



1、八上Unit 2 Topic 2 Section C一、学习目标 Aims and demands 学会使用情态动词 might,must, must not, can, should, shouldnt, 并会用其围绕健康的生活习惯展开话题。二、学法指导 How to study1. 认真阅读Unit2 Topic2 SectionC,并对语言点、难点做出标记;2. 记本部分单词、学案所列出的词组和句型;3. 学习学案,并完成学案上的练习题;三、 自主预习 Preparation.英汉互译下列单词并标上词性。1.body_( ) 2.through_( ) _( )3.sour _( ) 4

2、.tidy_( )5.病,疾病_( ) 6. 它自己_( )7.空的_( ) 8.胃,胃部_( )9.人的,人类的_( ) 10.疾病_( )11.空气;大气_( ) 12.扫除,扫_( ). 在课本中找出下列短语划在书上并翻译1去看医生_ 2.出问题/有毛病_3.努力工作_ 4.空腹_5.进入,陷入_ 6. 保持空气清新_7. 扫地_ 8.在公共场所_. 翻译并熟记下列句子.1. 你应该什么时候去看医生?_2 当你工作太累时,或者当你睡眠不足时,你也可能会头痛。_3如果你经常头痛,你需要去看一下医生。_4 我们能够通过口腔进入人体。_5 这个男孩生病了。_6我们应该经常整理我们的房间并扫地。

3、_7我们禁止在公共场所吐痰。_四、知识链接 Hot link1. show v. 显示,出示,表明。常用句型为show sb. sth./ show sth. to sb. show ab. around sp. 带某人参观某地Please _ _your new book.= Please _ your new book _ _. 请给我看看你的新书。 Ill show you around our school tomorrow. 明天我会带你参观我们学校。2. on an empty stomach 空腹3. get into进入,陷入 e.g. get into trouble惹了麻烦

4、4. an illness疾病,illness和sickness常可通用,很少指具体的疾病,只表示抽象的疾病和生病的状态。e.g. illness/sickness of children儿童病 disease指特定的某种疾病 e.g. heart disease心脏病5在英语中,enough一词使用频率之高是人人皆知的,它的基本意思是“充分的,足够的,充分的”,它既可作形容词、副词用,也可作代词用。(一)、 作形容词、作定语时,既可修饰可数名词,也可修饰不可数名词。 (1)Arethere_ _fortenpersons?有没有足够十人的座位?(2) Wehave_ _forawe

5、ek.我们有足够维持一周的食物。有时也可以将enough放在被修饰名词的后面,例如:Idonthavewineenough(=_ _)forfivepersons.我的酒不够5个人喝。、作表语只有当主语是代词、数词和“数词+名词”时,enough才可作表语用,如果主语是名词,enough便不能作表语用了,如:(1)Thatsenough.Thankyou.够了,谢谢。(2)Five_ _.五个够了。(二)、 作副词,修饰形容词和副词,且必须放在它们之后,如:Thisroomis_ _forustosleepin. 这个房间足够大,我们可以睡.(不可说enoughlarge)6. th

6、rough 和across 都可用于从一定范围的一边到另一边,都有“通过”的意思。across 含义与on有关联,有“在上”的含义;而through与 in有关联,有在其中“穿过”之意。指穿过某个空间、场所、时间等用through。 e.g. I can see it _ this hole.我能从这个洞口看见它。 Be careful when you go _ the road. 过马路要小心。 五、目标检测 PracticeI. 根据汉语提示完成句子。1. You mustnt litter (到处乱扔). Its a bad habit.2. Smoking too much may

7、(导致癌症).3. We must (放弃) bad habits.4. Getting (足够的睡眠) is good for health.5. You may get a headache when you exercise on (空腹). II. 根据句意及首字母提示填空。1. A toothache is a d_. Youd better go to see a doctor.2. We should keep the air f_ to fight germs.3. Germs can get into the h_ body through the nose and make

8、 us feel terrible.4. Lett t_ our bedrooms and sweep the floors every day.5. Dont do exercise with an e_ stomach. Its bad for your health.6. I can see some beartiful scenery t_ the window.7. Many d_are caused by germs.8. Something was wrong with his s_. He felt sick after meals.9. Doing morning exerc

9、ises is good for our h_.10. H_are more clever than all the other animals in the world.11. Can we drink s_milk? No, We cant. It is bad for our health.III.单项选择( ) 1. What should we do _ germs? A. fight B. fought C. to fight D. fighting( ) 2. The sunlight came into the room _ the windows. A. past B. th

10、rough C. across D. in( )3. Headaches may show something _ your body. A. is wrong to B. are wrong to C. is wrong with D. are wrong with( ) 4. What _ headaches? A. cause B. is cause C. are cause D. causes( ) 5. If you have headaches often , you need _ a doctor. A. sees B. to see C. seeing D. saw( )5.T

11、his article says _ is bad for our lungs.A. smokeB. to smokeC. smokedD. smoking ( )6. Fish cant live _ water. A. with B. without C. in D. on( )7. We watched a football match _ last night. A. in TV B. at TV C. into TV D. on TV( )8.We keep our classroom_. A. clean B. to clean C. cleaning D. cleaned( )9. We should get up _, or well have no time to have br


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