1、wl cnti nu tom prve the company's ier na control sysem, ad Stay mpr ovmet in a bih to manage ad cntrol,optimze buS I es pr ,te .sire smooth pr oce * loponsiiles ipace to furthe stegteiena control s, play a control post .e.et ovesght roeof cm plying - h thirdpary asponsbi; t a c make use of itena
2、l aui t oolsetct poteta I management, st.e sa nda die e d tansacins, Srengt hei ng oleatons i a ccrda nce wihaw Dee pe"g the .”"nmaagement toesue ful cmmui -in"zro as - ncl".I consanty lebct ERP, and FFS+, and P,a nd M S, ad main sysba- d cnst uCion, Ul i nt - a.ni nformainsy ste
3、m, aCi . .format on l_oul ces shared tepa I d Porta sysapp-t di a nd det h, pay ifomai onsysem onet er of Assstat re toperfeC di y run ma ntea nce ejlid,prom oe pr ob-r - sns a.ayss and sysem ha ndover tose ngleig MS - , a d ERP , a nd SCM, tachno.gy a” ion I.g impro<e- pl ooe - a pplicaini I frm
4、aton systmof -pa* .dl lHumanistc cae to e nnue'ze o."To srengte ning Humanie s - e.coninesto fose compa I y Wnd ce a, ad g- ae and heat Shu of _l ue amosphee , stegt I ei ng l<ehele d trappedcae d.i_l employeesred out sye ac" ih emploe- le, stegt I ei ng heat ad a bou pr e cion, or.
5、ni zncarer healh me dial cntol - r-r against , cniuus to im plmetai 0np.colg ning pr eveton sstm, taii ng - pl oyes hhat of chara ce, and sa be of mood ad eeprsi I g of atude , cratd're ndy faeniyof Humait, s evronmet osengte . manageme I t esue t hat the bus nes of "zeo risk. To steggheed
6、bus nnssplas ma-me nt wl bus nnssbusne ss plas cve t o al el e.lure tebusies n cntol i ncntrl t ocooe cncen finaca, adca eectic linkge a nd e nergysav ngichedulng nai ona poli cy teds ste ngghe ning trck a ctve soud. t 0mpeme n,in Sae ownnd a ses mehod, fuiHer se c. inbusnes iacal maa - ment tperec
7、rik tue contol sstm, achiee d rik e cgnii on, and m- sue a nd a sss-et and reort and cntrl ffeda- of cooed ri ng maagement . improve rprvet on ca pacy.To urhe sanar die tadig, ad stie taceve、ccrdig taw stadadie ad fai." Inovainof peror mance manaeme nt, tenue t ha poe ntal - plooe "rf,. To
8、steghe I pefma nce ma naggmet prss cont ol enha ce empl ooee a uain ad lees of e - ct - commuicaint o impr- perormance manaemeI t T ut her quant iy ad reie - ployle sandars . Wk, ul plypay, a nd bra nc, ad m - bber i n Ive tye Entepriss" connHudon i teof cre roe, ad Ightig frtes roe ad pi oneer
9、 model r oe t contnnes to ste nghenig "our god" ladeship const ucin, ffl pay evls des i eerri - de v»pmet i n te麻栗坡县公共租赁住房工程模板专工项程施 安工装方 拆案除建设单位:麻栗坡县建设局勘察单位:文山蔚鑫地矿工程勘察有限公司设计单位:文山永信建筑设计有限公司监理单位:云南城成建设监理有限公司文山分公司施工单位:麻栗坡县建筑工程总公司编制:审核:审批:f bbck bone ba- bone roe , to ful segteni ng m - b
10、es y outhwrk ul ply y ouh-ployes i n cmpay d lopment ite role t mpr ove idependet Cmmisi on agaist cr upin w I rk evl steghe nig on ete p_e bus nes ky ik of elecienels moniorrd., And m aiai sa bily. Tfutesegten puUy a nd e in, impr ooe te oveal lga mtm. m us ste nghen s y mang-et esablsad mprove t h
11、e e ducat on, sue - i on, ad evauain as oneof the ta'mang-e nt mecai -.oconscentiu- sum up t I e pi c 一 * cntrl, promot ng itgae d managme I t tah.e l el hg he sa nda ds a h.e e of deve opmet implye -toddy is l una ce I da on cmbe 24, te ox B> s g,at t hs -e I f yar we ceay fee t heiu of te X
12、X po-er ge I eain cmpany Io luis, to moe c eay he a XX powe ge neaincmpanes mread s-mety beating Rul ig ppst one a note oss a aiig , ae etu t c a nd ul of cnfie nce Fu ue de_l I pme ntopporuniies moe eciig ,ht more spi-dEmplyes e us tget he ac oss 20 13 ul of chae nges a ndopporuies to crae a gren,
13、lwcst opeain, ul of humaI e cae of a w - cl as po-er ge neatoncm pany ad wrk had Teoos on of the Sprig Fesial my sin-e -is ta y ou a nd teffmies I f te sf ite new yea, good hhat, hapy happywl cnti nu tom prve the company's ier na control sysem, ad Stay mpr ovmet in a bih to manage ad cntrol,opti
14、mzebuSIespr ,te .sire smooth pr oce * loponsii les i pace to furthe stegteienacontrols,playacontrolpost.e.et ovesght roeofcmplying-htidpa* esponsi bi; t a c make use of itenal auitoolsetct poteta I management, st.e sa nda die . . ta nsacins, Srengt hei ng oleatons i a ccrda nce wihaw Dee pe"g t
15、he .”"nmaagement toesuefulcmmui -in "zeris - n ".IconsantylebctERP, and FFS+ +, and PI, a nd M S, ad main sysba- d cnst uCi on," i nt - a.ni nformainsy stem, aCi . .format on l_oul ces shared tepa I d Porta appt dianddet h, pay ifomai onsysem onet er of Assstat re tolerfeCdiyrunm
16、anteance ejlid,promoeprob-r ons a .ayss and sysem ha ndover tose I gleing BS+, a d ERP , a nd SCM, tachno.gy a” ionI.g impr o<e - pl ooe - a pplicaini "rmain systmof pacy adl lHumans' cae to e nnueze o."To srengte nig Humanie s - e.coninesto fose compa I y wid ce a, ad g- ae and hea
17、t Shu of _ ue amosphee , stegt I ei ng .<e hele d trapped cae dfi _ empl oyees re d out sye actek,h emploe stegt I ei ng heal h ad a bou pr e cin, orgai zncarer healh me dicl cntol - r -r agaist , cniuus to im plmetai 0np.colg wa nig pr evein sstm, taii ng - pl oyes hhat of chara ce, and sa be of
18、 mood ad eeprsiI g of atude , cratd're ndy faeniyof Humai-s eVionmet o srengte I rik manageme I t esue t hat the bus nes of "zeo rsk. To steggheedbus-splasma-me nt wl bus nnssbusne ssplas cve t o al el e .lure te busies - n cntol i ncntrl t o co - cn cen I nanBl ad calee ctc li nkge a nd e
19、nergysav ng iche _kng nai ona poli cy teds ste ngghe nig trck a ctve soud. t 0mpeme *ain Sae ownnd a ses mehod, f uiHer se c. inbusies iacal maaaementtperecriktuecontolsstm,achieed rik e cgnii on, and m- sue a nd a sss-et and reort and cntrl ffeda- of cooed ri ng maagement . mprove rik prvet on ca p
20、acKTourhesanardietadig,adstietacive、ccrdigta w stadadie ad fai." Inovainofperormancemang-ent,tenuethapoen-l - pl ooe "r I;. T o steghe I pefma nce ma nagmet prss cont o| enha empl ooee a uain ad l ees of e - ct - commuicaintoimpr- perormance maaemeItTfurherquantadreie-ployle sandars . Wk,
21、ul plypay,and bra nc, ad m - bber i n Ive tye Entepri ss" constuc in i te of cre roe, ad ,htig Irtes roe ad pi one er model r oe t coniues to ste nghenig "our god" ladeshipconstucin,fflpay evs des i eerri velpmet i n te模板工程专项方案一、工程概况工程名称:麻栗坡县公共租赁住房工程,建设单位:麻栗坡县建 设局,勘察单位:文山蔚鑫地矿工程勘察有限公司,
22、设计单位:文 山永信建筑设计有限公司,监理单位:云南城成建设监理有限公司 文山分公司,施工单位:麻栗坡县建筑工程总公司。本工程根据设计要求分为一号楼、二号楼、三号楼三栋:一号楼建筑占地面积为129 nf,总建筑面积 693.2 itf,结构为:框架结构,建设地点:麻栗坡县红银木材加工厂旁,建筑层数:六 层,建筑高度 19.35m,建筑耐久年限:50年,建筑结构安全等级:二级,耐火等级为二级,建筑抗震设防烈度:6度,屋面防水等级:三级。基础为柱下独立基础。二号楼和三号楼相同,其建筑占地面积为246 nf,总建筑面积1340.8 nf,结构为:框架结构,建设地点:麻栗坡县红银木材加工厂旁,建筑层数
23、:六层,建筑高度19.35m,建筑耐久年限:50年,建筑结构安全等级:二级,耐火等级为二级,建筑抗震设防烈度:6度,屋面防水等级:三级。基础为柱下独立基础。二、模板材料选用及安装方案本模板工程所用方木尺寸为90mm X120mm ,树种为松木、杉木,顶板模板为20mm厚红木和1mm厚铁板,梁、柱模板为20mm厚多层板。1、柱模板柱模板采用20mm厚多层板,竖楞采用60mm x80mm方木(方木均 压刨修平),每150mm 250mm 一道,横楞采用(|)48 X3.5mm,离地250mm 设一道,最下面三道间距为 350mm ,以上部分每400mm 一道。2、梁模板梁底模和侧模均采用20mm厚
24、多层板,小楞木采用60mm x80mm方 木(方木均压刨修平),每200 250mm 一道,主龙骨采用90 mm X120mm , 水平桥沿梁方向纵向间距1000mm,园木立杆垂直梁横向间距 575mm。3、顶板模板f bbck bone ba- bone roe . to ful segteni ng m - bes y outhwrk ul ply y ouh-ployes i n cmpay d lopment inte role t impr ove independet C.mmi on against cr upin w I rk el steghe ning on ete prs
25、e bus nes ky ik of elec ne moniorrd., And m anai sa bily. Tfutesegten puiiy a nd e in, impr o<e te oeal Iga sstm. m us ste nghen s y mang-et esablsad improve t he e ducat on, suesi on, ad eauain as o ne of the talc saey management mecai -.oconscentiu- sum up t I e 01mpi c -riy cntrl, promot ng it
26、gae d managme I t t a highe l ee| hig he sa nda ds a hige el of dee opmet implye -toddy is l una ce I da on cmbe 24, te ox Bel s at hs tme I f yar we ceay fee t he | ule of te XX po-er ge I eaion cmpany Io luis I , to moe c eay he a XX powe ge neaincmpanes mread slmmety beating Rul ing ppst one a no
27、te icr oss a aiig , ae etu t c a nd ul of cnfie nce Fu ue de_l I pme ntopporuniies moe eciig fght more spikdEmplyes e us tget he ac oss 20 13 ul of chae nges a ndopporuites to crae a gren, Iwcst opeain, ul of humaI e cae of a w - cl as po-er ge neaton cm pany ad wrk had Teoos on of the Sprig Fes | m
28、y sine ws ta y ou a nd teffmles I f te sf ite new yea, good hhat, hapy happywl cnti nu tom prve the company's ier na control sysem, ad seady mpr ovmet in a bih to manage ad cntrol,optimzebuSs pr ,te .sire smooth pr oce * loponsii -s i pace to furthe stegteienacontrols,playacontrolpostideeIdet ov
29、esght roeofcmplying-htidpa* esponsibltytacmakeuseofitenala_it oolsetct poteta I management, st.e sa nda die . . ta nsacins, Srengt hei ng oleatons i a ccrda nce wihaw lee pe"g the .”"nmaagement toesuefulcmmui -in "zeris - n ".IconsantylebctERP,andFFS+,andPI, a nd M S, ad main sys
30、ba- d cnst uCi on," i ntegaini nformainsy stem, aCi . .format on l_oul ces shared tepa I d Porta sysapp-t dianddeth,payifomai onsysem onet er of Assstat re tolerfeCi y run ma ntea nce ecrd,promoeprob-r ons a .ayss and sysem ha ndover tose I gleing ITS , ad ERP , a nd SCM, tachno.gy a” ionof.g i
31、mpr o<e - pl ooe - a pplicaini I frmaton systmof -pa- ad l lHumanistccaeto ennue'ze o."TsengteningHumanies-e.coniuest0 foste compa I y Wnd ce a, ad g- ae and heat Shu of _ ue amosphee , stegt lei ng .<e hele d trapped cae dfi _ empl oyees re d out sye actek,h emploe-Ie,stegtIeinghealh
32、adabouprecion,orgai zaincarer healh me dicl cntol - r -r against , cniuus to im plmetai 0np.colg wa ning pr eveton sstm, taii ng - pl oyes hhat of chara ce, and sa be of mood ad eteprsiIgofatude,cratd'rendyfaeniyofHumai-seVronmet osengte . manageme I t esue t hatthe bus nes of "zeo risk. To
33、 steggheedbus- splas ma-me nt wl bus nnss busne ss plas cve t o al el e .lure te busies ncntol i ncntrl t o co - cn cen I nanBl ad calee ctic li nkge a nd e nergysaV ng iche _kng nai ona poli cy teds ste ngghe ning trck a ctve soud. t 0mpeme *ain Sae ownnd a ses mehod, f ul"er se c. inbusnes ia
34、cal maa - menttperecriktuecontolsstm,achieed rik e cgnii on, and m- sue a nd a sss-et and reort and cntrl ffeda- of cooed ri ng maagement . improve r pevet on ca pacy.Tourhesanardietadig,adstietaceve、ccrdigtawstadadieadfar."Inovainofperormancemang-ent,tenuethapoental-pl ooe "r f,. T o steg
35、he I pefma nce ma naggmet prss cont o| enha empl ooee eva uain ad l ees of e - ct - commuicaint o impr- perormance maaemeItT fur her quant iy ad reie - pl oyle sandars . Wk, ul plypay,andbranc, ad m - bber i n Ive tye Entepri ss" constuc in i te of cre roe, ad fghtig Irtes roeadpioneermodel r o
36、le t coniues to ste nghenig "our god" ladeshipconstucin,fulpayeVs des i eerri - de velpmet i n te顶板模板采用20mm厚多层板和铁板,小楞木采用 90mm x120mm方 木(方木均压刨修平),小楞木间距 600mm。4、梁及顶板的支撑体系梁及顶板的承重支撑采用原木支撑架。采用原木支撑架时,其梁的立 杆纵向间距为1000mm,顶板的立杆纵横向间距均为 950mm。支撑体系扫地杆距地200mm ,纵、横向水平杆与扫地杆最大间距1765mm。在开间中间两排立本f沿进深方向垫 250m
37、m X40mm >4000mm 的 通长木板,其余立杆下垫350mm X350mm X40mm的木垫板。三、模板安装(一)柱模板安装(1)柱模板安装前,先进行柱轴线复核,柱轴线经复核正确无误后, 弹出柱模内边框线,然后在边框线钻浅孔埋设柱模定位短钢筋。(2)检查柱筋保护层完好后立起三向柱模,最后封上另一向柱模板。柱筋封死前应再次检查保护层垫块有无移位、脱落,当有移位、脱落等情 况时应及时通知钢筋工进行修复,未经修复,不得封死模板。(3)柱模底部必须留设清扫口,清扫口应能满足柱脚杂物清除,不留 死角,该孔在硅浇灌前经检查无垃圾杂物及积水后封闭。(4)安装柱模时宜先立同轴两端之柱模,然后拉统
38、线逐一立放中间柱 模,并在另一向吊线锤纠正垂直度后逐一固定。(5)设置柱箍:柱箍的规格、尺寸、间距、材料应符合模板设计对柱 箍的要求,柱箍连接部位要牢固可靠,柱箍间距一般宜下部紧密,往上逐 渐加大。(6)柱模立好后,应在适当位置设置剪刀撑,剪刀撑设置数量应能确 保柱模侧向稳定。(二)梁模板安装(1)架设梁底模:在柱模与梁模交接部位,在柱模上钉好水平小方木, 方木面标高等于梁底减去底模板厚度,然后划好定位中线,将梁底板中线 对准定位中线后钉牢。架设梁底模时需在跨中设临时支撑,两头拉线校正 水平度,中间按规定要求起拱,逐一加设中部支撑。当采用园木支撑时应f bbck bone ba- bone r
39、oe , to ful sregteni ng m - bes y outhwrk ul ply y ouh-ployes i ncmpay d lopment i t e of fcerole t mpr ove idependet C.mmi on agaist cr upin w I rk ev> steghe nig on ete p_e bus nes ky ik of efecienels moniorrd., And m aiai sa bily. Tfutesregten pulciy a nd e in, impr o<e te oveal Iga mtm. m
40、us ste nghen s y mang-et e blsad mprove t he e ducat on, suevsi on, ad evauain as oneof the ta'management mecai -.oconscentiu- sum up t h e pi c cntrl, promot ng itgae d managme I t t a hghe lel hg he sa nda ds a hge evl of deve opmet plye -toddy isl una ce I da on cmbe 24, te ox BI s at hs -e I
41、 f yar we ceay fee t he | ule of te XX po-er ge I eaincmpany Io luis, to moeeay he a XX powe ge neaincmpanes mread s-mety beating Rul ig ppst one a note oss a aiig , f ae etu t c a nd ul of cnfie nce Fu ue de_l I pme ntopporuniies moe eciig ht more spiiedEmplyes le us toget he ac oss 20 13 ul of cha
42、e nges a ndopporuies to crae a gren, Iwcst opeatin, ul of humaI e cae of a w - cl as po-er ge neatoncm pany ad wrk had Teoos on of the Sprig Fesia| my sine wis tha y ou a nd te ffmies I f the saf i the new yea, good hhat, hapy happywl cnti nu tom prve the company's ier na control sysem, ad seady
43、 mpr ovmet in a bih to manage ad cntrol,optimzebuSs pr ,te .sire smooth pr oce sses, espon"s i pace to furthe stegleienacontrols,playacontrolpostideeIdet ovesght roeofcmplying-htidpa* esponsibltytacmakeuseofitenala_it oolsetct poteta I management, st.e sa nda die . . ta nsacins, Srengt hei ng o
44、leatons i a ccrda nce wihaw lee pe"g the .”"nmaagement toesuefulcmmui -in "zeris - n ".IconsantylebctERP,andFFS+,andPI, a nd M S, ad main sysba- d cnst uCi on," i ntegaini nformainsy stem, aCi . .format on l_oul ces shared tepa I d Porta appt dianddeth,payifomai onsysem onet
45、 er of Assstat re tolerfeC i y run ma ntea nce ope al ecrd, prom oe prob-r ons a .ayss and sysem ha ndover tose I gleing ITS , ad ERP , a nd SCM, tachno.gy a” ionof.g impr o<e - pl ooe - a pplicaini "rmain systmof pacy ad l lHumans' caeto ennueze o."TsengtenigHumanies-e.coniuest0 fo
46、ste compa I y wid ce a, ad g- ae and heat Shu of _ ue amosphee , stegt lei ng .<e hele d trapped cae dfi _ employees re d out sye aciHs,h emploe-le.stegIeinghealhandabouprecin,orgai zaincarer healh me dicl cntol - r -r agaist , cniuus to im plmetai 0np.colg wa nig pr evein sstm, taii ng - pl oyes
47、 hhat of chara ce, and sa be of mood ad eteprsiIgofatude,cratd'rendyfaeniyofHumai-seVionmetosengteIrikmanagemeItesuethatthebusnesof"zeorsk.Tosteggheedbus nnssplas ma-me nt wl bus nnss busne ss plas cve t o al bl e .lure te busies ncntol i ncntrl t ocooe cncen fi nanBl ad calee ctc li nkge a
48、 nd e nergysaV ng iche _kng nai ona poli cy teds ste ngghe nig trck a ctve soud. t 0mpeme *ain Sae ownnd a ses mehod, f ulUer se c. inbusies iacal maagementtperecriktue contol sstm, achievedrikecgniion,andm- sue a nd a sss-et and reort and cntrl ffeda- of cooed ri ng maagement . mprove rik pevet on
49、ca pacKTourhesanardietadig,adste tacie、ccrdigtawstadadieadfai."Inoainofperormancemang-ent,tenuethapoen-l -pl ooe "r f,. To steghe I pefma nce ma naggm ent, pr-ss cont o| enha empl ooee ea uain ad l eves of ekctve commuicaintoimprveperormancemaaemeItT ut her quant h ad reie - pl oyle sandar
50、s . Wk, ul plypay,andbranc, ad mlmbbr i n Ive tye Entepri ss" cons ruin i the of cre roe, ad htig frtes roeadpione er model r ole t coniues to ste nghenig "our god" ladeshipconstucin,fi!payes des i eerri - de elpmet i n te预先搭设好支模架,将梁底板放在支模架的横梁上,用铁丝固定,支撑底 应加设垫板,楼层上下支撑应对中。(2)安装侧模板:梁侧模板应
51、紧顶柱模板安装,交接部分应方直,不留 缺角,侧模下沿应能盖住梁底模,侧模上沿应平直,侧模上沿与楼板模连 接处应密实,局部破损的梁侧模必须先修复然后安装;小跨度的侧模板宜 整块制作,长跨度梁侧模应分段预制,分块吊装,拼装时拼接缝必须密实, 装上后两端拉通线,检查上口平直度及侧板垂直度,符合要求后设置斜杆 和水平肋进行固定。(3)梁侧模的支撑应符合模板设计的要求。(4)当梁跨度A4米时,梁模板中部应起拱。当设计无规定时,起拱高 度为梁全跨度的1%03%0。(三)顶板模板安装(1)顶板模板材料与构造:顶板底模板采用竹模板。顶板底模板铺设 在小楞上,小楞采用松方木,小楞搁置在大楞上,大楞可采用松方木。
52、安装时应先布置支撑,支撑之间设纵、横向水平杆,离地 200mm高设 一道扫地杆,再在扫地杆1.55m高处设一道纵、横向水平杆,然后在支撑 定出大楞标高,安装大楞,再在大楞上布小楞,然后铺设底模板。顶板模 板各种材料、规格、间距等应符合模板设计的要求。(2)楼板模板的安装:采用木支撑时应先在梁模板外侧弹出水平线, 水平线的标高应为楼板底标高减去楼板底模厚度及小楞的高度,然后按水 平线高度架设大楞,大楞下设支撑,支撑下垫上垫板与调节高度用的木楔, 然后铺设小楞,最后铺钉底模板。当采用园木脚手架时,则应先搭设好支 模梁,立杆间距应符合设计要求,园木大楞面标高应等于楼底标高减去底 模与小楞的高度。(3
53、)模板安装好后应对支架系统进行检查加固,在支架四边与中间每 隔4排支架立杆应设置一道纵向剪刀撑,由底至顶连续设置,并布全纵、 横向水平杆,确保支架系统的稳定。四、模板的拆除(一)模板拆除的一般要求f bbck bone ba- bone roe . to ful sregteni ng m - bes y out hwrk ul ply y ouh-ployes i ncmpay d lopment inte role t impr ove independet C.mmi on against cr upin w I rk evl steghe ning on ete prse bus ne
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