



1、高中新课标英语教案设计教学内容My First Work Assignment教学课型阅读课教材内容局中英语新人教版必修5 Unit4教 学 目 标语言知识目标学习并运用以下词汇:单词:occupation, photograph, photographer, colleague, eager, concentrate, course, acquire, meanwhile, recorder, case, accuse, deliberately, guilty,短语:concentrate on, accuse . of, so as to (do sth), defend against

2、 cover a story, have a "nose" for a story, get sth straight, a trick of the trad语言技能目标学生进一步学习使用恰当的阅读方法与技能,如快速搜索信息,猜词义,信息分析能力以及语篇概括能力;学习地道的英语表达法等。学习策略目标独立思考与合作学习相结合。跨文化交际目标学生能通过文中出现的一些习语,如:a trick of the trade, have agood nose for, get the wrong end of the stick 等,了解中西方表达的异 同。情感态度目标学生通过阅读课文

3、,讨论一名记者或摄影师所应该具备素质和品 质等环节,帮助学生意识到团结、协作、敬业的品质极其重要性。教学重点重点词7匚和短语occupation, do research, on one' s own, cover, concentratequire,accuse of, so as to, scoop重,点句式:1.Never will ZhouYang forget- 2.Only if you ask many-3.Not only am I interested 4.Here comes my list of -教学难点Know what is needed to become

4、 a reporter , what are the qualities a good news reporter needs to have andhow to conduct an interview successfully.教学方法任务型(Task-based method)、交际型(Communicative approach)> 讨论(Discussion)教学辅助PowerPoint, BlackboardMy First Work Assignment教学课型:阅读课(高中英语必修5Unit4)教材分析及教学目标:语言知识目标学习并运用以下词汇:单词:occupation

5、, photograph, photographer, colleague, eager, concentrate, course, acquire, meanwhile, recorder, case, accuse, deliberately, guilty,短语:concentrate on, accuse . of, so as to (do sth), defend againstover a story,have a “ nose”a soo ry, get sth straight, a trick of the trade语言技能目标学生进一步学习使用恰当的阅读方法与技能,如快

6、速搜索信息,猜词义, 信息分析能力以及语篇概括能力;学习地道的英语表达法等。学习策略目标独立思考与合作学习相结合。跨文化交际目标学生能通过文中出现的一些习语,如:a trick of the trade, have a good nosefor, get the wrong end of the stick 等,了解中西方表达的异同。情感态度目标学生通过阅读课文,讨论一名记者或摄影师所应该具备素质和品质等环 节,帮助学生意识到团结、协作、敬业的品质极其重要性。教学方法:任务型(Task-based method)、交际型(Communicative approach)>讨论(Discus

7、sion教学辅助:PowerPoint , Blackboard教学步骤、内容教师活动学生活动设计意图Teaching ProcedureStep I: Lead-in & Warming up (5m)1. A free talk about students 'future plans and their ideal occupations.Tip: Whatever you want to be, you need to know a lot about the occupations and prepare yourselves for them from now on

8、.T: Is there anyone who wants to be a journalist for a newspaper?What qualities do you think you need to have if you want to be a good new journalist?Suggested answers:Higher level of education, work experience, good communication skills, curious, active personality, hard working, enthusiasm for the

9、 job, prepared to work long hours, ability to work in a team.2. How would you feel if you were offered a job on a famous newspaper?Step II: Fast reading(8m)1. Skimming : Skim the passage to find out how does Zhou Yang feel. Whole-class2. Listening and Scanning: Listen to the passage to find out whet

10、her the statements are true or false.Zhou Yang is eager to go out on a story immediately.2. A journalist needs to take notes while listening.3. A journalist always asks the same questions while conducting an interview.4. A journalist needs to take a camera with him.5. In fact, the footballer didn

11、9; t accemoney.3. Scanning : Find out the questions that Zhou Yang asks.Suggested answers:Unforgettable.T T F F FGive the topic of the talk and guide the students to talk freely.Ask Ss to listen to the passage and find out whether the statements are pt thteue or false.Have a free talk in groups.List

12、en to the passage and finish the learning task.从教师自己对职业的热爱导入启发学生谈论他们理想的职业,然后从这个话题自然过度到记者这一职业,以及他们认为从事记者职业所应该具备的素质。从而引入到课文中的主人公ZhouYang.同时特别留意将来感兴趣职业是记者的同学,为最后的讨论环节作铺垫。锻炼学生快速搜索信息的能力。跳读找出Zhou Yang的感 受因为任务较简单,所以由学生齐答来抓住全班学生的注意力,也是作为阅读热 身的准备。听全文然 后判断正误是为了让 学生对文章内容有大 致的了解.找读Zhou Yang所提的问题以便理清整篇文章的框架。1.Se

13、ven question in the passageStep ID : Detailed reading(20m)I.Read and find the answers to thefirst two questions and find out hisfirst duty as a journalist.Q1 Can he go out on a story immediately?Why not?Let Ss read theAfter reading锻炼学生通过细Q2 Need he take a camera with him? Whypassagethe passage读获取细节信

14、息的能not?carefully andand answer the力,what is the dutyWhat is his first duty as a journalist?answer thegivenof a journalist?的Suggested answers:questions.questions.问题设置旨在的引导He is not experienced.(a green/new/fresh学生分析每一部分所hand) An experienced回答的问题进行深入journalist will go with him.理解从而解决问题。No. A professio

15、nal photographer will go withWhat are the stageshim.in researching aFirst duty: He should learn to work in a team.story? How to deal2.Read and find the answers towith accusations ofQuestions 3-6 and find out hisDivide the textprinting lies?两个second duty as a o three问题的设置是把课文Q3 What doe

16、s he need to remember?sections后面练习1的内容提What are the stages in researching a story?according to the取出来训练学生的理Q4 What should he keep in mind?duties of a解和归纳能力。Q5 Why is listening so important?journalist.Q6 How can he listen carefully while takingAnswer in pairsnotes?(one asks, oneWhat is his second dut

17、y as a journalist?answers )Suggested answers:To be curious.Ask questions, check facts, do researchDos and don ' ts.Listen for detailed facts and prepare the nextquestion.Use a recorder to get the facts straightGuide the Ss toSecond duty : He should learn to get anfind out theaccurate story.answe

18、rs.3.Read and find the answer toQuestion 7 and find out his thirdduty as a journalist.Q7 Has the boss ever had a case wheresomeone accused thejournalist of getting the wrongend of the stick?How to deal with accusations of printing lies?What is his third duty as a journalist?Suggested answers:A footb

19、aller was accused of taking money from the other team.Use a tape recorder for the interview.His third duty: He should learn to protect a story from being accused.4.Understanding difficult points.Pair workHow do you understand the expression have a good nose for ” L(19 .), a trick of the trade ” L(28

20、.), and gef the wrong end of the stick ” L30.)?Suggested answers:have a good nose for " means You must be able to assess when people are not telling the whole truth and then try to discover it.a trick of the trade " means clever ways known to experts. In the passage, the clever way of a jo

21、urnalist is to use a recorder to get the facts straight.get the wrong end of the stick " means you don't understand a situation correctly, make a mistake or misunderstand.5.Decide if each of the statements about Zhou Yang is true or false. If it is true, please find out a sentence or a ques

22、tion from thePoint out the difficult points.Haveadiscussion aboutthedifficult points.通过让学生对 这几个地道而有难 度的词语进行理解 分析,旨在锻炼学 生通过上下文,语 境猜词技能。同桌 讨论以及相应图片 的呈现可以相对降低难度。reading passage toWalk around to培养学生探究prove it.see if Ss have问题和寻找信息解1. Zhou Yang is very enthusiastic.2. Zhou Yang is eager to learn.3. Zhou

23、Yang is modest.Suggested answers:Can I go out on a story immediately? What do I need to remember when I go out to cover a story?What should I keep in mind?Step IV : Group discussion (6m)any question.决问题的能力,同 时为下一个环节作 好铺垫和过渡。Which adjectives best describe what is required for a journalist? Try to use

24、 the adjectives in Ex. 3 on page 27 to help you.A journalist needs to beI think I would make a good journalist becauseXX said at the beginning of the class that he wants to be a journalist in the future. So can you make any suggestions to him if he really begins his work as a journalist?StepV :Summa

25、ry(5m) To the journalists, it 'uisnecessary for them to take a camera because they have professional photographerswith them.The journalists should be curious and they must have a nose for a story. They know how to acquire the information they need. While interviewing, they wonbe fude ,they won ' t talk too much, and they listen to the interviewee carefully. They will listen to the detailed facts and


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