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1、Novacap Operational Excellence Principes and Management Tools ExCo MeetingNovacap成功经营的原则和管理工具成功经营的原则和管理工具Strictly Private and Confidentiel执行委员会议执行委员会议2015年2月26日1Novacap Operational Excellence Principes and Management Tools ExCo MeetingTable of Contents2SectionPage1应用范围12成功经营的基础332015年的主要活动84组织和部署规则1

2、05使用BSC测量表现146Project Pipe Management Process177精益六西格玛 训练计划248公司经营的管理理念279Our OP. EX. Transformation Card3210Back Up3411提示35Novacap Operational Excellence Principes and Management Tools ExCo Meeting关于成功运行的电梯演讲从此前到2013年期间,Novacap和它的子公司在严格控制各项过程从而使其符合我们大多数的评估结果和金融数据所显示的高质量方面都显示出极强的能力。在保持这种高质量的同时,Novac


4、架。通过这种做法,我们的目的是确保集团的所有员工能够达成共识齐心协力,在贯彻实施Novacap集团的战略方针的实际行动中能够集中精力提高效率。Section 1 - Scope of application2Workshop on Operational Excellence Roadmap Participation of corporate ID team , BU ID and PMSection 2 - Operational Excellence FundationsContinuous improvement loop with self-assessment and review

5、Moon view: From Vision to Performance Management aiming Excellence过程管理过程管理平衡记分卡平衡记分卡项目管理项目管理测量差距目标是什么及我们离目标有多远如何管理企业、运行做什么可以弥合差距核心价值观驱动力核心价值观驱动力战略方针战略方针_ 目标目标路线图 _ 预算 _ 计划调查_ 标尺_ 研究我们的市场我们的市场在对的行业在对的行业做对的事情做对的事情用对的方式做事用对的方式做事人尽其才人尽其才人员人员& 组织组织NOVACAP 远见远见 _ 使命使命 _ 价值观价值观消费者环境股东人员集体供应商从股东之所需出发从股东

6、之所需出发实现让股东满意实现让股东满意KPIs _ 行动方案_ Rewiews4Workshop on Operational Excellence Roadmap Participation of corporate ID team , BU ID and PM3 main axis to achieve Operational Excellence管理过程管理过程精益六西格玛精益六西格玛 精益文化精益文化 沟通沟通安全安全消费者深入车间消费者深入车间可持续发展可持续发展持续进步持续进步(C_Q_SD)培训培训领导才能领导才能/集中精力集中精力培养人才能力培养人才能力问责问责& 行为

7、行为变革体变革体团队协作团队协作车间观察车间观察 对话对话 经验反馈经验反馈 故障解决故障解决 知识管理知识管理 布告布告_白板白板 驾驶舱驾驶舱.体系体系 _ 过程地图过程地图SIPOCLogigrams分界面分界面程序程序 & 核对清单核对清单KPIs & SMART 目标目标汇报汇报每日、每周、每月回顾每日、每周、每月回顾/会议会议加速解决问题加速解决问题标准标准良好行为良好行为消除浪费消除浪费能力能力 灵活性灵活性可靠性可靠性生产效率生产效率& 效率效率项目管理项目管理(Kaizen, DMAIC, CAPEX)工具包工具包(VSM, 5S, VM, SMED,

8、 5W, 8D, A3, Kanban, CEDAC, CAPOS, AMDEC, )审计、自评、审计、自评、TPM )“合理优化配置实物资产和各项生产活动来提高价值,尽可能降低损失.”“ 合理构建、规范、优化各项体系和实施过程,帮助员工和部门组织管理各项运营活动,实现共同的目标.”“ 让员工在工作单位不进行思考、感受并身体力行,论是作为个体还是作为集体的成员之一.”成功运营成功运营 是 对的人对的人每次每次在对的第一时间在对的第一时间以尽可能小的代价以尽可能小的代价做对的事情做对的事情 使用公认成熟的发展方案作为地图第二部分 成功运营的基础5Workshop on Operational E

9、xcellence Roadmap Participation of corporate ID team , BU ID and PM精益发展精益发展DFSS MES统计过程控制(统计过程控制(SPC)六西格玛六西格玛精益减少垃圾精益减少垃圾技术环节和技术环节和实施过程的评估实施过程的评估A roadmap for Excellence : a continuous improvement process记录所有核心过程/流程图找出核心过程的各项指标并将其和下一阶段的客户关联起来定期测量数据确保数据可靠及时发现改善机会员工问责制开始计划,努力做到:明确前景、使命、战略方针、政策将所有过程记录存

10、档跟踪各项表现看其是否达到各项指标 (KPIs)促进组织工作(人员、过程、项目)明确岗位职责规范整合所有核心过程监理和经历使用过程管理体系进行管理重点考虑运营表现和成本每个阶段进行沟通并周期性开展回顾总结风险防范措施通常使用统计过程控制 (SPC)过程表现在数据统计上显示稳定过程能够满足顾客需求起点起点介绍介绍第一层次第一层次规范化的过程规范化的过程(可以反复的可以反复的) 第四层次第四层次优化的过程优化的过程(持续改进持续改进)第三层次第三层次可预见的过程可预见的过程(管理有序的管理有序的 & 可控制的可控制的) 第二层次第二层次标准标准& 持续的过程持续的过程 t=0612

11、2436月月源自哈佛大学的公认的成熟管理的5个发展层次第二部分成功运营的基础具备一整套战略路线和过程管理体系并对其进行周期性的回顾审视使用持续改善(CI)促进过程的稳定性、灵活性、可靠性和竞争力实现产品质和服务质量的目标,提供超出顾客期望值的服务不断创新和突破产品和过程来促进市场份额占有量和不断的增长产业政策产业政策&战略路线战略路线6用自我评估 和回顾 实现持续改善的 循环TOOLS & METHODS2017 年的目标年的目标:所有Nocacap的实体需要实现的层次Novacap Operational Excellence Principes and Management

12、 Tools ExCo Meeting第二部分 成功运营的基础成功经营路线4步改善项目哪方面缺乏竞争力哪方面缺乏竞争力 ?怎么做可以弥合差怎么做可以弥合差距距 ?产生差距的根源是什产生差距的根源是什么么 ?评估评估和验证实际的表现和标准是否达到了和验证实际的表现和标准是否达到了OP EX的框架的框架和目标和目标基准验证差距内容评估找出所有根源对其进行排序找出能够解决根源问题的项目(组织和技术层面的)设定提高目标选择合适的工具分配资源颁布、观察、评价规则确保可持续性1234项目管理项目管理KaizenDMAIC 投资投资 创新创新为了指导我们的卓越计划,实现战略目标,我们需要生产和调控过程来管理

13、工程管,实现转变卡包括包括 :7Workshop on Operational Excellence Roadmap Participation of corporate ID team , BU ID and PM2015年Novacap实体单位的主要活动1. Assessment of all our operational entities and organize resources management To be performed first to take o photo of Current “status” and the “travel” to do, Aiming fi

14、rst standards definition and application 2. Balance Scored Cards (BSC) with mandatory focus first on the seven KPI :安全: TFcat 1 & TFcat 1+cat2环境: Water emissions in tons 消费者: Complaints with compensation demand & OTIF 生产: OEE and CPI process & CPI product ( % characteristic with a Cpk hi

15、gher than 1,33)3. Identification and management of a progress action plan with a project pipe tracking: 4. Use of methods & tools templates for project management (Action plan , Problem solving-kaizen, improvements project, Investments, INOVA,) 5. “Performance Management” at each organization le

16、vel 6. People competencies development with Lean Six Sigma training/action: 第三部分 2015年的主要活动9为实现2017年的目标,我们建议2015年启动并(或)部署如下活动:Novacap Operational Excellence Principes and Management Tools ExCo Meeting成功运营 : 组织Section 4 - Organization and Deployment RulesMaster Black BeltML亚洲区亚洲区OPEXChampionSD世界范围世界范

17、围成功运营董事ML欧洲区欧洲区OPEXChampionMLEurope SitesOPEXSiteLeadersProjectleadersYB,GB,BB赞助商Asia SitesOPEXSiteLeadersProjectleadersYB,GB,BBOP EX Network Mains Missions: DeployOperationalExcellenceroadmapatoperationallevel:Managementsystme:Operationzalsystem(toolsandmethdod)Cultureandbehavior Support&challe

18、ngeBUsinOPEX:ProjectpipemanagementProjectmanagement DevelopOPEXcompetenciesbytraining_actionbyprojectleaderscoachingon: DMAIC KAIZENbyperformingDMAICprojects11唯一的功能关系唯一的功能关系Novacap Operational Excellence Principes and Management Tools ExCo Meeting成功运营 : 组织Section 4 - Organization and Deployment Rule

19、sBlack Belts : 1 managing a DMAIC & 2 none managing a DMAICGreen Belts : 12 managing a DMAIC & 8 none managing a DMAIC Yellow Belts :12 participating to improvement actions12Novacap Population: Master Black Belt: 1 Sponsors: 37 for 16 managed DMAIC In green or black: Six Sigma belt colorIn b

20、lue: Not train or in stand-byTo be completed Novacap Operational Excellence Principes and Management Tools ExCo MeetingRules proposal for deployment :1.To get a same language to speed up our deployment and project management, we need: For Operational Managers ( Production/ Maintenance/ Supply Chain/

21、 Quality ), GB level is required after 2 years in the function For Transactional Managers (Purchasing, Finance, RH,), GB level is recommended NB: a belt is a change leader : Technical and behavioral skills are necessary Final decision based on trainee potentials analysis (with assessment grid) with

22、Hierarchy , HR and Operational Excellence management.2.Training Action concept: No training if no project (GB/BB) or improvement action ( YB) to be lead by the trainee. Certification as GB project leader after performing 3 projects with validated savings 3.知识管理: 如何分享知识,做好保密工作? Specific IT files by s

23、ite with transfer from site to site managed by Operational excellence and validated by Industrial director original entity. Section 4 - Organization and Deployment Rules13Novacap Operational Excellence Principes and Management Tools ExCo MeetingKey performance indicator management :Section 5 - Perfo

24、rmance Measurement using BSC15To measure our Industrial performance and based on our historical specific dashboards (more than 50 indicators tracked by each entity) a common Balance Scored Card (BSC) will be tracked by all entities and consolidated and followed up at corporate level using the mains

25、and global indicators as listed below:2015年的工作重年的工作重心建议心建议Novacap Operational Excellence Principes and Management Tools ExCo MeetingHSE SD & Manufacturing Indicators BSC tool 第五部分 使用BSC测量表现 Last period trend visual management definitions:指标为红色时指标为红色时, 在相关实体的周期回顾中分享行动方案,并持续跟进在相关实体的周期回顾中分享行动方案,并持续

26、跟进to pilot our key performance indicators with method at a defined frequency 10 min by meeting to focus only on the critical trend (red) of our key performance indicators comparing actual results with targets defined at the end of the previous year presentation of corrective action plan status目的是:例如

27、:16Next 3 periods trend visual management definitions:Worksinprogressonmainsites(inplaceendofQ2)withsupportofIndustrialteam_BUs+CorporateWuxisitemanagingoneBSCwithsomeadjustmenttobedone每次一个用于现场的管理回顾和表现对话,巩固使用后可用于更高层次Novacap Operational Excellence Principes and Management Tools ExCo MeetingProject Pi

28、pe Tracking ToolSection 6 - Project Pipe Management Process 目的和规定目的和规定:跟踪强制性项目和优先项目的管理并使其管理透明化灵活的工具可以用来对我们想要跟踪的信息进行最终的展示只有唯一信息来源(项目负责人)的实体单位的一个工具 在公司工具中自动强化 (不是启动 _ 如有需要TBD )巩固强化责任: 公司工业团队现场文件更新责任: 现场负责人制定 20ToolpreparedandvalidatedwithID,PMandM&A下一步:(ongoing)fullfilwithselectedprojectsdataandto

29、manageit(Industrialteam_BUs+Corporate)该工具的几个组成部分该工具的几个组成部分 :战略路线/支持项目需求的行动方案介绍项目情况 ( 地点, 内容, 原因, 方式 .)Project selection qualitative quotation ( business Impact/ implementation facility ) 项目组成员,负责人和赞助商姓名关键日期 ( 开始/预计结束日期/ 重新预测结束日期/ 实际结束日期)Project Capex/Expenditures ( 预计花费和实际开销)Project Estimated Saving

30、s ( estimated annual ones/ integrated in the budget )Performed Savings (by Quarter/ validated by finance)项目状况 (期限、目标、指标、 下一个关键里程碑)项目进展每月一评Novacap Operational Excellence Principes and Management Tools ExCo MeetingProject Pipe Tracking Tool: example (on going) Section 6 - Project Pipe Management Proce

31、ss 21Deploymentongoingonmainsitesforfilefulfilmentwithselectedprojectsdataandmanagementofprojectportfoliobyentity需要工业团队的支持_BUs+CorporateNextstep:visualmanagementonprojectspipestatustohelpPortfoliomanagementNovacap Operational Excellence Principes and Management Tools ExCo Meeting项目名称 执行总结情况 22Sectio

32、n 6 - Project Pipe Management Process 项目描述项目描述OrganizationTypologyM&AOrganic growthOrganization & process changesRationaleX. XXXX X. XXXXXXX X. XXXXxxx: X. XXXXxxx: X. XXXXxxx: X. XXXXEconomicsxxx xxxCAPEX EBITDA (post ramp-up) xxxxxxYYYY recommendation: xxx方案方案 & 更新更新xxxxxxxxxxxxXx/xx/1

33、4Todayxx/xx/15xx/xx/15xx/xx/15问题问题& 行动行动Xxxxxx核心成功因素核心成功因素234InnovationCASH + 如需用展示特定的如需用展示特定的PPT例如例如 有机增长项目有机增长项目 展示格式展示格式” 或者或者 DMAIC 格式格式 或其它或其它Novacap Operational Excellence Principes and Management Tools ExCo MeetingProject Pipe and Projects ManagementSection 6 - Project Pipe Management Pro

34、cess 1.Project pipe management by BUs via monthly review : Overview of projects pipe management with projects follow-up versus Target achievement, Savings and Timing; 资源管理; Roadblocks and Gap management.NovacarbMonthly “Copil” committeeNovacylMonthly “First” committeeNovapex Monthly “Top” committeeN

35、ovacidMonthly reviewYangzi Monthly reviewPuyuanTBDWith support of project management tracking Excel tool & Project presentation PPT Standard.2.项目管理 : each leader as to us the adequate tools and Methods3.精益六西格玛项目负责人培训: 法国现场 : 1名指导负责人/ 项目负责人 / 两周,如有必要进行网络会议 亚洲现场 : 按照同样的框架即将建立23Novacap Operational

36、Excellence Principes and Management Tools ExCo Meeting确认人数候选人最少人数六西格玛2014/2015培训计划人才管理结束活动赞助商培训黄带培训2014年年9月更新月更新XX2013Vague PROEX Green BeltsNbcandidatsinscrits=10EUROPE Sponsor Vague 1YB Vague 1EUROPESponsor Vague 2YB Vague 2GB V2待安排已安排预定关闭TSSENC1112Pex session2015第七部分 精益六西格玛培训计划 252014Vague CAP 1

37、Green BeltsNbcandidatsinscrits=86Vague CAP2绿带绿带Nbcandidatsinscrits=9TSTSTSCCCCVague CAP 1 升级至黑带升级至黑带Nbcandidatsinscrits=1TSNovacap 赞助商赞助商 VagueFrance 3TSGB V3GB V3C 培训类型培训类型赞助商赞助商:两天按区域培训10至20人分批Define to be performed黄带黄带: 两天按地点进行具体培训 10到15人分批1 improvement action to be managed to embed concepts and

38、tools use.绿带绿带:4 x 2,5 days按区域培训10到15人分批 1 project to be managed to embed concepts and tools use黑带黑带:2 x 2,5 days按区域培训10到15人分批1 project to be managed to embed concepts and tools useTODAY2015年培训预算年培训预算: -赞助商:免费内部培训(法国和亚洲)-黄带:免费内部培训 (法国和亚洲)-绿带:PROEX法国培训 30,000欧元欧元 /wave from (1至15人)-Asiatraining:simil

39、arcosts_trainingCompanyTBD-黑带:PROEX法国培训 15,000欧元欧元 /wave from (1至10人)- Asiatraining:similarcosts_trainingCompanyTBDVague CAP 亚洲亚洲绿带绿带TSGB V3AVRILMARSAVRILNovacap 赞助商赞助商Vague4 ASIATSNovacap Operational Excellence Principes and Management Tools ExCo MeetingTraining waves candidates proposal 第七部分 精益六西格

40、玛训练计划 26下一步骤下一步骤 : -根据项目管管理和候选人能力培养计划,GB&BB候选人的名单必须得到单位的确认-分现场鉴定YB候选人管理“改进行动”或参与DMAIC项目截止日期截止日期:能在2015年2月底前完成所提议的培训课程黑色, 绿色, 黄色: 六西格玛级别颜色 显示红色: 讨论中 显示蓝色 : 延迟为实现高效部署,受训者越多越好为实现高效部署,受训者越多越好Novacap Operational Excellence Principes and Management Tools ExCo Meeting聚焦如何在每个层面管理公司运行的管理过程有效沟通促进行动和表现贯通一致

41、生产组织中KPIs的金字塔模型Section 8 - Operations Performance Management Concepts 表现对话 流程Monthly28Novacap Operational Excellence Principes and Management Tools ExCo Meeting 在贯彻阶段我们力争在所有实体应用成功运行体系的所有元素表现对话表现对话技术进步技术进步工程管理工程管理解决问题环节解决问题环节车间参观和观察结车间参观和观察结果果让每个人使用最好的做法让每个人使用最好的做法不断解决问题改进工不断解决问题改进工作方式作方式最好的做法最好的做法管理

42、管理持续不断地根据顾客需求调整组织技巧和方案持续不断地根据顾客需求调整组织技巧和方案TIP management4. Role-modelingI see superiors, peers, and subordinates behaving in the new way1. Fostering understanding and convictionI know what is expectedof meI agree with it, and it is meaningful3. Developing talent and skillsI have the skills and compe

43、tencies to behavein the new way2. Reinforcing with formal mechanismsThe structures, processes, and systems reinforce the change in behavior I am being asked to makeBehavior and mindset shifts4. Role-modelingI see superiors, peers, and subordinates behaving in the new way1. Fostering understanding an

44、d convictionI know what is expectedof meI agree with it, and it is meaningful3. Developing talent and skillsI have the skills and competencies to behavein the new way2. Reinforcing with formal mechanismsThe structures, processes, and systems reinforce the change in behavior I am being asked to makeB

45、ehavior and mindset shifts影响模型影响模型125436第八部分运营表现管理理念29理性的落实必须要进行计算Novacap Operational Excellence Principes and Management Tools ExCo Meeting表现对话表现对话技术改进技术改进项目管理项目管理解决问题环节解决问题环节车间参观和观察车间参观和观察让每个人都使用最好的做让每个人都使用最好的做法法不断解决问题改进工作方不断解决问题改进工作方式式最好的做法最好的做法管理管理持续不断地根据顾客需求调整组织技巧和方案持续不断地根据顾客需求调整组织技巧和方案TIP mana

46、gement4. Role-modelingI see superiors, peers, and subordinates behaving in the new way1. Fostering understanding and convictionI know what is expectedof meI agree with it, and it is meaningful3. Developing talent and skillsI have the skills and competencies to behavein the new way2. Reinforcing with

47、 formal mechanismsThe structures, processes, and systems reinforce the change in behavior I am being asked to makeBehavior and mindset shifts4. Role-modelingI see superiors, peers, and subordinates behaving in the new way1. Fostering understanding and convictionI know what is expectedof meI agree wi

48、th it, and it is meaningful3. Developing talent and skillsI have the skills and competencies to behavein the new way2. Reinforcing with formal mechanismsThe structures, processes, and systems reinforce the change in behavior I am being asked to makeBehavior and mindset shifts影响模式影响模式125436TIPLevelDM

49、AIC工具和示范模型的关系 在实体的车间层次-5个为什么-SMED-IssueTreeInvestigation-AffinityDiagram-FishboneDiagram - VSM-SpaghettiChart-8种废品-A3-1-on-1meetingcascade-Morningmeetingwhiteboard-Shiftmeetingswhiteboard-PMcascade-OEEreview-TIPreview-Measurements-Communication-SOPs-5S-可视化管理-标准化作业-车间参观-8种废品-示范和表率-指导&培训-培养领导才能-Vi

50、ralchange-建立社区-焦点团体-微型工作坊第八部分 运营表现管理理念 30Novacap Operational Excellence Principes and Management Tools ExCo Meeting车间层次的加速解决问题的原则第八部分运营表现管理理念31Novacap Operational Excellence Principes and Management Tools ExCo MeetingAction In preparation2014-2016 OP EX Transformation Card Roadmap deployment with “enabler” projects to transform our organization.Section 9 - Our OP. EX. Transformation Card33 被我们的目标客户认可为被我们的目标客户认可为我们的目标市场区域内世我们的目标市场区域内世界顶级的基本化学品供给


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