



1、冀教版四年级英语下册填空题名校专项习题班级:_ 姓名:_1. 根据提示补全句子。1These _  are _ (Sarah).2I like this _ _.3Are those _  _ (your)?4Is this _  _ (Amy)?2. 选词填空。1Do you have _ cousins? (some/any)2Is this _ computer? (you/your)3He has

2、a pair of brown _. (shorts/short)4The panda _ a glasses shop. (has/have)5Are you afraid _ fire? (of/for)3. 用所给词的适当形式填空。1We dont have _(some) lessons on Saturday.2Helen _(have) a dancing lesson today.3How many _(lesson) do you have, Wang Bing?4Lets go and 

3、_(play) basketball.5Liu Tao has two football _(match) today.4. 用所给单词的适当形式填空。1Look! That tall man is _(we) new teacher.2Look at these _(class). Wow! Theyre big.3I like _(toy)_(animal). What about you?4I have many_, but my mother has one _(peach).5Can you make a fruit salad? N

4、o, I_(can).6You have a new toy animal. Let_(I) have a look.7How many_(story) can you read?8-How old _ (be) your brother? -Hes five.5. 读一读,选一选,写一写。at home   at school   at the zoo   at the park1.  2. 3.  4. 6. 按照提示填入正确的单词或词组。1Chen Jie has a _ (绿色

5、的苹果).2I like those _ (裤子).3Are these _ (麦克的)?4_ (穿上) your shirt.5Its time to _ (回家).7. 用所给词的适当形式填空。1_(he) friend_(have) a big toy car.2I_(can) play erhu. I cant play the guitar_(too).3-Are_(this) your balls?-Yes, I like_(they) very much.4All of_(we) can sing E

6、nglish songs very_(good).5-I dont have_(some) cakes.-I have cakes. Would you like_(some)?8. 选词填空。1_ books are on the desk. _ are drawing pictures. (They/ Their)2_ (they/their) like to play pingpong. Playing pingpong is _ (they/their) favourite school work.9. 看图,选词完成Lily

7、的家谱。A. aunt   B. father C. brother   D. cousin10. 写出单词复数及汉语意思。1monkey_ 2panda_3tigers_ 4lions_5animal_ 6elephant _7camels  _ 8bird _11. 选出合适的单词填入横线上。1Whats the weather like _ (in/at) New York?2Its _ (rain/ rainy).3Its 26 degree. Its  _ 

8、;(warm/cold) outside.4It  _ (feel/feels) so nice.5Its cold. _ (Put on/ Take off) your hat.12. 用所给词的适当形式填空。1Whats in this big box? It _(be) a toy tiger.2What can you _(see) over there? I can see a boat.3Can you _(play) basketball? Yes, I can.4The

9、re are many _(flower) in the park.5What can you do, Mike? I can _(swim).13. 读一读,补全句子。1-Where are the pens?-They are_(在书桌底下).2-Whats in the classroom?-Lets _(去看看).3-What colour is your notebook?-Its _ (黑白色).4-Who is Zhang Peng?-He _(带眼镜).5-Would you like a _(刀叉

10、)?-No, thanks.14. 读句子,从方框中选择恰当的词填到四线格上,每个词限用一次。is   her   Where   are   his   Who   has1I have a good friend. Hes quiet. He s short.  is he?2 My English teacher is friendly and she speaks English well. Whats  name? Sandy white.3 Mum, I cant find my c

11、at. She isnt in the living room.  is she? Look! Shes in the kitchen. Maybe shes very hungry.4My Chinese book is on the table, and my glasses  near the phone.5Ben is my cousin. Hes tall and strong. Hes a good basketball player. He  a cute puppy.15. 用所给词的适当形式填空。clap 

12、 do  stick  buy  cost1. Will you _ the poster together, Daming?2. My mother and my father are _ .3. How _ she go there yesterday?4. Yesterday, she _ a cake for me.5. This bag _ ten yuan.16. 选出合适的单词填入横线上。for Pass   Help   and   hungry1Dinners ready! _ yourself.2Mom, Im _. Whats for dinner?3_ me the bowl.4What would you like _ dinner?5Would you like a knife&#


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