



1、石景山区2022年初三统一练习暨毕业考试英语试卷学校名准考证号知识运用共14分一、单项填空共 6分,每题0.5分从以下各题所给的 A、BC、D四个选中,选择可以填入空白处的最正确选项。1 .Tom is a big boy now. This coat is too short on.A .her B .him C it D .them2met Lily a bookstore yesterday.A. on B. to C. in D. of3 .The music was too loud, I turned it down.A .so B. because C .hut D. or4._

2、you get over here in about the minu tes?-Oh, no, I can 'come now. I'm busy.A .Can B. Should C. Must D . May5 .Look! The kids about the park.A .run B. ran C .were running D .are running6 .Wu Daji nga gold medal I n February,20 1 8 at the Winter Olympics.A. win B. won C. has won D .will win73

3、00 stamps since last yearA. collect B. collected C .have collected D. will collect8 .The shoes at this store are muchthan at the other.A.cheap B.cheaper C.cheapest D. the cheapest9. The flower show at the park two weeks ago.A. holds B. held C. was held D. is held10. The teacher told us a report abou

4、t the ani mals in dan ger.A .write B. wrote C. writing D. to write11. You _ the chanee if you go home now.A. will miss B . missed C. miss D. have missed12.I am not sure to the party tomorrow.A. whe n did he comeB. whe n he cameC. whe n will he comeD. whe n he will come二、完形填空共 8分,每题1分阅读下面的短文,掌握其大意,然后

5、从短文后各题所给的A、B、C D四个选项中,选择最正确选项。A little holiday magicChristmas Eve has always bee n my favorite day of the year. December 24,2022, I decidedTo 13a little last-mi nute shopp ing before joining my family at my mother's.I bought a large basket of cheeses and a bottle of wine. On my way dow n, the el

6、evator 电 梯stopped at the third floor. where everybody but an older couple and me got off-and whereA tall, handsome man 14. We started down again; then suddenly the elevator stopped. Wewere stuck-on Christmas Eve!15 there was a phone, arid the old man called some one in maintenance维修,whotold us that

7、we had to be in for a long wait.At that point. We-the older couple, Mr. and Mrs. Philips; John, the handsome man; arid I-sat dow n on the floor and bega n16 Christmas memories. An hour passed, the n two; wefound ourselves so in volved in the con versati on that we forgot we were stuck. I shared my b

8、asket of cheeses and wine with them. I did n't realize at the time we were creati ng ano ther special Christmas 17.After five hours, the elevator fin ally moved .Whe n the doors ope ned, the worried store man ager was surprised to find us in such 18 spirits, Saying our good-byes, the four of us

9、excha nged addresses and promised to send holiday greet ing to each other in the years to come.I got to my mother's for our traditi onal family Christmas-a bit late ,19 I got there.Christmas evening I retur ned to my apartme nt. Wait ing for me was a sin gle red rose and amessage: I really miss

10、the cheese basket. Job. At the bottom was his phonenumber John and I were married the following Christmas Eve. And we are20excha ngingChristmas greeti ngs with Mr.and Mrs. Phillips. And I still wake up every Christmas EveMorning filled with excitement at the magic of the day.13.A. makeB. doC.showD.

11、accept1 4. A. got upB. got dow nC. got offD. got on15. A. SadlyB. ProudlyC. LuckilyD. Stra ngely16. A. shari ngB. losi ngC. compari ngD. study ing17. A. accide ntB. gameC. recordD. memory18. A. highB. lowC. com monD. true19. A. soB. butC. orD. because10. A. evenB. alreadyC. stillD. yet三、阅读理解共26分,每题2

12、分阅读下面的四篇短文,根据短文内容,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选择最正确答案.AJOIN TODAY!What are you going to do this year? There are lots of after-school clubs for you to choose from!Make New FriendsAre you frie ndly and talkative'? The n the Welco ming Committee is just for you_ Come and meet new or youn ger stude nts wh

13、o are quiet and shy. Talk with them every Mon day and help them make new frien ds.Laughter is the Best Medici neCan you make people laugh? You should join the Comedy Club. We meet every Tuesday to play games and lear n new jokes. We also go to the childre n's hospital to play games with childre

14、n who are sick.Fun with SportsAre you good at sports? Then come to the Sports Club every Friday! You can join the basketball, football. or swimming team Pain ters Paint TogetherAre you good at draw ing? Every Sun day, members of the Art Club get together to take art less ons. Once a mon th, we go to

15、 the art museum to see all the famous pain ti ngs there. Sometimes, we go to a home for older people and make things for them.Go to the school website and join a club today!21. If you are frien dly and talkative, the is just for you.A. Art ClubB. Sports ClubC. Welcomi ng Committee D. Comedy Club22.

16、Stude nts in the Comedy Club often get together to A. learn new jokesB. take art less onsC. make new friendsD. make things for old people23. Stude nts in the Sports Club meet every A. Mon day B. Tuesday C. Friday D. Su ndayBThi nk Before You SpeakIt was a sunny day. Every one in the stati on was wai

17、t ing for the train to arrive_ There was a group of frien ds, youn gsters who were on board for vacati on.The train en tered the stati on and the group ran to get their seats before anyone could get into the trai n.An old man with a young boy aged around 15 came mining to catch the train. They enter

18、ed the train and the train started to move, They had their seats just next to the frien ds' group.The young boy was so surprised to see everyth ing.He acclaimed 欢呼at his father, “ Dad. the train is moving and the things are moving backwards. His father smiled and no dded his head. As the train s

19、tarted moving fast, the young boy aga in screamed,"Dad. the trees are green in colour and run backward very fast. His father said., "Yes, dear" and smiled.Just like a kid, he was watch ing everyth ing with great exciteme nt and happ in ess.A fruit seller passed sell ing, apples and or

20、an ges. The young boy said to his dad, "I want to eat apples." His father bought him apples. He said, "Oh. apple looks so sweet and I love this colour."The group was watch ing all the activities of this boy and asked the boy's father, "Is your son hav ing any problems? W

21、hy is he behav ing so differe ntly?" A friend from the group made fun of him and shouted, “ His son is mad I think. The father of the young boy, with patie nee, replied to the frien d-group, "My son was born bli nd. Only a few days ago he was operated and got the visi on. He is see ing so

22、many differe ntthings in his life for the first time."The young friends became very quiet and said sorry to the father and son.24. Where did the story happe n?A. At a bus stati on.B. At a fruit shop.C. On a trai n.D. I n a hospital.25. The young group the boy after they knew his story.A. made f

23、un ofB. said sorry toC. shouted an grily atD. became impatie nt with26. What do we know about the boy?A. He was 10 years old.B. He had an eye operati on.C. He felt mad about the group.D. He was one of the group's frien ds.CIn life we sometimes have disagreements with people. It could be with you

24、r parents, or witha friend. When this happe ns, the importa nt thing is to try not to let a calm平静的discussi onturn into a heated argume nt. But of course this is easier said tha n done.The first thing is that the way you begin the conversation is very important. Imagine you are a stude nt and you sh

25、are a flat with ano ther stude nt who you think isn't doing her share of the housework. If you say, "Look, you n ever do your share of the housework. What are we going to do about it?", the discussi on will very soon turn into an argume nt. it's much more helpful to say someth ing

26、like, "I think we'd better have ano ther look about how we divide up the housework. Maybe there's a better way of doing it."The sec ond piece of advice is simple. If you're the pers on who is in the wron g, just admit 承 认it This is the easiest and best way to avoid an argument.

27、 Just apologize 抱歉to your flatmate, your parents, and move on. The other person will have more respect for you in the future if you do that.And the final tip is that if necessary, call “Time Out ,like in a sports match. If you think that an argument is getting out of control , then you can say to th

28、e other person, "Listen, I'd rather talk about this tomorrow whe n we've both calmed dow n."You can the n continue the discussi on the n ext day whe n perhaps both of you are feeli ng less an gry. That way there is much more cha nee that you will be able to reach an agreeme nt.One

29、last importa nt thing. Some people think that arguing is always bad. This is not true, Conflict冲突is a normal part of life, and dealing with conflict is an important part of any relati on ship, whether it's three people shari ng a flat, or just two good friends .If you don't lear n to argue p

30、roperly, the n whe n a real problem comes along, you won't be prepared to face it together. Think of the smaller arguments as training. Learn how to argue cleanly and fairly. It will help your relati on ship become stron ger and last Ion ger.27. Accord ing to the passage, if you apologize for yo

31、ur mistakes, you will A .feel much better tha n beforeB .get lots of help from othersC. make the argume nts heatedD. win more respect of others28. We can lear n from Paragraph 4 that_.A .people are more Iikely to reach an agreeme nt with calm B .it's n ecessary for friends to argue with each oth

32、er C. it's better to deal with an argume nt very soon D .frie nds' argume nt is just like a sports match29. What's the passage mainly about?A .Reas on why people argue a lot.B. The results of argume nts in our life, C .The importa nee of con flict in our life. D .Advice on how to deal wi

33、th disagreements,DEarly in the morning, Feldma n would deliver some bagels and a money basket to a compa ny's sn ack room; he would return before lunch to pick up the money and the left bagels.He had also desig ned a beautiful econo mic experime nt. By check ing the money collected aga inst the

34、bagels take n, he found it possible to tell just how hon est his customers were.He con sidered that a compa ny was hon est if over 90% of the people paid. Betwee n 80 and 90% was what he con sidered to be no rmal .It was only if a compa ny paid less tha n 80% that he would feel he had to do somethi

35、ng. First he would leave a no te, kind of giv ing them a warning 、 and the n, if things did n't improve, he would simply stop selli ng there.So what does the bagel data数据tell us? Well, first of all, it shows that smaller offices are more hon est tha n big on es. An office with twe nty to thirty

36、employees 雇员gen erally pays 3 to 5% more tha n an office with two hun dred employees. This seems to be because in a smaller compa ny people are more worried bout. being disho nestprobably because theywould feel worse if they were caught.The bagel data also suggests that your mood, how you feel, affe

37、cts影响how honest you are .For example, the weather is a really importa nt factor. When the weather is unu sually good, more people pay, but if it's unu sually cold or rainy. fewer people pay. And people are also affected by public holidays, but in differe nt waysit depe nds on which public holida

38、y. BeforeChristmas and Than ksgivi ng, peopie are less hon est, but just before the 4th of July and Labour Day they are more hon est. This seems to be because holidays like the 4th of July, are just a day off work, and people always look for-ward to them. But Christmas and Than ksgiv ing are holiday

39、s where people ofte n feet quite stressed or un happy. So their bad mood makes them less hon est.The other thi ng Feldma n believes affects how hon est people are is the morale in an office, When employees like their boss and like their job, the n the office is more hon est.But i n gen eral the stor

40、y of Feldma n's bagel bus in ess is a really positive on e. It's true that some people do steal from him, hut most people, even though no one is watch ing them , are hon est.30. From the bagel data, we know that A. people in big offices are more dishonestB. Feldman didn't like the people

41、 in big officesC. Feldman was unsuccessful in his bagel businessD. Fewer people in small offices pay for their bagels31. The underlined word "morale" in Paragraph 6 probably meansA. argument B. competition C. spirit D. movement32. According to the bagel data, Feldman had better sell bagels

42、A. before ChristmasB. before Labour DayC. on Thanksgiving DayD. on a very cold rainy day33. What could be the best title for the passage?A. Start the bagel business.B. Build the bagel company.C. Rich or not? Get the bagel data.D. Honest or not? Take the bagel test. 四、阅读短文,根据短文内容答复以下问题。 共 10分,每题 2 分T

43、heatre began with the ancient Greeks. They used to have shows called "plays", which tell a story by people acting out what happened in it. They had big theatres which were outside, and you could have up to 17.000 people some and watch it. These outside theatres were round in shape, with st

44、one seats going down to the centre, when they had the "stage". The Romans also built theatres, and there are several you can visit in England, Greece, Italy and Turkey.Greek used to have a person to explain the story to the people who were watching, and the actors used to wear pictures on

45、their faces, some with happy faces, some sad.There were not any theatres in Europe in the Middle Ages, but groups of actors (or players, as they used to be called) travelled around the country putting on shows and singing songs in the towns and in large private houses. Many large houses from this ti

46、me have a special area in it where the players would do their shows.In England between 1558 and 1603, the ruler was Queen Elizabeth I. During this time, theatres would be built outside the city walls because some people thought they were not safe places to be and that people caused troubles there. They were usually round, and people would stand up to see the show. Rich people had seats to sit on. People used to eat and drink during the


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