1、your Best choc eIVekome就阈区锂诡艇国提供电子套件、成品多功能测试仪(TC-V2.12k)Multi-function Tester (TC-V2.12k)洛祺电子科技2015年8月Haoqi Electronic Technology Co., Ltd.August 2015目录1 综述 31.1 本机说明 31.2 功能介绍 32 操作指引 42.1 按键操作定义 42.2 开机 42.3 测试晶体管 52.4 自动校准 92.5 测试稳压二极管 102.6 红外解码 102.7 关机 102.8 内置锂电池电压测量 112.9 内置锂电池充电 113 性能参数 12
2、4 常见问题 135 装箱单 131 Overview 141.1 Introduction 141.2 Features 142 Operating Instructions 152.1 Key operational definitions 152.2 Power on 162.3 Detect transistor 162.4 Selftest 202.5 Detect Zener diode 212.6 IR decoder 212.7 Power off 222.8 Built-in Li-ion Battery voltage measurement 222.9 Charging
3、the Battery 233 Performance Parameters 234 FAQ 245 Packing List 24多功能测试仪(TC-V2.12k)1 综述1.1本机说明-160x128 TFT显示屏-多功能按键-晶体管测试区-稳压二极管测试区-红外接收窗口-Micro USB充电接口-充电指示灯1.2功能介绍TC-V2.12k是采用TFT图形显示的多功能测试仪。晶体管测试仪- 自动测量NPN和PNP晶体管、N沟道和P沟道场效应管、二极管(含双二极管)、电阻(含电位器)、电感、电容、可控硅、电池(0.1-4.5V)等元器件- 自动测量稳压二极管(0.01-30V)- 自动校准
4、功能红外解码器- 支持日立公司编码- 红外波形显示- 红外接收指示其他- 测量结果采用TFT图形显示- 一键操作- 自动关机(关机时长可设置)- 内置大容量可充电锂电池- 锂电池电压检测- 支持中英文双语警告:内置锂电池,严禁将测试仪浸入水中、严禁靠近热高温源!警告:为了您的人身安全,请严格遵守锂电池使用规范和注意事项!2操作指引2.1 按键操作定义多功能按键有两种操作:短按:按下按键不短于10毫秒且在1.5秒内松开按键长按:按下按键1.5秒以上2.2 开机关机状态下短按多功能按键,测试仪开机并自动进行测量。开机&测量界面2.3 测试晶体管关机或测试完成状态下, 将待测元件放入测试座元
5、件测试区,并按下锁紧手柄,短按多 功能按键,测试仪自动进行测量,测试完成后图形显示测量结果。4.5V,否则将注意:将元件放入测试座前务必进行 放电,以免损坏测试仪!注意:不建议使用测试仪测量电池!测量电池时务必保证电压低于损坏测试仪!元件放置位置测试座分为晶体管测试区和稳压二极管测试区,详见1.1本机说明。无元件、无法识别或元件损坏多功能测或仪未知元件或已损坏9共有6种形式:多功能测式仪多功能测疏仪多功能测献仪电;包(Cell)电池(Cell)5,72V务功能测武仪变功能测疏仪多功能测就仪电池(Cell)电;也(Cell)曲池(Cell)说明:以下不再枚举元件的多种测试方式,仅以其中-种进行说
6、明。多功能测就仪多功能测或仪三极管(B1T-MPN)三极管(B3T-NPN)hFE=120Ut>e=1.07VIC -5. EBA lceo=4.emA ICES=8.flHAhFE=120Ube=1.07VIt T.5MATceo=4.emAlces=8.0mA多功能测或仅多功能测试仪三极首(ejT-PNP)三极营(BJT-PNP)hFE-120 ube=i.07v IC >5.5mA Tceo=4»0<iiA ices=s. emi.二极管hFE-120 ube=i.07v IC W5RIA Tceo=4.e<iiA icesis.多功能测式仪 二极管(D
7、iode)lrf=716nw C=2DF>| ir=2fiA23双二极管多功能测试仪多功能测式仪现二板管(2 Diodes )yf=716rtv Uf=7154ft/HM双二极管(2 Diodes )Vf=71£ntvM*71皿多功能测或仪场效应管(N-E -MO5)Vt=3.04V (E=651PF Fd5=e,in低于4.5V的稳压二极管测量结果也是双二极管:双二极管(2 Diodes )Uf=2<59VVf=716rtV |1 - 23场效应管多功献测讨,仪 场效应管(P-E-H05)0 2/ Vt=3 .&4V 1 i I*”5aBim/ cg=6n口f
8、_ 耐他 i#多功能迎1祺仪多功能测诚仪场效应管(P-阀51场效应管(H-HDS)S=12pF Id=5.63-UA Vg=5,5CVCg=12pP Id二56和入 31洌务功能测武仪多功能测芸,仅场效应管(N-3FET)场效应管(P-JFFT)ld-56SuAVg=ri 56V出=5-6列A室V多功能测武仪多功能测式仪场效应管(N-ISBT)场效应管P-IG&T)Id-S61UA四456Vld=5 63uAVg=3.56V可控硅3功能测疏仪可 硅 tThyr istor)卜21 石产 IH-77WV鼻3双向可控硅多功能测试仪双向可控硅CrrizK)12_C_cUf-776«
9、V2 3电容多功能测送仪电容 (Capacitor1 的uFVloss-3.4% E5R=O.71n23电阻一只电阻:多功能测式仪电阻(Resistor)9296(1 Hl J23电位器或两只电阻:多功能测或仪务功能测仪电二旦(Resistor)3&£5a电阻(Resistor)fl5337ii23电感多功能测底仪电感 (InduetorJ0 05mHR=1.17«22.4 自动校准短接三个测试座,短按多功能按键,测试仪自动进行校准。校准过程中除根据提示断开短接线外,无需进行其他操作。开始校准多功能测拔仪自动核准映断开短接线多功能测或仪自动校准22%请断开空接线校准
10、结束多功能测或仪校淮结束V2,12k106%小注意:校准过程中请勿进行其他操作,以免影响校准精度!2.5 测试稳压二极管关机或测试完成状态下, 将稳压二极管放入稳压二极管测试区,并按下锁紧手柄,短按 多功能按键,测试仪开机并自动进行测量,测试完成后图形显示测量结果。多功能测试仪鹄压二极管fierier)KUZ-256VA£注意:请勿在元件测试区放入元件,否则无法测试稳压二极管!2.6 红外解码元件测试完成后,将红外遥控器对准测试仪“ IR”测试孔,按下遥控器按键,测试仪解 码成功后显示用户码和数据码,并显示对应的红外波形。如果无法解码或解码失败则不能显示用户码和数据码,此时如果在测试
11、仪界面则不能进入红外解码界面,如果在红外解码界面则仍然显示上次成功解码信息。右上角圆点用来指示是否接收到遥控器的红外数据,红色表示正在接收红外数据,蓝色表示解码成功。多功能测试仪 红外解吗(IR >ecoder) MMimnnnnn UserCode: 00BF iiumwmninr DataCode: 00FF说明:本解码器仅支持日立公司格式的红外编码。2.7 关机多功能测试仪具备超时自动关机和手动关机功能。超时自动关机当元件测试完成或红外解码完成,并达到自动关机时间后,测试仪自动关机。自动关机时间可通过硬件跳线设置,支持10秒、15秒、20秒和25秒四挡超时时间,出厂设置为20秒。注
12、意:调整自动关机时间需打开外壳,并使用电烙铁短接跳线。3注意:焊接时请做好ESD静电防护!手动关机在任何状态下长按多功能按键可强制关机,包括正在测量元件时。2.8 内置锂电池电压测量3.0V时将强制关在每次元件测量前将会检测内置锂电池电压并显示,当电池电压小于 机,此时请进行充电。多功能测试仪2.9 内置锂电池充电充电接口为标准 Micro USB接口,请使用外接 5V电源或USB电源进行充电。/ *、汗息:充电输入电压取局说明:充电指示灯为红色时表示正在充电,绿色表示充电完成。6V,请勿超压使用,否则将损坏测试仪,并可能导致电池爆炸!3性能参数多功能测试仪可自动识别元件和管脚排列,量程自动切
13、换。主要性能参数如下:兀件类型量程参数说明三极管-放大系数hfe,基极发射极电压 Ube,集电极直 流电流Ic,集电极-发射极反向截止电流 Iceo、 Ices,保护二极管正向压降 Uf二极管正向压降4.50V正向压降,结电容,反向漏电流Ir双二极管正向压降稳压二极管0.01-4.50V(晶体管测试区)正向压降,反向击穿电压0.01-30V(稳压管测试区)反向击穿电压场效应管JFET栅极电容Cg, Vgs下的漏极电流Id,保护二极 管正向压降UfIGBTVgs下的漏极电流Id,保护二极管正向压降UfMOSFET开启电压 Vt,栅极电容 Cg,漏极电阻 Rds,保 护二极管正向压降 Uf可控硅门
14、极触发电流6mA栅极电压双向可控硅电容25pF-100mF电容值,等效串联电阻 ESR,耗散系数Vloss电阻0.01-50M。电阻值电感0.01mH-20H电感,直流电阻电池0.1-4.5V电压值,电池极性注:Iceo、Ices、Uf仅在有效时显示注:结电容、反向漏电流仅在有效时显示注:只有存在保护二极管时才显示注:ESR Vloss仅在有效时显示注:单个电阻且电阻值小于2.1k时测试电感4常见问题问题描述问题原因解决方案无法开机内置锂电池没电为内置锂电池充电,充电方法请参见2.9小节测量结果不准确校准参数不准确请重新进行校准,参见 2.4小节5装箱单主机x1 ,说明书x1。Multi-fu
15、nction Tester (TC-V2.12k)1 Overview1.1 Introduction-160x128 TFT display-Multi function key- Transistor test area- Zener Diode test area-IR receiver window-Micro USB Charging Interface1.2- Charge indicator LEDFeaturesTC-V2.12k is a TFT graphic display Multifunction Tester.Transistor Tester- Automatic
16、 detection of NPN and PNP bipolar transistors, N-channel and P-channel MOSFETs, JFETs, diodes (including double diodes), N- and P-IGBTs, resistors (including potentiometers), inductors, capacitors, thyristors, triacs and battery (0.1-4.5V)- Automatic detection of zener diode (0.01-30V )- Self test w
17、ith automatic calibrationIR decoder- Support Hitachi IR coding- IR waveform display- Infrared receiving instructionOther- Measurement results usingTFT graphic display(160x128)- One key operation- Auto Power Off(Timeout Settable)- Built-in high capacity rechargeable Li-ion Battery- Li-ion Battery vol
18、tagedetection- Support Chinese andEnglishAwa- Warning : Built-in Li-ion Battery, it is strictly prohibited the tester immersed in water, or near a heat source!wa- Warning : For your personal safety, please strictly comply with the use of Li-ion Battery specifications and precautions!2 Operating Inst
19、ructions2.1 Key operational definitionsMulti-function key has two actions:Short press: Press the key and not less than 10 ms, release key within 1.5 secondsLong press: Press the key more than 1.5 seconds2.2 Power onIn the power off state, short press the multifunction key, the tester is turned on an
20、d automatically measured.Power on & measurement interfaceMl-Teste1rTesting.Vbat = 3.64V 2.3 Detect transistorIn the power off state or the test is completed, put the test element into the transistor test area of test seat, and press the locking handle, short press the multifunction key, the test
21、er automatically measure, graphical display of measurement results when testing is complete./iW Warning : Always be sure to DISCHARGE capacitors before connecting them to thetester! The tester may be damaged before you have switched it on!A Warning : We do not recommend using the tester to measure t
22、he battery! The batteryvoltage must be less than 4.5V, otherwise the tester may be damaged!Component placementTest seat are divided into transistors and zener diode test area, detailed in 1.1 Description.No, unknown, or damaged partM-TesterNo/ unknown, or damaged part ?11口 ©n国国国 国独照不百苗看BatteryB
23、JT(Bipolar Junction Transistor)M-TesterM -TesterDiodeBJT-NPN2 hFE=1四 U>e=l .97v 5BSIHV IC T,5gM-TesterBJT-PMP5BBITK/hFE=120U>esl .97Y Ic5,5冰 iceo>4,eitA lCe5=B.6ll>ADiodeLrf=716l*y EOF u. ir=2nAM-Tester2 DiodesM-TesterM-Tester2 Diodes2 Diodesyf=71tfnvMuf=715*V14irf=7i&iwUf-716rtV1 l&
24、lt; 2M-TesterM-Tester2 DiodesLrf=2.59VM232 DiodesUf=2.59V-w-Uf=715«fV3MOSFETM-TestcrP-E-MOSM-Tester0 2F; Vt=3 .04V cjb- -5&SIFW Cg=651pF 的5印L#M-TesterN-JPET° 2Gl-Ild*S.63-uA-TVg=iS6VP-JFETld=S-6*uA.瞋)Vg=M56Vr 3M-TesterM-TesterP-HBT-2Pld=5.61uA、瞋里VN-IGBT一£jrld-S61uA-IkVg=iS6VThyris
25、torM-TesterThyristor亡2_丰Uf770flVTriacM-TesterTriaca-2£Uf770flVCapacitorM-TesterCapacitor103. ?UFVI055 = 3.4%_| E5R=07ln23ResistorM-TesterResistor9296(1 Hl J23M-TesterInductorResistor1 I.L 58370.L3M-TesterInductor0.05mHR=1.17«2 32.4 SelftestShort all three Probes, short press the multifunct
26、ion key, the tester will be automatically calibrates itself.In addition to the calibration process when prompted disconnect external wiring short(Isolate the probes), without the need for other operations.CalibratingM-TesterSelftest Mode5SCIsolate the probesM-TesterSelftest Mode22X I诗断开蛭接线Selftest E
27、ndM-TesterSelftest End vs.izkIM%/iWa_- Warning : Do not carry out other operations in the calibration process, so as not toaffect the calibration accuracy!2.5 Detect Zener diodeIn the power off state or the detection is completed, put the Zener diode into the Zener diode test area of test seat, and
28、press the locking handle, short press the multifunction key, the tester automatically measure, graphical display of measurement results when testing is complete.M-TesterZenerK£ uz=Z56V/i二_Warning : Do not put the component into transistor test area, otherwise it isimpossible to test zener diode
29、!2.6 IR decoderAfter the component detection is completed, the infrared remote control at the tester "IR" test hole, press the remote control key, the tester will be display the user code & data code and the corresponding infrared waveform after the successful decoding.If decoding fail
30、ure, the tester cannot display the user code and data code.The dot at the top right corner to indicate whether it has received the remote control infrared data, red represents infrared data is being received, blue represents decoding success.M-TesterIR DecoderBlMTOirm UserCode; 00BF Bimmnrmn DataCod
31、e: 00FF0 Information : The IR decoder only support Hitachi IR format.2.7 Power offThe Multifunction Tester with automatic shutdown and manual shutdown.Automatic shutdownWhen the component detection completed or IR decoding completed and after reaching the automatically shut down time, the tester aut
32、omatically shut down.Automatic shutdown time can be set by the hardware jumpers, timeout support for 10s,15s, 20s and 25s. Factory set to 20s.AW- Warning : Adjust the automatic shutdown time required to open the housing, and use an electric soldering iron solder the jumpers.AAttention : Please do ES
33、D protection!Manual shutdownLong press the multifunction key to force a shutdown in any state, while the measuring element is included.2.8 Built-in Li-ion Battery voltage measurementThe built-in Li-ion Battery voltage is measured before detection, when the battery voltage isless than 3.0V will force
34、 shutdown, then please charging.2.9 Charging the BatteryThe tester has a standard Micro USB interface, please use an external 5V power supply orUSB power charging. Information : Red LED indicates is charging, green LED indicates charging is ,complete.徐W-': Warning : Charging input voltage up to
35、6V , do not exceed the top voltage, or it willdamage the tester, and could cause the battery to explode!3 Performance ParametersMultifunction Tester can automatically identify elements and automatic detection of pin layout, and automatic switching range.The main performance parameters are as follows
36、:ComponentRangeParameter DescriptionBJT-hFE(DC Current Gain), Ube(Base-Emitter Voltage), Ic(Collector Current), Iceo(Collector Cut-off Current (IB=0), Ices(Collector short Current), Uf(Forward Voltage of protecting diode) DiodeForward Voltage <4.50VForward Voltage, Diode Capacitance, Ir(Reverse Current)Double DiodesForward VoltageZener Diode0.01-4.50V(Transistor test area)Forward Voltage, Reverse Voltage0.01-30
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