九年级英语《Unit 1 How do you study for a test》课件 人教新目标版_第1页
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1、教学目标1.话题: Talk about how to study.2.单元知识目标1)重点单词aloud adv. 出声地,大声地differently adv. 不同地,有区别地quickly adv. 快地,迅速地realize v. 认识到,了解到trouble n.困难,苦恼,忧虑deal v. 处理,应付pronunciation n. 发音,发音法frustrate v. 使失望,使沮丧mistake n.错误,过失afraid adj. 害怕的,犯愁的 fast adv.快地,迅速地unless conj. 如果不,除非2)重点短语make mistakes 犯错,出错late

2、r on 以后,随后 be afraid to 害怕去做laugh at 嘲笑,取笑look up 查阅,查找make up 编造,组成deal with 处理,应付go by (指时间)过去,除非3)重点句型1.-How do you study for a test? 你是怎样为考试而学习的?-I study by working with my classmates. 我通过和同学一起学习。2. -Have you ever studied with a group? 你曾经和小组一起学习过吗? -Yes, I have. Ive learned a lot that way. 是的,我

3、学习过。通过那种方式我已学到了很多。3. I dont have a partner to practice English with. 我没有与之练习英语的搭档。3.语法: 动词-ing形式的用法4.单元技能目标 听:能听懂 How do you study for a test?等谈论学习英语方面的话题。 说:能以 How do you study for a test?和 Byworking with friends.或 By listening to tapes.等为话题展开讨论。读:能从短文或对话中获取有关如何学好英语和怎样养成良好的学习习惯等信息。写:能写一篇有关自己如何学习英语的

4、文章,介绍自己的学习方法和体会。Check ( ) the ways you study for an English test. Then add other ways you use sometimes.1A by working with friends by making flashcards by reading the textbook by making vocabulary lists by listening to tapes by asking the teacher for help . .n. (教学用教学用)抽认卡抽认卡How do these students st

5、udy for a test? Write letters from the picture above. 1. Mei 2. Pierre 3. Antonio Ask your partner how he or she studies for a test.A : How do you study for a test?B: I study by working with a group.abc1B Listen. 1C Pairwork check ( ) the questions you hear. Questions 1. Do you learn English by watc

6、hing English-language videos? 2. Do You ever practice conversations with friends?3. What about listening to cassettes? 4. What about reading aloud to practice pronunciation?5. Have you ever studied with a group? aloud adj.出声的出声的;高声的高声的2A Listenpronunciation n.发音发音match each question above with an an

7、swer below. a. Yes, I have. Ive learned a lot that way. b. Oh, yes. It improves my speaking skills. c. I do that sometimes. I think it helps. d. No. its too hard to understand the voices.Questions Answers 1. Do you learn English by watching English-language videos? 2. Do You ever practice conversati

8、ons with friends? 3. What about listening to cassettes? 4. What about reading aloud to practice pronunciation? 5. Have you ever studied with a group?dbcan.技能技能;技巧技巧n.说话声说话声;声音声音2B Listen againMake conversations using the information from activities 2a and 2b.A: Have you ever studied with a group?B:

9、Yes, I have. Ive learned a lot that way.2C PAIRWORK How do you study for a test?I study by listening to tapes.How do you learn English?I learn by studying with a group.Do you learn English by reading aloud?Yes, I do.by doing sth: 当你询问怎样做某事或告诉别人怎样做某事时当你询问怎样做某事或告诉别人怎样做某事时,常用此形式常用此形式,表示表示“通过通过方式、方法方式、方

10、法”或或“借助某种手段借助某种手段”。 How does he make a living? He lives by writing. 他怎样谋生呢?他以写作为生。他怎样谋生呢?他以写作为生。 By working hard I made great progress this term. 通过刻苦努力,我在本学期取得了巨大的进步。通过刻苦努力,我在本学期取得了巨大的进步。Read the article and complete the chart. How do you learn best? This week we asked students at New Star High Sch

11、ool about the best ways to learn more English. Many said they learnt by using English. Some students had more specific suggestions. Lillian Li, for example, said the best way to learn new words was by reading English magazines. She said that memorizing the words of pop songs also helped a little. Wh

12、en we asked about studying grammar, she said, “I never study grammar. Its too boring.” specific adj. 明确的明确的;详细而精确的详细而精确的memorize(memorizing) v. 记忆记忆;背诵背诵grammar n.语法语法;语法规则语法规则3A Wei Ming feels differently. Hes been learning English for six years and really loves it. He thinks studying grammar is a

13、great way to learn a language. He also thinks that watching English movies isnt a bad way because he can watch the actors say the words. Sometimes, however, he finds watching movies frustrating because the people speak too quickly.differently adv.不同地不同地;有区别地有区别地frustrate v.使失望使失望;使沮丧使沮丧;使厌烦使厌烦 frust

14、rating adj.令人沮丧的令人沮丧的;令人失望的令人失望的quickly adv.快地快地;迅速地迅速地 Liu Chang said that joining the English club at school was the best way to improve her English. Students get lots of practice and they also have fun. She added that having conversations with friends was not helpful at all. “We get excited about

15、 something and then end up speaking in Chinese,” she said.add v.又说又说;继续说继续说not at all 根本根本(不不);全然全然(不不)excited adj.激动的激动的;兴奋的兴奋的end up结束结束;告终告终get excited about 对对感到兴奋感到兴奋Explanation 1. ask sb. about sth. 问某人某件事情问某人某件事情 about后面加名词或动名词。后面加名词或动名词。 e.g. Ask students about the best way of learning. 问学生们

16、最好的学习方法。问学生们最好的学习方法。 ask sb. to do sth. 请请(要求要求)某人做某事,某人做某事,e.g. He asked his mother to buy him a new bicycle. 他请求母亲给他买一辆新自行车。他请求母亲给他买一辆新自行车。 2. Many said they learnt by using English. 许多学生说他们通过使用英语来学许多学生说他们通过使用英语来学习英语。习英语。many 在这里是代词,而不是形容在这里是代词,而不是形容词,意为词,意为many students. e.g. We can put away many

17、 of these plates. We dont need this many. 我们可以把许多盘子收起来,用我们可以把许多盘子收起来,用不着这么多。不着这么多。3. frustrating a. 令人灰心的,令人令人灰心的,令人沮沮丧的。丧的。 (修饰物,事件)(修饰物,事件) e.g. Watching movies to learn English is frustrating because the people speak too quickly. 通过看电影来学英语是让人灰心通过看电影来学英语是让人灰心的的, 因为剧中人物说话太快了。因为剧中人物说话太快了。 frustrated

18、 a.灰心的灰心的, 沮丧的沮丧的(修饰人)修饰人)e.g. I felt frustrated at that time. 那时我觉得很沮丧。那时我觉得很沮丧。类似的还有:类似的还有: interesting 令人感兴趣的令人感兴趣的 interested 感兴趣的感兴趣的 disappointing 令人失望的令人失望的 disappointed 失望的失望的 boring 令人生厌的令人生厌的 bored 厌烦的厌烦的 5. end up doing sth. 以以结束结束e.g.We didnt like it at first,but we ended up cheering.一开始

19、我们并不喜欢它,可最后我们一开始我们并不喜欢它,可最后我们却为之欢呼。却为之欢呼。 Ways of learning EnglishNot successfulOKSuccessfulLillian LiWei MingLiu Changstudying grammarmemorizing the words of pop songsreading English magazinessometimes the people speak too quicklywatching English moviesstudying grammarhaving conversations with frie

20、ndsjoining the English clubComplete the chart.请根据课文内容判断下列句子的正请根据课文内容判断下列句子的正(T)误误(F): ( )1. Many students thought the best way to learn English is to use it. ( )2. Lilian Li thought the best way to learn new words was by memorizing them. ( )3. Lilian Li never studied grammar. ( )4. Wei Ming has lear

21、ned English for seventy-two months. ( )5. Wei Ming thought watching English movies and studying grammar are great ways to learn a language. ( )6. Joining the English club at school was Liu Changs best way to improve her English. ( )7. The students in the club could get lots of practice. ( )8. Liu Ch

22、ang thought having conversations with friends was helpful.TTTTTFFFRole play. Student A, pretend to be one of the people in 3a. Student B, interview Student A about learning English.A: Im doing a survey about learning English. Can I ask you some questions?B: Sure.A: Great! Whats your name?B: Wei Ming

23、.A: And how do you learn English, Ming?B:3B PAIRWORK互动训练I.用所给词的适当形式填空。1. (2010.贵阳中考)There is nothing important in todays newspaper. How about _(listen)to the radio?2. _(play) computer games too much is bad for your eyes.listeningPlayingII.句型转换3. He studies by reading the textbook for a test. (对划线部分提

24、问)_ _ he _ for a test?4.Its very hard. I cant understand the words.(合并为一句)Its _ hard _ _ _understand the words.How does studytoo for me toIII.单项填空5.(重庆中考)All of us find _ necessary to take exercise every day.A. this B. that C. it D. them6.(衡阳中考)The film City of Life and Death!was _ moving _ I couldn

25、t help crying when I saw it.A. too, to B. so, that C. enough, to句型: 主语+find + it (形式宾语)+adj.+ to do sth. 发现做某事主语+动词+ so +adj./adv. + that+ 句子 如此以至于7. (厦门中考)Lily used to learn English _watching American movies. She thought it really helped.A. by B. to C. of8. This picture is _from that one. Can you t

26、ell me the _ between them?A. different, difference B. differently, differenceC. difference, differentD. different, differently通过be different from 与不同tell the difference between 区分.之间的区别/差异温习检查1.重点单词1. flashcard n. _ 2. _ n.词汇3. aloud adv. _4. 发音 n. _5. specific adj. _6. memorize v. _抽认卡vocabulary出声地

27、;大声地pronunciation明确的;具体的记住;熟记7. _ n. 语法;语法规则8. _ adv. 不同地;有区别地9. _ v. 使失望;使沮丧10.frustrating adj. _11._ adv. 快地;迅速地12. add v. _II.重点短语13. study for a test _14. 表达能力 _grammardifferentlyfrustrate令人失望的;令人沮丧的;令人厌烦的quickly补充;继续说为考试而学习speaking skills15. Keep an English notebook _16. notat all _17. Get exci

28、ted about something _18.结束;告终 _19. What about? _20. 学新单词的最好方法 _记英语笔记根本不对某事变得兴奋end up怎么样?the best way to learn new wordsLearning English can be difficult. What things are difficult for you? Read the list. Check ( ) the statements that are true for you. I cant pronounce some of the words. I cant under

29、stand spoken English. I read very slowly. I cant spell some English words. I make mistakes in grammar.v.发发音音;正确正确(或清晰地或清晰地)吐吐(字、音等字、音等)adj.口语的;口说的;口头的口语的;口说的;口头的v.慢地;缓慢地慢地;缓慢地犯错;出错犯错;出错1AWhat other things are difficult for you? Make a list.1. I dont know how to use commas.2. .3. .Comma n.逗号逗号1BPaul

30、is learning English. Listen and check ( )the learning challenges he talks about. Challenges 1. cant get the pronunciation right2. forget a lot of new words3. cant always understand when people talk to me4. cant understand the words in magazines5. dont get much writing practice n.挑战挑战2AMatch the chal

31、lenges in 2a with the solutions. Solutions a. You can always write the new words in your notebook and study them at home.b. You should find a pen pal.c. Listening can help.d. Why dont you join an English language club to practice speaking English?2513n.(问题问题;疑难等的疑难等的)解解决决;解答解答2B Listen againRole pla

32、y conversations using the information from activities 2a and 2b.A: I dont have a partner to practice English with.B: Maybe you should join an English language club.2C PAIRWORKRead the article. Then read the statements about the article. Write “T”(for true) or “F”(for false). How I learned to learn E

33、nglish Last year my English class was difficult for me. First of all, it wasnt easy for me to understand the teacher when she talked to the class. To begin with, she spoke too quickly, and I couldnt understand every word. Later on, I realized that it doesnt matter if you dont understand every word.

34、Also I was afraid to speak in class, because I thought my classmate might laugh at me.I couldnt always make complete sentences, either.later on 以后以后;随后随后be afraid to do sth害怕去做害怕去做 be afraid of sth/doing sth be afraid+that引导的从句引导的从句laugh at sb笑话笑话;取笑取笑(某人某人)first of all 首先首先complete adj. 完整的完整的;完全的完

35、全的sentence n. 句子句子 make a sentence 造句造句Then I started to watch English language TV. It helped a lot. I think that doing lots of listening practice is one of the secrets of becoming a good language learner. Another thing that I found very difficult was English Grammar. So I decided to take lots of gr

36、ammar notes in every class. Then I started to write my own original sentences using the grammar I was learning. Its amazing how much this helped. Now I am enjoying learning English and I got an A this term. My teacher is very impressed.secret n.秘密秘密;机密机密learner n.学习者学习者take notes 做笔记做笔记;做记录做记录enjoy

37、doing 喜欢做喜欢做乐于做乐于做term n.学期学期impress v. 使感动使感动;给给深刻印象深刻印象impress sth on sb /impress sb with sth 使某人铭记某事使某人铭记某事Write “T”(for true) or “F”(for false)( ) 1. the teachers pronunciation was poor.( ) 2. people always laughed at her when she spoke.( ) 3. she had trouble making complete sentences.( ) 4. Eng

38、lish grammar was difficult.Her English improved when she started.( ) 5. going out with English-speaking friends.( ) 6. lots of speaking practice.( ) 7. using grammar in original sentences.FFFFTTTThe writer found learning English difficult because First of all 首先,第一,开始时 At first, I thought he was shy

39、.It is(was)+adj.(for sb)+ to do sth对某人来说,做某事是It 是形式主语,真正的主语是句中的动词不定式短语。Its wrong to tell lies.说谎是不对的。 first of all 首先首先 to begin with 一开始一开始 later on 后来,随后后来,随后 also 也,而且(用于肯定句)也,而且(用于肯定句) either 也(用于否定句)也(用于否定句) so 因此因此 then 然后然后表示顺序或承接的连词或词组表示顺序或承接的连词或词组: It doesnt matter if It doesnt matter if yo

40、u are wrong. 如果你错了,也没关系。Later on 后来,稍后,过些时候At first things went well, but later on we ran into trouble.起初事情进展得很顺利,但后来我们遇到了困难A few days later on 几天后 afraid 只做表语,不做定语(frightened)be afraid of sb/sth害怕某人、某事丽丽害怕她的数学老师。Lily is afraid of his maths teacher.be afraid of doing sth 害怕做某事他 害怕掉进游泳池。He was afraid

41、 of falling into the swimming pool.be afraid to do sth 害怕做某事I am afraid to go out alone at nightbe afraid (that) 担心,恐怕 I am afraid that I might hurt the childs feelings.Laugh at嘲笑,讥笑Dont laugh at a person who is in trouble.不要嘲笑陷入困境中的人。对付之一笑,不理会He always laughs at difficulties.他对困难总是付之一笑。complete V.

42、完成,结束 When will you complete your homework. Adj. 完整的,全部的,完全的 Use good grammar,and write complete sentences.decidedecide to do sth 我们已经决定要帮助你。We have decided to help you.Decide + 疑问词+不定式I cant decide which one to buy.We havent decided where to go.Decide + thatJim decided that he would do his homework

43、 by himself. impress 使感动,使印象深刻 Her beautiful smile impressed me a lot. Impress sb with sth My uncle impresses me with the value of hard work. 我叔叔把努力工作的重要性铭刻在我心上。Write a letter telling a friend how to become a better language learner.Dear ,I know it isnt easy to learn , but I have some ideas that may

44、 help. You said you couldnt understand people who talked fast. Well, you can try to listen for the most important words, not every word. Yours,fast adv.快地快地;迅速地迅速地3BAsk three classmates about learning English. Take notes. Then tell the class about their answers.1. What isnt easy about learning Engli

45、sh?2. What do you do about this?3. What is your favorite way to learn more English?Han Wen says that listening is sometimes difficult if people speak too fast.4 INTERVIEWFill in each blank with the correct word given.Change the form of the word if necessary.feel spell write down join find1. You shou

46、ld new English words in a vocabulary list.2. If you sont know how to new words, look them up in a dictionary.3. The best way to improve your English is to an English club.4. Another thing that he very difficult was English grammar.5. This kind of paper very soft.write downspelljoinfindsfeels 一、单项选择一

47、、单项选择 1. The cake _good ,I cant wait to eat it . A feels B sounds C becomes D smells 2. This book is _hard_understand. A.too,to B. to,to C. too,too D. so,that 3. I study for a test _working with a group. A in B by C at D to 4. Some students get _when they watch _English movies. A frustrated,frustrat

48、ed B frustrated,frustrating C frustrating, frustrating D frustrating, frustrated 5. The English party began _an English song and _a well-known piano music A with, ended with B for, ended with C for ,ended up D to ,ended up 6 Li Lei walked so _that he mistook the last bus . A fast B slowly C quickly

49、7.We have two rooms _,but I cant decide_. A to live, to choose which on B lived, choose which on C to live in, which one to choose D live, which one 8.Its important _ the piano well. A of him to play B for him to play C of him playing D for him playing 9.I like this cotton dress because it _nice and

50、 soft. A feels like B is feeling C feels D is felt 10. youve _lots of mistakes in your homework . A made B do C make D done 11. Would you like to _us to play basketball? A join B become C take D take part in 12. When you want to work for our country in the future ,_ ,you should have strong body and

51、rich knowledge. A at first B first of all C for the first time D after all 13. We had _difficulty _through the snow A much, drive B many ,to drive C much, driving D much ,with drive 14. (2010.重庆中考)If you _to the 2010 Shanghai Expo next month, I will go with you.A. go B. has gone C. will go D. are go

52、ing15. (2010.十堰中考)-Mr. Smith, would you please speak a little more _?-Sorry! I thought you would follow me.A. slowly B. politelyC. seriously D. clearly16.(陕西中考)Lets do it _. There is only five minutes left.A. hardly B. slowlyC. quickly D. politely17. (河南中考)-Excuse me. When does Flight CZ 3391 take off?-One moment, please. Ill _it _.A. look, up B. take, awayC. give, back D. turn, down 二、词汇 A)用所给单词的适当形式填空。 1. I hear this dictionary is very _( help ) for us students.


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