1、Mr. Luthor, what can I do for you today?路德先生 我可以如何效劳I want to close all my accounts.我想关闭所有帐户May I ask why?可以请问原因吗Is there a problem? No. No, of course not.有什么问题吗 当然没有了It's just that the Luthors have been banking here for 12 years.只是路德家族做了十二年的客户It's quite a shock. I'd like it all in cash.
2、感觉蛮吃惊的 我要全部兑现We'll do our best.我们会尽力而为Can I get your signature? Certainly.请签名好吗 没问题Mr. Luthor.路德先生.may I see your driver's license, please?可否看一下您的驾照Why?怎么了This signature doesn't match our records. I just need to verify your ID.您的签名和我们的档案不符 我只要查看一下证件就好I'm standing right here in front
3、of you. What more do you need?我就站在你面前 你还需要什么I'm sorry. It's bank policy.很抱歉 我只是按规矩办事I need the money now.我现在就要钱Fill the bag!把袋子装满Lex, what's going on?莱克斯 怎么了Get out of my way!别挡路Tina, where did you get this?蒂娜 你在哪里拿的Promised I'd solve all of our problems.跟你说过我会解决我们的问题的Please tell me
4、you didn't rob the bank yesterday.告诉我你昨天没有去抢银行I didn't.我没有Lex Luthor did.是莱克斯·路德干的Stop it. Stop it, Tina. You promised that you wouldn't do that anymore.停止 你说过你不会再犯的I did it for us. Somebody could have gotten hurt!我是为了我们好 有人会受伤Mom, I'm fine. Now we can afford to have the perfect
5、 life.我没事 现在我们可以过好日子了Tina, nobody's life is perfect. Lana's is.蒂娜 没有人的生活是完美的 拉娜的是Stealing isn't the way to solve our problems.偷钱不能解决我们的问题I'm taking it back. I'll say I found it in a dumpster.我会还 说我是在垃圾车发现的No, Mom, come on! We deserve to be happy!妈 别这样 我们应该享受幸福Come on!别这样Mom!妈<
6、i>911 emergency. </i>911紧急电♥话♥<i>Hello, is anyone there? </i>喂 有人在吗<i>Hello. Hello, is anyone there? </i>喂 有人在吗Sorry.抱歉It's nothing.没事This is incredible. Why would Lex Luthor need to rob a bank?不可思议 莱克斯·路德抢银行干嘛I've seen some pretty
7、strange things in my day, but this definitely takes the cake.奇怪的事不是没见过 但这是最怪的一件Well, almost.几乎是He got away with $ 100,000.他抢走十万元I know Lex. It wasn't him.我认识莱克斯 不是他干的Clark, I know that he's a friend of yours, but you saw him with your own eyes.克拉克 我知道他是你朋友 可是你亲眼看到的I don't know what I saw
8、.我不知道我看到什么There must be some kind of reasonable explanation for this, I hope.希望有合理的解释Me too. I'd hate to think I have an evil twin.我也是 我不愿意相信我有个 邪恶的双胞胎Lex, we didn't hear you pull up.莱克斯 我们没听到你过来May I come in? I promise I'm not packing heat.我可以进来吗 我发誓我没有持枪Lex, how come you're not in
9、jail?莱克斯 你怎么没去坐牢Because I was hosting a reception for 200 fertilizer distributors in Metropolis.因为抢案发生时 我正在大都会.at the time of the robbery. - The police have any leads?为两百位化肥经销商主持招待会 警♥察♥有什么线索吗None. That's why I wanted to talk to you. Your name was on the witness list.没有 因此我
10、想和你谈谈 因为你是证人之一Did you actually see this person? Yeah, he looked just like you.你真的看到这个人吗 他长得跟你一模一样Except his fingerprints and signature didn't match mine.除了他的指纹和签名跟我不同Are you sure your eyes weren't playing tricks on you?你确定你没看走眼What's gonna happen now?接下来会如何Hopefully, the money will turn
11、up.希望钱会找得回来In the meantime, the tabloids will have a field day.目前小报可有得忙了I'm sure certain people's opinions of me will be cemented in stone.我相信有些人会对我有成见了I gotta get to work.我得去工作了I'm sorry you got thrown through that window.抱歉你被扔进窗户里I promise, I'm not a criminal mastermind. I know.我保证
12、 我不是犯罪策划人 我知道A criminal mastermind would have worn a mask.犯罪策划人会戴面罩Come on. Move it. That's the stuff. Come on, you can do it. Hustle.快爬 这就对了Get on up there. Get on up there. You can do it. That's the stuff.爬上去 你办得到的Let's go. Come on.快点Let's go. Hustle, hustle, hustle.快爬 加油Let's
13、go. Let's go. Come on.快点 快爬Keep your eyes in your head, man.别让眼珠子掉出来Kent!肯特Are we boring you?你觉得我们很无聊吗I'm sorry. My head hurts.抱歉 我头痛You need to get some blood pumping.你需要让血液沸腾一下You and Ross are next. Come on down, boys.你和罗斯下一号♥ 下来吧 小伙子Come on. Put a little muscle into it.快点 使点力气R
14、oss beats you, it's 10 laps.罗斯若赢你 你要罚跑十圈Come on, Clark. Let's go. Move it, move it.克拉克 加把劲Looks like someone's doing laps.看来某人要罚跑了Clark, man, what's wrong?克拉克 怎么了Clark, man, what's wrong?克拉克 怎么了Clark!克拉克Kent, are you all right? Kent, what happened up there?肯特 你还好吗 怎么回事So when you
15、 have these flashes, you can see through anything? People, objects?当你灵光一闪时 可以看穿人和东西Sometimes I see through things. Other times, it's like an x-ray.有时候会看穿 有时候像X光There's no warning? This just happens?突然发生而没有预警Well, I get a headache, and then it hits me.我会先头痛 然后就出现了The first time, I thought I w
16、as hallucinating. Then it happened again.第一次我以为是幻觉 结果又来一次Clark, I'm sure there's some way to control this.我确定这是有办法控制的You guys, I can see through things. How do you control that?我能看穿东西 你们要怎么控制You gotta practice, Clark. Your eyes have muscles just like your legs.你得做练习 你的眼睛也有肌肉Your mom is right
17、, son.你妈说得没错All you have to do is you have to figure out a way.你得想出一个办法来调节.to condition them so that you don't get these random flashes.因此它们不会随便发生That sounds great.听起来很棒How am I gonna do that?但是要怎么做Lana, you have a visitor.拉娜 你有访客Hey, Lana.嗨 拉娜Tina, I didn't see you at school today. Is every
18、thing okay?蒂娜 今天在学校没看到你 你还好吗Yeah. My mom's not feeling well.我妈妈不太舒服But she's better, so.可是她好多了So you quit cheerleading and Nell banishes you to the garage.你不做啦啦队 被妮尔贬到车♥库♥She's got clutter issues. I'm trying to help resolve them.她的东西太乱 我想帮忙整理Has she forgiven you
19、 for quitting the squad? Not yet.她原谅你不参加啦啦队了吗 还没有Well, at least now you have some more time for your unpopular friends.至少你有更多时间帮忙 不受欢迎的朋友Tina, you're not unpopular.蒂娜 你又不是不受欢迎What happened to the girl who didn't care what people thought about her?不在乎别人看法的女孩怎么了She went to high school.她去上学了At
20、least your mom doesn't try to run your life.至少你妈妈不会主宰你的生活You know, you're lucky that Nell cares about you.有妮尔照顾你 你真幸运If something were to happen to my mom.如果我妈出了什么事.nobody would take me in.没有人会照顾我I'd probably be shipped off to a foster home or something.我可能会被送到寄养家庭Thanks for that burst o
21、f cheer. Well, what do you want me to say?谢谢你的打气 你要我怎么说You have the perfect life.你的生活十全十美You want it? You can have it.你想要吗 我可以给你I'd settle for the outfit.我愿意接受外表的一切Wouldn't it be cool if we were sisters?如果我们是姊妹多好啊If anything happened to my mom, do you think that Nell would adopt me?如果我妈有什么三长
22、两短 妮尔会收养我吗Tina, nothing's gonna happen to your mom.蒂娜 你妈不会有事的Did it happen again?又发生了吗Let's go home. No, I'm okay.我们回家吧 不 我没事Didn't you need to go to the antique store?你不是要去古董店吗Hello?喂Mrs. Kent. I mean, Martha. How are you?肯特女士 我是说玛莎 你好Good. How's business? Couldn't be better
23、.生意如何 好极了I'm doing so many estate sales in Metropolis, I'm thinking of selling the place.我在大都会做了很多遗产买♥♥卖♥♥ 想要卖♥♥掉这家店That would be a shame. I thought you loved this store.那真遗憾 我以为你喜欢这个店面Not really. I never wanted this life. It
24、just kind of happened.其实我并不怎么喜欢这种生活 好像自己发生的Is Tina around? I thought I saw her come in.蒂娜在吗 我有看到她进门She's at Lana's. They're inseparable these days.她在拉娜家 她们真是形影不离Really? I could have sworn that. You must be seeing things.真的吗 我敢发誓 你一定看走眼了I need some air. I'm gonna go for a walk.我得出去透透气
25、 散个步I came by to pick up the lamp. Lamp?我是来拿台灯的 台灯The one you were restoring for Jonathan?你帮强纳森修理的那个Oh, yes. Silly me. It's in the back.喔 对了 在后面It's not quite ready, it's.还没有完全修好I found this under the chest.我在柜子下找到的I'm such an airhead.我真是大傻瓜A client paid me in cash. I've been loo
26、king for this all day.有位客人付了现金 我找了一整天That's a lot of money. You should be careful.那是笔大数目 你得小心才好Thanks. Why don't you stop by next week, it'll be ready then.下周再来拿灯吧Mrs. Kent, you forgot your purse.肯特女士 你忘了你的皮包Looks like we're both airheads today.看起来我们今天都是傻瓜Bye.再见Clark!克拉克Mom, are you
27、all right?妈 你还好吗Clark!克拉克Police found the truck. Abandoned out by the Stewart farm.警♥察♥找到卡车 被弃置在史都华农场Did anybody else see the driver? No.还有别人看到驾驶吗 没有I could have sworn it was you, Clark.我敢发誓那是你I guess I'm not the only one with a vision problem.看来我不是唯一看走眼的人I don't unders
28、tand. How did they get your keys?我不懂 他们怎么会有你的钥匙I have no idea. I only went into the antique.我也不知道 我只去了古董What is it, Mom?怎么了 妈Nothing. It's just that Rose Greer was acting very strange.没事 只是萝丝·吉儿看起来怪怪的I found $5000 in cash under a dresser.我在衣柜下发现五千元现金It had a Smallville Savings and Loan band
29、 on it. She said a customer paid her, but.上面绑了一条小镇储蓄与贷款带子 她说是客人付的钱You think it's from the robbery? It crossed my mind.你认为是抢案的钱吗 是有这种想法Wait. Rose took your keys, turned into Clark, and then tried to run you down?等等 萝丝拿了你的钥匙 变成克拉克 然后企图开车辗你You're right, it's crazy. I don't think so.你说得没
30、错 想歪了 我不认为What?什么I saw a flash of Tina Greer's skeleton.我看到蒂娜·吉儿的骨架It was weird and green.发着奇怪的绿光It didn't look human. You know, like the ones you see in anatomy books?看起来不像解剖书上的人类图解That's probably because Tina was born with a soft-bone disease.那可能是因为蒂娜天生有软骨症They had her on all thes
31、e experimental drugs. 他们给了吃了很多实验药物 Doctors didn't believe she'd see first grade.医生认为她活不到小学一年级She did get better, right around her 3rd birthday.可是她从三岁起就好转了Right after the meteor shower, wasn't it?就在流星雨之后对不对Yeah.没错Clark, what do you think Tina's doing? I don't know.克拉克 你认为蒂娜在做什么 我不
32、知道I saw the same weird skeleton flash just after the robbery. I think.抢案后我好像也看到同样古怪的骨架I just wish I could control this.我真希望我能控制就好了What if you try focusing it, you know, like a telescope?试试看像望远镜一样聚焦You could start with something small.你可以从小东西开始Try to tell me what I have in my hand right now.告诉我手里现在握着
33、什么东西It's your pocketknife.你的小刀You could see through my hand.你可以看穿我的手No, you always carry your knife in that pocket.不 你总是把刀子放在那个口袋里Sweetie, what's wrong?甜心 怎么了You lied to me about my mother.你对我妈妈的事说谎May I help you? Roger Nixon, <i>Metropolis Inquisitor</i>.我能效劳吗 大都会询问报 罗杰·尼克森
34、Get off my car.离开我的车It's a hell of a picture, Lex. It really boosted our sales.这张照片真够瞧 使我们的销♥售♥直线窜升I've read comic books with less fiction than your rag.我读过比你的小报还真实的漫画Well, how about this? Is this fiction?这个如何 也是虚构吗It's your juvenile record. Fascinating reading.这是你的
35、少年犯罪档案 真够瞧Must have taken a truck of your dad's money to keep those people quiet.一定花了你♥爸♥爸大把钞票 才让这些人不吭声Those records are sealed.这些档案都己经密封I'm a resourceful guy.我的人脉很广I saw that picture yesterday, and it got me to thinking of a follow-up.我昨天看到那张照片 想做一点追踪"Lex Luthor
36、39;s Wild Youth in Metropolis." Does the name Club Zero ring a bell?"莱克斯·路德在大都会的狂野青春" 还记得零俱乐部吗You print one word about that, I'll sue. Lawsuits take years.如果你赶登一个字 我就会起诉 打官司很费时间The genie will be out of the bottle, and all the people will know.精灵从瓶子跑出来 大家就会知道.that the new and
37、improved Lex Luthor is nothing but a facade.改邪归正的莱克斯·路德 其实只是幌子罢了You know what I think, Rog?你知道我怎么想吗 罗杰If you wanted to print that, it would already be in the paper.如果你想发表 报纸早就登了I think you're looking for a payoff. It's a business proposition.我想你是要发一笔财 它是一个商业提案$ 100,000 and these records
38、 will disappear forever.给我十万元 这些档案就会消失无踪I'd question your integrity, but you're a journalist.我会质疑你的操守 可是你是记者Did your father really think he could hide you here forever?你父亲真以为可以 永远把你藏在这里吗You've got 24 hours, and this hits the front page.给你24小时 新闻就会上头版Lana, I didn't lie to you.拉娜 我没有骗你
39、I told you your mother would have been proud of you, and she would have.我说你妈妈会以你为荣 而她会的She loved you.她爱你You told me a fairy tale about a woman who led the perfect life.你说的是生活完美的女人的神话Bu that life was a lie.可是那个生活是谎言You said she loved cheerleading. She hated it, but was afraid to quit.你说她喜欢啦啦队 可是她不喜欢
40、又不敢退出She didn't want to stay in Smallville. She wanted to see the world.她不想留在小镇 想出去见世面Should I have told you your mother was unhappy?我应该说你妈妈不快乐吗I would have liked the truth.我宁可听实话I told you what I thought you could handle.我说的是我觉得你可以应付的Your mother was like any other teenager. She had her ups and
41、her downs.你妈妈就像其他青少年一样 情绪会有起伏I feel like I spent my entire life trying to 我一辈子都在向一个 measure up to a Laura Lang who didn't exist.根本不存在的蓝萝拉看齐You're reading the diary of a 17-year-old girl.你读的是一个十七岁少女的日记It's a snapshot. It's one time in her life.那是她生命某个时期的写♥真♥It
42、9;s like I wrote this myself.就像我自己写的一样The truth is, your mother was the brightest, most beautiful girl in her class.事实上 你妈妈是班上最聪明 最漂亮的女生Do you know she was picked to give the graduation speech?你知道她被选为毕业生代表致答词吗I guess the diary ended before that happened.我想日记在那之前就结束了You should have heard the speech s
43、he gave that day.你应该听听她在那天的致词What did she say?她说了什么Everything that had been bubbling up inside her for 18 years.在她十♥八♥年♥来内心汹涌的一切She said she felt suffocated in Smallville.她说小镇让她窒息Do you have a copy? No.你有一份稿子吗 没有But I'll never forget the first line.可是我永远忘不了她的第一句话
44、"I never made a difference here."我在这里没有什么贡献.but maybe my children can."但也许我的孩子可以"Hello, Clark.克拉克Is everything okay?你还好吗You guys ever notice anything strange about Tina Greer?你们住意到蒂娜有什么不对劲Nothing that would require the intense concentration you're exerting to look at her.也犯不着
45、那样盯着她猛瞧The only thing weird about Tina is the amount of time she spends idolizing Lana.唯一的怪事是她花了大把时间崇拜拉娜She's practically her clone.就像她的翻版一样Come on. Let's go.走吧Lana!拉娜I swear, that girl's got you LoJacked. How do you like the sweater?那个女生在你身上装了雷达 你喜欢这件毛衣吗It's great. I've got one
46、just like it.真漂亮 我也有一件类似的I know. I got it at the same store. I've been going on a shopping spree.我知道 我在同一家店里买♥♥的 我刚刚疯狂大血拼Look, I even found this emerald necklace in the antique store.我甚至在古董店发现这条绿宝石项链Why am I not surprised?我才不惊讶呢See you at lunch.午餐见Hey, are you okay?你还好吗I st
47、opped by your house earlier and Nell said you weren't in the best mood, so.我之前到你家去 妮尔说你心情不好I'm fine. Don't worry about it. Good, because I need a favor.我没事 别担心 很好 因为我想请你帮个忙My mom's moving to Metropolis full-time, 我妈妈要搬到大都会 but she doesn't wanna pull me out of school.可是她不希望我转学So I
48、 was thinking I can move in with you and Nell.我可以搬来跟你和妮尔一起住吗For how long?多久I don't know. A couple months. I mean, my mom would pay you guys.几个月吧 我妈妈会付钱的Trust me, money is not a problem. Just name your price.相信我 钱不是问题 尽管说I could even get a horse. We could go riding together.我还可以弄一匹马 我们可以一起骑马I mea
49、n, wouldn't that be cool?这样是不是很酷Yeah. Just give me some time to think about it.是啊 给我时间想一想Are you sure your mom's okay with this? Of course.你确定你妈妈没有意见吗 当然没有She knows that we're best friends.她知道我们是最好的朋友It was her idea.那是她的主意Just let me run it by Nell first. She's kind of particular.让我先
50、和妮尔谈一下 她有点挑剔Nell loves me.妮尔喜欢我Look, I don't understand. I thought that you'd be happy.我不懂 我以为你会很高兴People even say that we look alike. We could be sisters.别人甚至说我们长得很像 几乎像姊妹一样I'm just not sure it's such a good idea.我只是不知道这样做好不好Okay, I see. So it was all a lie?我明白了 所以一切都是谎言You were pre
51、tending to like me, then when I come to you.你假装喜欢我 当我有求于你时.in my hour of need, you blow me off?你却置之不理Tina, calm down. You should have said yes, Lana.蒂娜 别激动 你应该答应的It would have been perfect.那就十全十美了What's your glitch, huh? Why do you keep staring at me?你有什么问题 干么瞪着我I don't know.我不知道Sorry.抱歉What
52、 are you doing home so early? Having more vision problems?今天怎么提早回家 视力问题更严重了吗I controlled it.我能够控制了Once. Sort of. I concentrated, and it worked.就一次 我集中精神 结果成功了Great! What'd you concentrate on?好极了 你集中在什么东西上Tina Greer's locker. What did you see?蒂娜·吉儿的衣物柜 你看到什么The money from the bank robber
53、y.银行抢案的钞票I was just locking up, deputies. How can I help you?我正要锁门 警♥察♥ 有什么可以帮忙的We're looking for your daughter.我们要找你的女儿She hasn't come home yet. What's the problem?她还没回来 有什么问题吗The stolen money was recovered in her school locker this afternoon.今天下午在她的衣物柜 发现被偷走的钱You&
54、#39;re kidding.怎么可能My Tina?我的蒂娜How could she be involved in this?她怎么可能卷进里面That's what we'd like to ask her.正是我们想问她的Would you bring her to the station when she gets home?她回家后请带她来警♥察♥局好吗Certainly. We'll cooperate in any way we can.当然了 我们会全力配合By the way, who told you t
55、he money was in her locker?是谁告诉你钱在她的衣物柜Some kid with an anonymous tip.有小孩密报Clark, what are you doing?克拉克 你在做什么I'm just trying to figure out how much change I have inside.我想理清楚内在起了多少变化You could always take it out and count it.你总是可以拿出来数的Where's the fun in that?那有什么好玩Did you hear about Tina?你有听
56、说蒂娜的事吗They found the money from the robbery in her locker.他们在她的衣物柜发现抢案的钱Really?真的吗She actually cornered me today and asked if she could come live with me and Nell.她今天问我是否可以搬来和我及妮尔一起住Just what you need, a bank-robbing roommate.一个抢银行的室友 正是你需要的I told her it wasn't such a good idea.我跟她说这样做不太好I'v
57、e got enough problems with Nell without adding more to the mix.我跟妮尔己经有够多麻烦了I always thought you and your aunt were really close.我一直以为你和你婶婶很亲She wants me to be something I'm not.她希望我成为我不是的人It's like having a dual identity.就好像有双重身分一样There's the person that everybody sees.外表上是一回事.and the pe
58、rson that you wanna be.内心则是你的真面貌I know the feeling.我知道那种感觉That's why I came here.那就是我来这里的原因I think you're the only person who sees me for who I truly am.我认为你是唯一能够看到我的真面貌的人I want to thank you for that.因此我要好好谢谢你What about Whitney? Forget Whitney.惠特尼呢 算了吧I've had my eye on you, just like you've had your eye on me.我眼中有你 你眼中有我
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