1、smeacnuarigteymaentsssyesstsemmesntais i nncdlmuedae disnutrhese eastabnlinualisnhdeexd.bSyt,riactlyinmdpla managementsystem; developed hascomputerand thenetworkofnetwork security responsibilityXXEducation-Governme nt,resource li brary, test database, mailservi- Lheld sy stem,signe d ha snetw orkse
2、curity responsiorkoftopic caces, such ase- n oftheplatforms.At present,the city'ssede sign, relie son Ciscoprimaryand middle-books,allintranetservices.bility;wecompa ny thought Shu aid-I . I l.la ny ougschoolongradi ng record a nd evalI . _I -I . .1has threeyear s technol L一 1.1I10:1;809 equipme
3、ntclassestcomputerforitsproprietar y,andreleascurit y,assurance respnd whois responsi blefor,w ho uses principlork) for classifie dsecurity prote ction levels,withoutthing,Bureau on teacurity gradeprotectindmanpowerlnismhamnepnotwechi ng points digitalresources fullcover pri on a bout poli cyand sta
4、ndard, organizati on carried outinformationseplanning ,and poi nts ste p implementati on, using schoolearthquakeHanadva nce d,practica lGigabite ducationalmetropolitanarea network,toject of implem ntation programme, Esta blished XX,fullcoverage ofcuritygrade prote ctionou re constructionhe city'
5、sschools have access to educationalmetropnni ng eleme ntaryand mi ._ -olitanare a netwdigitalresource s inm oder n distanceeducati ontea chi ng pr oject leadichnologymeasures constructiona nd gradeeval uation,implemeddle schools cam pus network a nd e ducation city domainnetwork, aork,school s have
6、computernetworks,closed-cir cuittelevi sion netwnggroup, XX,chaired the Secretaryforeducation.E stablished,digitalrectionsystem oftheresourcesi n modernquiremecompanycooperation, usiI. .1_ _Ihe cl assrooms,realdista ncee ducation teachingize thephysi calfiberlayingt-1.1 I- 一160 million Yuas share In
7、ternetba ndwi dth,XXfull coverage proje ct group, XX, Directorofthe Centerforneeds of teachingum ofcost a chieveeducational i nformation an,accor ding tot he standard,II- IIL-III I.I.I.oftheschoolndequipmehigh quality planning XX educationalmetropolitan areanetwork realizesWaol pass; Each school con
8、struction standards of campus networkand netw orkaccessto all r ooms;ngto Ministry ofeducation onfull started impleme ntation tea chi ng point s digitale ducationresourcent chaired Z hu Guiyan, responsiblefordistanceeducati on digital resources coveringprojectw ork.nZhaokua n to schools, hundre dsof
9、 megabytes ofbroa dbandto t hetable,'wire '(ie:一.I. -I. 一.一 . -nedrastcaoonystcimoeo.Apcacsosr;diaProjects inooms;一.-XXeducati on metropolitasfull coverpr oje ct of notification(taughttechnin area netw orkce ntermachi ne roomequipmeWeb,vi deo, a udi o)tothe targe t,electronicwI - . II. Il. L
10、n . I- . . LXXcity school digitalresour ces i n moderndistancee ducation teachingfulcalletter(2012) 74tnt inthe Mil-coverageh,)and XX Pr ov ince Department ofeducation on issueproje ct leadi ng group,digitalresour cesi nmoderncnlaagsesrmoeonmtspl,artefomrm,theoCteeinteractivenvtiralLibrdaeroytea ocf
11、hiaundgiue d XX provincetea chi ng points digitaleducatidistance e ducationteaching, andXXfull coveragen ed ucati onalsualeducation re sources,一 |.| - on re sour cesful lcov er projectproje ct group lea dershipa nd玻璃的表面化学深蚀刻的工艺原理与其操 作方案发布日期:2010-5-15 2:57:46| 来源: admin一、化学蚀刻的原理:我们知道玻璃属于无机硅物质中的一种, 非晶
12、态固体。易碎 ; 透明。 它与我们的生活密不可分, 现代人已不再满足于物理式机械手段加工的艺术玻璃制品 ,更致力于用多种化学方式对玻璃表面进行求新求异深加工,以求得到更好的视觉享受,从而使玻璃产品的附加值再度得到提高. 例如对玻璃表面进行化学粗化 蒙砂 ; 玉砂 , 化学深蚀刻 凹蒙 ; 冰雕 , 化学抛光及其它工艺 ,本文论述的重点将是玻璃化学的氧化与还原反应的构造及工艺操作控制性。对于玻璃蚀刻液中起氧化反应的物质是选择纯液质的能与玻璃起氧化反应的可以是H2SO4; HCL, HNO3. 它们能与玻璃中的硅原子发生氧化作用,形成 SIO2, 做为蚀刻液中设定的络合剂氢氟酸正好能将SIO2 再
13、次分解,从而形成我们设计的化学反应程式,达到对玻璃表面进行蚀刻的目地。例如程式 :a:3SI+4HNO3=3SIO2+2H2O+4NOb:SIO2+6HF = H2SIF6+2H2O对玻璃蚀刻液配制可以展现的物质性质包含氧化剂; 络合剂 ; 缓冲剂 ; 催化剂 ; 附加剂 ; 表面活性剂; 酸雾抑制剂. 如下再例:mprove,se curitypr evention ca pacity obvi ously e nhanced,securityhidden and securityaccide nt obviouslyreduce d,effective guara ntees inform
14、ati on healthdevelopment.XXE ducation Centrereg ularlycarry out day -to-daynetworkse curity monitori ng informationand equipment.By t he appropr iatetechni calstaff,XX network e ngine room mainte nancestaffonsite managementandmaintena nceon areg ularba sis,sche dule dviewi ng of netw orks, systems,
15、databa ses a nd associatede qui pmentoperating conditi ons, andmakea record.Computerla b mainte nance manager s regularlyrun av arietyofdevice sin the schoolinformationsystem parameters,server systemsa nd vari ous data ba ckup, so t hattherewa s ahar dwarefailurei n asystem crash ca nresume qui ckly
16、and efficientl y.Computer l ab mainte nancemanager sestabli sh a networka ntivirus system, AviraV irus systemona reg ularbasi s,and anti -virussoftware se curitya ssessment,timeto upgrade. Com puterla bmaintenance managementforall equi pmentin t he rooma reg ulardust,repla ce theold la bel.Regularly
17、hostserver s, netw orkswitches, corerouting ,firewalls,har dwaremainte nance,such ase qui pmentfailure, shoul d be pr ocessedin atimely mannerin ordertoe nsur esafe andrel iable operati on ofthe system.In XX cityinformationand equipmentwas esta blishedwit hinthe Centre ,educationalmetropolitan arean
18、etworkce nter machi ne roomXX.Serversanddatast oresand applicati onsto set upin XX Citymetropolitan areanetwork center machine room.Wi ndowsServer2003,wi ndowsSe rver2008,windowsServer2012, Linux,t heoperatingsystem,thedatabaseforSQL Server2008,Officesoftware,such asMicrosoftOfficesoftware.Schools(u
19、nits)ofcomputer,i nformationsystem securityproducts for domesticpr oducts,i ncl udi ng the use of360 a nd ki ngsoft Internet se curity software.XXeducation metropolita n area netw orkused by t he serverforHP ,firewalland information securitypr oductforHuaweiand Ci scoproducts.Intheirdailyw ork,to pu
20、bli cizerelate dknowledg eand information se curity considerations.Enhanced gl obal aw arene ssofnetw orkand information securit y,and strive toa chieve netw orkeveryone knows se curity a ndvir us before theguard,toimprovenetw orkand informationse curity,ensure that t heXXeducati onsystem networka n
21、d information sy stemsecurity. Tracki ng reportingsystem re quires allparties t o strengthen colla boration,w orkcloselywit h emergency safetyplandevelope dXXeducati on metropolita n areanetw ork,regularly carryout emergency drills,and carried outspe cialfundsev ery yearto prote ct the securityofinf
22、ormation.Annual2-3 professi onaltrai ning fornetwork managers in t hecit y,forming technologywitha strong professi onaland technicalteam,schoolnetwork managers on commonnetw orkfailures a nd beca pabl e ofsolvingse curityi ssues.Issuesthatcannotbe resolve d,timelyformsofmeetings,such as meetings,a n
23、alysi s,and soluti ons through ameeting,without rolling up thea bilitytosolvepr oblems,and fee dbacktosuperi ors in writing departmentstoresolve.Through self-examinati on,we ar ewellaware,relativela ckofinvestme ntin educati on, facilities a nd equi pmentforfurtherupdates,educati on developm ent iss
24、tilluneve n, ne w education conceptsnee d tobefurt herenhance dto some exte nt andre strictingt he devel opme ntofcity educati on.Wewilltakethe opportunity ofgovernmentsupervision,tostrivefortheprovinceeducation demonstration counties asa drivi ngforce,furt herincrease input in e ducation,efforts to
25、promotethel ong wi ng,and Li Wanfu, a nd Michael Jenki ns, a ndChe nJian,a nd Songand xiaochuanyun,7bitcomrade partici patein province back boneface-t o-faceor netw orklear ning, doea ch teachi ng pointsare hasteachers participate i ntraini ng,October17,2013, issuedXX cityeducationinformationand equ
26、ipment Ce nteron re quireme ntsthe tea chi ng points schoolt r ele satn ngsaoed e wik ofeaalilen pre paed oADeatldiquiheoptn space of pajoiricted vcaagemenom ifpnv aoaefimjiaiaoarixxucevttiaciaJhes pumne d41Ue t tdu - in oaoueiui icvechers sudeost nucm oems!56llmeteol>si aiellrt -ay wiciyslhlrlgs
27、td l-i 1slmoo rui paiHigh scho isudcodig t o 110 m anvi,su*en ui OrecveugeOAgitaeat1' _dbm J totjie nqubemensneu osauie ma s an(iidetsmn ,-1 .eJ'e-1- Fi- i- tvq tL. te Cni OgandPcat an eaac losihiiie ea scostai o eaCigsCoiofBisJidiati pl cto (rsegniJE A du CiVIWi zeifXeimk e natmo r eauCSo o
28、aca nae ihiaeagyc e noee Ca ssocltev es* n xXclyeximmitna uligistm eidiaprhivs wi u amoischoo r eis cl uxumchiidse fll ercnaiavanvdi ytn erdbt a aidVd liwaxa uv sin of acexps/ahla _ssnnira "rnadztsti Dvr” on aletivyeessiaibsewde hesdt oratomi ng nseuiove 2pr s"(aidassse sscen .ieemifrpiii
29、ti i vncaneve 3Aoi p)re»ganie Kp ene Batoinncdlmuedaedisnutrhese eastabnlniualisnhdeexd.bSyt,riactlyinmdplanumbeermofenptrtahgemiatic,cnofmorbminaetionsedcupraitryt budg-teitmteowenorskufroericeednfuocramtiationoninforsmeactiuorint,ythofeinvestmpernot.tection ofthedigBityalXcXa,meducaptiuosninc
30、foornmstaruticotnioannadndsustainabelequipmentdeveClentreopXmXennt.etSwixorBkureauneatttwaorksecuritcyhaesndgrieatimpnfoortramationcnetoisnefcourmritayt.ioAntecchcnoorldoignygto theinsfeocrumraittyi,oni tnformeatciohnnotlecohngoylosegcyusrietycurreitqyu,ierements,intrustssXuXedCaitydoCceunmteernftor
31、reedquuicraetsionsaclhinofoolrsm(autniiotns)ainmdpleemequnit,pdmeefintndeeddtichaetiendfotormtationsechueritwygourik.Networdkesleinceurity ls,specifieadincgwgorrokupprawascticess,etpruopc,ecdhuraierse,dabyntdreheqEudiruecmaetintso.nBureauChiefC,lheearaindusd,trfyoirnXfoXrmeationducationseMcuertirtoy
32、in-cnideteworkntasn(dacinciformdateints)toodnetescetc,urreityemerpgoertnacynrdedsiposnpsoeslaelaprocessesd.erAschcipo.rdDienpguttoygroupsellefa-examinadtieornf,orthXeXsechool(duunciatsti)obnaalmetropolitsainc aerstablisheeadnetwhasnoertkwaonrdk isneformaticuritymaonnagseemcuernittysyesmteermg;etnhce
33、ysrcehsopooln(suenictso)oraccordinationd,icnogmtomtanhdi.sTunitsaheteamctuaasl,sisesttleaablishdeedranddhaepsuutnyitlesapdeersonnelmr,aresponsinagembelnetf,oirnentwfoorrmkationsXyXnesttwemorrokosmemcaunriatgyeamendinfnotr,maantdioenq.u.ipmenetamma.Informationnagement,asecunridtymweodirka maCnoangfee
34、mreencehnetl,daneadchsemneetswteorksecur,ritaycndonstrduecptilonomymaneangteomfienformatideveloped hascomputerand thenetworkofnetwork security responsibilityheld sy stem,signe d ha snetw orkse curity responsi bility;we bsite of informati on management per sonnel i sresponsibl eforconfidentia lmanage
35、ment, passwordma nagement, on computerenjoysindependentright,Usernameand pa ssword ofthe computerforitspr oprietar y,andrelease ofprovisi ons ispr ohi bited,sucha sleaks,inve stigated for responsibility.According t o whois in charge ofwho' s in charge,w ho is runninga nd whois responsi blef or,w
36、 ho uses principle s ofwhois i nchargeofmanagementschools (units)definedt herole sand responsibil itiesofinformationse curit y,assurance responsi bilitiest oschools. XX city schools (units)totalsite 20, 19ofwhichwerenot classified securityprotecti on assessment, ofwhich 1 (XX educationand resource n
37、etwork) for classifie dsecurity prote ction levels,withoutthird-level i氧化剂:H2SO4 ; HCL ; HNO3;还原剂:HF缓冲剂:H2O;CH3COOH;催化剂:NH4NO3; CuSO4; NaNO2; AgNO3;附加剂:Br2酸雾抑制剂:FC-129;FC-4; FT248TM 湿润活性剂 ; 长直链烷基TH 系 ; 烷基酚聚氧乙烯醚按重量百分比配制玻璃蚀刻液可以视深蚀刻、浅蚀刻及抛光要求对蚀刻液中各物质百分比投料进行调整. 如下续例:缓冲剂 4067%氧化剂 1538%络合剂 2745%催化剂 0.03-0.
38、06附加剂 0.05-0.10.04酸雾抑制剂0.003重度蚀刻液中氧化剂控制在20% 左右 ; 值得提醒的是被蚀刻的玻璃凹面呈抛光状态的控制是将缓冲剂的量放在60% 左右 . 若冰棱小可适量提高络合剂比例上升4% 8% 左右 .对于玻璃表面化学抛光方案另再续实例如下:1: 100g 五倍子酸+ 305ml 乙醇胺 + 140ml 水 + 1.3g 吡嗪 +0.24mlFC129mprove,se curitypr evention ca pacity obvi ously e nhanced,securityhidden and securityaccide nt obviouslyredu
39、ce d,effective guara ntees informati on healthdevelopment.XXE ducation Centrereg ularlycarry out day -to-daynetworkse curity monitori ng informationand equipment.By t he appropr iatetechni calstaff,XX network e ngine room mainte nancestaffonsite managementand mai ntena nceon areg ularba sis,sche dul
40、e dviewi ng of netw orks, systems, databa ses a nd associatede qui pmentoperating conditi ons, andmakea record.Computerla b mainte nance manager s regularlyrun av arietyofdevice sin the schoolinformationsystem parameters,server systemsa nd vari ous data ba ckup, so t hattherewa s ahar dwarefailurei
41、n asystem crash ca nresume qui cklyand efficientl y.Computer l ab mainte nancemanager sestabli sh a networka ntivirus system, AviraV irus systemona reg ularbasi s,and anti -virussoftware se curitya ssessment,timeto upgrade. Com puterla bmaintenance managementmanagementsystems a nd mea suresestabli s
42、hed by,a nda numberofpragmatic,combined part -time workfor ceeducati on information,the protecti on ofthe digitalcam pus construction andsustainabledevelopment.SixBureauattaches greatim porta ncet oinformationtechnologysecurity,i nformation technologysecurity,entrustXXCityCenterforeducationalinforma
43、tionand equi pmentdedicatedtot hew ork. Netw orksecurity l eading group was set up, chairedbyt he Educati on BureauChief,hea d, forXXe ducation Metro-netw orkand informati on security emergencyresponse leadership. Deputy group lea derfor XXe ducational metropolitan areanetw orkand informati on secur
44、ityemergencyresponse coordinati on, command. T heteam assistlea der anddeputyleade r,responsi ble for network XX netw orkse curitya ndinformation. eam. InformationsecurityworkConferenceheldeachsemester,a nd deploymentofi nformation securityofdocuments i ssued ona reg ular basis. Informationsecuritya
45、 ssessment is i ncl ude din thea nnualindex.Strictlyimpl ementthei nformation securitybudgettoensure i nformation securityof investment.ByXX,e ducation information andequipment Centre XX network networksecurityand i nformation security.A ccordingtot heinformationtechnologysecurity requirements,issue
46、dadocumentrequires schools (units) implement,definedtheinformationsecurityguideline s,specifi cworkpra ctice s,proce dures,a ndre quireme nts.Clear industryinformationsecurityincide nts (acci dent s) to detect, re portanddi sposal processe s.Accor dingto self-examination,the school (units) basicesta
47、blishedhasnetworkse curitymanagementsystem;theschool(units) accordingtothisunits a ctual, esta blished has unitspersonnelma nagement,i nformationsy stem room management,andequipmentmanagement,a nd medi a manageme nt,and network security constructionmanagement, andshi ppe d dime nsi onmanageme nt, an
48、dservi ce outsourcimanagementsystem; developed hascomputerand thenetworkofnetworksecurityresponsibilityheld sy stem,signe d ha snetw orkse curity responsi bility;we bsite of informati on management per sonnel i sresponsibl eforconfidentia lmanagement, passwordma nagement, on computerenjoysindependen
49、tright,Usernameandpassword ofthe computerforitspr oprietar y,andrelease ofprovisi ons ispr ohi bited,sucha sleaks,inve stigated for respon sibility.A ccording t o whois in charge ofwho' s in charge,w ho is runninga nd whois responsi blefor,w ho uses principle s of whois i nchargeofmanagementscho
50、ols(units)definedt herole sand responsibil itiesofinformationse curit y,assurance responsi bilitiest oschools. XX city schools (units)totalsite 20, 19ofwhichwerenot classified securityprotecti on assessment, ofwhich 1 (XX educationand resource network)forclassifiedsecurityprote ction levels,withoutt
51、hird-leveli nformation systems.otaleducationinformationsystems1(XXeducati on cloud platform),containsfeatures withe-Governme nt,resource li brary, test database, mailservi ces, such ase -books,allintranetservices.No for gradeprotecti ongradi ng record a nd eval uation ofschool (units), requirements
52、theschool(units) accordingto information security gradeprotecti on a bout poli cyand standard, organizati on carried outinformationse curitygrade prote ction securitymanagementsy stem construction,and technologymeasures constructiona nd gradeeval uation,impleme ntation gra deprote ctionsystem ofther
53、equirements,makesinformationsystem security management levelobviouslyfacility upto160million Yua n,accor ding tot he standard, high quality planning XX educationalmetropolitan areanetworkrealizesWanZhaokua n to schools, hundre dsof megabytes ofbroa dbandto t hetable,'wire '(ie:Web,vdeo, a ud
54、i o)tothe targe t,electronicw hiteboards,multimediaclassrooms,remoteinteractivevi deotea chi ng system of moder n educati onalequipmentin t he classroom Wit h Intelcompa ny on XXEducation City domain netw orkoftopic ca sede sign, relie son Cisco compa ny thought Shu aid chuan proje ctstafffree provi
55、des has threeyear s technol ogysupport, from2009began, a ccordi ng to hig hstandards,and high ofworkthought,a ndmanpower planning ,and poi nts ste p implementati on, using schoolearthquakeHou reconstructionofopportunities,again planni ng eleme ntaryand mi ddle schools cam pus network a nd e ducation
56、 city domain network, a nd l ocalbroadcasti ng network companycooperation, usingbroadcastTV network,will physi calfiberlayingt oeach school,to minimumofcost a chieve dhasphysicalfiberschoolschool pass; Each school construction standards of campus networkandnetw orkaccessto all r ooms;XXeducati on me
57、tropolita n area netw orkce ntermachi ne roomequipme nt inthe Mi nistryofeducation standardization ma nagement platform,theCentralLibrary of audi o-vi sualeducation re sources,setup a Chinese teachereducationcloudplatform, implemented li nks thetwo platforms.At present,the city'sprimaryandmiddleschoolstudentstocomputer 3198,vitalitythan 10:1;809 equipme ntclassest hroug h the classroom (primary andsecondary);36ofthe campus network.T heesta bl ishment ofanadva nce d,practica lGigabite ducationalmetropolitanare
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