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1、大学英语四级范文背诵50篇3 1 - 50精品文档收集于网络,如有侵权请联系管理员删除31. Adva ntages of Trying New ThingsIt is widely accepted that one is more likely to succeed at things he already knows how to do well. However, tolimit ourselves to doing only those things we are good at will make us miss many opportunities to develop othe

2、rinterests and skills. Therefore, sometimes it is necessary for us to try some new things and take some rests.Though we have the risk of failure when trying new things, we can get many adva ntages from it.Firstly, the process of trying a new thing is a rewarding experienee, from which we may feel a

3、differe nt world.Sec on dly, eve n if we fail, we can still absorb experie nce and less ons from the trying process and our failure.Thirdly, if it turns out that we succeed at this new try, well get great pleasure and con fide nce. Fi nally, it isimpossible for us to n ever fail eve n if we do on ly

4、 what we are familiar with. We dont know whe n well meet thesituati on we cant con trol. With experie nce of trying new things, when facing unexpected situations, we can dealwith them better.Con sideri ng the above men tio ned, we n eed nt be afraid of new things but should bravely try them. But it

5、isworth noting that trying new things bravely does not mean acting rashly and blindly. We should take full accountbefore we are ready to try new things.32. Holiday EconomyAs we see, the exte nded holidays have caused un expected great travel craze and brisk econo mic activities.But there are many de

6、bates on the adva ntages and disadva ntages of this kind of holiday economy. Many people,especially some econo mists, are in favor of the holiday economy. They believe that tourism-based holidayeconomy has raised con sumpti on and helped to spur the domestic dema nds. In additi on, tran sportatio n,

7、 catering, hotels and service in dustries become flourishi ng duri ng long holidays.However, many others argue that the holiday economy do more harm than good. First, the travel craze puts aheavy burde n on the traffic system. Second, thousa nds of tourists full sce nic spots caus ing over crowded n

8、essand safety problems.As to me, I believe the advantages of holiday economy outweigh its disadvantages. After all, holiday economygreatly ben efits the developme nt of our overall economy. Besides, con sumers can enjoy more colorfulcommodities and more prefere ntial policies provided by the mercha

9、nts. But the gover nment should take effectivemeasures to reduce the side effects of holiday economy.33. Education For AllNowadays in Chi na, the limit to can didates for college entrance exam in ati on is not so strict as before.People of all ages and eve n married people can take the exam in atio

10、n and have a cha nce of beco ming a collegestude nt.The deregulati on has many adva ntages. Firstly, it provides more people with cha nces to receive higheducati on. There are many people who have once lost the cha nce to en ter a college for some reas on. Now theycan pick up their own dreams of bei

11、ng a college stude nt. Secon dly, it will in troduce more stude nts with differe ntbackgro un ds a nd the abilities for colleges and uni versities. Fi nally, it stimulates competiti on and promotes thecan didates to work harder.However, relaxing the limit of age and marriage might bring some problem

12、s. For one thing, marriedstudents have to take care of the family and children, which brings more difficulties for school man ageme nt. Forano ther, there might be a gap betwee n the elder stude nts and the other young stude nts. Therefore, more atte ntion should be paid to the en rollme nt of those

13、 people of other age groups and married pers ons.34. Free Tickets for Travel精品文档收集于网络,如有侵权请联系管理员删除Recently, in many cities, consumption tickets or entrance tickets for travel are distributed to the con sumersfor free. The move is welcomed by many people. They scramble to get these tickets via the In

14、ternet or on thephone.No doubt, this move brings a win-win result. On the one hand, consumers have chance to enjoy the travel forless money. On the other hand, free tickets attract more travelers, which will surely bring more profits for travel agencies and other related departme nts. Besides, the d

15、evelopme nt of travel industry will drive the development ofmany other industries.In my point, free distribution of the tickets for travel is a good policy and it should be continued. But the highticket price is still a big problem in the travel agencies of our country, which can not be solved on ly

16、 through freetickets. Therefore, travel age ncies and other related departme nts should produce more good policies ben eficial tothe people.35. Does e-mail make people get closer or drift apart?Nowadays, more and more people are excha nging a great variety of in formatio n by using electro nic mails

17、 instead of traditi onal ways of maili ng letters. Some people thi nk that e-mail makes relati on ships among peoplecloser, while some others mai ntain that makes people drift apart.Those who hold the former opi nio n in sist that the appeara nce of e-mail makes com muni cati on quicker andmore conv

18、enient. By e-mail people can deliver more information including pictures and sounds. However, someothers think e-mail with the same format and print font includes less emotion, the n traditi on al letters writte n byhand. Most people use e-mails to deliver in formatio n in stead of feeli ngs.From my

19、 point of view, e-mail does bring great convenience for people, but it is not a better way to express ourfeeli ngs tha n traditi on al letters. Our han d-writ ing on the paper can deliver much emoti on. Therefore, whe n youwant to express your love and care to some one, writ ing a letter to her or h

20、im by hand is a wise choice.36. The Rise of“Shanzhai”CultureThe vast array of kno ckoff n ame-bra nd products, such as cell phon es, DVDs, MP3 players, have made“Shanzhai”watches, use“Shanzhai”cell phones, and even watch“Shanzhai”TV sh(The popularity of“Shan zpaicfucts is mai nly due to the followi

21、ng two reas ons. Firstly theyhave practical fun cti ons which apply to the n eed to the public, and their desig ns in exterior appeara nce are fashion able. Secon dly, the prices of these products are much lower tha n that of the original products they imitate.Thanks to them, more people at the gras

22、s-roots level can enjoy the ben efits of moder n tech no logy.From my point of view, the Shanzhai” fever will go on because there are still market needs for them. However,Shanzhai” products do make illegal profits by violating intellectual property rightsand evading taxes. Besides, imitation always

23、has its limits, so they have some shortages compared with copy ingothers simply.37. A Food Pois oning Accide ntLast mon th, I wit nessed a food pois oning accide nt happe ning to my classmates. At that time the situati onwas really very dan gerous and urge nt. Though fin ally they got out of dan ger

24、, this accide nt is still vivid in my mind.That day was Julies birthday, one of my classmates. In order to celebrate it, her roommates bought a bigbirthday cake for her from a supermarket n earby. They shared the cake happily. However, after a while, all of themfelt abdo minal pain, n ausea and dizz

25、 in ess. Two of them eve n cannot sta nd up because of great pain. We rushedto send them to the hospital. It tur ned out that the cake they ate had expired its guarantee period. Fortunately, dueto timely treatment, they all recovered very soon.However, this accide nt leaves me a deep pon der. I thi

26、nk it is very urge nt to take effective measures tothe orig inal products. Therefore, I think“ Shnanudtaisfiouldhave their inno vati ons in steadof精品文档收集于网络,如有侵权请联系管理员删除improve food safety. Firstly, the gover nment should stre ngthe n supervisi on and admi nistrati on on food safety.More importa ntl

27、y, to those who immoral bus in essme n, more strict puni shme nt should be give n. Besides, wecon sumers should be more careful in buying food. Only in this way can we make sure that no same accide nthappe ns.38. Internet and PrivacyInternet has pen etrated into all the aspects of our life and work.

28、 We can study and work by it. We can find ajob by it. We can com muni cate by it. We can en terta in by it. We can buy and sell by it. We can do almost everything on Intern et, and almost any where, any time.However, at the same time Internet provides services for us, it is inevitably invading our p

29、rivacy to somedegree. The services on most websites require our registry. If we want to enjoy these services, we have to providemuch private much private in formati on, in cludi ng our n ames, genre, address, telepho ne nu mber andsometimes bank acco un ts. Due to the poor Internet adm ini strati on

30、 and weak network security, our informationmight be open, stolen or sold. Even sometimes the information will be misused by the crim in als.Con sideri ng the above-me ntio ned, we must enhance the alert ness whe n using the Intern et. First, whenwe need Internet service, we should always log on thos

31、e big legal websites. Second, if the service requires important private in formati on, you should th ink twice before you type in it.39. Show Your Love to Victims in Wen chua n EarthquakeMay 20th, 2008Dear Stude nts,On the 12th of May in 2008, an in credible and unknown earthquake sudde nly hit Wen

32、chua n in Sichua nProvi nee, which caused both finan cial and life loss in a large nu mber. The awful result and in flue nee are bey ondpeoples estimate.Now people there are suffering from poor living conditions such as lack of clean water, food as well as healthproblems. Moreover, they are putting

33、up with pains of losing their loved ones and their homes. Despite manydifficulties, the local people are striving to reestablish their hometown out of the ruins. So its high time that weshould show our love to the victims there, such as donating money and materials.If you are willi ng to give a hand

34、, please con tact us at the nu mber 23533316 in the day time and 23533317 atni ght. Join us in the acti on and exte nd our love in the spirit that there is any possible difficulties.Tha nk you!Sin cerely, yoursStude nts Union40. Learn to Be GratefulNowadays, quite a few college stude nts lack con sc

35、ious ness of being grateful. They tur n to take such thingsfor gran ted, as pare nts support ing them, teachers helpi ng them, and waiters serv ing them. They are eve n meanto say Tha nk you to others. This phe nomenon has caused great atte nti on from the whole society.The follow ing reas ons can a

36、cco unt for the lack of gratefu In ess con scious ness. First of all, unsound familyeducation plays an important role. Many parents turn to pay too much attention to childrens academic performanee, but ignore their value orie ntati on. Moreover, schools dont in put eno ugh time精品文档收集于网络,如有侵权请联系管理员删除

37、and money in moral educatio n. Besides, no wadays, college stude nts get so much love that they are insen sitive toothers care and help.Considering the seriousness of the problem, it is high time to take effective measures to strengthen collegestudents consciousness of being grateful. First, parents

38、 should improve self-quality and in flue nee childre n bytheir own behaviors. Second, our society and schools must in crease in put in moral education, and try to build theatmosphere of being grateful. Finally, we college students should learn to express our gratef uln ess to peoplearound us, just b

39、eg inning from the simple“Thank you”41. The Moo nlight Cla nNowadays, more and more people, especially the young are joi ning in the army of“themoonclan”. These people exhaust their enings every month without any savings. Many people think thisposieoyf un expected expe nses.Weighi ng these two argum

40、e nts, I prefer to the latter on e. I n my eyes, though“the moonlighclan”may acquire temporary satisfaction from their consumption, in the long term, it is unfavorable to their familyand career. Just as a proverb says, one should always prepare for a rainy day.42. Harm onious SocietyNow, build ing a

41、 harm onious society has become a hot topic. A harm onious society means in dividuals,families, eth nic groups get on well with each other and live harm onio usly together. It also means that huma nbeings live harm onio usly with n ature.The followi ng are my suggesti ons on how ot build a harm onio

42、us society. Firstly, gover nments at all levelsshould try their best to deal with the issues concerning people s fun dame ntal in terests such as employme nt,hous ing and social security. Secon dly, rural and urba n com munity con struct ion and management should bepushed forward through scientific,

43、 democratic and legal means. Lastly, as a member of this society, every oneshould learn to get along well with others as well as n ature. Smile to others; others will smile to you. Treat the nature well; the n ature will give back more to you.As far as our college stude nts are concern ed, it is our

44、 resp on sibility to con tribute to build ing a harm onioussociety. On the one hand, we should lear n to be kind and tolera nt to others around us, as well as treat the en vironment and n ature frie ndly. On the other hand, we should try to help the public to know better the idea of buildinga harmon

45、ious society, making more people take part in it.43. Pare nts Mak ing Decisio ns for Their Childre nIn modern society, traditi onal patriarchy is still in flue ncing Chin ese pare nts. They tend to make almost alldecisi ons for their childre n, from choos ing school to pick ing up a professi on and

46、to decid ing whom they are tomarry. Sometimes even those detail things such as clothing and daily timetables have to be decided by pare nts.However, decidi ng everythi ng for childre n does not help them but harm them in many ways. On the one hand, it will make childre n lack in depe ndence and in i

47、tiative, which is unfav orable to their developme nt in the longrun-On the other hand, in many cases pare nts decisi ons are not always in accorda nee with childre n pers onalideas and in terests, this will make childre n form resista nee andn aturally in flue nee their growth.is a fashi on able lif

48、e style, while more other people object to this ki nd of con sumptio n style.Those who support“the moon light cla n thinkthat those people know how to enjoy life and have a higher lifequality. However, more other people criticize“the moon light cla n”. They sscon sumpti on habit of“the moon light cl

49、an”is un healthy and sometimes wasteful. I n additi on, no sav ings willplace“the moon light cla n”in a difficuin精品文档收集于网络,如有侵权请联系管理员删除From my point of view, it is unwise for parents to make every decision for their children. It is obvious thatpare nts can not accompa ny their childre n for ever. To

50、 grow to be in depe ndent is a n ature way for everybody.Therefore, in my opin io n pare nts should give their childre n cha nces to make their own decisi ons .They may helptheir childre n make choices in stead of replac ing them to make choices.44. Pare ntal Hopes and Pers onal IdealsAll parents ho

51、pe their children will have a bright future. However, parentsexpectations fchildren are not always in accordanee with their children s personal ideals, and sometimes they are eve n con flicting with each other. This is ofte n a main cause for quarrels and gaps betwee n pare nts and childre n. But wh

52、at leadto the con flict betwee n pare ntal hopes and pers onal ideals?The followi ng three factors con tribute to the con flict. First of all, in this fast-cha ngi ng society, parents andchildren have too many differences in mind. Secondly, traditional patriarchy is still in flue ncing Chin ese pare

53、 nts inmoder n society. They are used to making decisi ons for their childre n. Third, no wadays young people have strongin depe nden ce, who want to pla n their own future and control their own destiny. Thus the conflict between parentsand children inevitably appear.In order to solve the con flict,

54、 both pare nts and childre n should pay their efforts. For one thing, pare ntsshould give their childre n rights to make their own decisi ons. They may help their childre n make choices in steadof replaci ng them to make choices. For ano ther, childre n should learn to respect their pare ntsadvices

55、sincepare nts tend to have more life experie nee. Besides, to com muni cate with each other actively is n ecessary totheir un dersta nding each other. As long as both pare nts and children learn to think from the other sides point ofview, the conflicts between them can be avoided.45. Lear n to give

56、up wiselyNever give up ” has been accepted by many people as a positive life attitude. Admittedly persiste nee ofte nplays an importa nt role in one success. However, i n many cases to give up might be wiser than to persist blindly.The following reasons can support this argument. Firstly, sometimes

57、our goal may be unrealistic.If we in sist on it bli ndly, it will fin ally bring us no thi ng but failure. At this time, what we should do is give up the original goal and reset a more practical one. Secon dly, not all persiste nee can bring deserving results. For a verysimple example if we keep wai

58、ting in line for hours, only to have a lun che on restaura nt may be it is un wise. Finally, to give up wisely does not mean admitt ing failure. In stead, it does mean a new hope of success.Con sideri ng the above men ti on ed, we can come to the con clusi on that to give up wisely is a kind ofmore

59、mature life attitude. Though giving up sometimes is painful and costly, in the long run what we gain willdefinitely far out weight what we lose.46. A Witness of a Theft IncidentYesterday I witnessed a theft incident on my way home. The thief was so that it left me a verydeep impression.It was in the

60、 rush hour when many people would buy tickets the subway station. Awoma n took her purse and pay out for the ticket and the n she put her purse back into her bag andturn to leave when a middle aged man rushed pass her muttering excusemd . She didn tfeelunu sual and went into stati on in deed her pur


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