已阅读5页,还剩9页未读 继续免费阅读




1、c ease5%cr.re.elugr.rctec ee m u c-yetgkecsc-elud-se ied g aa-fr r c ruia ci - isie -s d- sierra-de gi 一,.一一一.-xedcer1a.1.edsi gi ui lu -sfomedsu-ei-1一elaec-rcarrPkfustgemavisue.-a- iistse.eg .aka-a i iau-we-gaaeeasacstuii一-1agve.-e* Tugtieetatsta11agea . ruc一adsresaesc.-guaeeiadcisic ac-uegsefeeeit

2、gwiirirtiiresigacugiescad as t efcresu a a seieie tisaeircfsgsu.aueieraies-g-measasegrcsairekg ata c - e d t gtig - igr-uei-ssd-sfiesgaiirg- .ci-ftteggrusc.fee gee t - a geeia e.Teftkieiaie-ifigt-geeaseetgg sesweit-igfrscciiaksetireeiice deigagcsese-iis.ce-eer a at-E-iga-frcesg g a .iadacefcretadasa

3、-eeadeae sr ses- si r w k g a-1 ae-ce-ide-eSakf-se-igsa-i-etrgu-rig rfr tegegt td a e atcesiragdc-utiaj r-s a adk w - k e fee-iiieisr.scseraeaigiree-atiiai-atta-wt t ar redcSiu-td-u电渣压力焊分包合同发包方:(以下简称甲方)承包方:(以下简称乙方)根据中华人民共和国合同法及太仓市有关建筑承包的条例、规章、规则等,双方经过友好协商,乙方愿意承包电渣压力焊分项工程的施工业务。甲乙双方本着平等互利、协商一致的原则,签订本合

4、同。第一条:工程概况工程名称:地 点:工程内容:电渣压力焊接柱头钢筋承包方式:包劳务、包工期、包质量(清包)承包范围:工程主体结构电渣压力焊接柱头钢筋第二条:合同工期开工日期:年 月日完工日期:年 月日注:乙方必须严格以执行甲方的总工期进度计划,实际施工工期以甲方制定的月、周工期进度计划为准。第三条:合同价款1 .工程量的计算方法本工程按照实际完成的施工部位,按照施工图纸及工程量计算规则计算工作量。2 .工程施工费用:电渣压力焊接柱头钢筋按照元/根(大写:/根)。 the cuj.gr to -a-son.Iii- daeto brek hanuedi "t Goo -ents to

5、 -p o t(B stghig r Sin, -.pui sh a a on. Ont he cansof-p-r-n. V fairpuli, <cced ,p r<i p- ateton tIs forcefo" touge pay I s ad ai ng cad ci t- Ioc c ir it o fu p-, .po.tatli-igr portsi d tp-ona mats ad -r- pa-.-” rst, a c. p. en-e gas of - Cmmi-on agaist cr u,Ion.a.dcas of - ig c- of pat.

6、 ._!, focuson<s c cin, -c n pia, aton of JI .yuaneaseof 75%; l o gve nmet gene. b_get reveue of m milon Yuan, .Pa -,r. c_ new M Cu yceat .g Lake sce nic spot -r. e -*. d hg h -and muui cinCmmin,“pep se e port. "ns" on against conSu.on*c abls- D hir - indus" Pa Sonagatst-r-in cUUe p

7、oSii has a support "se- l ow doube -Cle n" of m - bes _d _m, cnSanty perfec a .d -. Park Un- asse smaag-e” nd v.gl au. supervsages.- ocatc ia nCal s-, -engt lei ng Pak pat ,”".". ia nc_ to _.t_has ne w rural r ual stye c- n on- l u-nTrough" -p - e ad c- n gve nmet cllu. cnst

8、uci e ma sof party membes ad cades ad c.u- .po- ad Cue to and k_h Alhou.- i n.pl-et nnentCmmon.s crr lei n_ ase C ma- ha s must efctvee ssbut awy fomsueirof equirme ns _ _s saceman pefmane fr a is .sem sin,ad pe-e ad punshmetaspecs lnge.m.hai -a_e nougg p.fct wok-ory a secs nne r.uatry eV sin _s ls

9、of wle of .in il.a d1sli nay ca_ of e"s - o nnedld se cades-o dfeetd.ee - leekad m_s s,ai ons ad new prob - s i fidig tm - enoogh, tea . sove te w e wl prooewig of ediain, make suet - (A) . nens, Tcrae , . . o evet - a Exd and and a d.nnedcon.uct on, ei nfce d u- s of pay membe aee_, _ p. wrk .

10、g aly ad l eve of si ent. -pment Shoudm uluue ofmeeigsi . patcular c eta goup leaunityfute .engtei ad educai wani .g be. ad .des know far k . ew fa in polls of Ie.sr ngsconsc ouses ad enhacig the im pl-etaatAlwa teyh rned cnsiosys- esut w or.new i,第四条:工程款的支付甲方发给乙方职工生活费每人每月肆佰元整,结构全部结束并验收合格后付电渣压力焊清 包总

11、价的70%,其余30%在班组结算后一次付清。.第五条:竣工结算1 .乙方按时完成以上所约定的所有工程内容,经业主、总包方、质量监督部门、甲方验收符 合合同约定的质量标准,则办理工程结算,付清剩余尾款。2 .本工程在乙方的承包范围内原则上对于甲方不发生任何零星用工。如有需经办人员、项目经理二者同时认可签字方可有效。3 .如果乙方未按合同约定的时间完成工程,逾期甲方将按 500元/天的罚款从乙方应得工程 款中扣除。4 .如果乙方未按合同约定的质量等级完成本分包工程,则按乙方应得的总工资的20%作为赔偿金支付给甲方,该赔偿金将由甲方在支付乙方应得工程款中扣除。5 .工程结算需经办项目部有关职能人员(

12、安全、施工、技术、项目经理等)共同签字认可后 方能办理。第六条:工程质量1、本工程质量双方约定为:市优质结构。2、乙方在工程施工中应严格执行太仓市建筑工程质量管理办法,工程质量达到业主、监理、总包方、甲方的要求及中华人民共和国和太仓市施工验收规范标准。如甲方对该工程有 特殊的合理要求,乙方也必须达到。3、乙方必须遵守太仓市工程质量安全监督总站的各项验收制度及要求。4、质量验收单位:太仓市工程质量安全监督总站。5、如果图纸和甲方、总包方或业主要求与中华人民共和国及太仓市施工验收规范标准之间有 任何不一致或差异的地方,乙方应以质量较高者为标准施工。 wrkt he curge ttae e.on.

13、bityd.e to b - hadi s.t Go. cii tmplet(B stegtheig sue.Sin, ey puish a at on. On the Cane. of .peviin. V pui, Icceed -peV. ase,ppy ateton t s.l frre form- touge pay membe s ad leai ng cad - e tei po - s. d. oc_Clk it o ul ply, mportatbrieigs e por. re- dtpesona ma.s .de -perVsy .sem, acm pree.sve ga

14、s of -d-e nt. ona.ist crr utonr tdcaesof eidigccd- of pay m_be. focuson Se C cin, in poliCs SengtedSC piay i-'ain. onof JI . Rceh, te ju. ladng bodes . t Ie cunty eve t o carry o. "tr_ tree" praCi- w hch s iiy a mesueIca .flw y ou -plo.etr.ui-es.adaCie. pat Cp_ inte'hrre tes"

15、p.n.-d Gru, pe"rdDe .ure of te idel cn.ucinofe.ing c.drs i the Ctyrede,red t he relvat i nf.ain, l age ha - . of rep.ig st gove in ucinof a. a. membes and cad_ a al l l . -med to fut he - l ore ad ponder. Te abl.of -igeSsis -ng pa. m bes a nd ca dres. al eve s in pat-.r,e.ig ca dr_ at al ous s,

16、 _tal sha crrctcnce Cmmision aga.S calintgrity dici pi. hornet led.Sip, ad sene of re.on.".ea neS. impl _et the re.on. b of uncrupttd, 9 olan a te nsuethe ld ngcon.r .in of a wn w n.uaion. Next th. Xpra te a biiy of r.el ng onfu a speCS of cgton.Ire gulaiies p.ae .met Fis , te cnst sin sySt-,ad

17、 eha- te .st. upiat,ha. tck lig cruCure.,d-oca, lga syStm, mamment . - m and iupe-Sin meCa n_S not pe.Ct .miSatve <CS ae not vey stadadie p-e l.-i . r ad malet b.ai n. a dve m, plu cm p - ted.St ugg. b.w ee te tw, wl accmpayc ease5%cr .re. elug r.rcteceemuc- yet gke c s c- e lud-seiedgaa-fr r c r

18、uiaci-isie -s d- sierra-esgi一,.一一一.-xedcer1a.1.edsiagirui lu Stsfomedsu-ei-1一emee-sta- efecarrPkfustgemavisue.-a- i istse.aka-aiiau-we-gaaeeasltciiur-agvei-e* Tugtieetatsta11agea . ruc一adsresaesc-teia-c._-.a. c-u -y “g rpe _:-. c. e - se. .in. a i - . -ia-:.etaifLeee-._-;,.i- e ae sp c :. a r-:r-a s

19、ei ,i.im.-as.- .,. .: a.:mk.r ."-"g - . -二 Ju su ”._._.a i e p.t a lgcet e asmasceet,:、. '.i.”u.k.-,.、:.g-k ;. e-eiryii.-eir". go . sf r:rir-ra igi ' iey -s-t- -s ii-e- g-.g .O.-_J-'ed ge.y J :,IeiaeuLe f ek-eiie-ifig-g-e-eue-gg seswewice-igfrsccii-rkse-i-eeiice deigegcses

20、e-iisceerr a-Ec-e iga-fr c es g g e a ri-rrcs-c-efc-e- r rsa-eereaesses-sirwkgr- ae-ce-i-e-eSrkf-seigai-e- gu-aig ru-f- s-egg-uae-ce,ewrgc-uj- res a kwe k e fee-i-i e isrgscsesaeaigi-ee-t-r-r- - - rr -eucsi.-ueu第七条:甲方代表1 .甲方工地代表姓名: 2 .甲方工地代表职责:按合同要求,及时提供乙方所需指令、图纸、要求并履行其他合同约 定的权利及义务。第八条:乙方代表1. 乙方工地代表

21、姓名: 2.乙方工地代表工作:按甲方的施工作业计划,施工组织设计、工期控制计划、指令目标和 甲方代表依据合同发出的指令、要求组织工程施工,履行本分包合同中规定的其它权利和 义务。第九条:乙方工作1 .按照甲方通知的时间准时进场。进场前五天根据甲方的施工计划编制施工方案, 并报送甲 方审批。2 .严格执行甲方的现场管理制度及各管理要求。3 .负责工程现场的成品保护工作,并保证不损坏原有项目,如有损坏乙方自费予以修理。4 .负责对施工现场临时设施的保护工作。5 .乙方必须严格遵守有关安全、文明施工、后勤卫生、环保、消防、保卫的各项管理制度及 规定,因违反规定而造成的一切责任和损失由乙方负责。6 .

22、乙方必须每天将施工过程中所产生的垃圾清运到甲方指定的地点堆放。如在施工过程后不清理由自身施工产生的垃圾,甲方将高价雇其它人清理,由此产生的一切费用由乙方承担。所有以上各条如乙方因不履行上述义务而造成的工期延误及工程损失由乙方承担。第十条:乙方工作人员1 .乙方必须遵守太仓市建筑市场管理条例等太仓市有关外来人员管理的相关法律、法规 及条例。如在工地无理取闹、打架等或任何因为乙方违反上述条例造成的案件事故、事件等的经济责任和法律责任由乙方承担。2 .乙方的所有职工必须符合 太仓市外来人员管理条例 的要求,同时具备太仓市公安局下ew work-e c-e to tr- . dr- - udsrl c

23、- Gore .t-.- es -d rrrg-.e (B . in,- r- pLel. rl on. r- rI cop, w d - r pt1 s,p- r. gou,s Ifr pr- -ls r nd - ig- .e- ece'g s. i on clioe.I-. ocric- into fu- ret b-ig * -r-to p.e . s red -Li .per.- , r-pi -ee g of g. ee-" ".issoe.re. Lo.u,ton .- d f -dig cr- .e.l-sfocusie-e eg-JJie, und

24、ig oficr -cl-the ., ipoi Li d, . o. t he .p .eet.oeo”.Ret- te C- -di .er-to c-out -i s" pi-t c- hicis to erieg I- - . fo-,o. d- p“e nt-it* red r ci- prti ciprte in the "h- e- - " cr.p-g e. Re. G o_, p- pr-r.ide o-og c rd po-i-cr ce.cieof r deg -i e the ci. .in, rghrre* isi. of-p-I eg

25、isto go- eing cr ci- in qu- st ring, r.port topc.r sred cr - r r- s, - ee- t o futh- -p. dde.Lhe rli-t-of i- -ugests isr- srd cr -.s rt- -er-s inprtCL -r igcr - r r-r -s s, tr.hrcre c cec- ee.nt C.-ie<greiscrut-ii cr-integi-, d - i pin- -|e cion of s -r-r of-son.-t- - nest- .p- of.crLptd .p tl ut

26、oe. sto -suethe - e-slui .- on.N-t, I wi h th-i thi ekeg -p-ie ec- r.d cetrc X pi rc-ic- on howec- the -rs-csof cgit on.-. it- p-r- c.eet on.-.-, red -hrc- te on prt-hr.le - thi ekerk-eg ”re.-. c.i c -grs-st>,.rr.eet -se. rd -up - ioe.-cri _ is not p-c, .instrercs re not -,sd nte.r - le hr.rk-leh

27、-i第3页共8页yuaneaseof 75%; l o gve nmet gene. b_get reveue of m milon Yuan, .Pa -,r. c_ new M Cu yceat .g Lake sce nic spot -r. e -*. d hg h -and muui cinCmmin,“pep se e port. "ns" on against conSu.on*c abls- D hir - indus" Pa Sonagatst-r-in cUUe poSii has a support "se- l ow doube

28、-Cle n" of m - bes _d _m, cnSanty perfec a .d -. Park Un- asse smaag-e” nd v.gl au. supervsages.- ocatc ia nCal s-, -engt lei ng Pak pat ,”".". ia nc_ to _.t_has ne w rural rual stye c- n on - l u-nTrough" -p - e adc- n gve nmet cllu. cnstuci e ma sof party membes ad cades ad c.u

29、- .po- ad Cue to and k_h Alhou.- i n.pl-et nnentCmmon.s crr lei n_ ase C ma- ha s must efctvee ssbut awy fomsueirof equirme ns _ _s saceman pefmane fr a is .sem sin,ad pe-e ad punshmetaspecs lnge.m.hai -a_e nougg p.fct wok-ory a secs nne r.uatry eV sin _s ls of wle of .in il.a d1sli nay ca_ of e&quo

30、t;s - o nnedld se cades-o dfeetd.ee - leekad m_s s,ai ons ad new prob - s i fidig tm - enoogh, tea . sove te w e wl prooewig of ediain, make suet - (A) . nens, Tcraeevet - a Exd and and a d.nnedcon.uct on, ei nfce d uls sof pay membe aee_, _ p. wrk .g a - ad l eve of si entic -pmentSho.dm uluue ofme

31、eigsi . patcular c eta goup leaunityfute .engtei ad educai wani .g be. ad .des know far k . ew fa inpolls of Ie.sr ngsconsc ouses ad enhacig the m pl-etaatAlwa teyh - larned cnsiosys- esut w or.new i -属驻本地派出所办理的暂住证等各类相关证件。凡因为乙方职工上述证件不齐全而造成的 任何案件、事故、事件等经济责任及法律责任由分包方承担, 因此造成甲方的任何损失由 乙方承担。3 .乙方进入本工程施工的

32、工作人员必须五证齐全(五证为:身份证、暂住证、劳务证、健康 证、上岗证),办理证件费用全部由乙方负责。4 .乙方所指派的常任管理干部必须是精通技术、善于管理的人员,否则甲方有权建议更换, 如乙方未经甲方批准私自调换人员应视为乙方违约。5 .任何时候,甲方均有权责令乙方从分包工程现场开除任何乙方雇佣的不称职人员。第十一条:文明施工1 .乙方应严格执行太仓市建筑工程文明施工管理暂行条例,并严格遵守甲方在本工程中 对文明施工的其它要求。2 .现场材料应按指定的位置堆放整齐,乙方应及时将垃圾运出施工现场,且使用的生活设施应保持整洁和卫生。第十二条:安全1 .乙方必须对有关己方承包处工程的安全生产全面负

33、责。2 .乙方必须尊重并服从甲方、总包方现行的有关安全生产的各项规章制度和管理方式,并按经济合同有关条例加强自身管理,履行己方责任。3 .乙方必须执行下列安全管理制度: .乙方必须执行安全及时交底制度和班长班前安全讲话制度,并跟班检查。 .乙方职工入场一律接受三级安全教育。 .乙方必须执行周一安全活动检查制度。 .乙方必须接受政府行政主管部门的及劳动部门的安全生产检查。 .乙方必须自行建立安全生产定期检查制度并严格贯彻执行。 .乙方必须严格执行检查整改各项制度。对甲方所发生的安全整改通知,乙方应在甲方 指定的期限内派人整改完毕:如甲方发现乙方在甲方安全整改通知后在指定的期限内 仍未整改完毕或整

34、改不符合甲方要求,甲方有权给予乙方50500元的罚款。tewr、t he curge ttae e.on.biiy daeto b_ hadi s.t Go. cii -ents to mpl -et(B stregtheig sue. Sin, ey pui sh a on.On the Cane. of .peviin. V te.is pui, dey-e d -peV. ase,ppy ateton to s.l frreform- to uge paty membe s ad leai ng cad -e tei po - s. oc_Clk it o ul ply, mportat

35、brieigs e portsreae d to peso.a mate. ad evl epaty-perVsy . stem, a cm pree.sve gas of -d-e nt. on a.ist crr utonr tdcaes of eidig ccd- of paty m_be. focuson Se C cin, npoliCs SengthedSC piay i-'ain. on of JI . Rcety, the juty ladng bod. . t Ie cuntye- t o carry o. "hrre tee" praCi- w

36、hCh S to iiya mesueIca . flw y ou -plo.etr.ui-eS.adaCie. pati , - inte'hrre tes" p.n.-d Gru, pe "rdDepatme .ure of the del ogia cn.ucinofeiding c.drs i t he .y rede, red t he relvat i nfrm.in, l age havst, i ofrep.ig S t in uctin of a- aty membes and cad_ a al l l . - med to fut he - l

37、 ore ad ponder. Ie abltyof -igeSsi s-k ng paty m bes a nd ca dres. al eve s i pati -a r, eidig -drrs at al ous s, _t.l sh a crrct cnce Cmmision a”S cali-riy, sldici pi. ,pragm.i, hornet led.Sip, ad sene of re.on.Ht. ea n.S. .pl _et the re.on. bly of uncrupttd,osolvethe se pr oblems,wewill proceedfro

38、m thefollowi ngfive aspe cts of re ctification,make sure toimplementt heprovi sionsofthe code.(A) deepe ningthe l earni ng,e nhancet he consciousness of honesty in politi cs. o createyuan,a n increase of17.5%; l ocalgovernmentge neral budget reve nueof500 millionYuan, .Painti ng,modelculturecreates

39、ne w Ma Chur chcommunit y,creati ng Lake sce nic spot culture educati on ba se,re ceived higheval uationfrom provincialand munici pal di scipline Inspe ction Commission,the people'sdaily specialre port. Constantly promotei ndependent Commissionagai nstcorruptioncultureconstruction to r uralexten

40、ds,create d establi she d Da hlin r ural industryPark i ndepende ntCommission against corruption culture positions,formedha sa support "servicelowdoubleexcellent" ofm emberslead team, constantly perfectand e stabli she d Parkfunds assets management,andvillagea uditsupervision,a ndvillager

41、s demo craticfina ncia l,system,strengt hening Park party,and Chief,and financial, fullpubli c,powerful t o guarantee s has newr ur alconstruction,by cityrural style ean governme nt inspe ctionunitledofheightevaluation.Through theim plementati on ofhone st andclea n governme nt culturalconstructi on

42、,a nd effectivelye ducatethe broad masses ofpartymembers and cadres andconsci ou sly regulated behavi orand di scipline ,honestyi n第十三条:特别条款1 基于本工程质量计划:工程起始阶段施工时,乙方施工人员的技术水平必须达到甲方的要求, 如乙方施工人员技术水平达不到甲方的要求,甲方有权要求乙方在2 天内调换符合甲方要求的技术水平够硬的施工人员进场施工,如乙方没按甲方的要求进行调换,则按乙方违约处理,由此产生的如延误工期、延误其它分包施工时间等而造成的损失的一切费用有

43、乙方负责。2 乙方技术管理人员及施工人员在没经过甲方书面同意的前提下,乙方一律不准在乙方的其它工程项目和本工程之间进行流动施工,否则按乙方违约处理。3 乙方承包工程不得再分包或另行转包,一经发现,按乙方违约处理。4 在本合同执行过程中,若乙方施工进度和施工质量明显不符合甲方要求的施工进度和施工质量, 甲方有权指令乙方在2 天内, 采取赶工措施和指令改进措施。若乙方在期限内仍未取得明显的效果,不能令甲方满意,则甲方有权解除本合同。同时甲方由此遭受的损失有乙方负责承担。5 如乙方有任何违反本合同的违约行为,乙方应保障甲方免于承担由此违约造成的甲方与业主签订合同的任何损失和赔偿费,但并不排除采用其它

44、赔偿办法。6 乙方在本工程施工中,须遵守一切安全技术操作规程,进入施工现场须戴好安全帽,高空作业时, 必须戴好安全带。因乙方违反上述规定而发生的一切伤亡或安全事故均由乙方承担,乙方须保证使甲方免于承担由此引起的一切连带责任。7 乙方职工宿舍须保持清洁卫生,物品堆放整齐。如有“赃、乱、差”的情况出现,且经甲方指出后。仍不改正,甲方有权雇人打扫、清理,由此产生的一切费用由乙方承担。8 乙方人员必须遵守食堂的规章制度,如排队买菜、提水、将剩饭、剩菜倒入指定的地点。同时应爱护食堂的电器设备,如因野蛮使用而导致损坏,乙方必须按价赔偿。9 乙方人员的住宿由甲方安排,乙方施工人员进场后,由乙方现场负责人以签

45、借条的形式向甲方领取,由甲方提供完好的房间及房间附属必需品,乙方在使用过程中不得将房间及附属品损坏,工程竣工后,乙方人员撤出时将以上甲方提供的物品归还,如有损坏,则照价赔偿。10 甲方现场委托人及其它现场管理人员有权根据合同条款监督乙方履行其义务,如乙方职工不服从管理,甲方有权对乙方每次处以50500 元的罚款,如甲方要求,乙方管理人员负ewmeasures to promot ework, thecouragetotakeresponsibility, dare to breakhar dtoensure distri ct, Gover nment decisions andarrange

46、me ntsto im plement. ( B) strengthe ning supervision,sev erely punish act sofviolati on. One i sto open t hechannels of supervision.Vigor ously pr omotethe artyaffairs publi c, open,wi dely a cce pted supervisionbythe masse s,payatte ntion tosocialgroupsand public opi nion supervi sion,the powerfulf

47、orceforme dtourge party members a nd lea ding cadres properly exer cisetheir powers.Se cond, strong supervisi on and inspe ction. Dem ocratic life intofullplay, importantbriefing s,reportsrelate dto personalmattersand evaluation of ca dres 'studyofinner-partysupervisory system,acompr ehensive gr

48、aspof gui delines forthe im plementati on oftheindepe nde nt Commission against corruption-relate d cases of lea ding cadre sof party members,focuson stre ngthe ningkeyare asofpr oject selection ,funding, official smonit or,detectand rectify theproblem,pr omote hone styin politics.Thir d,stre ngthe

49、ndisciplinary inv estigation.Seri ouslyt he impleme ntation ofJI.Recently, theCounty leading bodies att hecountylevelto carryout "three tree s"practi ce,w hich is to impr ovetheg overni ng abilitya nd pr omoti ngthe development ofXXeffectivemeasure.Icarefullyfoll owyourde ployme ntrequirem

50、ents, anda ctively parti cipate inthe "thre e trees"campaig n. Read Gr oup, pre pare d bytheDepart menti nthe nearfuture oftheide ologi caland political constructionoflea ding ca dres i nthe cityreader,re adthe relevanti nformation, largerharvest,inspire d.Ithi nkthea bility ofrepelli ng i

51、sto strengthen the party's gover ning capa city in que stionsofthe construction of meaning,animportanttopic remains infrontofparty membersand ca dres at all level s,we need t ofurtherexpl ore a nd ponder.T heability of repelli ng thename sugge sts,isask ing partymember s and ca dresatalllevel s in particu lar,leadingca dres at all lev els, notonlyourselve s,est ablish a corre ct concept ofthe indepe nde ntCommissionagainstcorruption, politi calintegrity, self-disci pline,reje ctionofcorr upti on,ma deforthe people, pragmatic,hone stleader shi p, andstre ngthe nthe se nse ofresponsibility


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