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1、七年级英语科下册期中达标检测题2022春季用新目标时间:80分钟 内容:Un its 1-6总分值:100分, 超量总分:110分。题号-一-二二三四五六七八总分得分评卷人一、词汇共25分A) 从方框中找出以下各组英语的汉语意思10分(b )1. at night(h )2. take a photo (e )3. wait for(I )4. talk about (F). look for ( G )6. have fun (J )7. kind of ( C )8. play sports (D )9. turn right ( A )10. take a walkA.散步B.在晚上;在

2、夜里 C.做运动 D.向右转E.等候;等待F.拍照G玩得开心H.谈论;讨论;议论I.寻找;寻求J.有几分B) 根据句意及首字母提示补全单词,使句意完整5分1. Let 'clean the classroom, it's d_ANCE.2. We oftengo out to eat dinner inther_OOMon weekends.3. The people all know China is a great cTRIT Y4. My father is a doctor, he works in ah_OSPITAI.5. Don 'play in the

3、street, it ' d_ORING.C)根据句意,用括号内所给词的适当形式填空10分1. I can speak CHIESE( China ) very well.2. We _IS( be ) from China.3. Dogs are usually FRANDS ( friend ) topeople.4. He wantsPIAYING( play ) basketball.5. This is anINTERESTING( interest )story.6. Thank you for _LIEET( help ) me with myEnglish.7. It

4、_RAINING( rain ) now, so we can 'haveP.E. lesson outside.8. YouNOTHUA V(not eat ) in class,that's not good.9. They want to beAPOLICE(policeman ).10.My pen palLIVE(live ) in Paris, France.、单项选择共15分C )1. It ' sinteresting movieA. aB./ C. an(B )2.The fruit shop is acrossthe bookshop.A. toB.

5、 fromC. on(C )3.I don ' t havesiste_sbrothers.A. some, orB. any, orC. any, and)4. My littlecat sleepsthe day, but_ni ght he begi ns to work.A. at, atB. on, in)5. The boy _A. like tak ingC. duri ng, ata walk after supper.B. likes takesC. likes tak ing)6. -Why don ' t you want to see the film?

6、A. And)7. -A. Are you a teacher?)8. Our school is _A. in,for)9. Hele n can speak _A. JapanB. FrenchC. Canada)10. - What' s your uncle ? ' s job -A. He ' s fine B. He ' s a waiter)11. -s there a restaura nt n ear here?A. Yes, there ' s B. No, there aren)12. Tigers like eati ng.A.

7、grassB. meat)13.your brother work ?A. Where doB. What doI ' very busy.B. SoC. Because-No, I ' m not.B. Who are you? C. Where do you work?children5-12.B. for, inC. for, ofC. He ' s forty'C . Yes, there is.C. leaves-I n a bank.C. Where does)14. My uncle has a nice housemany trees and f

8、lowers around it.A. hasB. andC. with)15. Whatan imals do you like? I like dogs,A. other, either B. else, too C. other, too根据图画,完成下面的对话共5分A: Excuse me. Is there a bank in the n eighborhood?B: Yes, is. Just go straight dow n Bridge Streetand turn 2 . The bank is on the _3It '4s5 the hotel.A: Tha n

9、ks a lot.BridgeSTB: You are welcome.答案:1.2.3.Hospital4. 5.四、完形填空10分Maria is from America. She _J_ English. She lives in Hainan 2 her parents now. She can speak _3_ Chinese. She is in a middle school. She has_4_ brother, Tom. He is only fiveyears old. She has _5_ Chinese friends at school. They often

10、 play games together. Sometimes Maria teaches _6_ English and they 7 her Chinese. They teach each other and learn _8 each other. Maria ' father _9_ mother are teachers. They teach English in the same school inHainan. They10 their work. They work hard.()1. A.speaksB. talksC. tells()2. A.forB. and

11、C. with()3. A.a fewB. manyC. a little()4. A.bigB. a littleC. an old()5. A.a fewB. manyC. a lot()6. A.themB. theyC. their()7. A.teachB. lear nC. teaches()8. A.aboutB. toC. from()9. A.andB. orC. with()10. A. wantB. hateC. love五、句型转换每题2分,共20分1. My pen pal is from Australia.改为一般疑问句pen pal from Australia

12、?2. I am doing my homework.( 对戈U线局部提问)you doi ng?3. He speaks French.(对划线局部提问)What does he?4. There are some students in the classroom.(改为否认句 )Therestude nts in the classroom.5. She likes dolphins because they are very smart.(对划线局部提问)she like dolphi ns?6. Her English teacher lives in Shanghai.(对划线局部

13、提问)does her En glish teacher?7. She often plays soccer after school.(用 now 改写句子)Shesoccer now.8. It's windy today. (就划线局部提问)thetoday?9. I'm behind Bill.(改为同义句)Bill isme.10. your, does, what, want, to, mother, be (连词成句 ) ?六、情景对话,从方框中找出适当的选项补全对话,请把选项写在横线上的括号里5分A. Yes, she does.B. Where does sh

14、e live?C. Yes, she is.D. Does she speak En glish?E. Yes, it is.F. Where does she come from?Gl Can he speak En glish?A: Is that your new pen pal, Li Ming?B:1. ()?A: Oh, what 'her n ame?B: Her n ame is Maria.A: Uh-huh.2. ()?B: Um, she's from Can ada.A: Uh-huh.3. ()?B: She lives in Toro nto.A:

15、Does she have any brothers or siste?B:4. (). She has two brothers and two sisters.A:5. ()?B: Yes. She speaks En glish and Spa ni sh.七、阅读理解20分(A)Mr. Gree n and Mrs. Gree n have a son, Tom. They love him very much. Tom is only three years old. He likes ask ing questi ons.One day, Mr. Green is sitting

16、in a chair. He is reading a book and he has a banana in his hand.He likes to eat one while(当 时候)reading. Tom comes in. He asks Mr. Green, “ Daddy,what ' that? r. Green is interested in(对感兴趣 )the book. He doesn ' htear Tom. TomWhat' s this? TeysnMT. Green'.“A leg!shakes(摇动)his father&

17、#39; s leg and asks again,Tom goes out and asks Mrs. Green, “ Mum, I want to eat a leg. ()1. Mr. Green and Mrs. Green are Tom ' s.A. friendsB. teachersC. pare nts()2. Mr. Gree n likes to eatwhile readi ng.A. a banana B. a bookC. a leg()3. There arepeople in this story.A. twoB. threeC. four()4. T

18、om asks Mr. Gree n what he is.A. readi ngB. shak ingC. eat ing()5. Which of the following is right( 正确的)?A. Tom likes an sweri ng questi ons. B. Tom wants to eat a banana.C. Mrs. Gree n gives Tom a leg.(B)看这那么广告,根据其内容选择最正确答案。Welcome to the zooOpening Monday to Friday 10:00 a. m. 6:00 p. m. Saturday

19、to Sunday 8:00 a. m.8:00 p. m.Fees(费用)Adults(成人)$8.0015 18$6.008 14$3.00under 8free(免费)()6. On Sun day, the zoo ope ns at.A. 10:00 in the morni ngB. 8:00 in the morni ngC. 6:00 in the afternoon()7. The zoo ope nsdays a week.A. fiveB. sixC. seven()8. If you are 13 years old. You want to go to the zoo

20、, you should pay.A. $3B. $6C. $8()9. Kate is 12, and her little sister is 6. If they go to the zoo, they should payA. $9B. $3C. $6()10. The zoo closes(关)aton Wedn esday.A. 10:00 a. m.B. 6:00 p. m.C. 8:00 a. m.八、书面表达10分根据提示,用现在进行时写一篇英语小短文,介绍某一个晚上你和你的家人正在做什么。提示:假设现在是晚上 8点半,你在做作业,哥哥和爸爸在下国际象棋,妈妈在看电视,奶 奶在听音乐,爷爷和叔叔在谈话,小狗在地上睡觉,大家都很忙。要求:语句通顺,语法正确,注意句子无大的错误,不少于40词,开头已给出。It '8:30pmnow,I七年级英语科期中2022春季检测题参考答案:一、A) 1 5 BFEHI 6 10 GJCDAB) 1.dirty ; 2.restaurant ; 3.country ; 4.hospital; 5.dangerous.C) 1. Chi nese 2.are 3.frie ndly


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