



1、 Discussion on causes of the tragedy of Romeo and Juliet -From the viewpoint of the plotsAbstract : The previous works have discussed the causes of the tragedy of Romeo and Juliet from different point of views. This thesis starts with four literature reviews of the previous works, then comes the dis

2、cussion on the causes of the tragedy of Romeo and Juliet, which develops from the perspectives of the plot itself and through analyzing the personalities of the main characters of the paly.Key words: Romeo and Juliet, plot, tragedy, causes Literature review: In the thesis罗密欧与朱丽叶的悲剧性分析基于亚里士多德悲剧理论 黄英明

3、,2010,罗密欧与朱丽叶的悲剧性分析基于亚里士多德悲剧理论,科技信息第34期。,the author, Huang yingming, explores the causes of the tragedy from the prospective of Aristotle's theory of tragedy. He proceed from the sketch of the story and then present the essentials of Aristotles theory of tragedy, which include the core theme of

4、tragedy, plots of tragedy, skills of tragedy and utility of tragedy. From these aspects, he studies the causes of the tragedy of Romeo and Juliet by analyzing the plots and characters of play. In the authors opinion, the main cause of Romeo and Juliet s tragedy is the conflict between individual pur

5、suit and the backward social system. In the essay人文思想关照下的艰难爱情牡丹亭与罗密欧与朱丽叶之间的比较 乐丽霞,刘江华,2011. 06,人文思想关照下的艰难爱情牡丹亭与罗密欧与朱丽叶之间的比较,时代教育第107期。, the authors, Yue lixia and Liu jianghua, compare the difficulties of the two love stories from viewpoint of humanism.Both Mu Dan Ting and Romeo and Juliet took plac

6、e in late 16th century. Though they are the masterpiece of two different cultures, they are under the influence of humanism at the same time. they shows the differences between these two tragic stories from three aspects which are the tragic characters, the factors that destroyed the relationship be

7、tween the hero and the heroine, and the tragic ending. From the authors point of view, the main cause of Romeo and Juliet s tragedy is the family feud. In order to defend their loves and obtain freedom, both the lovers sacrified their precious lives, through which Shakespeare highlight the nobility

8、of humanism. In the article偶然的事件还是命运的预兆莎士比亚罗密欧与朱丽叶欣赏 贺阿丽,2008.07,偶然的事件还是命运的预兆莎士比亚罗密欧与朱丽叶欣赏,山西高等学校社会科学报,第20卷第7期。, the author, He ali, discusses the tragedy through a series of coincidence in the plot and come up with the conclusion that ending of Romeo and Juliet is inevitable. The author analyzes th

9、e relationship between the characters and fate first, then come to the coincidence of accidental occurrence and fate. In the authors opinion the main cause of the tragedy is their fates. The author of essay“线性时间观”与罗密欧与朱丽叶的爱情悲剧 林富丽,2009.07,“线性时间观”与罗密欧与朱丽叶的爱情悲剧,和田师范专科学校学报,第28卷第五期。 develops the thesis

10、base on the Line concept of time of Christianity. In the authors opinion, the obstruction of their feudal parents, or Romeo did not know the truth of Juliets “death” is just the superficial causes of the tragedy. She analyzed the characteristics of the hero and heroine and draw forth the Linear conc

11、ept of time of Christianity to convince readers that the main cause of the tragedy is their ideas of the time. Once they experienced fantastic feeling of love, they think their lives are integrate and died with their lovers could keep their love eternal. The previous works have discussed the causes

12、of the tragedy of Romeo and Juliet from different point of views. Undoubtedly, all those studies have their own feet to stand on, but they didnt focus on the plot of the play to analyze the causes. To discuss the causes of the tragedy, this thesis will develop from the perspectives of the plot itsel

13、f and analyze the personalities of the main characters of the paly.Main plots of the play: The story took place in Verona of Italy in 16th century. A pair of star-crossed lovers were born into the feuding families of Capulet and Montague.Romeo, the son of the old lord Montague, fell in love with Jul

14、iet, the daughter of the old lord Capulet, at the first sight at a ball. They loved each other so much that with the moonlight, they sworn their oath and the next day, they got married secretly with the help of Friar Lawrence in spite of the conflict between their families. However, the next day Rom

15、eo kilt Juliets cousin Tybalt because of his friend Mercutios death and he was going to be expelled from the city. After the Capulets had learned about that, they intended for Juliet to marry Paris,a young nobleman and kinsman to the prince, in three days, but Juliet didnt obey her parents. She took

16、 the potion which would make her appear to be dead, taking the advice of Friar Lawrence, with the expectation that Romeo would come to rescue her and they could pursuit their happiness and freedom together. But this trick not only fooled her families and Paris but also Romeo. Due to the pestilence,

17、Romeo didnt receive the letter which sent by Friar Lawrence telling the truth of Juliet s death. He was overwhelming with grief when he saw the “dead “ body of Juliet. He took the poison and killed himself. When Juliet woke up and found Romeo was dead, desperately,she commit suicide. Both the two lo

18、vers died in the end. After Friar Lawrence confessing the truth to the two families, Romeo and Juliets deaths ultimately reconcile their feud. The plots of the story develope in the quick pace which are correspond to the character features of the play, energetic and passionate.The character of the h

19、ero and heroine: Romeo: Romeo is a independent, brave and genuine man. He is bold to fight against the feudal ethics. But because of young, he is also rash to some extent. For example, he determined to marry Juliet at the second day they met in spite of the cruel reality; He killed Juliets cousin Ty

20、balt because the later stabbed his good friend; And he commit suicide without confirming Juliets “death”. These all show his rashness, which set the stage for the tragedy. Juliet:Juliet is a innocent, brave and genuine female. In this play, she changed from a naive girl into a strong woman. At the b

21、alcony scene she express his love for Romeo bravely and even ask romeo to propose the next day, whish show her braveness and innocence. What more, we can see from the play that no mater what her feudal parents said and how the situation changed, she is loyal to her love and her will. In order to pur

22、suit love and against fate, she is willing to sacrified.Possible causes of the tragedy of the plot: There are three plots that possibly lead to the tragedy of Romeo and Juliet. To begin with, Friar Lawrence agreed to marry Romeo and Juliet. This action set the stage for the following development of

23、the tragedy. Friar Lawrence, the most respected person in the town, said in Act Three,Scene Two,“In one respect Ill thy assistant be/ for this alliance may so happy prove/to turn your households rancour to pure love”.On the contrary, this marriage did not bring any love to the households but also to

24、ok away the lives of their children. If Friar Lawrence didnt admit this marriage, Romeo and Juliet may not die in the end.It is the start point of all the misfortune. Secondly, Mercutios death is also a cause of the tragedy. Mercutio is a faithful friend of Romeo. In Act Three,Scene One,When Romeo i

25、s confronting with Tybalt, he did not want to fight with him. It was Mercutios death that aroused his revengeful feeling. He kill Tybalt, which deepen the conflict between the Capulet and Montague. Because of this event, the old lord Capulet force Juliet to marry Paris in three days, which lead to J

26、uliet taking the potion.Were there no Mercutios death, the couple may not die in the end. Last but not the lest, the pestilence. The pestilence, which prevented the letter containing the truth of Juliets death come to Romeos hand, is a importance cause of the tragedy. Since Juliet cant not confess t

27、o her parents that she is married, under the pressure of marrying Paris in three days, she came to Friar Lawrence for advice. Friar Lawrence suggest her to take a potion which would make her appear to be dead and after she is laid to rest in the familys crypt,he and Romeo would secretly retrieve her. In this way she can get away from the unwilling marriage with Paris and live happily ever after Romeo. All went well but because of the pestilence, Romeo didnt know anything about the plan. It was critical for Romeo to receive the message, otherwise all that Juliet have done were in vain and sh


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