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1、第五章 非谓语第一部分 考点精讲精练 考点1. 谓语和非谓语在英语中,一个主谓结构中只能有一个谓语,再出现动词时,要变成非谓语形式。(参看:P错误!未定义书签。错误!未找到引用源。)英语中非谓语动词包括:动名词,现在分词,过去分词和动词不定式。无论它们在句中作什么成分,他们都保持着自己本身的属性特点。动名词:具有名词功能,常在句中作:主语,宾语;作定语时表功能;现在分词: 表主动和正在进行, 常在句中作: 定语, 状语,宾补;过去分词:被动和已完成,常在句中作:定语,状语,补语;动词不定式:表将来具体某一次,常在句中作; 主语;定语,状语,补语,宾语等。要学好非谓语,掌握它们的本身属性很关键第

2、1讲 作主语考点1. 动词不定式作主语与动名词作主语的区别动词原形是不能作主语的。动词作主语时,如果侧重于表示经常性,在动词后面加ing构成动名词来做主语;如果侧重于表示将来特定的某一次,则用动词不定式来做主语。 Playing basketball is my favorite sport. (“打篮球”指经常性,因此用动名词。)To go to a key college is his dream.(“上名牌大学”指特定的将来的某一次,用不定式)有时为了对称,主语,宾语(或表语)要么都用不定时,要么都用动名词。Seeing is believing. To see is to believ

3、e.1. _ is a good form of exercise for both young and old.A. The walk B. Walking C. To walk D. Walk2. _ to sunlight for too much time will do harm to ones skin.A. Exposed B. having exposed C. Being exposed D. After being exposed3. To answer correctly is more important than _.A. that you finish quickl

4、y B. finishing quickly C. to finish quickly D. finish quickly4. _ now seems impossible.A. Saving money B. To save money C. Being saved money D. To be saved money5. 【2009四川】He told us whether _ a picnic was still under discussion A. to have B. having C. have D. had考点2. what在问句中作主语时,常用动名词短语来回答6. What

5、do you think made Mary so upset?_ her new bicycle.A. As she lost B. Lost C. Losing D. Because of losing 写作专练1. 正确选择不定式或动名词做主语(P29 )第2讲 作宾语作主语用动词不定式还是动名词主要是看主语表示的动作是将来还是经常性;作宾语用动词不定式还是动名词主要是看谓语动词的搭配。考点1. 有些动词只能跟不定式作宾语这类及物动词常见的有:agree (同意) , ask (请、要) , attempt (试图) , afford 付得起 agree 同意 ask 要求apply 申

6、请care (想要) , choose (决定、要) , decide (决定) , desire (希望) , determine (决心) , help 帮助expect (期望) , fail (未能) , hope (希望) , intend (打算) , learn (学习) , manage (设法) , offer (愿意) , plan (计划、打算) , pretend (假装) , refuse (拒绝、谢绝) , wish (希望) , promise (答应),want(想要)等等。1. We asked _ to work in the countryside.A.

7、to be sent B. to send C. to be sending D. sending2. 【2010江西】There were many talented actors out there just waiting .A. to discover B. to be discovered C. discovered D. being discovered3. I expected _ your friend, but my car broke down on the way.A. Ill meet B. meeting C. to meeting D. to meet4. She

8、told me that she had decided _ again.A. be not late B. not be lateC. not to be lateD. to be not late5. Almost everyone fails _ on the first try.A. in passing his drivers testB. to pass his drivers testC. to have passed his drivers testD. passing his drivers test6. The two weavers pretended _ very ha

9、rd, though they did nothing at the looms.A. work B. workingC. to be workedD. to be working7. When he got off the train, it happened _.A. to rainB. to be rainingC. rainingD. to raining8. I didnt _ it until you had explained how.A. manage to do B. managed to doC. manage to have done D. manage doing9.

10、The young driver offered _ the patient out of the car.A. to hand B. handing C. hands D. would hand10. The white horse refused _ the stone wall.A. its jumpingB. to jumpC. jumping upD. to jump at考点2. 有些动词只能跟动名词作宾语下列动词习惯上可接动名词作宾语,但不能接不定式作宾语: admit 承认 advise 建议 allow 允许 appreciate 感激avoid 避免 consider 考虑

11、delay 推迟 deny 否认discuss 讨论dislike 不喜欢 enjoy 喜爱 escape 逃脱excuse 原谅 fancy 设想 finish 完成 forbid 禁止forgive 原谅give up 放弃imagine 想象keep 保持mention 提及mind 介意 miss 没赶上pardon 原谅permit 允许 practice 练习prevent 阻止prohibit 禁止 put off 推迟 risk 冒险stop 停止suggest 建议feel like想做某事11. I would appreciate _ back this afternoo

12、n.A. you to callB. you callC. your calling D. youre calling12. She enjoys _ light music.A. to hearB. hearing C. listening to D. to listen to13. You can keep the book until you _.A. have finished reading B. finish to read C. will finish reading D. have finished to read14. Ali said that she wouldnt mi

13、nd _ alone at home.A. left B. being left C. to be left D. leaving15. If you keep _ English, you can learn English well.A. practicing speak B. practicing speaking C. practicing to speak D. to practise spoken16. We are considering _ a new plan.A. making B. being madeC. to make D. to have made17. The s

14、quirrel was lucky that it just missed _.A. catchingB. to be caughtC. being caughtD. to catch18. Can you imagine yourself _ on a desert island?A. staying B. stay C. have stayed D. being stayed19. We can understand why he avoids _ to us.A. to speakB. speechC. having spokenD. speaking20. Please excuse

15、my _ in without _.A. come, askingB. coming, asking C. to come, being asked D. coming, being asked21. Why have they delayed _ the new school?A. openingB. to openC. having openedD. to have opened22. She _ the key.A. admited takingB. admitted take C. admitted having taken D. admitted to have taken23. 【

16、2008上海春】As a new driver, I have to practice _ the car in my small garage again and againA. parking B. to park C. parked D. park24. 【2009上海】Bill suggested _ a meeting on what to do for the Shanghai Expo during the vacation.A. having held B. to hold C. holding D. hold25. 【2011四川】Lydia doesnt feel like

17、_ abroad. Her parents are old. A. study B. studying C. studied D. to study考点3. 有些动词既可跟不定式也可跟动名词,但意思上有差别forget/remember doing/having done跟动名词作宾语,记得还是忘了以前曾经做的事forget/remember to do还未做regret doing sth. 对做过的某事表示后悔regret to say, 很抱歉的说mean to do, 打算作某事;mean doing, 意味着 try to do , 尽力作某事;try doing, 尝试着作某事 w

18、ant / need/ require doing sth, 表示被动等于want/need/require to be donelike/ hate doing, 经常性的like/ hate to do, 特定的某一次be/get used to doing 习惯于做某事used to do 过去经常做某事 be used to do被用来做cant help doing=cant help but do 忍不住做某事cant help ( to) do 不能帮助做某事stop doing 停止正在做着的某事 stop to do停下来做别的事情(to do是目的状语)go on doin

19、g继续做原来做的事go on to do接着干别的事情26. Little Jim should love _ to the theatre this evening.A to be takenB. to take C. being taken D. taking27. -“Did you close the door?” -“Yes, I remember _ it.”A. to close B. to closing C. closing D. closed28. 【2012安徽】I remembered the door before I left the office, but for

20、got to turn off the lights.A. locking B. to lock C. having locked D. to have locked29. Im sorry I forgot _ your dictionary. Lets borrow one from Li Ming.A. to take B. taking C. to bring D. bringing30. Henry always forgets things he has done. Yesterday he forgot _ and looked for it everywhere.A. to p

21、ost the letter B. to have the letter postedC. to have posted the letterD. having posted the letter31. My brother regretted _ a lecture given by Professor Liu.A. missing B. to miss C. missed D. being missed32. I regret _ you that we are unable to offer you a job.A. informingB. having informedC. to in

22、formD. to informing33. I felt tired with walking, so I stopped _ a break for an hour.A. having B. to have C. taking D. to taking34. The teacher told the students to stop _ to him.A. to write and listen B. writing and listeningC. to write and listening D. writing and to listen35. -I usually go there

23、by train.-Why not _ by boat for a change?A. to try going B. trying to go C. to try and go D. try going36. 【2008湖南】Susan wanted to be independent of her parents. She tried _ alone, but she didnt like it and moved back home.A. living B. to live C. to be living D. having lived37. You didnt hear us come

24、 in last night. Thats good. We tried _ noisy.A. to be not B. not to beC. not beingD. being not38. The grass has grown so tall that it needs _.A. to cut B. to be cut it C. cutting D. being cut39. There are lots of places of interest _ in our city.A. needs repairing B. needing repaired C. needed repai

25、ring D. needing to be repaired40. These young trees require _ carefully.A. looking afterB. to look after C. to be looked atD. looking for41. The sentence wants _ once more.A. to explainB. explainingC. being explainedD. to be explained it42. He hasnt got used _ in the countryside yet.A. live B. to li

26、ve C. to living D. living43. A very well-known person _ in this house.A. is used to live B. used to live C. is used to living D. used to living44. Missing the train means _ for an hour.A. to wait B. to be waitedC. being waitedD. waiting45. I meant _ you, but I was so busy.A. to call onB. calling onC

27、. to call atD. calling at46. I know its not important, but I cant help _ about itA. to think B. and think C. thinking D. being thought47. Im busy _ for the entrance examination, so I cant help _ houseworkA. preparing, doing B. preparing, to do C. to prepare, doing D. to prepare, to do考点4. except, bu

28、t后跟不定式时,如果前面有实意动词do的形式,不用to, 否则要带to48. There is nothing to do except _ till it stops raining.A. to wait B. waiting C. wait D. waits49. Standing on the top of the hill, I would not do anything but _ the flowing of the smog around me. A. enjoy B. enjoying C. enjoyed D. to enjoy考点5. Remain to be done50

29、. It remains _ whether Jim will be fit enough to play in the finals.A. seen B. to be seen C. seeing D. to see51. Having a trip abroad is certainly good for the old couple, but it remains _ whether they will enjoy it. A. to see B. to be seen C. seeing D. seen考点6. 介词后跟动名词做宾语52. 【2012北京】One learns a la

30、nguage by making mistakes and _ them.A. corrects B. correct C. to correct D. correcting53. 【2012福建】China recently tightened its waters controls near the Huangyan Island to prevent Chinese fishing boats from _in the South China Sea.A. attacking B. having attacked C. being attacked D. having been atta

31、cked考点7. 含有用作介词to的常考短语1. be addicted to 沉溺于;对上瘾He is addicted to gambling.他沉溺于赌博。2. devote oneself to doing sth./be devoted to 献身于做某事/专心致力于做某事把She devoted herself to helping the poor. 她致力于帮助穷人。Charlie devotes his time to reading. 查理的时间都用于读书。Her life was devoted to caring for the sick and needy. 她一生都

32、致力于关心照顾贫病交迫的人。3. be equal to doing sth 等于做某事,能胜任做某事This is equal to saying that he knows her well. 这就等于说他很熟悉她。 She didnt feel equal to receiving visitors. 她感到身体不适,不能会客。4. object to doing sth 反对做某事, have an objection to doing sth 反对(反感)做某事He objected to being treated like a child. 他反对被当作小孩子看待。He has

33、a strong objection to getting up so early.他很反感这么早就起床。 5. be opposed to doing sth 反对做某事She seems very much opposed to your going abroad. 她好像很反对你出国。Im opposed to telling him the news at once. 我反对马上告诉他这个消息。 6. reduce sb. to doing sth 使某人沦为做某事Hunger reduced them to stealing. 饥饿使他们沦落为盗贼。He was reduced to

34、 begging for food. 最后他沦为乞丐。7. pay attention to doing sth 注意做某事We should pay more attention to uniting and working with the comrades who differ with us. 我们应该更注意团结那些与自己意见不同的同志工作。 8. be used to doing sth/be accustomed to doing 习惯于做某事John has got used to sleeping late. 约翰已习惯很晚睡觉了。I am not accustomed to

35、being treated like this.我不习惯被这样对待。9. get down to doing sth开始做某事,认真处理某事Its time we got down to some serious work. 我们该认真干点正事了After lunch we got down to discussing the issue of pay. 午餐之后,我们开始认真讨论报酬的问题。10. look forward to doing sth 盼望做某事We are looking forward to receiving his letter. 我们盼望收到他的回信。I look f

36、orward to hearing from you. 盼早日收到你的来信。11. come /be near/close to doing sth 几乎做某事,差点就做某事 I was near to screaming. 我险些喊叫起来。I came near to forgetting my raincoat. 我差点把雨衣给忘了。We had an outstanding season and came so close to winning the title again.12. in addition to doing sth 除做某事之外 In addition to givin

37、g me some advice, he gave me some money. 他不仅给我提了些忠告,而且还给了我一些钱。13. key to doing sth 做某事的关键 Yet transportation is the key to getting this food to the children and their families.交通是把这事物送给那些孩子和他们家人的关键。14. make contributions to对作贡献Everyone should make a contribution to protecting the environment.每一个人都应当

38、对保护环境做出贡献。15. when it comes to 谈到时There is no shortage of ideas when it comes to improving the education of children.当谈及改善孩子教育时,是不缺乏主意的。写作专练2. 掌握后面跟不定式做宾语和后面跟动名词做宾语的常用动词及to做介词(P30 )第3讲 作表语考点1. 动词不定式作表语同动名词作表语的区别表示将来某一次时常用动词不定式作表语,表示经常性时常用动名词作表语。1. Her wish is _ an engineer.A. becoming B. become C. t

39、o become D. being come2. Some peoples greatest pleasure is _.A. fishingB. to fishC. to be fishingD. being fish考点2. 动词不定式作表语时,to的省略问题动词不定式作表语时,如果前面有实义动词do的形式,作表语的不定式常省略to3. What Yang Liwei wanted to do when he got out of the spaceship was _ the joy with all the Chinese. A. share B. shared C. having s

40、hared D. about to share4. I think the best thing you should do is _ another job.A. looking for B. looked for C. look for D. about to look for考点3. 动名词作表语同进行时的区别动名词作表语时是说明主语的职责和功能等,和主语是对等关系,没有正在进行之意, 而现在分词有正在进行之意如:My job is looking after the children. (looking 为动名词) He is looking after the baby. (look

41、ing 为现在分词)考点4. 现在分词和过去分词作表语时相当于-ed形容词和-ing形容词-ing 形容词,令人。的;-ed形容词,令人感到。的,有被动意味。(参看P错误!未定义书签。错误!未找到引用源。)5. Tom sounds very much in the job, but Im not sure whether he can manage itA. interested B. interesting C. interestingly D. interestedly6. Climbing mountains was _ ,so we all felt _ .A. tiring; ti

42、red B. tired; tiring C. tiring; tiring D. tired; tired7. We must treasure every minute because _ time is _ forever.A. lost, losing B. lost, lost C. losing, losing D. losing, lost 8. Please remain until the plane has come to a complete stop.Ato seal Bto be seated Cseating Dseated考点5. be to blame应为某事负

43、责(参看P7考点4.)The careless driver was to blame for the accident.那个粗心的司机应为这场事故负责。写作专练3. 非谓语做表语时应注意(P30 )第4讲 作定语现在分词,过去分词,动词不定式和动名词都可作定语。一般不用非谓语的完成式作定语。考点1. 现在分词,过去分词,动词不定式作定语时,看与所修饰词之间的关系如果构成主动关系,(有时还表正在进行)用现在分词;如果构成被动关系,(已完成),用过去分词;表将来特定某一次,用动词不定式。 【主动关系和被动关系:参看P错误!未定义书签。错误!未找到引用源。】1. The little boy st

44、ill needs the _ 20 dollars to do with some things _.A. remaining, remained to be settled B. remaining, remaining to be settled. C. remained, remained to settle D. remained, remaining to settle2. The picture _ on the wall is painted by my nephew.A. having hung B. hanging C. hangs D. being hung3. The

45、bell _ the end of the period rang, _ our heated discussion.A. indicating, interrupting B. indicated, interrupting C. indicating, interrupted D. indicated, interrupted4. Tigers _ meat-eating animals _ meat.A. belonged to, fed on B. belonging to, feed on C. belonging to, feeding on D. belonged to, fee

46、ding on5. -Havent you seen the sign _ “NO PHOTO”?-Im sorry I didnt.A. reads B. to read C. read D. reading6. 【2009湖南】At the age of 29, Dave was a worker, _ in a small apartment near Boston and _ what to do about his future.A. living; wonderingB. lived; wondering C. lived; wonderedD. living; wondered

47、7. 【2010浙江】The traffic rule says young children under the age of four and _ less than 40 pounds must be in a child safety seat.A. being weighed B. to weigh C. weighed D. weighing8. 【2011全国I】The next thing he saw was smoke _ from behind the house. A. rose B. rising C. to rise D. risen9. 【2011江西】On re

48、ceiving a phone call from his wife _ she had a fall, Mr. Gordon immediately rushed home from office.A. says B. said C. saying D. to say10. 【2011江苏】Recently a survey _ prices of the same goods in two different supermarkets has caused heated debate among citizens.A. compared B. comparing C. compares D

49、. being compared11. 【2011山东】Look over theretheres a very long, winding path_ up to the house. A. leading B. leads C. led D. to lead12. 【2012湖南】The lecture, _at 7:00 pm last night, was followed by an observation of the moon with telescopes.A. starting B. being started C. to start D. to be started13.

50、【2012上海】"Genius" is a complicated concept, _ _ many different factors.A. involved B. involving C. to involve D. being involved14. “Things _ never come again!” I couldnt help talking to myself.Alost Blosing Cto lose Dhave lost15. The wallet _ several days ago was found _ in the dustbin outs

51、ide the building.A. stolen; hiding B. stealing; hidden C. to be stolen; hiding D. stolen; hidden16. 【2009全国I】Now that we've discussed our problem, are people happy with the decisions ?A. taking B. take C. taken D. to take 17. 【2012山东】After completing and signing it, please return the form to us

52、in the envelope _. A. providing B. provided C. having provided D. provide18. 【2010北京】I'm calling to enquire about the position _ in yesterday's China Daily.A. advertised B. to be advertised C. advertising D. having advertised19. 【2010湖南】So far nobody has claimed the money _ in the library.A.

53、 discovered B. to be discovered C. discovering D. having discovered20. 【2010四川】A great number of students said they were forced to practice the piano. A. to question B. to be questioned C. questioned D. questioning21. 【2011全国II】The island, _ to the mainland by a bridge, is easy to go to.A. joining B. to join C. joined D


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