已阅读5页,还剩2页未读 继续免费阅读




1、Unitlclassroom 永I a:sru:m 教室 window |J ?v?nd?窗户 blackboard?)l?kb ?:d黑板light la ?t电灯 picture ?)?kt ?(r)图画 door d ?:(r)门 teacher ' s de讲台 computer k ?m?ju:t ?(r)电脑 fan f?n风扇 wall w?:l墙壁 floor fl ?:(r)地板 really ?i: ?li表示兴趣或惊讶 真的near n ?(r)距离近 TV 窃:刘:电视 clean kli:n 清扫 help help帮助Unit1We have a new c

2、lassroom.我们有间新教室。Let ' s go and see!我们去看看吧!Where is it ?它在哪儿?It ' s near the window.就在窗户旁Let ' s clean the classroom.我们清扫教室吧Let me clean the windows.我来擦窗户。Unit1 classroom ?d a:sru:m window?v?nd?blackboardl?kb ?:dlight la ?t picture ?D?kt?(r) door d ?:(r) teacher ' s desk computer k ?

3、m?)ju:t ?(r) fan f?n wall w?:l floor fl ?:(r) really ?i: ?li near n ?(r) TV ?i: ?/i: clean kli:n help helpUnitlWe have a new classroom.Let ' s go and see!Where is it ?It s near the window.Let ' s clean the classroom.Let me clean the windows.是蓝白色的。Unit2schoolbag 'sku:lb?g 书包Unit2maths m?

4、0 sbook 数学书schoolbag 'sku:lb?gEnglish ?gl?book 英语书maths m? 0 sbookChinese t?ai'ni:z book 语文书English ?/?gl?|bookstorybook 'st?:ribuk故事书Chinese t?ai'ni:z bookcandy 永?nd ?糖果storybook 'st?:ribuknotebook ?i?t?D? k笔记本candy ?c?nd ?toy t?玩具notebook ?i?t?)?kkey ki:钥匙toy t?wow wa?哇,呀key ki

5、:lost l ? st丧失wow wa?lose lu ?z的过去式lost l?stso much m ?t?非常地lose lu ?z的过去式cutekju ?t可爱的so much m?t?cutekju ?tUnit2句子What' s in your schoolbag?Unit2句子你书包里有什么?What' s in your schoolbag?An English book, a mathsbook,three storybooks andAn English book, a maths本英语书, 本书学术,一本book,three storybooks a

6、nd故事书禾口What colour is it?What colour is it?什么颜色的?It ' s beuand white.It ' s blue and white.Unit 3strong str?强壮的 friendly frendli友好的 quiet 永wa ?t安静的 hair he ?(r)头发 shoe ?u:鞋 glasses 'gl as?Z眼镜 his h ?z他的 or ?:(r)或者 right ra ?t正确的;对的 hat h?t常指帯檐的帽子 her h ?(r)她的Unit 3What ' his name?他叫什

7、么名字?His name is Zhang Peng. 他叫张鹏。He ' tall and strong. 他又高又壮。He has glasses and his shoes are blue.他带眼镜,穿蓝色鞋子。Unit 3strong str ? ?friendly frendliquiet ?cwa ?thair he ?(r)shoeglasseshis h?zor ?:(r)right ra ?that h?ther h ?(r)Unit 3What ' his name?His name is Zhang Peng.He ' tall and stro

8、ng.He has glasses and his shoes are blue.Unit 4bedroom *bedru:m 卧室living room ?ivi? ru:m 客厅,起居室 study 金t?di书房kitchen *?t?i厨房bathroom ?d a 6 ru:m浴室,洗手间bed bed床phone f?ntable ?e?bl桌子sofa ?f?沙发 fridge fr ?d?冰箱 find fa ?nd找到 them e?m他她、它们Unit 4Is she in the livi ng room? 她在客厅吗?No, she isn ' t.不,她不在。

9、Where are the keys?Are they on the table?它们在桌子上吗?No,they aren ' t. They ' re in the door. 不,不在。它们在门上。Unit 4bedroom ?Dedru:mliving room ?ivi? ru:mstudy t?dikitchen 永?t?n *?t?nbathroom ?b a 6 ru:mbed bedphone f ?ntable ?e?blsofa ?f?fridge fr ?d?find fa ?ndthem e?mUnit 4Is she in the livi ng ro

10、om?No, she isn ' t.Where are the keys?钥匙在哪?I d like some soup and bread, Are they on the table?please.(l ' d like=I would like)我想要汤和面包。No,they aren ' t. They ' re in the doHelp yourself.随便吃吧。Unit 5 beef bi:f牛肉 chicken ?<?n鸡肉 noodles ?iu:dlz面条 soupsu:p汤 vegetable 'ved ?t?bl蔬菜 c

11、hopsticks 't ?pst?ks筷子 bowl b?l碗 fork f?:k餐叉 knife na?f刀 spoon spu:n勺 dinner ?d?n?(r)中午或晚上吃 的正餐 ready Yedi准备好 help yourself help j ?:?self为自 己取用 pass pas给;递 try tra ?试;尝试Unit 5 What' s for dinner?晚餐吃什么?What would you like?你想吃什么?Would you like a knife and fork.你想要刀叉吗?No, tha nks.不了,谢谢。I can u

12、se chopsticks. 我会用筷子。 Unit 5 beef bi:f chicken ?7k?n noodles ?iu:dlz soupsu:p vegetable 'ved ?t?bl chopsticks 't ?pst?ks bowl b? l fork f?:k knife na?f spoon spu:n dinner ?i?n?(r) ready ?*edi help yourselfhelp j ?:?self passp as try tra ?Unit 5What' s for dinner?What would you like?I 

13、9; d like some soup and bread, please.(l ' d like=I would like)Help yourself.Would you like a knife and fork.No, tha nks.I can use chopsticks.Unit 6parents'pe ?r?nts 父母cousin永?zn同辈表亲或堂亲uncle ?kl舅父;叔父;伯父;姑父;姨夫aunt ant姑母;姨母baby Tbe?bi brother 婴儿小弟弟doctor ?j?kt?(r)医生cook k?k厨师driver ?ira?v?(r)司

14、机farmer f am?(r)农民nursen?:s护士people ?)i:pl人们little ?tl小的 puppy 0?pi小狗football player futb?:l ?)le?足球运发动jobd ?b工作 basketball ?3 ask?tb?:l篮球Unit 6How many people are there in your family,Chen Jie?你家有几口人,陈杰?Three.三口人。My family has six people.我家有六口人。Is this your un cle?这是你叔叔吗?Yes, it is. He ' s a fo

15、otball player.是的,他是位足球运发动。What' s your aunt ' s job?你婶婶做什么工作?She' s a nurse.她是位护士football player ?futb ?:l ?ble?jobd ?bbasketball ? ask?tb?:lUnit 6 parents'pe ?r ?nts cousin ?c?zn uncle ?kl aunt ant baby ?De?bi doctor ?l?kt?(r) cook k?k driver ?dra ?v?(r) farmer f am ?(r) nursen ?:s peo


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