012) and now Thor: The Dark World, which will come out in China on Nov 8. Hiddlestons role as Thors evil brother has l

50、ed his fans “Hiddlestoners” (22) _ (refer) to him as “the most charming villain” in cinema. (23) _ his charm, Hiddleston had a tough time (24) _ (persuade) his scientist father that acting was a worthwhile job. As a student at Eton, a private school for upper-class kids in England, Hiddleston perfor

51、med in a lot of school plays. At 18, he appeared on stage at the Edinburgh International Festival. “It was the first time that people I knew and loved and respected came up to me after the show and said: You could really do this (25) _ you wanted to,” Hiddleston told the Daily Mail. He said that as

52、a teenager he didnt have much self-esteem, but acting gave him confidence. “It was when they started saying I could do it (26) _ I really committed to it as a possibility,” he continued. However, his father did not approve, believing his polite and bright son should be using his brains for (27) _ el

53、se. “Youve been educated, so why do you want to spend your life pretending to be someone else when you could be your own man?” the father told the son. So, instead of going to drama school, Hiddleston went to Cambridge, (28) _ he studied classics. There, he continued to appear in student plays and e

54、ven landed some roles on TV and in local theaters. He managed to balance his acting and his studies so well that he (29) _ (graduate) with a first-class degree. But Hiddlestons international breakthrough came when he auditioned for the 2011 film Thor. He was desperate to play the title superhero, but the director decided that he was (30) _ (suitable) for the part of the villain, Loki. In the en


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