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1、2021/4/112021/4/12 动词 1.(失去生命) die 2.(电脑死机)crash 名词 1.(死,死亡)death 2.demise(多指君主的死亡,一般译为“驾崩”等等) 3.(厄运,劫数,毁灭)doom 形容词 1.(不顾生命; 拼死) to the death 2.(达到极点) extremely; to death2021/4/13 3.(不可调和的) implacable; deadly 4.(固定; 死板; 不活动) fixed; rigid; inflexible 5.(不能通过) impassable; closed 6.(不活动的,不活跃的) inactive

2、 7.(致死的,致命的 )deadly 8.(死胡同等)blind2021/4/14死亡在英语中的委婉语死亡在英语中的委婉语 to be asleep in the Arms of God (本义)安睡在上帝的怀中 to be at peace (本义)平静了 to be at rest (本义)在休息 to be called to God (本义)被召唤到上帝那 to be called home (本义)被召回家 to be home and free (本义)到家自由了 to be taken to paradise (本义)被送进天堂 The call of God (本义)上帝的召

3、唤2021/4/15死亡在英语中的委婉语死亡在英语中的委婉语 to depart (本义)离去 The final departure (本义)最后离去 final sleep (本义)最后一觉 to go home (本义)回家 to go to heaven (本义)进天堂 to go to ones long home (本义)回到永久之家 to go to ones own place (本义)回老家 happy land (本义)乐土 to have fallen asleep (本义)入睡了 to have found rest (本义)得到安息 to have gone to a

4、 better place(land,world,life)到一个更好得地方去了 in heaven (本义)在天堂2021/4/16死亡在英语中的委婉语死亡在英语中的委婉语 to join ones ancestors (本义)加入先人的行列 join the Great majority (本义)加入大多数 to leave this world (本义)离开今世 to pay ones fee (本义)付费 to rest (本义)休息 to rest in peace (本义)安息 to return to dust (本义)归之尘土 to sleep (本义)长眠 with God

5、(本义)和上帝在一起 with their Father (本义)与圣父在一起2021/4/17死亡在英语中的委婉语死亡在英语中的委婉语 to fall (本义)倒下了 to do ones bit (本义)尽职了 to lay down ones life (本义)放下自己的生命 to be no longer with us (本义)不再与我们在一起了 to be out of pain (本义)摆脱痛苦 to breathe ones last (本义)呼了最后一口气 to cancel ones account (本义)销帐 pay ones last debt (本义)付最后一笔债

6、to fade away (本义)消失 to make ones exit (本义)退场 to kick off (本义)开球2021/4/18死亡在英语中的委婉语死亡在英语中的委婉语 to be free (本义)解脱了 to be gone (本义)去了 to be no more (本义)不复存在 to close ones eyes (本义)瞑目 to come to an end (本义)结束 to go beyond (本义)到远方去 to expire (本义)呼气 to go off (本义)离去 to go ones last (本义)走到自己的终点 to go ones place (本义)回老家 to go to ones resting place (本义)到休息地去 to go to west (本义)西去2021/4/19死亡在英语中的委婉语死亡在英语中的委婉语 to kick the bucket (本义)踢翻水桶 to lose ones life (本义)失去了生命 to


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