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1、smeacnuarigteymaentsssyesstsemmesntais i nncdlmuedae disnutrhese eastabnlinualisnhdeexd.bSyt,riactlyinmdpla managementsystem; developed hascomputerand thenetworkofnetwork security responsibilityXXEducation-Governme nt,resource li brary, test database, mailservi- Lheld sy stem,signe d ha snetw orkse

2、curity responsiorkoftopic caces, such ase- tns.Bureaplatforms.At present,the city'ssede sign, relie son Ciscoprimaryand middle-books,pa ny thought Shu aid-I . I l.la ny ougschoolongradi ng record a nd evalI . _I -I . .1has threeyear s technol L一 1.1I10:1;809 equipmentclass

3、estBureau on teachi ng points digitalresources fullcover prcurity gradeprotecti on a bout poli cyand standard, organizati on carried outinformationsendmanpower planning ,and poi nts ste p implementati on, using schoolearthquakeHou rebl ishment ofanadva nce d,practica lGigabite ducationalmetropolitan

4、area network,toject of impleme ntation programme, Esta blished XX,fullcoverage ofcuritygrade prote ctionconstructionnni ng eleme ntaryand miccording t o whois innd whois responsiblefor,w ho uses principlcurit y,assurance responscharge ofwho' s in charge,wdigitalresource s inm oder n distanceeduc

5、atinformatioction levels,withoutthirork) f orclassifiedsecurity proted-level ihigh quality planning XX educationalmetropolitan areanetwork realizesWaol pass; Each school construction standards of campus networkand netw orkaccessto all r ooms;ngto Ministry ofeducation onfull started impleme ntation t

6、ea chi ng point s digitale ducationresourcent chaired Z hu Guiyan, responsiblefordistanceeducati on digital resources coveringprojectw ork.nZha okua n to schools, hundre dsof megabytes ofbroa dbandto t hetable,'wire '(ie:_.I. . . 一 一一. _ _Web,vi deo, a udi o)tothe targe t,electronicwI - . II

7、. Il. Ln . I- . . Lucti ona nd gradeeval uation,implem一一 L-L -ddle schools cam pus network a nd e ducation city domain,L - I . I -I -.-. 一.一ontea chi ng pr oject leadie sc ooscam pus newora n ork,school s have computernetworks,nggroup, XX,chaired the Secretaryforeducatinetwork,actionsystem oftherequ

8、iremeclosed-cir cuittelevi sion netwon.E stablished,digitalresourcesi n moderncompanycooperation, usiI. .1_ _Ihe cl assrooms,realdista ncee ducation teachingize thephysi calfiberlayingt-1.1 I- 一160 million Yuas share Internetba ndwi dth,XXfull coverage proje ct group, XX, Directorofthe Centerforneed

9、s of teachingum ofcost a chieveeducational i nformation an,accor ding tot he standard,II- IIL-III I.I.I.oftheschoolndequipmenedrastcaoonystcimoeo.Apcacsosr;diaProjects inooms;一.-XXeducati on metropolitan area netw orkce ntermachisfull coverpr oje ct of notification(taughttechniXXcity school digitalr

10、esour ces i n moderncalletternt inthe Mioteinteractivevidistancee ducation teachingfull-coverageh,)and XX Pr ov ince Department ofeducation on issueproje ct leadi ng group,digitalresour cesi nmodernntralLibrdeotean educati onalsualeducation re sources,d XX provincetea chi ng points digitaleducati on

11、 re sour cesful lcov er projectdistance e ducationteaching, andXXfull coverage proje ct group lea dershipa nd1 总 则1.0.1 为了贯彻落实我国现行建筑节能和推广使用新型墙体材料的产业政策,治理蒸压加气混凝土砌块填充墙工程渗、漏、裂、空等质量通病,提高建筑工程质量,特制定珠海市蒸压加气混凝土填充墙专项技术措施。1.0.2 本措施适用于珠海市行政区域内工业与民用建筑的蒸压加气混凝土砌块填充墙工程中的砌体工程、抹灰和饰面工程(包括界面处理层、找平层、饰面层、涂料面层的抹面层,下同)的设计

12、、施工和验收。1.0.3 本措施依据建筑工程施工质量验收统一标准GB 50300、 砌体工程施工质量验收规范GB 50203、 建筑装饰装修工程质量验收规范 GB 50210、 建筑防水工程技术规程DBJ 15-19等国家和地方现行规范的基本原则,结合珠海市的气候环境、产业政策、工艺水平和产品质量状况等特点编制。1.0.4 蒸压加气混凝土砌块填充墙工程的设计、施工和验收除执行本措施外,尚应符合国家和广东省现行有关技术标准的要求。mprove,se curitypr evention ca pacity obvi ously e nhanced,securityhiddeforall equi

13、pmentin t he rooma reg ulardust,replaand Ci scoproducts.Intheir . _i,il. 一 _and soluti ons through ameeting,without rollitfhoergeo-loedsatrenlidailyw ork,to publi cizerelatece theold la bel.ng up thean and securityaccide nt obviouslyreduce d,effective guaraRegularly host serverptifriecsbdaeitlkiintn

14、ot,yoni,twnorletesqdoulgvireehemperoeanpntedninfoobrslmepamatisco,enaonsfsedpsfucebehloos, netw orkswitches, coreroutingcurity considerations.dbacktosuperintees information healthdevelopment.dwaremainte nance,such aseXXE ducation Centrereg ularlycarry out day -to-daynetworkseEnhanced gl obal aw aren

15、e ssofnetw orkand information seI_ L>一一 II. 一 storesolve.Through self-examinatiqui pmentfailure,on,we arcurit y,and strive toashoul d be pr ocessedin atimely mannerin orchieve netw orkeveryone knows se.L .1 L - . I L . 一.ckofinvestmentin educaticurity monitoring informationand equipment.By the ap

16、proprdertoe nsur esafe andrel iable operati on ofthe system.Iniatetechni calstaff,XX network e ngine room mainteon, facilities acurity a ndvir us before theguard,toimpr 一一 一一 updates,educati identsns1t8a.ll31atiton(jpurneiovenetw orkand informationseXX cityinformationand equipmeon development isstil

17、lunevecurity,ensure that t- - .ntwas estaheXXeducatiw education conceptsnancestaffonsite managementablishedwit hinthe Centre,educationalmetropolitan arend mai ntena nceon areg ularbaneeondstyostbeemfurt nehtweroreknhaancend idnftoormsoamtioenexsytestenmtasnedcrueritys.trTirctaicnkgitcoveqruaigreodf)

18、,drigeigtiaslteration ducantiuomnalbrersotourmceestitnhte requiremehnetsproject coonfstteruaca netw orkce nter machi ne roomXX.Serversang reportingsystem re- -J 一一-.1.1quireshe devel opme ntofcity educatinddatast oresand applicati onsto set upinallparties t o strengthen collaon.ses a nd associatede

19、qui pmentoperatingboration,w orkcloselywitXX Citymetropolitan areaconditi ons,and makea recor d.Computerlanetworkdevelopecenter machine room.b mainteWi ndowsServer2003,winance manager sregularlyrun avn areanetwdemonstration countiendowsSe rver2008,windowsServer2012, Liarietyofdevice sin the schoolin

20、formationsystem parameters,ork,regularlynux,the operatingsystem,thed outspe cialfundsevducation,efforts topromserver systemsa nd vari ous data ba ckup, so t hattherewa s ahar dwarefailure i na systemcrashca nresume qui ckly andefficientl y.Computer l ab mainte nancemanager sestabli sh anetworka ntiv

21、irus system, AviraV irussystem ona reg ularbasi s,and anti -virussoftware se curitya ssessment,timeto upgrade. Com puterla bmaintenance managementctthe securityofinformation.Annual 一 .11-i Wanfu, as MicrosoftOffice software.Schools (unit2-3 professind Michael Jenki ns, aha strong professi_ .I - L I

22、. .Ipatein province back boneface-t00.onsteeri ng,steprincipals ofeducati on information i nnto performanceassessmentand school levelm onit oring a nd eval uation,to develop a scientific, operational educationinformation ste ering a ssessment methods,trackingorkused by t he serverforHPXXeducati on m

23、etropolitan area netwquireme ntsthe tecauritysprmcheionedgtiunpcogtisfn,otasrHsuanawcleyhisoiolcpr oducts,i ncl udi ng the use of360 a ndki ngsoft Internet se curitysoftware. eam,schoolnetwork managers on commonnetw orkfailures a nd becaorklear ning, doea ch teachi ng pointsare hasteachers participa

24、te i ntrainiion ofaocelaxspse,daitcelae duscsataiotnotialra nfonrkmedatfiizrasttiionDwiovriski,t on ahecctitviytiees,swtablissheadwtarde hescdhthoonaland technicalteam,schoolnetwo-faceor netwe duscsataiotnotialramanagement ofeducation informati on a nd appli cations. ByMar ch 2016,100 oftheteachers,

25、Iparticipated in a nationale ducationaltechnologytrainingforprim ary a nd secondaryschooltea chers,the teachershave made tocut 80 primaryand middleschoolteachers'e ducationaltechnologyproficie ncytest certificate. At present ,allschools have a ccessto broa dbandnetw orks.Traini ngcla ssificati o

26、n trai ning ofteacher s,schooltea cher s, aca demic l eaders,informationtechnology,teachertraining acurityi ssues.Issuesthatcannotbe resX2iXoprncoaivtniyndcaiaslseesdeucatsioscnmoiennnfdtorspymriaztei,otsnhtaiernmd.Ienqfudoirppmrmiazeteioantsolve d,timelyformsofmeetings,such a- -一 .- -.nt Ce nteron

27、rey,wit hin theschool back t oschooltraini ng once training i s complete.w.k s_.h ”.si I sy s-m, ok- o. oi Ie”,一1 ma-tcmPu-f. i.p.op. e a y a. . s ivv.who s po.b- for - ho u - ”. - 1-i y,a - -so.ss .eso.” . io. -.ld-ta ons sawork f. - d s.,p.o- ci. .* wtoutth1g -nay la.|g XX .alm pola. a-a.-w.k. - X

28、s - -lppss Eacslool c.sI - l. sa,.soilpus.-o. a. .- o.k ac-ls to al .;.g to Mllsyoi -o.o.ulsa-. -p - e .taIo.-a .ucal. .-su-.t cal. Z lu saiee-cai o. .gla. - ouc - iov”p.oj-l - o.kWe, vio-o, -aget, elc.-i-160 mli.Y- ., a-o. .a. . l . . . l . - l. .1 -l -a -., -p-me.-scoos l_pus i. .mal p . o.k - cmp

29、" .eks.-w.k aci. qu.me I tIe、c-ayf. , 一 IUl-.U_l te-l so. .e ok, b.oacaso. E sablse. dgial.esul-s i . moo-.a.,u- Ie c -ooms .-.一 e .occlgi- Iepiys - - ayig t一.i . - i . _s sa- .t-.- ba . .I, I,xxi. c-.ep.-c goup, ", Ceee io.soit - iigum oi cs alli du l.a i ".m.l. aoi tie slool.e-lme.二

30、 .i scoos wie'1 I ooms;.L .-XX -P.o ls uliov-p. o- .a- .-'.k .- mi.me.i 11 i .xxi. scool.ga -su. i- i.mo-.acee.-to. -aclg iu.(20 12) 74t Mllo-age ovi- o.-一.X -apr-it .g.l.-su cs.sa- e.ucal.-allga. XX ul ce pr- c goup- 2、材 料2.1 蒸压加气混凝土砌块2.1.1 蒸压加气混凝土砌块的规格尺寸宜符合表2.1.1的要求:表2.1.1蒸压加气混凝土砌块常用规格尺寸砌块

31、公称尺寸(mm)长度L宽度B高度H100150200600200250250120180300240注:根据工程需要的砌块实际尺寸可由用户与制造厂协商确定O2.1.2 蒸压加气混凝土砌块的抗压强度应符合表2.1.2的要求:表2.1.2蒸压加气混凝土砌块的抗压强度(MPa强度级别立方体抗压强度平均值/、小于单块最小值/、小于A5.05.04.0AA10. 蒸压加气混凝土砌块的干密度级别应符合表2.1.3的要求:表2.1.3蒸压加气混凝土砌块的干密度(kg/m3)干密度级别B06B07B08干密度优等品(A) << 600<700<

32、;800合格品(B) 工< 625<725<825 iu. a . -., se-ly -. scu. a cl .-t obvaosy . .u-. i-ll- - i.imal. lea*.ev-pm-I .a.you to .e o. - a pm-t. e .ie sai o.s. ma.agme.t a- uabass, .Ie . okss-s -aas- a. -sea. .me.t op-ai.g c.Io.s a.ma- a .-i. es -lua" . u. a . rey oi sial.s s-m pa-s s-ve . s-ms a. v

33、alus .aa baiup, s - sa la.waei .elass-ias a. - .me-lkya. .la.tycmpute a ma .Ie -al sa .-wk a .t - - . s-, Avia Vlus abass sae s ry as- sm-I Cmpu- a-a.-ma.agm-tss laIut - glt P.ali- s a so.,a* .g wtl t le -. p.i .cpas oi - as.cool lev a.e-laI.g a ByMac. -cl-s I palcpa o.ae .-.o.at-l.ol* Ia.imay a. se

34、 c.ay scool - c-,Ietta ilesc-s ' e ce.iy -s ce.la- Ap-selalsloos la- a casllalo. Ialaces,scool -aces,<ca-mii-a te a okma.- -tp- Cuy, a a.i. al ua-I -pa- tleo. abelReeuay loss- - S.-o.k c-.ou“ l - l s, la-ae mal- .aceluc - e qu,m-t iau-, sou. i . a .-y ma.- io. .- I- I. XX Io. a. “pme.t - esab

35、ls.- aaea.ew-k -.t- ma ' sa. -a sors a. ap.-ul XX Cly me*aa- .ek . maci.e .oom. W.S. ,. .ID, , tle Oile siwa- scl _Mcosi Oi-siwa- Scoos u.its oi cmpu-, i.b.aio. sy- - lulyproucs io. .me.l prou 0 , i -oi = a . k.oit II.et iy sa-.XX aa- - i. HP , al.iy pr.ul i. Hawi Ia - apliao.apaly la. iles100.i

36、 ndmuea. :-:"sabstSHi*”:""* "dtitewf,”':.“n in"meittmgylxm.PoS."3”:.、”“ ":-.:,.:*一”,-m n3ao:e_u” "dgy""-',”-:m:但"9-.“ ntH.Ccumf b"%*"、.-UtUtddWa“.ndl-p.-s.;r;,d.c.heaensBu心血心”.-JXgo”-,w-:"*»*”_;,"""-&qu

37、ot;-"",".,品“metop".1.,工”-0*9-”.0;。*.工;9.31二,1-on,8aM."”&:b,:,3esd.imra-'S'd;'s.c"."f"toaI"aa:.“-*:k.-":-,“',":.、.*"'::"“:".m-fru.c.d-eop. has c.put. n.wrks * ”nsiI - ., ok -is.gm.:” snn. i l. pls-d ma nW .,

38、.”、ItUs. n - y . » suc a s -siv.fr Accr.g t o-os : C.g.of -o' -IoS.or,w ho . - .,. s of wos i nca. fa." sCools (u.) .nd I h.r.s . .iny .sons ”.st o scoos XX . sCooS ( as. 20, 9 of- ICI. notscu. on css.t of W. -nan. .su. .-. fr . d ini- . o.l .Ss 12.1.4 蒸压加气混凝土砌块的强度级别应符合表2.1.4的要求:表2.1.4

39、蒸压加气混凝土砌块的强度级别干密度级别B06B07B08强度级别优等品(A)A5.0A7.5A10.0合格品(B )一A5.0A 蒸压加气混凝土砌块的干燥收缩值和导热系数应符合表2.1.5的要求:表2.1.5蒸压加气混凝土砌块的干燥收缩值和导热系数干密度级别B06B07B08干燥收缩值标准法(mm/m)<<0.50快速法(mm/m)<<0.80导热系数(干态)W/ (m-2 <0注:1、规定采用标准法、快速法测定砌块干燥收缩值,若测定结果发生矛盾不能判定时,则以标准法测定的结果为准。2、砌块上墙的含水率宜控制在15%22%范围

40、中。3、用于墙体上的砌块,允许不测导热系数。2.2 放射性要求蒸压加气混凝土砌块在生产前应对其所用的砂、水泥等材料进行 放射性指标检验,结果应符合民用建筑工程室内环境污染控制规范 GB 50325的要求。当所使用的原材料放射性指标合格,制品可不进 行放射性指标检验。2.3 砂浆2.3.1 蒸压加气混凝土砌块填充墙采用的砌筑砂浆、找平砂浆、饰面-it. t. a- :uy. :: d.-it .:- y -. fcv .ii.f.a:a>.l.e.: .t g ll .- a da - s.ry :.fa:. birat. .sf - .:tsa I a :. a : s . l v. -

41、I ys.l dta . aas-. .:.a:. . ik ct a:a a g s .gayvrt.:.cfa:s I aa.ll I. st a a: atks t . ada :syt. as.sqiikyf y.a:eagl .ta s . .vr - s s. :sys. .a:t:u s ftacry ss ss.:.a.-.lf a q:tg-a.t.l. l lR.g.y t .s .- s .:g:.-ia a :t a . s. a-.U.S ls. :.a.:1t.s.salala:ts.y:.-ais:.t.a:ati.a.-c.dtt.aa:.-:-:aa.- .t

42、 .W:.sv2lE:s. :. s .v.2x1gsyt. a Q sv12Il Of: sf.1 aM.sfffcsf.1.l1:s.-.:f.ays.s-:. . .gts60gi.s.s.-.:ti.-stsv.fHP:.-ifa: s.:s It:al-1111t.lg a: s:s. sE.saf:avta:v.-.ls.a:f.t1t::s.rys.t.-.:syt.s:. s.r.ts.t.l.:g.sal.l. a: t.a.ls.s.a.ya-ttcry:23 s:l t:f.ag.:t:tfss-.-.s-g.-fi.lsv:crySSSIS.-. .11v:.f.:ss

43、a.g:-l g .-. . t sr: -:g d at.t SIg sl.ao . l iltva.:.s.:f.- .ffrdas . -dvl.: slv.:.-. f -. .a.s s. t dvl: .:W.lt tyg.s -: vft: o d .-:. - g .1-.:.:-.:ftt-lgg a W- - M.aJ. S a . : a g:,: ad -:,v .1 ac tf. ing . .g:.-.a:ta:g c203 ss:.:f.a:a.:. .:.-a:gst. t g s :la: .a::ca: .-. s .a g.111ala-:.I. . g

44、inti igit. 1I-.fl.c . s -.a ggl"r.ay:g:sll:.a:atc.g-:-:.-.gg.i:. .i.t.agal.1l.vTgl1Pd.-cla.t::g. lt - g vlg.:.a:vs:lstc.:.ascvty:st.l.gta: t.1kg:lsa 5.:lyf.f:Ilsla-aa:t:-:saivi.-alld.:a:.1.2: a s . r. t.a3:l gl. u. lylI: -1. l .:.af. va.-as - . a .14-a-.is-s.t:sldt83j:ig cs-.t:. a . d -.:gii:-.

45、:.-.s-.s:s.Fv:ga:caa a ast.gtc. s :e-.-b.ttld.-:lcg-.assssvl :tta:.: adSdda:.g l:av-::d.-y. :vdl i-. xd.:ftit-:.a:.c - g svsa ss ss. ys. if: da:.ra.aa .as.s :f.a:-l -. wig 10pc.:.s- s .: s. g .r g g :. . l . f:.f . Is. g l .vl-iid. sc. tf. a:.-:: s.g ssss. tsingg.1. afa:lsBMa.06 - a . I at:a : a l l

46、clg-:g f:y l. l . .I av d to .:i dl c . .:.g f : .tt .:.lc 1V. s -ii:. ls:.-ta:g.s. a dl d I f:. gy .l :.g.f-y:t. c-a3 ning a.lC-n- paly tan- 3. of .fctv.:f.a:nmCuT,mey.:a.ndmea L :-bl.aners,“mi -management .m d-p. las _.pu_ a.".(XX Idu - i.'met”一. .ILpm.om.-tup aCi - La-. t.w.k s_.h ”.Si G

47、ov.m. .L .- l b.ay tst . - bbs. m”,Lg.aragetel-. - S-m, ok 一 ca- IU- as._ _ . . . . l -pl.o.ms. 0.esg, so. Csoprmay a.m.一a .ets -I._ . . i .a .yoLgs-ool.-N-1.:;:;SU-te.3198 via- tla o. ga.> _ .l . l.is.- iS-o.S bl.fo. .I- t.e yas te-nol Li,.t -as - tlmang-t, ppss-. maste “ool u.” ac.d. L IL . . .

48、 . o. cmpLe "ys .d.t .g,t-t-s op. y a. . beia lsa-dsa.d. .一-uiy . p.t.-. . a. .a. o.ai o. . ou .- -u". - . p.ote.t. sapo-epaa Se p imp-me.tai o., uS.g -lool eatl.ua- Hue-.st - ta bl iSm-t of .-<.-.,p.a-ia l Ggai e i.a met.opolta.a- .et-k, tle -iy- 1-looSl - a-s t-u o.- -igita-su.-s ul-.

49、 p.oj-t ofmp - e . p.g-m- Es. bl. of .gia -su-.”-.a* 36 of te as » ive L.B-' i,-.-g t o -o is i -age of -o' -d midial,g-o.k l. . .uiy p.o. -i. .ve.b.fo.,w lo LLes p.CL. y,-a- o.sle r- s a.bi - st o s-oo.Iks of ”mai.0dleve io.a.1g -at, I. XX .ua.lm”p01a.-.k _lz_ . to s.oo. .l.l_ plyS-al

50、lb- .-lool s-ool p-. Ea-s-ool-.stti.staoa.s of -pus .-o. a. .- ofl-ea . a M.iSy of _a.o. o. Ulstate. mp - e .taio. tea - . .- -.t-ai- Z lu Sa-eeouai o. .gta. - ou- - -ov”gp.oj-. - o.k ' .' We, vi-o. a a.t, ele-.i- ev.oato., imp.-S-ooS -pus .maiya p .a .- o.k -mpU. .et-ks.-w.k aqueme I.sta.- - o. t_- t._i teev So.-


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