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1、四级作文精讲现存在的问题1. 想到哪写到哪结构不清2. 长句子掌握不熟练语法错误多3. 第一句不点题,最后一句不收尾文章松散4. 自己观点不明确议论不清楚5. 单词短语掌握有问题小错误扣分太多四级作文的基本题型1. 问题解决型2观点对比型1.问题解决型写作思路段.提出问题段.分析问题(原因/危害)段.解决问题(建议措施).提出问题段落(三句话:引出问题+具体描述+总结问题)1)引出问题:首句1. Nobody could have failed to notice the fact that _ have/has become a grave problem on many campuses/

2、in the contemporary society/in the present day. 首句2. There is no denying the fact that + 客观事实.首句3. On many campuses/ In the contemporary society/ In the present-day society/ In recent decades, the shortage of housing is one of the most serious problems with which people are confronted. 2)具体描述:二句1:(事

3、实描述)An increasing number of individuals/people find it difficult/hard/troublesome to _ and to _.二句2:(举例描述1)A case in point of this is /A typical example of this is/This phenomenon can be best illustrated by the fact that . (举例描述2)Turning a look around, we can find a great many/plenty of/a good deal

4、of examples like this: 两个例子. (举例描述3):Our daily life has been filled with a variety of examples:两个例子二句3:(列举描述)Numerous examples can be listed to demonstrate/show/reveal/illustrate this modern-day scourge/problem/conundrum, but the following will suffice: _.3)总结问题:承上+启下三句1:(承上)Thus/Therefore/Hence, (启

5、下)how to _ effectively has become a matter of concern.三句2:(承上)As a result/Consequently/ Accordingly,(启下)_ requires/ necessitates/ calls for close attention of the whole society.三句3: (承上) So, (启下1)due attention should be paid to _/ (启下2)we should keep a weather eye on _.第二段.分析问题(原因/危害)(四句话:主题句+原因1/危害

6、1+原因2/危害2+原因总结/危害总结)分析危害:主题句主题句1:Such _ are/is bound to generate/engender/result in/ give rise to/ lead to severe/negative/serious consequences/effects/impacts if we keep turning a blind eye. 主题句2: Apparently enough, there are some negative impacts with which we should not ignore/neglect. 主题句3:Quite

7、 obviously, it is great necessity to figure out the negative influences behind it. 分析危害:危害总结危害总结1:As has been noted, _ do/does impact our _ negatively to a large extent. 危害总结2:To conclude, it is undeniable that the bad impact of _ can never be turned a blind eye to. 分析原因:主题句主题句1:Generally speaking,

8、several reasons can account for this phenomenon. (中性话题)主题句2:In general, there are several reasons/ factors/ causes/purposes responsible for _, but the following may be the most critical.(中性话题)主题句3:Difficult/different as it is, it is evident that the causes of _ are diverse. 分析原因:原因总结原因总结1:Consequent

9、ly, _ has not been emphasized. 原因总结2:As a consequence, _ paid relatively less attention to _.原因总结3:All in all, _ .第三段.解决问题(建议措施)(三句=总结+建议1+建议2+展望)总结句总结句1: In view of the seriousness of the situation, effective measures should be taken before things get worse. 总结句2:Therefore/Thus/Hence/Accordingly/To

10、 tackle this problem, it is high time that we took feasible steps to stop/limit/restrain this trend. 总结句3:Peoples ways to solve this problem do vary/differ.(There are a variety of ways in which people can tackle this problem. )Some _; some _; some others _. 建议句建议1:It is essential that laws and regul

11、ations should be worked out and enforced to ban/support _.建议2:It is suggested that the public should enhance/promote/cultivate/strengthen their awareness of _建议3:It is absolutely necessary/ important /significant / for _ to _展望未来展望未来1:Only by doing so, can we hope to witness the ideal scenes in whic

12、h _ enjoy _ to the utmost.展望未来2:A promising and hopeful future is just awaiting us if we spare no effort to it. 2观点对比型写作思路段:现象描述(即引入主题)+ 支持方观点(利)段:反方观点(弊)段:我的观点段(4句):1句现象描述(即引入主题)+ 1句支持方观点主题句+ 原因(2句)描述现象1:Nobody could have failed to notice the fact that more and more _描述现象2: In the recent decades, i

13、t can be noticed that _ has/have gained great popularity among _.现象描述3:It can be noticed that many people men and women, old and young - _现象描述4:There has been much controversy over _ in the past decades. 支持方主题句1:Some argue that it is absolutely necessary to _ because _.支持方主题句2:A number of individual

14、s favor _. 支持方主题句3:Those who are in favor of _ claim that _. 支持方观点1:In their eyes, without _, it is impossible for individuals to _.支持方观点2:They also point out that _ will bring great benefit to _; thus, they will have more opportunities to _.支持方观点3: What makes them convinced is that _ is of great va

15、lue/necessity /significance for them to _.段:反方观点(弊)(三句=主题句+反方观点1+反方观点2)主题句1:Even so, others hold a different view that _ carries some risks. 主题句2:Others, however, regard it differently. 主题句3:Advantageous/beneficial/ rewarding/good/popular as it is, others have an opposite perspective. 反方观点1:_ means

16、a great amount of time, money and energy; therefore, they may afflicted .反方观点2:To some extent their opinion derives from the fact that _.反方观点3:In their eyes, _ calls for/requires/necessities plenty of time, energy and money; nonetheless, the result/quality is not as satisfactory as expected. 段:我的观点 (3句:我的观点+理由+展


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