



1、Book5/book6 uni1词汇专项练习一、词性转换1、editor n.n.(K本)vt.2、photograph v.n摄影师)n3、 forget v.adj(隹忘的) adj健忘的)4、 delighted adj.n.v.5、 admire v.adj.n.6、assist v.n般助)n.勒手)7、profession erviewee n.n(访者)v.张访)8、 accuse v.n.technic n.adj.adv.9、 imagine v.adj( 可 想 象 的 )adj( 有 想 象 力 的 )adj.虚假的,虚构的)12、 injury n.v

2、.ad凝伤的)13、 bleed v.血)(n/adj14、 poison v/nadj15、 variety n.vadj16、 swell v.(过去式) (过去分词)17、 bear n.ad闻忍受的) adj不可忍受的)18、 infectn.adj1、9 brave adjn.20、 abstract adj.反义词)(21、 symbol n.adj.22、 value n.adj.(fi钱的) adj不值钱的) (K贵的)23、 possession n.vt24、 convince vt adj针人信服的) adj (信服的)25、 predict vtn.26、 exhibi

3、tion n.v.27、 evident adj.n.28、 effectively adv.adj.n二、词组练习1、集中;全神贯注的通知某人某事 2、以防外一因 .控告 3、提前 依靠,取决于 7、在适当的位置,适当8、 over and over again9、 put one s hands on 10、 apply for11、 make a difference12、 fall ill 13、值得做.14、导致 15、另一方面 16、信任 17、in the flesh18、 would rather.than.1、9 have a preference for20、 lie in

4、 21、 appeal to 三、单词拼写(须用本单元的单词和词汇)1. Experts pthat there will be an earthquake.2. The aoffered by the manager is difficult for him to finish.3. An expert is a man who is engaged in pbusiness.4. All his cwho work with him in the same factory are all ready to help others.5. You should con your work wh

5、en you study.6. He hit me on the head with a ball dwhich made me very angry.7. He felt gafter he stole some money from the old couple.8. Don't just say almost nearly ,what we need is a number.9. Before marrying, they always made an a in that park.10. If I've hurt your feelings,it was quite w

6、ithout(有意) 。11. I don't want a (否定的) answer to my question.12. She has many o including gardening and wine making.13. He is a musician with great tskill but not much feeling.14. Leave me alone. I m tfed up with you.15. I aof your trying to earn money, but please don t neglect your studies.16. He

7、 tried to kill himself by taking p.17. I was only minterested in the story I read in the newspaper.18. Her foot was very safter the accident.19. She is suffering from a lung i.20. He (颁发)a silver cup to the winner.21. Did you attend your uncle's wedding(仪式) _22. The (压力) of the water can turn th

8、is wheel23. An ais a vehicle for taking people to and from hospital.24. Fever is a (征兆) of many illnesses.25. The bell rang, the naughty boy ( _挤) his book into his bag and went out of the classroom.26. Her idea seems a little a, so we don t understand it.27. There is nothing more natural than a chi

9、ld's 信任 ( )in his parents.28. White is the sof purity.29. You must try to (集中) your mind on work and study.30. She makes a rof keeping her house clean and tidy.31. It took many hours to (使相信) the court of his guilt.32 .The boys (打算、尝试) to leave for camping but were stopped by their parents.33 .T

10、he specialists and spresent at the symposium come from all cornersof the country.34 .Chinese economic and trade(展览会 ) have promoted the exchangeof the advancedtechniques with foreign countries.35 .It is generally accepted that the Chinese cis one of the oldest in the world.36 .She overslept and cshe

11、 was late.参考答案:一、 edition; edit; ;photographer; photography ;unforgettable; forgetful ;delight;delight; admirable; admiration;assistance;assistant;professional;interviewer;interview;accusation;technical;technically;imaginabl e,imaginative;imaginary;Injure;injured;blood;bleeding;bleeding;poisonous;va

12、ry;various;swelled swollen;bearable,unbearable;infection infectious;bravery.concrete/specific;symbolic;valuable;valueless;invaluable;possess;convincing;convinced;prediction;exhibit;ev idence;effective;effect2、 concentrate on; inform sb of sth;in case; accuse sb of; ahead of; depend on;in place; over

13、 and over again;put one s hands om;apply to;make a difference;fall ill.be worth doing;lead to ;on the other hand;have faith in活着, 本人; 宁可也不; 而不是; 对有偏爱;在于;对 有吸引力,使感兴趣。3、 1. predict 2. assignment 3. professional 4. colleague 5. concentrate 6. deliberately 7. guilty 8. accurate 9. appointment 10. intent

14、ion 11. negative 12occupations 13. technical 14. thoroughly 15. approve 16. poison 17. mildly 18. swollen 19. infection 20. presented 21. ceremony 22. pressure 23. ambulance 24. symptom 25. squeezed 26. abstract 27. belief 28. symbols 29. focus 30. religion ( make a religion of doing sth. 认为自己该干某事)3

15、1. convinceattempted 33. scholars 34. exhibitions35. civilization 36. consequently四、翻译:1、 Having failed my French exams, I decided to French Subject.(5为法语考试考砸了,我决定集中注意力在法语课上。)2、 We the return of spring.(我们期盼春天的至U来。)3、We should drink enough water to diseased我们应该喝足够的水来抵御疾病。)4、 The test questions are k

16、ept secret prevent cheating.(测验的题目保密为了防止作弊。)5、 I have been old enough to support myself. I will no longer my parents.(我长大了能够自己养活自己,不用再依靠父母了。)6、The boss didn ' t come to work because he yesterday.(老板今天没来因为他生病了。 )7、I always think that one person can as well.(我一直认为一个人也能起作用。)8、 Please put things on

17、the place where children are 请把东西放在孩子不能碰到的地方。 .()9、students have bought that boo R 很多学生有这本书)10、He little toothpaste好膏)the tube管)。(他挤出一点牙膏。)11 . Sunglasses can the sun' s rays (保护我们的眼睛免受 )。12 .你必须尽快通知公司的每一个人这个消息13、警察指控他偷了这些钱。The famous architects designed their buildings like dreams,(1)( 充满) fant

18、astic colors and shapes.TheOpera House in Sydney people (2)( 使 人 们 想 起 ) seashells. The 2008 Olympic Stadium inBeijing(3)( 看起来像)a bird s nest made of tree branches. These building(4)( 使相信)people that if architects had not bad special mind about the art, we would not have the chance to enjoy the beau

19、ty of art works. They seem so touching that I would rather visit them(5)( 本人,亲自)now.I dream some day I candesign a building that would(6)( 引起注意)people all over the world.Albert (1)( 被雇为)a reporter on China Daily last year.(2)( 起初) he didn t go out on a story byhimself, but with another reporter and(

20、3) ( 观察) what he did.Later,he was given a chance to cover a story onhis own,in which a policeman traded information for money with the underground world.(4)( 为了不.)getthe wrong end of the stick, he_(5)( 集中精力)his work, interviewing many people andcollecting lots of evidence. When the story waw written

21、 out,even the chief editor_(6)( 赞同) his ability as agood reporter,saying he_(7)( 对 . 有 敏 感 性 ) a story. Meanwhile ,Albert was informedhe_(8)( 被指控)slander. Sure of what he reported was true,Albert decided to (9)( 保护自己不受 )the accusation.参考答案:一、 edition; edit; ;photographer; photography ;unforgettable;

22、 forgetful ;delight;delight; admirable;admiration;assistance;assistant;professional;interviewer;interview;accusation;technical;technically;imaginabl e,imaginative;imaginary;Injure;injured;blood;bleeding;bleeding;poisonous;vary;various;swelled swollen;bearable,unbearable;infection infectious;bravery.

23、concrete/specific;symbolic;valuable;valueless;invaluable;possess;convincing;convinced;prediction;exhibit;ev idence;effective;effect2、 concentrate on; inform sb of sth;in case; accuse sb of; ahead of; depend on;in place; over and over again;put one s hands om;apply to;make a difference;fall ill.be wo

24、rth doing;lead to ;on the other hand;have faith in活着, 本人; 宁可也不; 而不是; 对有偏爱;在于;对 有吸引力,使感兴趣。3、 1. predict 2. assignment 3. professional 4. colleague 5. concentrate 6. deliberately 7. guilty 8. accurate 9. appointment 10. intention 11. negative 12occupations 13. technical 14. thoroughly 15. approve 16. poison 17. mildly 18. swollen 19. infection 20. presented 21. ceremony 2


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