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1、九年级 Lesson 20 导读评价单组名: 班级: 姓名: 设计人:杨钰婷 审核人: 李志刚 一、读两遍课文,找出自己不认识的单词,圈出来并写在下面,先自学,后在小组交流。二、根据句意及首字母提示补全单词。1. My house is too small, Ill b a big one soon.2. He took some m and went to the shop.3. They see very e school things in that supermarket.4. You can c one from these books.5. With a partner, make

2、 a 1 of the products you need.三用所给词的适当形式填空。1. What would you like (buy) ?2. How many of them do you (real) need?3. Let's go (shop). 4. Let us (are) friends.5. He isn't old enough (go) to school.四用适当的词完成下面句子。1.- - books do you need? -Two.2.- - does it cost? -Ten yuan.3.-Let's go . -Oh, th

3、e water is too cold.九年级 Lesson 21 导读评价单组名: 班级: 姓名: 设计人:杨钰婷 审核人: 李志刚 一、读两遍课文,找出自己不认识的单词,圈出来并写在下面,先自学,后在小组交流。二、再读课文,在文中找出并完成下列英汉互译。1来到 2走过去 3在自行车上 4give back 5. a big red flag 6. be safe 7. low price 8. 太贵 9害怕 10. such a great product 三读课文,结合本课单词表完成下列单词。1. There is some money and a photo in her (钱包) .

4、2. A (硬币) is a kind of money, which is made of metal (金属 ).3. He is (害怕的) to jump.4. The children are (安全的) now.5. She always pays her (账单) on time.四用适当的词完成下面句子。1.- is it fore. -You glue it onto your bike.2.-I think it is for us to finish the work. The time is too short. -Come on !九年级 Lesson 22 导读评价

5、单组名: 班级: 姓名: 设计人:杨钰婷 审核人: 李志刚 一、读两遍课文,找出自己不认识的单词,圈出来并写在下面,先自学,后在小组交流。二、在文中画出下列短语,并完成英汉互译。1处理 2看起来像 3Make posters 4. put up 5. in order to 6. elementary school 7. 足够的钱 8帮某人做 9午饭时间 三使用本课单词表中的单词,并结合句意完成下列单词。1. There are only five c in my purse.2. How did we d with the money?3. My little sister is 8 yea

6、rs old. She is in an e school now.4. Children like reading s .5. Have you had the e of selling something?四单项选择。1. are you going to deal with the old TV set? A. What B. Which C. How D. Where2. I have nothing him. A. do with B. deal with C. to do with D. to deal with3. They could properly all kinds of

7、 situations. A. deal with B. do with C. to deal with D. to do with4. Can you tell me how the probem? A. do with B. deal with C. to do with D. to deal with九年级 Lesson 23 导读评价单组名: 班级: 姓名: 设计人:杨钰婷 审核人: 李志刚 一、读两遍课文,找出自己不认识的单词,圈出来并写在下面,先自学,后在小组交流。二、英汉互译。1制造有用的东西 2Hold up 3. push into. 4. rent a room 5. th

8、ousands of 6. all over the world 7. by oneself 三根据句意及首字母提示补全单词。1. Can I help you, m ?2. I'll write it on a bulletin b ?3. Please bring this 1 a glass of beer.4. He is writing for newspapers and m .5. The house isn't mine. I r it from a girl.6. I have my o car.九年级 Lesson 24 导读评价单组名: 班级: 姓名: 设

9、计人:杨钰婷 审核人: 李志刚 一、根据句意及首字母提示补全单词1.- Where's your uncle? -He has gone to New Zealand on b .2. The p of the car is too high for me to buy.3. Tom has passed the f exam. He will go to senior school next term.4. S are food and other things that we need every day.5. Cheng Long is a s as an actor.6. Th

10、e house with a garden is so expensive that they can't a it.二短语翻译1的价格 2营业时间 3挣钱、赚钱 4处理 5直到才 6返还,归还 三根据汉语意思完成句子。1如果你感到紧张,穿戴蓝色可以使你祥和平静。If you feel ,wearing blue can and peaceful2如果你明天不去游泳,我也不去。 If you don't so swimming tomorrow, .3如果韩梅明天回来的话,我们大家会很高兴。 All of us will be happy if Han Mei tomorrow4如果明天天气好,我们全家人就去公园。If it tomorrow, my family will go to the park.四单项选择。1. He usually goes to school on foot. A. a B. an C. the D. /2. English is useful language in world. A. an;


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