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1、Committee: Council of Europe Committee of MinistersTopic: Convention on Migration and Migrants in EuropeDear delegates,When you are reading this letter, there is no doubt that you have already decided to attend theBJMUNC 2017 Council of Europe (CoE). First of all, we would like to convey our very ki

2、nd regards, and warmest welcome to your attendance.With the tide of globalization in new generations, MUnited Nations has become one of themost popular activities for high school students all around the world. To become a global citizenhas become the goal of young scholars all over the world in the

3、21st century.World wars have become preterit, yet the peace is not stable nowadays. The threats of different regional issues are still threatening world peace and stabilization. Global warming, regional s, population explosion, refugees of partial war and other problems are still creating challenges

4、 to this insecure but beautiful planet. So this is why you are here, delegates. This time, in this conference, you are no longer a student; this time, you are the minister of your nation, who willdecide the future of your nation and Europe.Dear delegates, we are looking forward to seeing your eminen

5、t expression and innovative solutionsin the conference.Welcome to Council of Europe-Committee of Ministers.Best regards,All Dais Members of CoEIntroduction to the Committee General IntroductionThe Council of Europe (CoE) is a regional intergovernmental organization founded to solveproblems of, democ

6、racy as well as the rule of law among European countries. It hasthe power to enforce international agreements reached by European states on various topics. Having accepted 47 member states so far, it includes nearly all countries in Europe. The CoE consists of theCommittee of Ministers, Parliamentar

7、y Assembly and several other institutions including EuropeanCourt of.The Committee of Ministers, as one of the main statutory bodies of the CoE, is comprised of the Ministers of Foreign Affairs of all 47 member states and Ambassadors accredited to the CoE. Meeting once a year at ministerial level, i

8、t works primarily under the Rules of Procedure ,whichwill be introduced in the following academic updates.Member StatesThe CoE currently has 47 member states: Belgium, Denmark, France, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Norway, Sweden, the United Kingdom, Greece, Turkey, Iceland, Germany, Aust

9、ria, Cyprus, Switzerland, Malta, Portugal, Spain, Liechtenstein, San Marino, Finland, Hungary, Poland, Bulgaria, Estonia, Lithuania, Slovenia, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Romania, Andorra, Latvia, Albania, Moldova, Macedonia, Ukraine, Russia, Croatia, Georgia, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Bosnia and Herzegovi

10、na, Serbia, Monaco and Montenegro. However, Belarus, the Vatican City and Kazakhstan, due to some domestic problems, are unsolved so far.MissionThe main aim and mission of the Council of Europe is to achieve a greater ubetween itsmembers for the purpose of safeguarding and realizing the ideals and p

11、rinciples which are their common heritage and facilitating their economic and social progress. Council of Europe member states maintain their sovereignty but commit themselves through conventions or treaties and co-operate on the basis of common values and common political decisions. Those conventio

12、ns and decisions are developed by the member states working together at the Council of Europe.Origin and HistoryThe CoE was founded in 1949 based on the vision from politicians all over Europe. Early in 1943, Winston Churchill, the then Prime Minister of the United Kingdom, called for the creation o

13、f theCouncil of Europe which is med after the United States (US) in the radio, and afterconsiderable discussions and debates, two different theories combined together into a brand new solution: to found the CoE that consists of two main executive bodies, the Committee of Ministers and the Parliament

14、ary Assembly. Finally on May 5, 1949, the CoE was founded by the Treaty of London.Powers and ObligationThe power of the CoE is mainly to vote for and to enforce a treaty or an agreement drafted by its member states. As for the Committee of Ministers, the power it has includes admitting new member st

15、ates, concluding new conventions and agreements, and adopting budgets.Illustration of the TopicDefinition of Migration and MigrantAccording to Collins Dictionary (term: Migrant, 2011), a migrant is awho moves from oneplace to another, especially in order to find work, and when the amount of people g

16、o to live in other area or country, they are called migration.Migration is different from immigration. When people migrate, they are more likely to live in thecountry permanently instead of just for work.Classification of Migration Proper ImmigrationThere are three main legal ways to immigrate to Eu

17、rope. First of all is skilled migration that depends on factors like the applicants level of education, occupational skills, and communication skills. Applicants can also study in European universities, find jobs in large companies after graduation, and immigrate to the country. Secondly, business i

18、mmigration is a legal way to immigrate to the country, by which applicants should have a certain amount of property and investin at least one company in the country which they want to immigrate to. After a few years of profits,they can immigrate to the country in the proper way. The last one is spou

19、se immigration. If applicants wives or husbands are the citizens of the country, they can immigrate by this proper way.Illegal MigrationIllegal migration generally means that people migrate to a country without a legal and effective visa. They steal into the country in order to save money or hide fr

20、om the routine inspections.Current Situation in Europe Relevant PoliciesAs the number of illegal migration is improper, on April 20th, 2015, the CoE determined to carry out the Ten-Point-Plan , which included ten effective ways to solve the problem. Both collaboration and supervision had been emphas

21、ized. On May 27th, the CoE suggested establishing an urgent mechanism and tried to stop the stealing on the border as effectively aspossible.European countries have quarreled about the settlement of illegal migrants who have already stolen to Europe, and the protection of their basic rights and free

22、dom. Until now, there is still no effective way to solve this difficulty, but all the countries are trying to reach an agreement. Compared to the past, responsibility is emphasized this time.Existing ProblemsEconomic issues are spread over Europe, so it is hard to provide such occupations to the mig

23、rants and support their life. However, facing the influxes of migrants, Italy, France, Austria, and Sweden have to accept those migrants, leading to the overload of their economy and society.Also, a large number of migrants do not have jobs or even a place to live, so the government has to make a bu

24、dget to improve their basic life. But to manage this, it requires a considerable amount of money, which also reduced the life quality of citizens who live have been lowered.Proper Immigration to Europe Introduction to the Current Situation The Number of ImmigrantsFranceThe history of French immigrat

25、ion can ascend to the 19th century in which people were shipped to France while the French colonists moved to other continents. France is one of the first nations which accept immigration from other continents. Back to 21st century, owing to its profound economic background, the immigration to Franc

26、e is always on a large scale. The total number of the immigrants in France was about 7 million in 2010, 10% of the total population, which was a large percentage for a country that has only dozens of millions of people.GermanyAs the most powerful economic entity in the Europe Union nowadays, Germany

27、 has been suffering from an awful immigration problem for the past half decade. This problem culminated in January 2016, in which the large-scale incidents of sexual diversity in Cologne took place. The solution of illegal immigration problem remains one of the insoluble puzzles for their government

28、. Its developed economic system also attracts tons of foreign investors to immigrate to this 4th largest economic entity worldwide. The total number of the immigration in Germany was 7.2 million in 2012.ItalyBecause of its special geographic position, Italian Coastguard never has a comfortable vacat

29、ion since the war in the Middle East broke out. The distance between Apennine peninsula and Barbary Coast decides its heavy mission on dealing with illegal immigrants from Africa and the Middle East. Every year there are thousands of refugees who were shipped to the Italian Coast by the smugglers, l

30、ots of them even sank during the process. The total number of the Immigration in Italy was 4.5 million in 2011.SpainAlthough Spain is at the southernmost point of Europe, the straitness of the Strait of Gibraltar also makes this nation a great place to enter the Europe Continent. With a passable eco

31、nomic system and an exoteric immigration policy, Spain is a wonderful destination for lots of immigrants from all over the world. The total number of the Immigration in Italy was 4.7 million in 2016.The Distribution and Structure of Immigration DistributionMost immigrants coming from other continent

32、s, who is living in Europe, are concentrated in developed areas. For the low-yielding class, they come for a job. The bourgeoisie comes for their investment programs in Europe.Structure Economic AspectThe bourgeoisie takes up less than 5%, most of which came from North America.The middle-class group

33、 occupies about 40%, half of which came from North America and Australia. In past decade, the percentage of Far-east Asian has been increasing constantly. The rest comes from South America and the Middle East; very few are from Africa.90% of the Proletariat are from Africa and the Middle East, and m

34、ost of them are illegal immigrants.Religious AspectOwing to the religious tolerance of Europe, immigrants all over the world have come to Europe. However, because of the geopolitics, most illegal immigrations are from the Middle East and Africa.About 60% of the immigrations are Christians; about 40%

35、 are of other religions, includingmmedan, Skeptic, etc.Significance to the Development in Europe Political AspectThe Current Immigration Laws or Regulations of Different Countries GermanyStudents whove graduated from German University have been approved to stay in the nation and looking for jobs in

36、the year following graduation.Those who are “highly skilled employees ” will need to have a job offer with a salary level of atleast two times the level where they would pay theum contribution for health insurance asrequired under German law. At the current time, applicants with annual salaries abov

37、e 79,200 Euros would qualify as "highly skilled employees".There will be an annual quota introduced to allow entry of people on the basis of a "points-based immigration scheme". The quota would be set each year based on the needs of the Germaneconomy. The evaluation criteria for

38、the points system will probably cover qualifications, age,German language skills etc.There will be a compulsory course for new immigrants to give them an introduction to the German language, history and culture, and the German Constitution.FranceSpouses of French citizens have a right to a long stay

39、 visa and a family stay card as of right, absent fraud, and for spouses from visa waiver countries, no long stay visa is required. The spouse can acquire a right to permanent residence, provided the marriage was celebrated at least two years prior to the permanent residency request. Furthermore, chi

40、ldren (less than 21 years of age) of a French parent also have a right to permanent residence. Also, the parent of a French citizen may request permanent residence, provided that the parent is a dependent of the French citizen.Furthermore, the minor children of aliens established legally in France c

41、an also be sponsored for visas to return to the family unit.France still has a very favorable framework for retirees, where unlike the United States a special visa category still exists. Nothing in the reform has changed France's unique acceptance of same-sex couples, allowing an alien to enter

42、into a same-sex marriage contract (PACS) to facilitate the obtaining of a visa for the alien partner, provided the economic criteria are met.Other Countries in EuropeMost European countries have similar immigration laws as they share similar national conditions. Dual NationalityBecause of the partic

43、ularity of the dual nationality, the standard as well as the laws and regulations about dual nationality should be enacted literately.Countries that admit dual nationality:France, Germany, Italy, Netherlands, Spain, Belgium, Ireland and 20 other nations. AcquiescenceAlthough some countries do not ad

44、mit dual nationality, there are still some immigrants who have dual nationality.Economic AspectCurrent Immigration Production ValueBecause of the diversification and internationalization in Europe, the economic production of the immigrants in Europe should be discussed in 2 parts: the contribution o

45、f the immigrants to the economic production, and the influence from the immigrants to the economy, such as the competition of employment and welfare, etc.Employment SpaceWith only limited jobs in, the employmentbetween the local citizens andimmigrants is also important to consider.Existing Problems

46、Cultural DivisionThere are 170 nations in Europe. The division of the different cultural immigrations to avoid the s between different nations is difficult but important.Unstable Factors Influencing Social SecurityBecause immigrants are not local people, it is predictable that there would bes betwee

47、nlocals and immigrants; this problem is a terrible hidden danger for social security. For example, theCologne Incident happened in January 2016.Possible Solutions Short-term SolutionsThe most efficient way is to enact new laws to limit or discourage immigration to Europe. Also, adjustments to the we

48、lfare standard is also accepted as well as the exchange rate.For the current solutions, please consult the immigration laws and regulations of different nations. Long-term SolutionsThe culture containment building in the European area can solve the problem of the culturefrom the root. The solution t

49、o the unemployment of the immigrants is the way to protect the social stability. Now, due to the low birth rate of European countries, the aging problem is more and more significant, which will cause the lack of labors. Thus, Europe needs these immigrants to neutralize the aging of the European soci

50、ety.The possible long-term solutions could start with:Economic construction, to provide more operating posts;Limiting the immigration population by raising the criteria of immigration; Other solutions in accordance with national conditions.Illegal migration InterpretationIllegal immigration is defin

51、ed as the act of someone staying in a given country without the country s official permission. It includes those visitors who have overstayed their visas, or generally dont have a visa, and those European citizens who have moved from one European country to another, under EU freedom of movement (and

52、 therefore do not require a visa), but have overstayed their right to abode under EU law, and those who entering into a sham marriage where the marriage is contracted into for purely immigration advantage by a couple who are not in a genuine relationship. ImpactsIllegal immigration poses both positi

53、ve and negative effects on the illegal immigrant as well as the country of illegal immigration. One of the positive effects is that illegal immigrants end up boosting the local economy. Given that illegal immigrants are not entitled to various benefits, some companies capitalize on this fact to save

54、 on labor costs. Further, illegal immigrants take up low-end jobs that do not attract locals. This helps avert a potential workforce vacuum in the lower end of the job market. It is also significant to note that most of the illegal immigrants immigrate in search of a better life abroad.As for the ne

55、gative effects of illegal immigration, the exertion of pressure on a given country s resources matters a lot. Essential social amenities like hospitals and schools can end up being overwhelmed because of users that were not planned for. Given that illegal immigrants need basicsupplies like food, hea

56、lth services and shelter, their influx is likely to stretch the available resources.In some cases, this may end up creating aimmigrants.between the host communities and the illegalFurther, the illegal status of the illegal immigrants can subject them to mistreatment from the localhost commu. Given t

57、heir legal status, immigrants find it hard to report to thefor fear ofdeportation. Some locals take advantage of this situation to extort and mistreat the illegal immigrants. Cases of moral and physical abuse of illegal immigrants are a common occurrence in some countries. However, they end up suffe

58、ring in silence. Further still, illegal immigrants are saidto exert competition on job opportunities for the locals. Some employers are keen to tap on cheaplabor provided by the illegal immigrants at the expense of the locals. In, illegalimmigration can take both the positive and negative dimension

59、in terms of its consequences. Fromthe discussion, the negative effects are more than the positive effects of illegal immigration.c) Current SituationSome of the recent crises on the Italian island of Lampedusa, the Spanish enclaves in North Africa, and at the land border between Greece and Turkey all seem to in


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