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1、21.Introduction 介绍介绍2. Stage of development of TG grammar 转换生成语法的发展阶段转换生成语法的发展阶段3. The Innateness Hypothesis 天赋假设天赋假设4. Generative Grammar 生成语法生成语法5. Case Grammar 格语法格语法6. Generative Semantics生成语义学生成语义学31. Introduction 介绍介绍The publication of Chomskys Syntactic Structures in 1957 marked the beginning

2、 of the TG grammar. Contrary to Bloomfields data-oriented discovery procedure, Chomsky insists on the hypothesis-deduction method and his research is called evaluation process.乔姆斯基1957年出版的语法结构标志着转换生成语法的形成。使用被称为“评价过程”的“假设-演绎”的方法,与布龙菲尔德的发现程序相对。42. Stage of development of TG grammar 转换生成语法的发展阶段转换生成语法的发

3、展阶段(1) The Classical Theory古典理论(旨在把语言学变成一门科学)(2) The Standard Theory标准理论(研究如何将语义成分加入语法模型)(3) The Extended Standard Theory扩展的标准理论 (讨论语言的普遍性与标准语法)(4) The Revised Extended Standard Theory 修正的扩展的标准理论 (讨论管辖和约束问题)(5) The Minimalist Program最简方案 (对前面理论的进一步修正)53. The Innateness Hypothesis天赋假设天赋假设Chomsky argu

4、es that language is somewhat innate, and that children are born with what he calls a Language Acquisition Device (LAD), which is a unique kind of language that fits them for language learning. He argues the child comes into the world with specific innate endowment, not only with general tendencies o

5、r potentialities, but also with knowledge of language. According to this view, children are born with the knowledge of the basic grammatical relations and categories, and this knowledge is universal.乔姆斯基认为语言是某种天赋,儿童天生就具有一种学习乔姆斯基认为语言是某种天赋,儿童天生就具有一种学习语言的能力,叫做语言的能力,叫做“语言习得机制语言习得机制”(LADLAD)。这是一种很适合他们学)。

6、这是一种很适合他们学习语言的独特的知识。在乔姆斯基看来,儿童生来就有一种独特习语言的独特的知识。在乔姆斯基看来,儿童生来就有一种独特 的天赋才能,不仅包括学习语言的趋势和潜力,还包括关于语言的天赋才能,不仅包括学习语言的趋势和潜力,还包括关于语言 性质的知识。按照他的观点,儿童天生拥有语法关系及语法范畴的知性质的知识。按照他的观点,儿童天生拥有语法关系及语法范畴的知识,并且这种知识是普遍的。识,并且这种知识是普遍的。6This approach to language is reaction against behaviorism in psychology and empiricism in

7、 philosophy, making linguistics a branch of psychology.这种处理语言的方法,是对心理学的行为主义这种处理语言的方法,是对心理学的行为主义和哲学的经验主义的一种挑战,并使语言成为和哲学的经验主义的一种挑战,并使语言成为心理学的一个分支。心理学的一个分支。7Chomskys innateness hypothesis is based on his observations that some important facts can never be otherwise explained adequately.乔姆斯基的天赋假设是建立在他对一

8、些重要现象的观察的基础之上的,这些现象无法用其他的理论解释清楚。8(1)Children learn their native language very fast and with little effort. 儿童可以高速省力地习得母语;儿童可以高速省力地习得母语;(2)Children learn their mother tongue in very different environments.无论母语习得的环境有多大差异,儿童都可以达到无论母语习得的环境有多大差异,儿童都可以达到大致相同的水平;大致相同的水平;(3)The child learns the total gramma

9、r of the language during a limited period of time, from limited exposure to speech.儿童可以在有限的时间里通过有限的话语数量掌儿童可以在有限的时间里通过有限的话语数量掌 握完整的语法知识。握完整的语法知识。9All these suggest that although babies are not born with knowing a language, they are born with a predisposition to develop a language in much the same way

10、 as they are born with a predisposition to learn to walk.以上现象表明:儿童天生没有拥有以上现象表明:儿童天生没有拥有 一门语言,但他们拥有语言习得的一门语言,但他们拥有语言习得的 倾向,正如他们拥有学习走路的倾倾向,正如他们拥有学习走路的倾 向一样。向一样。10He argues that LAD probably consists of three elements : a hypothesis-maker(假说机制), linguistic universal(语言普遍性), and an evaluation procedure(

11、评价程序).114. Generative Grammar 生成语法生成语法By a generative grammar, Chomsky simply means “a system of rules that in some explicit and well defined way assigns structural descriptions to sentences “.He argues that every speaker of a language has mastered and internalized a generative grammar that expresse

12、s his knowledge of his language.乔姆斯基用“生成语法”这一概念来指“一套来给句子进行结构描写,定义明确严格的规则系统”。他认为任何一种语言的使用者都掌握并且内化了一种具有生成能力的语法,这种语法可以表达他的语言知识。12A generative grammar is not limited to particular languages, but to reveal the unity of particular grammars and universal grammars. It does not describe one language as an en

13、d, but as a means to explore the universal rules in the hope of revealing human cognitive systems and the essential nature of human beings. 生成语法不限于描述个别语法,它旨在揭示个别语法与普遍语法的统一性,它并不止步于描述某一种语言,而是作为一种手段来探索语言的普遍规律,以期最终揭示人类的认知系统及人类本质。13Chomsky put forward 3 levels on which to evaluate grammars :乔姆斯基提出了三个不同的层

14、面来评价语法: Observational adequacy level观察充分性 Descriptive adequacy level描写充分性Explanatory adequacy level解释充分性145. Case Grammar格语法So what is the traditional grammar ?一提到语法,传统语法的句子成份分析:主语,谓语,宾语,补语,定语,状语。该分析方法是对句子的表层结构的分析。(Surface Structure Level)Fillmore菲尔墨 20世纪60年代末格语法: 从语义的角度出发,即从句子的深层结构来研究句子的结构的。(Deep S

15、tructure Level)着重探讨句法结构与语义之间关系的一种语法理论和语义学理论。15It is an approach that stresses the semantic relationships of elements in a sentence. This grammar takes the verb as the most important part of the sentence, marking the relationships between the verb with the various noun phrases as “cases”.格语法是生成语言学的一个

16、方法,着重研究格语法是生成语言学的一个方法,着重研究句子成句子成分之间分之间的关系。在这一种语法体系中,的关系。在这一种语法体系中,动词动词被视被视为句子的最重要的部分,它与不同名词之间的关为句子的最重要的部分,它与不同名词之间的关系被定为系被定为“格格”。16 E.g. Smith killed the policeman with a revolver (With) This revolver killed the policeman 工具格的主语化工具格的主语化17Fillmores argument is based on the assumptions that syntax sho

17、uld be central in the determination of the case and that covert categories are important. The various ways in which cases and occur in simple sentences define sentence type and verb types of a language.菲尔墨的论点之假设是菲尔墨的论点之假设是,句法句法在确定格的时候在确定格的时候起关键作用,而且起关键作用,而且隐性的范畴隐性的范畴很重要。格在简很重要。格在简单的句子中出现的不同的方式,决定了一种

18、语单的句子中出现的不同的方式,决定了一种语言的句子类型和动词类型。言的句子类型和动词类型。18Case Grammar shows clear semantic relevance of notions such as agency, causation, location, advantage to someone, etc. These are easily identifiable across languages, and are held by many psychologists to play an important part in child language acquisition.格语法表明了一些概念间的语义关联,如施事、原因、地点、利益等等。这些概念在语言中极易辨认,而且许多心理学家认为它们在儿童语言习得中发挥着重要的作用。196. Generative Semantics生成语义学生成语义学产生年代:20世纪60年代末70年代初代表人物:莱可夫、麦考莱、罗斯主要观点:语义是基础,是中心,它具有生成性。句法和语义是不可截然分开的,句法本身就是语义表现。因此在语言中并不存


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