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1、Unit2 My days of the week.第1课时自我检查一.写出下列单词的缩写形式并翻译Monday_( ) Tuesday_( ) Wednesday_( ) Thursday_( ) Friday _( ) Saturday _( ) Sunday _( )二选择(填序号)( )1. What _ is it today? A. today B. day ( )2. Today _ Friday. A. is B. are ( )3. We _English, math and P.E. A have B has ( )4. What do you do _ Sundays?

2、A. on B. in 三、连词成句并写出中文1have what do on you Tuesdays(?)_ _2. day what today it is(?)_ _第2课时自我检查一.写单词并写出汉语意思。M_ nday( ) Fr_day ( ) S_turday( ) W_dnesday( ) T_esday ( ) Th_rsday( )二读单词,选出不同类的一项。( )1. A. smart B strong C. day ( )2. A. week B. look C. watch( )3.A what B. water C. who( )4. A. today B. Th

3、ursday C. Tuesday ( )5. A. English B. class C. art 三连词成句1. have on you What do Tuesday 2.tomorrow is day What 第3课时自我检查一 默写 星期一到星期日二 写出下列短语的意思do homework_ play ping-pong_ read books_ do housework_ watch TV_ have art class_三 连词成句1. classes like do What you _2.do Wednesdays What you do on _3. Often, my

4、 ,Sundays homework I on do _第4课时自我检查一 英汉互译On Mondays_ do sports_ do housework_ What about.?_在周末_ 起床_ 在星期四_ 和。一起玩_二 连词成句1. you, Do, have on classes Mondays?_2. What, you, about?_3.Mike, has, on Tuesdays math_第5课时自我检查一、判断每组单词加黑部分的发音是( T )否(F )相同( )1.A. peach B. tea( )2.Ahouse B. young( )3. A yellow B.

5、 how( )4.A.cry B. crow( )5. A. clean B. close二、连词成句1have what do on you Tuesdays(?)_ _2I watch often TV Saturdays on (.) _ _ _3 Sundays homework often I on my do(.) _ _第6课时自我检查一、按要求写单词class (复数)_ kind (反义词)_ have (单三) _English(同类词)_ Tuesday (缩写形式)_二、按要求完成下列各题 1、 Tomorrow is Tuesday.(对划线部分提问)_2、 We h

6、ave Moral Education on Wednesdays. (对划线部分提问)_3、 I play football on Sundays. (对划线部分提问)Unit 3 Whats Your Favourite Food?Period One 复述回顾Match the questions with the answers.(问答连线)1. What day is it today? A. We have English, math and science.2. What do you have on Mondays? B. I like Chinese and music.3.

7、 What classes do you like? C. I dont have enough money.4. What do you do on Saturdays? D. Its Friday.5. Whats the matter? E. I often watch TV, play football and do my homework.自我检测Look and write.(看图写单词)1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Look at the pictures and write the sentences.(看图写句子。)E.g. I like milk. I dont li

8、ke rice.1. _ _2. _ _拓展练习Look at the pictures and write the sentences.(看图仿写句子。)E.g. tofu ¥5.00 How much is the tofu? -It five yuan.1. pork ¥5.00_2. mutton ¥11.00_3. fish ¥8.00_Choose(单项选择)( )1.What would you like _breakfast?A. on B. for C. at ( )2.The eggplant is _. A. red B. purple C. green( )3._is

9、a kind of vegetable. A.Cabbage B. Fish C. PearPeriod Two自我检测一、Fill in the blanks.(读一读课本29页的对话,合上书填一填。)-Im _.-What do you _for _today?-I have _and tomatoes. What_you?-I have _and green beans.二、Choose.(单项选择)( )1. What do you _for breakfast? A. has B. have C. are( )2. I have _and pork. A. onions B. oni

10、on C. tomato( )3. I _like mutton. A. am B. dont C. have巩固练习Write.(写一写。)I have _and _for breakfast.I have _and _for lunch.I have _and _ for dinner.Period Three自我检测Choose.(单项选择)( )1. _is our school menu. A. Here is B. I C. look( )2. That _good. A. sound B. sounds C. has( )3. _like green beans. A. he B

11、. Id C. I have( )4. I like _and beef. A. potato B. tomato C. potatoes( )5. What do you have _ lunch _ Mondays? A. for, for B. on, for C. for, on拓展练习一、 Fill in the table.(填表格,设计你自己的学校餐。)MondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFridayBreakfastLunchDinner二、Read and answer.(阅读下面对话,回答问题你最棒!)Mike: Whats your favouri

12、te food?Bib: I like mutton. Its tasty. Whats your favourite food?Mike: I like beef. It yummy. Do you like tomatoes?Bob: Yes, I like it very much.Mike: I dont like tomatoes. I like potatoes.1. Whats Mikes favourite food?_2. Whats Bobs favourite food?_3. Does Mike like tomatoes?_4. Does Bob like tomat

13、oes?_Period Four自我检测一、Read the sentences.(读句子。)1. The vinegar is sour.2. The salt is salty.3. The sugar is sweet.4. The cucumber is fresh.5. The tomato is healthy.6. The chichen is tasty.二、Choose.(读课本37页的故事,选择。)( )1. Lets go to a _. A. shop B. school C. restaurant( )2. Do you have _noodles? A. some

14、B. any C. a ( )3. Noodles _ my favourite food. A. is B. am C. are( )4. We have noodles _ Friday. A. in B. at C. on( )5. The noodles are too _. A. fresh B. sweet C. salty巩固练习Write these words.(听歌谣,写出所缺单词。)1. The apples are 2. The potatoes are 3. The grapes are 4. The fish is 5. They are and 6. And fo

15、r me.Period Five自我检测一、Fill in the blanks.(根据课本lets try的内容,选词填空。)A. healthy B. sweet C. sour D. yummy1. The bananas are_.2. The tomatoes are _.3. The beef is _.4. The ice-cream is _.二、Match the questions with the answers.(问答连线。)1. Whats your favourite food? A. I like dogs.2. Whats your favourite colo

16、ur? B. I like juice.3. Whats your favourite drink? C. I like cakes.4. Whats your favourite number? D. I like purple.5. Whats your favourite animals? E. I like six.巩固练习Write the words.(按类别,写单词。)1. meat _ _ _ _ _2. fruit _ _ _ _ _3. vegetable _ _ _ _ _Period Six自我检测Choose and fill.(读一读课本33页的对话,选句填空,将序

17、号写在横线上。)A. I like carrot juice. B. But I dont like grapes. C. Whats your favourite fruit?D. They are tasty. E. I have to eat vegetables. F. They are sweet._.I like apples. _.I like fruit. _.Theyre sour. Bananas are my favourite. _._. Its fresh and healthy. What about you, Zoom?I like beef, but Im he

18、avy now. _.巩固练习一、Choose and fill.(选词填空。)A. sport B. book C. pet D. drink E. food1. Whats your favourite _? I like chicken.2. Whats your favourite _? Mike.3. Whats your favourite _? Ping-pong.4. Whats your favourite _? The story-book “Julie and wolves.”5. Whats your favourite _? I like ducks.二、Choose

19、.(单项选择。)( )1.Whats your favourite _? Apples. A. number B. colour C. fruit( )2. _are my favourite. A. Grapes B. Apple C. Watermelon( )3. I have _ eat carrots. A. at B. to C. in 巩固练习Talk about yourself. (谈谈你喜欢的水果。)My favourite fruit is _ Unit5 My new room The first period基础达标一、写出下列单词 的汉语意思 1、air-condi

20、tioner 2、closet 3、trash bin 4、curtain 5、end table 2、 用a,an填空1、 Trash bin 2、 mirror 3、 closet4、 curtain 5、 air-conditioner The second period 自我检查1、 用there be的正确形式填空1、 many students in our classroom.2、 a pen on the desk.3、 a pencil in the pencilbox.4、 a toy plane on the bed.5、 two erasers in the penci

21、lbox.2、 连词成句1、 Have,I,my, bedroom, new 2、room,I,a,in,have,mirror,my 3、an,there,is,air-conditioner,two,and,end tables The third period基础达标想一想,连一连在上面 在下面 在后面 在里面 在旁边Under behind in on near自我检查翻译短语1、 在墙上_ 2、在家_3、在学校附近_ 4、在课桌里_5、在树下面_ The fourth period自我检查1、 把下面单词重新排队。1、 air-conditioner, an ,is there 2、

22、 Trash bin, door ,the ,behind, the, is 3、 Are ,there, and ,tables, two 4、 The, table, closet, is, the, beside. The fifth period自我检查1、 判断读音是()否(×)相同1、 ( )girl nurse 2、( )thursday thank 3、 ( ) math that2、 用there is,there are填空1、 a book and two pensils on my desk.2、 Two bedrooms in my flat.3、 Some

23、 books and pencils in my bag. The sixth period自我检查1、 连词成句1、 big,is,bed, there, there ,a ,over_2、 Use , you, computer, can, a?_3、 Is, there, a behind, door, closet, the_( )1、My new flat is on the floor A、two B、three C、second ( )2、The tree is in the front the house. A、at B、of C、on( )3、there is air-con

24、ditioner and a new mirror. A、a B、an C、/Unit 6 In a Nature ParkPeriod One自我检测Look at the pictures and fill in the blanks.(看图填空)1. There is _in front of the house.2. The _is behind the house.3. The boy is under the _.巩固练习Look at the pictures and complete the sentences.(看图完成句子。)1. There are some _ in t

25、he nature park.2. The _ is in front of them.3. I can see a _. 4. The _ is green.5. The _ is blue and the _ are white.6. There are many beautiful _.7. There is a _ and a _. 拓展练习A. day B. river C. air D. grass E. wind F. sky G. cloudsChoose and fill.(选词填空。)1. The _is green. 2. The _is blue.3. The _is

26、clean. 4. The _is new.5. The _is blows. 6. The _ play.7. The _flows. 8. Beautiful day. Beautiful day!Period Two自我检测1. Read the dialogue on Page 71 and fill in the blanks.(读一读课本71页对话,填上合适的单词。)_a nature park _ the city._ there a river _ the park.Yes,_._there a _?No,_.2. Circle the different one.(圈出不同类

27、的单词。)1. A. mountain B. river C. curtains2. A. closet B. strong C. shelf 3. A. watch TV B. tomato C. potato4. A. grass B. cloud C. bedroom5. A. living room B. forest C. kitchen巩固练习Write the sentences.(仿写句子。)E.g. There is forest in the park. Is there a forest in the park?1. There are many beautiful fl

28、owers in the park._2. There are white clouds in the sky._3. There is a lake in the forest._4. There is a river near the forest._拓展练习Look at the pictures and answer the questions.(看图回答问题。)1. Is there a mountain in the picture?_2. Is there a path in the picture?_3. Is there a lake in the picture?_4. I

29、s there a forest in the picture?Period Three自我检测一. Look at the pictures and write the sentences.(看图,仿写句子。)E.g. Is there a river in the park? Yes, there is.1. _? Yes, _.2. _? Yes, _.3. _? No, _. 二. Translate the words and phrases.(想一想这些单词和词组的意思,写一写。)1. take pictures_ 2. a beautiful bridge_3. have a l

30、ook_ 4. corn_5. a koala bear_ 6. put film in the camera_7. holiday picture_巩固练习Choose.(单项选择。)( )1. What a _day! A. nice B. big C. clean( )2. _there any people in the park? A. Is B. Am C. Are ( )3. There is _corn! A. so many B. so much C. how many ( )4. Please take a picture for _. A. we B. us C. he

31、( )5. You _ put film in the camera. A. dont B. doesnt C. didnt拓展练习Choose and fill.(造词填空。)A. deep B. yummy C. eats D. high E. air1. The mountain is _.2. The water is _.3. The panda _bamboo.4. The _is fresh and clean.5. Pandas think that the bamboo is _.Period Four复习回顾Look at these pictures and fill i

32、n the blanks. (用are或is 填空。)1. There _a trash bin near the door.2. There _many books on the shelf.3. The picture _over the bed.4. The dog _under the bed.5. There _two chairs in the room.自我检测一.Fill in the blanks.(在横线上填上合适的单词。)1. _ there a bridge in your village?2. _ there any buildings in your city?3.

33、 _ there a path near the mountain?4. _ there any trees in the forest?二.Fill in the blanks.(看课本78页的内容,在横线上填上合适的单词。)The panda lives in _ . It _ in mountains. It lives in _forests. The panda can _trees. The panda _bamboo. The _ panda is called a _. Its _. There _only _ pandas. They need_ _.巩固练习一、Look a

34、t the pictures and complete the sentences.(看图,完成句子。)1. There is a _ in the village.2. There is a _ over the river.3. There are some _ in the village.4. There is a _ near the trees.二、Fill in the blanks.(用is或are填空。)1._there a road by the forest.?2._there any buildings in your city?3._there a bridge ov

35、er the river?4._there any trees in front of the mountain?5._there any houses in the village?拓展练习Talk about your city or village.(说一说你的家乡。)This is my _. There is _._Period Five复习回顾Choose the different one. (选出不同类的单词。)( )1. A. house B. building C. river( )2. A. grass B. farm C. flower ( )3. A. picture B. fresh C. clean( )4. A. run B.


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