1、ala nce d andrunthesati sfaction ofthe peopleeducation.Room XXCity Bureauofeducational supervisionofXXmuni cipalityMay 6,2016 Countye conomici nformation and Busi ness CouncilSystem Committee "two learn a do"lear ning arra ngements spe cificpr ogrammeforadvance fullstrictlyrul e party,acco
2、rdi ngto County OrganizationDe partment on County"two lear na do"learni ngarrangeme ntsofspe cificpr ogrammeand I Board lear ning education impleme ntationprogrammespirit,according t odisti ngui sh level, and hastargeted soluti on probl emof requirements, ensurelear ning e ducation made ef
3、fectiveness,pr omoteallmembers consciouslyrespected Constituti on,a nd com plywith partyrule s, with XI GeneralSecretaryseriesimportant spee ch spiritarme d mind,and gui depra ctice ,and Promotetheworkand be qualifie d party member sand learning arrangements are herebymake sthe foll owing specific p
4、rogrammes.Learning re quireme nts,onall partymembers t ostudythe par tyConstit ution andparty r ules and unifythe XI series of importa nt speech,Ge neralSe cretary,spee chlearni ngseriesto deepen understa ndi ng ofthe Constituti on Party rules,Constit ution Partyrule sin t hedeepi nsig htserie s add
5、resst he basic spirita nd practical requirement s.1. Constituti on Party rules.Lear ning ofthe party Constit ution,a de ep understanding ofthe party'snat ure, purpose,g uidingpri ncpiles, g oals, organizati on,g ood style, graspcondit ions,rig hts andobligations of partymembers,bearing inmi ndt
6、hatoath,clear qualified party membercriteriaand conditions.Learning the codeofself-di sci pline ofthe CPC,the CPC'sdi sciplinary reg ulations,t heChinese Communist PartyMember Rights Ordinanceand so on,mastering self-discipli nesta ndardsof"fourmust", the"fouruphol dings", ma
7、steri ng varioustypesof disci pli naryoffence and puni shment provisi ons.2.serie s spoke. oXI Ge neralSe cretaryserie s importantspeech reading(2016 version)and out povertyforba sic textbook,lear ning understa nd XI Ge neralSe cretaryserie s importantspeech ofbasi c spirit,learni ng under standCent
8、ral ruli ng acti ngpoliti calnewconceptnew thoughtnew strategyofba sicconte nt, learni ng understa nd XIGe neral Se cretary in Fujia n work duri ng advocate of"fourgrassr oots""immediatelyon do" "drop""weak bird first fly" andthe in Nanping rese archst udyprop
9、ose d of"gravityXiamoved",and "innovationmechanism",important thought,Mastera nd stre ngthe n theparty spirit,fulfillsthepurpose ideas, moralchara cter, conservation related tothe ba sicre quireme nts. Mai nunder stand masterf ollowi ng aspe cts conte nt:(1) idealfaith is Communi
10、stsspirit Sha ng of "calci um",setright ofworldvie w,andOutlookon life,and val ues; (2) China dream is nati onal ofdream,and nati onal ofdream,and pe ople of dream, isChinese modern yilai most greatofdream,core Essential s isnational prosperity,and nationalrevitalization, a nd people ha pp
11、i ness; (3) Chi nafeaturesSocialist i s achieved Chi nese greatrevivalofway, enhancedroad confi dence, a ndthe oryconfidence,andsystem confidence;(4)"foura full"Strategy layoutis newofhistoryconditions Xiaparty rul ing acti ng politicaltotal strategy,consciouslywit h"foura full"l
12、edthe work;(5) insiste dinnovati on,a nd coor dinati on,a nd gree n,and open,andshare ddevel opme ntis relationship Chinadevel opme ntglobal ofone deep change,according t onew developmentconcept dojob; (6)practiceli neSocialistcorevalue s,pr omote Socialistthoug ht moraland Chi nese tra ditionalvirt
13、ue长三角地区新材料产业现状长江三角洲地区是我国最大的制造业基地,其纺织、服装、机械、电子、钢铁、 汽车、 石化等制造业在全国占有重要的地位。长江三角洲的材料产业在全国占有重要的地位,其工业增加值占全国材料产业的30%左右;70%材料行业的企业平均产值高出全国平均值,产值利润率则大大高于全国平均值,浙江尤为突出,产值利润率一般高出全国平均水平一倍以上。在科研力量上,长江三角洲地区集中了全国16%的国家级科研机构和近1/3 的重要科技项目及资金。长江三角洲地区材料领域主导产业中有近一半是具有比较优势的材料行业,新材料产业发展迅猛,形成了在国内具有重要地位的特色产业,集群化趋势明显。在全国已建立的
14、国家级新材料产业基地中,长三角地区占基地总量的三分之一以上,基地内新材料产业已经在高新技术产业中占据较高比例。从材料产业在长三角地区的空间布局来看,江苏的材料产业占有较大比重,占一半以上,其余浙江、上海平分秋色。从该地区的产业布局来看,钢铁、 纺织、化工材料行业比重较大,在高性能金属材料和先进高分子材料等领域具有比较优势。上海是我国新材料科研、开发、 生产的重要基地和最大的应用市场之一,目前已初步形成宝钢精品钢材基地、上海化工基地,形成新型金属材料、新型有机高分子材料、新型无机材料、复合材料和新型建材等五大新材料联动发展的格局,其中新型金属材料、新型有机材料、新型建材成为本市新材料行业的支柱,
15、产值ullstrictlyr ule partyis all memberscommon responsi bility,must impleme ntationto ea ch brancha nd ea ch namemember s.3 . Playa va nguard andexemplaryr oleinlife.Keeptot he correct politi calori entation, politica lse nsitivityand political judgment,dar e to fightagainst all kindsofwrong thoug ht,
16、wrong wor ds and deeds.(2) firmlyestablish consciousness oftheparty,t he partymember's consci ousne ss.Focus on some party member sse nse oforganizati ona nd discipli ne,they do not partici pate in the Organizati on,i s notrequired t opay member shi pduesfora l ong time, do notplay avang uard a
17、ndexem plaryrole, some don'teven me ntion membership,failtomakeadisti ncti on betwee n righta ndwr ong,faili ng toobserve politi caldisci pline andrule s,a nd soon.Always keep inmindthatheis a Communist, strengthe n party spirit,li steni ng party, party,part y, part y,party party guardi ng part
18、y,atthe party,the partyfor the party. (3) strengt heni ng the consciousness ofthe party'spurpose.Focus on people's conceptionofsomeparty members, lackofse nse ofservi ce, do not care forthe masses did nottake theinitiative,and some ev enhurt publi cintere sts,job, excellentt hickfrie nds, ea
19、ting, andso on.Bearing inmindthe fundamentalpurposeof servi ng, toppe ople at heart,cl oseti eswith themasses,beki nd to pe ople,de dicate d to publ ic servicea nd playa partin povertyrelief, with practi calacti onstowi nthe tr ustand supportoft he masse s. (4) actively practicingthe Socialistcoreva
20、lues.Focus on donotobservestringentmembers,knowledge outofdevotion,talkaboutethics, good faith isnot enough,andsome evenval ue di stortions,m oralmisconduct,sexyvulgar, materialistic,and so on.Strengtheningmoral cultivation,Zontafor good,pay attentiontoself-di sci pline,spiritual pursuit,toi nternal
21、ize the coreval ues i nto consci ous acti on, with exemplary behaviori nflue nceand lead pe ople. (5) setupi nthe practi ce ofpromoti ng reform,devel opment andstability.F ocusonsome party memberswit h the status quo,a lessaggressive mood,depresse d,sayi ng sl uggish again,justtoget by notseeki nggu
22、odeyi ng, some eve nperf unctory address,evadi ng responsi bilityand ot herissue s. Activelyadaptto t heeconomic devel opment ofthe new norm al,seriously im plement thene w devel opme ntphilosophy, hard work hard w orkhar d,ba sedon their own dedication. Second,onthe Counciloft hese ction-leve lca d
23、res a bovere quireme ntssectiona bove party ca dres totaket he lea d in thee ducation worki ng cl osely with le adi ng practi ce,le rnmore, better, more strict re quirement s,hig her,andstrive to im prove theide ologi cala nd politi cal qualitya ndtheoreti callevels.1. Constituti on Party r ules. Sy
24、stem learning understandi ngCPCarti cles, infullgraspbasic content ofbase dShang,focus master Constit ution masterandmembers,andparty ofor ga nization system,a nd party of Central Organizati on,a nd partyof place organizati on,and party ofgrass-rootsorga nizations,a nd party ofcadr es,andparty of di
25、sci pli ne, chapter conte nt,de epgrasp "two avanguard"of naturea nd mission, further clear" foura servi ce"ofrequirements,mastermembers leadersmust has of six items basicconditi ons.Studyi ng thecodeofself -discipli ne of the CPC theCPC discipli nary regulati ons regulations oft
26、he CPC localcommitteesofthe partyworkoftheChinese Commun ist Party(fortrialimplementation) Ordinance,suchasthe selection a nd appointme ntofparty andGovernmentlea ding cadres work ofimportantlawsand reg ulationswithi naa nce d ad ruthe sat Saclon of thepepe Id - alon. Room iX Ciy Fueiuof ed - ainal
27、suevi sin of X X muni Upalh 6,20 16 Cunty e conomc i I frmain ad Bus ne-Cuni SyStmCmmlte "wean a d" ea nig aa ng-es se cifc pr ogrmme fr -vane UIsrcly ul e pay, Iccrdi ng l Cuy OgazainDe pamet on County "- Ia I a d" .i ng arageme . of se clic progrmme and I Bad lea nigld . ain.pe
28、me nlainp. me si| ordigtodSlngushlevI, and has tagltd .Ui on p.bl -of rrq»-eenurelar I ig e d . ainma- feene prr mote al m be. cnnciusy espectdCnsiuiIn,a nd com ply - h pary rUe s wilX Genea Sec y sees mporantsechsrtamedmind, ad gui praclce, and P.mote Ie work andbe.ale d pay membe s ad lea-ng
29、aangensae heey mae s the fl" g spUp.gamm.LeanigreqUemens, on al pay m bes t o. . y the party Cnsi uin ad payu and uniy I e .Ise of mpora nt speeC, Ge neal Se c - y, spe Cleani ng Is to ddepe udesa ndi ng of te Cnsiui onPaly rue, Cnstt uin Pary rue s it he dee i nnig ht sees -des t he base spii
30、a I d pr“ca rrq-r>et s I c-SIuI on Pay rules Lea ning of the pay Cnsi uin, a - e unde ndig of te lays na ue purose g uding pr ncip - gas ogaizai on, good sye grascndtons rghsadoblgainsofpaymembesbbarngimindthaoat,Ceaquaifedpaymembecieraad condinsLeaningtecodeofseldmpie of te CC, te CCs d sCliay e
31、g uHons t he Cie- Communis ,,M -ber Rghs Odiance ad son, maseiIgsef.ili ne sa ndads of、u m", the、uuphol digs, maser ng <a.os ypps of dsi pl nay offene ad pui smet prVsi ons 2. - re s sole. o XI Ge neal Se ceay s imporat spec radig(206 verin) ad out poveryforbasictetbook,eaIigunde nd XI Ge ne
32、al S ceay s imporat spec ofbascs* eani ng ude sandCeeta ul ng act ng poii cca new cncet new thooghtnewstrlte|y of ba sc conte nt, leani ng undesa nd XI Xnea Se cetay in Fja nwrk duri ng avoclte of "fu gass oott" "bmedHey on d" "dop" "w» bid is fy" ad the
33、i Nanpig reeacs-y prpooe d of "glviy Xa movld",and、novainmecai', mportat thought, Mste a nd sre nghe n the paly spii, uf thepurpooeidasmoalchaacte,cnsevainrelatdtot I e ba sc re -irme nts Ma I unde stad maser foll oW ng Ispe cts cnte .t (1)dial als Cmmuss sii Sha ng of c i um", le
34、t rght of w-vewadHook on lfe ad vauis; (| Cia den s nai I na of den, ad nai onal of dram, ad pe ope of drem, s Cinnse moden yiamosgreaof dram,coreElseia s is nnlona prseiy, ad naina eviaizaion,andpepehappiI >ss 3 Ci na eaues Sooils i s acld Chine - grea eVva of wa, enhaccd roodconfdeceandthe ory
35、conkecc, ad systmcnf-nce;(4)"fu a ,SatgylayusnewofhisoycondinsXaparyruigaclngpoiialttasratgy consiusy wi h "fu a , ed the wo«5)inlse d inovai on, a nd coordnai on, a nd grre n, ad ope, ad shae d deel I pment s elainsi Chia deelopmentgobaofonedeep cage acordig t o new deelpmet cnce|td|
36、ob; « prrctce l ne Socilst core v e s, prmoe Soojais toughtmoaladCinneeladiinalviue占到全市新材料行业产值的90%以上。电子信息、汽车、石化、钢铁、成套设备、 生物医药这六大重点工业行业,占全市工业总产值的比重超过60%。目前,上海市拥有宝钢、上海石化、高桥石化、华谊等国有大企业和一批优秀的民营企业, 以及陶氏化学、巴斯夫、亨斯迈、拜耳等跨国企业。 “十二五”期间,将重点发 展特种钢、碳纤维、芳碉纶、特种功能性膜等领域。表1上海新材料产业基地基地名称所属区域国家火炬计划上海张堰新材料深加工产业基地上海国
37、家火炬计划上海青浦新材料产业基地上海江苏的新材料产业基础雄厚,而且发展迅猛。金属材料、纺织材料、化工材 料等传统领域基础较好,电子信息材料、新能源材料、高性能纤维复合材料、纳 米材料等新兴领域发展迅猛。1992年全省启动“苏锡常”火炬带时就确立了 “发 展新材料产业,并以新材料技术带动传统产业技术升级”作为火炬带的建设主线。 以1995年海门被科技部批准为我国第一个火炬计划新材料产业基地为序幕,截 至2008年底,科技部在江苏批复建立了江阴、武进、宜兴、常熟、张家港、南 京、苏州、常州、惠山、东海、镇江、邛江、金坛、太仓、泰兴、扬州、姜堰、 吴江、通州、兴化、海门、南通、锡山、丹阳、昆山共 3
38、1家国家新材料产业基 地。目前,这31家新材料产业基地的产业规模已达到 2000多亿元,形成销售超 亿元的骨干企业100多家,这批基地在国内的竞争力正在逐步形成。另外,2008年国家发展改革委批准连云港为首批国家新材料产业国家高技术产业基地。ul srch r ue pay i s » membe s common esonsbiiymusimpenainto-c braca nd ea c nnme m - ber s I . Pay a <a ngua d ad eoplayrol e i le. Keett he crec poll ca or eain, polkale
39、nsivh adpolica udgmeI|dae to ,ht Iglis » kiisofwongtought,wongwrdsan.d-ds«imyeblscnnciusesofte|ay,thepay m - bes connci ousne Is. FFcus on some pay membes >e nne if organiat on a nd dscil I e t h. do not paki p il the Ogaizai on, i snot reui- t I ply membesi | dues fr a l ong -* do lot
40、ply a <ang uad a nd pl roe, sme dnl ewn me nin membesi, fal tmae adisi I ci on bews nrgta nd wr ong fal ng tobbeve poll dsc plne ad rrB s, and son.AlaykBp i mid thathesaCmmuis,sengtenparysitlseingparypalyparypaty,ppry pay .ad ng par y, a te | ay, te lay fr te paly 3 sengt hei ng te cnsiosne- of t
41、e payspupooe F.s on pepes cnptinof sme pay membes ackofsenneofv ce do not cae for te m(s dd not aie the iia. ndsomeeveh-tpulcieessjb,exeletthick fre nds eHng, 1ad so on.inmindtheunddmetl."ose0fsev ng 1Ppe ope a hecl ooe tes wile m(sbekdtpeopleded-e d tpul c sevce nd pay a pat i pr, rf witpact e
42、 ons to wi n the t .s 1ad hemase s (4 aciy1the Scais ce -les Foccs on d srn.nt m - bes. kowe . ou of dton. a. aou ehi100d alsnoten00gh, 1ad some eve-l .e di sorins, m 011m-on.c.,yr,maeils" 1ad so on.Ste.tei.mora-livaion, Zona fr .p. “tin to sel d si pie, s-a pusut,t i nteie the core va . i nto
43、ccnsi 00s mi on, wt eempl0ybe hhvir i “ence 1ad d pe pe (5 .pi nte pre 0fp.mot ng reorm, deve 0Pment 1adsaily. F ocus on some pay membeswthtesalsqu,aIgg moodd.re-ed,saingsluggshagai,1sttgebynotleei ng guoey ng some e-e I pef uncty adres, evad ng resons bily ad ot he isue s. Ac y Ida'to l he nomc
44、 deve opmet of te new norm H iousy m .ement te ne w deve opme nt phlsphy had wk had w or ha d, ba on thei ow deicain. S nd onte CuCI of t he se cin lie l ca dr - a bove re .ur-e nts secin a bove ppry ca d- t ake t he l- d i te e ducain wrkk ng c ooey wih e (ding pact ce, e rmore be-r moe src e .ur-e
45、t s, hg her ad stie to m pr<e te de olg cal a nd poii ca quaiy a nd tert cal eves. Connltui on Pay r ue. Sy m leaning unesandngCPCatcesiifulgbbaic cone dShang,focusm-er Cnsi uton mase ad m - bes, adpayofor. niain ss, a nd ppryof Cental Oganiat on, a I d pary of plae o”izai on, ad pary of 6,20 16
46、Cunty e conomc i I frmain ad Bus ne-Cuni SyStmCmmlte "weanad"eanigaang-es se ci ic progrmme fr -vane UIsrcly ul e pay, Iccrdi ng l Cuy OgazainDe pamet on County "wo ea I a d" ri ng arageme . of se clic progrmme and I Bad lea nigld . ain.peme nlainp. me si| ordigtodSlngushlevI, an
47、d has tagltd .Ui on p.bl -of rrq»-eenurer I ig e d . ainma- Ifecne prr mote al m be. cnnciusy espectdCnsiuiIn,andcomply-hpary rUe s wilX Genea Sec y sees mporantsechsrtamedmind,adgui praclce, andPromotetheworkandbe.ale d pay membe s ad lea-ng aangensaeheeymaesthefllowingspUp.gamm.LeanigreqUemel
48、b, on al pay m bes t o. . y the party Cnsi uin ad pay r u a nd uniy I e .Ise of mpora nt speeC, Ge neal Se c - y, spe Cleani ng Is to ddepe unesa ndi ng of te Cnsiui onPaly rue, Cnstt uin Pary rile s it he dee i nnig ht sees -des t he basc spii a I d prrctca rrq»-et s I c-SIuI on Pay rules Lea
49、ning of the pay Cnsi uin, a - e unde ndig of te lays na ue purose g uding pr n g oas ogaizai on, good sye grascndtons rghsadoblgainsofpay membes bbarngimindthaoat,ceaquaifedpay membe cieraadcondinsLeaningtecodeofseldmi pie of te CC, te CCs d scliay eg uHons t he Cie- Cmmunis Pary M-ber Rghs Odiance
50、ad son, maseiIgsef.ilinesandadsof、u mus", the、uupholdig* maser ng <aios ypps of dsi pl nay offece ad pui smet prVsi ons 2. - re s sole. o XI Ge neal Se ceay -re s imporat spec radig(206verin)adoutpoveryforbasictetbook,eaIigundesandXIGenealSeceay-resimporatspecofbascs* eani ng ude sandCeeta u
51、l ng act ng poii ca new cncet new thoughtnewstrlte|y of ba sc conte nt, leani ng unddesa nd XI Xnea Se cetay in Fja nwrk duri ng avoclte of "fu gass oott" "bmedHey on d" "dop" "w» bid is fy" ad the i Nanpig reeacsmy prpooe d of "glviy Xa movld",
52、and、novainmecai', mportat thought,Msteandsrenghenthepatyspii, uf thepurpooeiddasmoalchaacte, cnsevain relatd to t I e ba sc re -irme nts Ma I unde stad maser foll oW ng Ispe cts cnte .t (1)dial aIs Cmmuiss sii Sha ng of c ium', let rght of wrdvew, ad Oulok on le, ad va uus; " Cia den s
53、nai I na of den, ad nai onal of dram, ad pe ope of drem, s Cinnse moden yiamosgreaofdram,coreE-eiasisnnlonaprseiy,ad naina eviaizaion,andpepehappiI>ss 3 Ci na eaues SoUHs i s acld Chine - grea eVva of wa, enhaccd roodconfdeceandtheorycnkecc, and .sem cnfdence;(4)"fu a ,Satgylayusnewofhistyco
54、ndinsXaparyruigacIngpoiialttasratgyconsiusywih、ua ed the work5)isse d inovai on, a nd coordnai on, a nd grre n, ad ope, ad shae d ddeel I pment s elainsi Chia ddeelopmentgobaofonedeepcageacordigtonewddeelpmetcnce|td|ob;«prrctcelneSocilstcoreve s, prmoe Soojais toughtmoaladCinneela diinal viue产业
55、主要分布在南京、苏州、江阴、南通、常州、扬州、徐州、无锡、连云 港等市。拥有南大光电、中复神鹰、江苏九鼎、江阴法尔胜、漂阳华晶、久吾高 科、江苏江佳等一批产品特色鲜明、知名度高、竞争力强、行业影响力大的龙头 骨干企业。“十二五”期间,将重点发展纳米材料、微电子材料、光电子材料、 新型显示材料、高性能纤维复合材料、新型化工材料、新能源材料、功能陶瓷材 料、新型金属材料、新型建筑材料等领域。新材料领域的特色产业基地数、高新技术产品数和高新技术企业数均占全省 的1/3强。产业主要分布在南京、苏州、江阴、南通、常州、扬州、徐州、无锡、 连云港等市。拥有南大光电、中复神鹰、江苏九鼎、江阴法尔胜、漂阳华晶
56、、久 吾高科、江苏江佳等一批产品特色鲜明、知名度高、竞争力强、行业影响力大的 龙头骨干企业。“十二五”期间,将重点发展纳米材料、微电子材料、光电子材 料、新型显示材料、高性能纤维复合材料、新型化工材料、新能源材料、功能陶 瓷材料、新型金属材料、新型建筑材料等领域。表2江苏省新材料产业基地基地名称所属区域国家火炬计划海门新材料产业基地江苏海门国家火炬计划宜兴非金属材料产业基地江苏宜兴国家火炬计划锡山新材料产业基地江苏无锡ul srclh rue pary s » m - bes cmmon esponsi biiy must mp e nain to ea c braca nd ea
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