



1、精选优质文档-倾情为你奉上 一、当前礼仪修养现状 中国历来被称为“文明古国”、“礼仪之邦”,中华民族也秉承了这种文化传统,表现出谦和、勤勉、尊敬长辈等民族特质。但是,如今社会仍然存在着文明礼仪素养缺失的情况,并且日益严重。例如,乱穿马路,闯红灯,争相挤乘电梯;在公共场合有随地吐痰,乱扔杂物,高声谈笑等缺少自我约束的失礼行为;在人际交往中莽撞、冷漠、自私,缺乏基本的交往礼仪;追求个人生活观念和生活方式的绝对“自我”,缺乏与周围环境的融洽相处能力;不会问候,不懂谦让,不尊重师长;更令人不安的是,有的人把无社会秩序、行为放浪不羁,只顾自己不顾他人看成是个性;他们强烈要求别人尊重自己,却不知尊重别人,

2、难以与别人建立良好的合作关系此类行为,与礼仪修养与精神文明建设极不和谐,不能不引起人们的高度关注。 二、礼仪修养缺失原因分析 (一)、个人成长环境的影响。由于各方面原因,我国公民的社会道德修养还处于较低水平。在个人社会化的过程中,人们没有受到来自社会的足够示范和指导,这其中一方面是家庭所施加影响的力度不够;另一方面,在学生时代这一礼仪修养养成的重要阶段,由于受应试教育的影响,学校没有对礼仪教育给予足够的重视。所以,步入社会后,一洗而嗯的礼仪素养就已经有所缺失。 (二)、外来文化的影响。在世界一体化的今天,由于人们对中国传统文化的认知不够,新鲜的外来文化更容易被他们认同与接纳。尤其是年轻人表现出

3、对于外来文化全面接触、快速适应、积极迎合的态度,年轻一代越来越崇尚过“洋节”就是一个证明。礼仪的产生发展存在着与其他文化背景的礼仪相融合的过程,但如果不坚守本民族固有的传统文化,又何来面向世界呢? (三)、为了功利的目的对对实用化价值取向的过分强调,恰恰反映了当今社会的人格上是理性因素的过分膨胀,从而导致人格发展的“单面化”趋势严重。然而,礼仪规范所体现的是:遵守、自律、敬人、宽容、平等、真诚和适度等“多面性”原则,它强调“礼之用,和为贵”。 二、礼仪的重要性做人先学礼”,礼仪教育是人生的第一课。礼仪必须通过学习、培养和训练,才能成为人们的行为习惯。每一位社会成员都有义务和责任,通过学习礼仪、


5、在。作为中华民族的传承人青少年儿童,他们有责任继承和发扬中华民族五千年文化精髓,使中国“礼仪之邦”的美称名副其实,“礼仪之邦”的美名响誉中外。 其次是时代发展的需要。如今,世界发生了巨大变化,人类社会是以文明、和平、发展为主流的信息社会,人与人之间的交往与合作日渐频繁、密切。在交往与合作过程中,人们的礼仪是否周全,不仅显示其修养、素质的形象,而且直接影响到事业、业务的成功。随着时代的发展,人们的精神要求日益发展,人人都在寻求一种充满友爱、真诚、理解、互助的温馨和谐的生存环境,寻求充满文明与友善,真诚与安宁的空间。前进的社会呼唤文明,科学的未来呼唤文明。当前,我国正在进行两个文明建设,正努力跻身


7、同时也为赢得了国际声誉。美国时代杂志对周总理是这样说的:周恩来是一个具有超人魅力的领袖人才。显而易见,周恩来的魅力有一大部分是来自于他对文明礼仪的独特演绎。而苏联的赫鲁晓夫,当他把他的的皮鞋砸在联合国的桌子上时,世界人民就在心中给他准备了一个地狱。综上所述,文明礼仪对于国家的发展、人民的进步、社会的和谐有着巨大的推动作用。One, the current status of etiquette cultureChina has long been known as the "ancient civilization", "formal state", a

8、lso inherited the cultural tradition of the Chinese nation, show the humble, diligence, respect for elders and so on national characteristics. But now, the social civilization etiquette literacy remain missing,And increasingly serious. Red light, jaywalking, for instance, to squeeze the elevator; Sp

9、itting in public, littering, cackling faux pas that lack of self-discipline; In interpersonal recklessly, indifference, selfishness, lack of basic communication protocol; The pursuit of personal life concept and way of life is absolutely "self", the lack of ability to get along with their

10、surroundings; Won't greetings, don't know self-effacing, no respect for teachers; More troubling is that some people have no social order, behavior rakish, you don't regard others as a character; They urged others to respect yourself, but don't know respect yourself, respect others,

11、it is difficult to establish good relations of cooperation with others. This kind of behavior, and etiquette culture and spiritual civilization construction is harmonious, cannot but arouse people's attention.Second, the lack of etiquette culture reason analysis(1), the influence of personal gro

12、wth environment. Due to various reasons, our country citizen's social morality is still in a lower level. In the process of individual socialization, people were not enough demonstration and guidance from the society, this one is family influence is not strong enough; In the age of the students,

13、 on the other hand, the etiquette culture formed in the important stage, because of the impact of examination-oriented education, schools have no to give enough attention to the etiquette education. So, after enter society, a wash and already well etiquette literacy is lacking.(2), the influence of

14、foreign culture. In the integration of the world today, as people's perception of Chinese traditional culture is not enough, the fresh foreign culture is more likely to be their recognition and acceptance. Especially young people show for full contact, quickly adapt to foreign culture, positive

15、attitude, the younger generation is more and more advocate a "foreign festival" is a proof. Etiquette of development exist etiquette fusion process with other cultures, but if we don't stick to the inherent in the traditional culture, how can face the world again?(3), for the purpose o

16、f the utility's emphasis on practical value orientation, reflects the personality is the rational factors in today's society too much inflation, leading to "single" trend in the development of personality. Embodied in the manners, however, is: keep, self-discipline, respect people,

17、 tolerance and equality, sincere and modest "many" principle, with its emphasis on "rites, harmony".Second, the importance of etiquetteTo learn ritual, etiquette education is the first lesson of life. The etiquette must be through learning, cultivating and training, to become peo

18、ple's behavior habits. Every social member shall have the duty and responsibility, through learning and expressing manners, naturally become part of a group of the nation and. Once personal civilization etiquette form, is bound to play an important role in the social life.The first is the need o

19、f inheriting civilization. Our country is one of the world's four major ancient civilization, ancient Chinese nation enjoys the reputation of "formal state" since ancient times. In five thousand, the Chinese nation has a long history, has a long history, not only created a splendid cul

20、ture, and formed the ancient ethnic traditional virtues, in the broad and profound ethical and cultural heritage, a lot of good, traditional manners, until today there is still a very strong vitality, it is the precious spiritual wealth of the Chinese nation. We know that when children of jung let p

21、ears, respect for elders ; Yue fei for directions, quite know etiquette, tournament to tinker, riding across the world; Model of "ChengMenLiXue" is to respect teachers. Lao zi in the daodejing tells us "do one day people will speak moral one day". These, incisively and vividly em

22、bodies the etiquette of the Chinese moral. As the heritage of the Chinese nation people - young children, they have the responsibility to inherit and carry forward the Chinese nation culture essence, five thousand, making China "paradise" the laudatory name, the name as "formal state&

23、quot; renown at home and abroad.The second is the needs of the development of times. Nowadays, great changes have taken place in the world, human society is the civilization, peace and development as the mainstream of the information society, the increasingly frequent exchanges and cooperation betwe

24、en people, closely. In the process of exchanges and cooperation, whether people's etiquette, not only shows its accomplishment, quality of image, but also directly affect the enterprise, the success of the business. Day by day along with the development of The Times, people's mental developm

25、ent, everyone is looking for a full of love, sincerity, mutual understanding, warm and harmonious living environment, to seek full of civilization and friendly, sincere and peaceful space. Forward the call civilization, the future of science call civilization. At present, the ongoing two civilizatio

26、n construction in our country, is trying to world advanced nation community. Civilization etiquette is an important content of spiritual civilization, is a personal moral quality of the external performance, is to measure the degree of one's education scale, the civilization etiquette nurturance

27、 education is not only the basis of individual moral formation, quality and character education, and improve the moral quality, the revitalization of the national spirit and ethical education the basis of the construction of socialist spiritual civilization.Again is the need of human communication. When a person in the interaction with others, if you don't speak the civilization etiquette is like a person walking in the street without wear clothes to let a person pain in my stomach! The relationship of the heating is like a hedgehog, will close to the firm, from fa


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