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1、精选优质文档-倾情为你奉上工程勘察设计廉政责任书工程项目名称:工程项目地址:建设单位(甲方): 勘察设计单位(乙方): 为加强工程建设中的廉政建设,规范工程建设勘察设计委托与被委托双方的各项活动,防止发生各种谋取不正当利益的违法违纪行为,保护国家、集体和当事人的合法权益,根据国家有关工程建设的法律法规和廉政建设责任制规定,特订立本廉政责任书。第一条 甲乙双方的责任 (一)庄严格遵守国家关于市场准入、项目招标投标、工程建设、勘察设计和市场活动的有关法律、法规,相关政策,以及廉政建设的各项规定。 (二)严格执行建设工程勘察设计合同文件,自觉按合同办事。 (三)业务活动必须坚持公开、公平、公正、诚信

2、、透明的原则 (除法律法规另有规定者外),不得为获取不正当的利益,损害国家、集体和对方利益,不得违反工,程建设管理、勘察设计的规章制度。(四)发现对方在业务活动中有违规、违纪、违法行为的,应及时提醒对方,情节严重的,应向其上级主管部门或纪检监察、司法等有关机关举报。第二条 甲方的责任甲方的领导和从事该建设工程项目的工作人员,在工程建设的事前、事中、事后应遵守以下规定: (一)不准向乙方和相关单位索要或接受回扣、礼金、有价证券、贵重物品和好处费、感谢费等。 (二)不准在乙方和相关单位报销任何应由甲方或个人支付的费用。 (三)不准要求、暗示或接受乙方和相关单位为个人装修住房、婚丧嫁娶、配偶子女的工

3、作安排以及出国(境)、旅游等提供方便。 (四)不准参加有可能影响公正执行公务的乙方和相关单的宴请、健身、娱乐等活动。 (五)不准向乙方和相关单位介绍或为配偶、子女、亲属参与同甲方项目工程勘察设计合同有关的勘察设计业务等活动。不得以任何理由要求乙方和相关单位在设计中使用某种产品、材料和设备。第三条 乙方的责任应与甲方保持正常的业务交往,按照有关法律法规和程序开展业务工作,严格执行工程建设的有关方针、政策,尤其是有关勘察设计的强制性标准和规范,并遵守以下规定: (一)不准以任何理由向甲方及其工作人员索要、接受或赠送礼金、有价证券、贵重物品及回扣、好处费、感谢费等。 (二)不准以任何理由为甲方和相关

4、单位报销应由对方或个人支付的费用。 (三)不准接受或暗示为甲方、相关单位或个人装修住房、婚丧嫁娶、配偶子女的工作安排以及出国(境)、旅游等提供方便。 (四)不准以任何理由为甲方、相关单位或个人组织有可能影响公正执行公务的宴请、健身、娱乐等活动。第四条 违约责任 (一)甲方工作人员有违反本责任书第一、二条责任行为的,按照管理权限,依据有关法律法规和规定给予党纪、政纪处分或组织处理;涉嫌犯罪的,移交司法机关追究刑事责任;给乙方单位造成经济损失的,应予以赔偿。 (二)乙方工作人员有违反本责任书第一、三条责任行为的,按 照管理权限,依据有关法律法规和规定给予党纪、政纪处分或组织 处理;涉嫌犯罪的,移交

5、司法机关追究刑事责任;给甲方单位造成经济损失的,应予以赔偿。第五条 本责任书作为工程勘察设计合同的附件,与工程勘察设计合同具有同等法律效力。经双方签署后立即生效。第六条 本责任书的有效期为双方签署之日起至该工程项目竣工验收合格时止。第七条 本责任书一式四份,由甲乙双方各执一份,送交甲乙 双方的监督单位各一份。甲方单位:(盖章) 乙方单位:(盖章)法定代表人: 法定代表人:地址: 地址:电话: 电话:年 月 日 年 月 日甲方监督单位(盖章) 乙方监督单位(盖章)年 月 日 年 月 日A Letter of Accountability for Honest, Clean Administrat

6、ion of Project Survey and DesignName of project:Address of project:Development Unit (Parties A): Survey and design Unit (Parties B):To enhance construction of a clean and honest administration during the project, regulate all the activities of truster and trustee of project construction survey and d

7、esign, prevent various illegal indiscipline for seeking illegitimate interests, and protect legal interests of Country、collective and parties, this Letter of Accountability for Clean and Honest Administration is hereby made according to the relevant state laws and regulations of project construction

8、 and a clean and honest administration responsibility system. Article 1 Responsibilities of both parties ()Both parties shall strictly obey the relevant laws, regulations and policies about market access, project tendering, project construction, survey and design and marketing activities and Clean a

9、nd Honest administration.()Both shall strictly execute construction survey and design contract documents and conscientiously act according to the Contract.()Business activities must adhere to the principles of open, fair, justice, integrity, transparency (Except what are otherwise provided in laws a

10、nd regulations). It is forbidden to damage the benefits of Country, collectivity and the other party for gaining wrongful benefits. It is forbidden to violate the regulations of project construction management and survey and design.()If one party find that the other one violated rules, disciplines a

11、nd laws, they should timely remind the other. In serious cases, it should be reported to its superior department or discipline inspection and supervision, judicial authorities.Article 2 Responsibilities of Parties AThe leaders and the staff of Parties A engaged in the construction project shall obey

12、 the following regulations during all the processes of construction.()It is forbidden to claim or accept commission, cash, securities, valuables and benefits etc from Party B and relevant units.()It is forbidden to submit any expense bills, which shall be paid by Party A or individual, to Party B an

13、d the related units.()It is forbidden to ask、imply or accept that Party B and related units provide convenience for personal housing decoration, weddings and funerals, spouses and children work arrangements and abroad (Habitat), tourism.()It is forbidden to participate in feast, fitness, entertainme

14、nt, which may affect the fair execution of business, held by Party B and related units.()It is forbidden to introduce business activities of survey and design related with project survey and design contracts of Party A, which spouse, children, relatives may participate in, to Party B and related uni

15、ts. It is forbidden to ask Party B and related units to use some kind of product, material and equipment in the design for any reason.Article 3 Responsibilities of Party BParty B shall keep the normal business contact with Party A and promote business work according to the relevant laws and regulati

16、ons. Party B shall strictly perform the relevant guides and policies to engineering construction, especial the mandatory standards and specifications concerning survey and design. Furthermore Party B shall obey the following rules.()It is forbidden to ask, receive, give Party B and its staff cash, s

17、ecurities, valuables and commission, benefits, thanks fees etc for any reason.() It is forbidden to pay any expense bills, which shall be paid by the other party or the individual, for Party A and relevant units for any reason.() It is forbidden to accept or imply providing convenience about persona

18、l housing decoration, weddings and funerals, spouses and children work arrangements and going abroad (boundary), tourism for Party A , the related units or the individual.()It is forbidden to arrange feast, fitness, entertainment etc, which may affect the fair execution of business, for Party A, the

19、 related units or the individual for any reason.Article 4 Default Responsibilities ()If the staff of Party A violate the Article 1 and 2 in this Letter of Accountability, give them the Party and government discipline or organization punishment according to administration authority and the relevant l

20、aws and regulations. If they are suspected criminal, hand over them to the judicial authority and to be prosecuted for their criminal liability. If they cause Party B economic losses, they shall make compensation.()If the staff of Party B violate the Article 1 and 3 in this Letter of Accountability,

21、 give them the Party and government discipline or organization punishment according to administration authority and the relevant laws and regulations. If they are suspected criminal, hand over them to the judicial authority and to be prosecuted for their criminal liability. If they cause Party A economic losses, they shall make compensation.Article 5 This Letter of Accountability has the equal legal effect as a accessory of Project Survey and Design Contract. This


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