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1、Language pointsRead the following articles (written by two students).分词作定语 a cup broken by Tom a song sung by zhouJieLun a building built by my father a boy punished by his parentsrun 跑跑 Rabbits run fast. 兔子跑得快。兔子跑得快。 经营;管理经营;管理Who is running this restaurant?Most of the banks are run by the states.r

2、un短语短语 run across/into 偶遇偶遇 run after追逐;追求追逐;追求 run away逃跑逃跑 run out (of )用完用完 经典回放经典回放 Have you-food? Yes,our food-so we must buy some. A.run out of;has run out B.run out;has run out of C.run out ;has run out D.run out of;has been un out Instead of devoting his time to studies,he wastes his time-gi

3、rls. A.to run after B.running after C.run after D.ran afterallow允许;准许允许;准许 常用结构:常用结构: allow sth doing sth Sb to do sth that They dont - - -here.(允许吸烟)(允许吸烟) My parents dont - - - - -late. (呆在外面)(呆在外面) I - -(承认)承认)he is an able man .allow smokingallow me to stay outallow that巩固巩固 Smoking -in the read

4、ing room. A.doesnt allowed B.didnt allow C.didnt allowing D.isnt allowedapprove 1.vt.批准批准, 通过通过(计划,安排,建议)一般计划,安排,建议)一般作它的宾语作它的宾语 The minister approved the building plan.部长批准了该建筑计划。部长批准了该建筑计划。2.赞成赞成, 同意;同意; 认可(通常与认可(通常与of 连用)连用)I dont approve of his conduct.经典回放:经典回放: My parents dont approve-late eve

5、ry night. A.of me and Richard staying out B.of Richard and me staying out C.of Richards and my staying out D.when Richard and me staying out 难句解析难句解析1. Our club is much more than just music. (P18) 我们的俱乐部不只播放音乐。我们的俱乐部不只播放音乐。more than常置于名词、形容词、副词、常置于名词、形容词、副词、动词及从句之前,动词及从句之前,Her performance was more t

6、han good; it was perfect. 她的表演非常好,可以说是她的表演非常好,可以说是完美的。完美的。more than不仅仅不仅仅 1。他不仅仅是一位老师。他不仅仅是一位老师。 She is- - - - 2.图书馆不仅仅是一个贮藏书的地方。图书馆不仅仅是一个贮藏书的地方。 A library is - - - -where books are stored. more than +数词数词,相当于,相当于over,意为意为超过,多余超过,多余 要拉动这辆马车,需要三个人以上才行要拉动这辆马车,需要三个人以上才行 - - - - are needed to pull the c

7、art(马车)马车)More than three menmore than a placemore than a teaher.特别提示特别提示 no more than与与not more thanno more . than . 与与not more . than . 用法和区别用法和区别no more than表示表示“只有;仅仅只有;仅仅”,相当,相当于于 “only”, 强调强调“少少”。We have taken no more than five courses this term. 这学期我们只上了五门课。这学期我们只上了五门课。not more than意为意为“不超过;不

8、多于;不超过;不多于;至多至多”,客观地说明数量。,客观地说明数量。He knows not more than you do.他知道的不及你多。他知道的不及你多。no more . than .表示前者和后者一样表示前者和后者一样都不都不, not more . than . 不如不如(前者不如后者)前者不如后者)Jack is no more diligent than John. 杰克和约翰都不勤奋。杰克和约翰都不勤奋。This story is not more interesting than that one。 这个故事不比那个故事有趣。这个故事不比那个故事有趣。 require需

9、要;要求 sth 需要某物 doing 需要做某事 require sb to do sth 需要某人做某事 that.(should) 要求They require our help.The wall requires-(repaire)All the members are required -(attend) the meeting.The court required that he -(pay) the fine.repairingto attendShould pay The house is too old , it requires-. A.to repair B.requir

10、ed C.repairing D.repair It was a little scary at first, but everyone was so nice and friendly that I soon stopped worrying. (P18)刚开始时有点害怕,但是大家都如此友刚开始时有点害怕,但是大家都如此友善,因此我很快就不再担心了。善,因此我很快就不再担心了。so . that . 意为意为“如此如此以至于以至于”,so 修饰形容词、副词,修饰形容词、副词,that 引起结果状引起结果状语从句语从句He is so ill that we had to send for a

11、 doctor. 他病得很重,我们只好给他请医生了。他病得很重,我们只好给他请医生了。The suitcase was so heavy that I cant carry it upstairs.派人去叫派人去叫;so that连在一起时,意为连在一起时,意为“以便;因以便;因此此”,用来谈论目的。,用来谈论目的。 Shes staying here for six months so that she can improve her English. 她要在这儿住六个月,以便提高自己的她要在这儿住六个月,以便提高自己的英语水平。英语水平。We got up early so that we

12、 could catch the first bus.so与与such的区别的区别such用在(形容词用在(形容词+)名词前,)名词前,so用在形用在形容词、副词等的前面。请看下面的例句:容词、副词等的前面。请看下面的例句:The milk was so good that we couldnt stop drinking it.It was such good milk that we couldnt stop drinking it. 牛奶太好喝了,我们没法不继续喝下去。牛奶太好喝了,我们没法不继续喝下去。 Suppose you are given a chance, what club

13、 would you like to run?Starting the project1. How to set up a school club?Discussion2. How to design a poster advertising a new school club? Designing a posterPlanningPreparingProducingPresentingPlanning1. Form groups.2. Suggest clubs you will start.3. Give your reasons and have discussion.4. Vote t

14、o decide.5. Have it approved by the teacher.6. Write down the name.7. Take on responsibility for tasks. (take turns)Preparing1. Find one or two posters about school clubs.2. Discuss information about these posters.3. Decide what can be learned from them.4. Form your own idea about your club.Producin

15、g1. Draft the poster.2. Read carefully and make suggestions.3. Make some changes and finalize the poster.4. Approve the poster.Presenting1. Present your poster to the class.2. Put the poster on display and let students sign up.3. Give awards to the winners. (Evaluation from both teachers and students)1. What does the club do?2. How does it attract new member?3. How does it help members achieve their goals?Discuss the information found:4. What does the poster consist of ?5. How does it attract viewers? (These sa


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