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1、         新目标英语八年级(上)期末复习   一、非谓语动词1、动词+不定式1)wantwould likeasktellforbid (sb.) to do sth.    (注:asktell sb. not to do sth.  叫某人不干某事 ) 2)planhopedecide to do sth.     计划、希望、决定 去干某事2、动词+v-ing1)enjoyfinishprac

2、tise doing sth.   喜欢、完成、练习 干某事2)spend + 时间、金钱 (in) doing sth. 花费时间、金钱干某事3)have fun doing sth. 干某事很愉快 have problems doing sth. 干某事有困难3、动词+不定式 或 v-ing 1)stop to do sth. 停下来,要去干某事 stop doing sth. 停止正在干的事2)forgetremember to do sth. 忘记、记住要去干某事 Forgetremember doing sth. 忘记、记得已干的事3)likeloveh

3、ate to do sth.喜欢、讨厌去干某事 likelovehate to doing sth 喜欢、讨厌干某事(习惯性的)4)startbegin to do 或 doing sth. 开始干某事(两种表达意义区别不大)4、makelethelp sb. do sth. 使、让、帮助某人干某事5、seewatch hear sb. do sth.看见、听见某人干某事(一般包含某事全过程) See watch hear sb. doing sth.看见、听见某人正在干某事6、It takestook sb.+时间、金钱 to do sth.某人花费时间、金钱去干某事 =sb. spend

4、时间、金钱 (in) doing sth.on sth.二、形容词与副词1、形容词+ly -副词 如:quick-quickly heavy-heavily1)形容词修饰名词、代词等,修饰不定代词时,放在不定代词之后。如:Something different不同的东西 somewhere quiet and beautiful安静又美丽的地方2)副词修饰动词、形容词、副词等,修饰动词时,一般放在动词或动词短语之后。如:rain heavily雨下得大3)look看起来sound听起来smell闻起来taste尝起来 等系动词之后常用形容词如:You dont look well today.

5、你今天看起来脸色不好。 That sounds interesting.听起来很有趣。(注意:looksound like +名词 如:That sounds like a good idea.)2、形容词与副词的比较级:1)两者间的比较,表示比、更、较。a. Its easier to say than to do .说比做容易。b. Which is bigger,the sun or moon?太阳和月亮,哪个更大?c. Lucy is taller of the two.露西是两者中较高的。2)比较级前常见的修饰词:muchevenanyfara littlea bita lot等表示

6、程度的副词。如:Its a little colder than yesterday.今天比昨天冷一点。形容词比较级前可以加表示数量的词。如: My brother is five years older than me.我哥哥比我大五岁。3)比较级的特殊用法:a. 越来越 :单音节er+and+单音节er (即比较级+and+比较级)如:Our country is becoming stronger and stronger.我们的国家越来越强大。more and more+多音节形容词、副词 如: English is becoming more and more popular.英语越

7、来越普遍了。 b. 越,就越 the+比较级,the+比较级 如:The more careful you are,the fewer mistakes you will make. 你越仔细,你犯的错误就越少 注意:比较的对象要一致 如:Your bag is heavier than Lily.(×) Your bag is heavier than Lilys.()3、形容词、副词最高级:1)三者或三者以上的比较,表示“最”,句中常有表示范围的介词短语of the threeus 或in our classfamily等。注意,形容词最高级前要加the. 2)最高级特殊用法 序

8、数词后+最高级,表示“第几(长、大、远)” The Yellow River is the second longest river in China.黄河是中国第二长河。 one of+形容词最高级+可数名词复数。“最的之一” Chongqing is one of the biggest cities in China.重庆是中国最大的城市之一。 某人的+形容词最高级,表示“某人的最”如:Linda is my sisters best friend.琳达是我妹妹最好的朋友。 3)特殊句型:最好干某事:Its best to do sth.Youd better do sth. 如:Its

9、 best to go home now.现在最好回家。Youd better do your homework first.你最好先做作业。 三、宾语从句 宾语从句在复合句中做主句的宾语,常放在know/say/think/ask等之后,通常由下面一些词引导。1)由that引导,that通常省略.如: I dont think (that) differences are important in a friendsh. Some reader said (that) they are going to eat more vevetables. 2)由连接代词或副词(what/when/wh

10、ere/who等)引导。(从句部分要用陈述语序)如: Thomas wants to know where Nina lives. It is interesting to hear what the class think about action movies. 3)由连词if/whether引导,意为“是否”. She ask me if she could borrow these books.她问我能是否能借这些书。 宾语从句的事态一般与主句一致,但若从句讲的是客观事实,则保持用一般现在时。如: The teacher told us that the moon goes aroun

11、d the earth.老师告诉我们月亮绕着地球转。(虽然主句用的是一般过去时,但“月亮绕着地球转”是客观事实,所以用goes,一般现在时)四、状语从句1)when引导的时间状语从句,表示“当时” Mozart started to write music when he was four yeas old. (主句用一般过去时,从句用一般过去时。 ) 2)if引导的条件状语从句,表示“如果” If it rains tomorrow,we wont go hiking. (主句用一般将来时,从句用一般现在时。wontwill not) 3)until引导的时间状语从句,主句一般用否定。(no

12、t事until事 直到事才事 )如: I didnt go to bed until mother came back.我直到妈妈回来才睡觉。 八年级英语上册期末复习资料1、 易混词组1. health健康(名), healthy健康的(形), healthily健康地(副) Drinking milk is good for our health. A healthy lifestyle can help us keep healthy. I am going to eat healthily this year.2. may,(情动) maybe(副), may be(谓动) 可能 He

13、may know the answer. = Maybe he knows the answer. He may be at home. = Maybe he is at home.3. be good for 对有利, be good at 擅长于, be good with 与某人相处好, be good to 对某人友好4. think(认为) /hear (听说) /because(因为)+从句 think of /hear of / because of+名词5. forget/remember to do sth 忘记/记着去做某事 forget/remember doing st

14、h 忘记/记着做了某事6. stop to do sth 停下来去做某事 stop doing sth停止做某事7. take, spend, pay, cost花费例:我买这件外套花了100元钱. It took me 100 yuan to buy this coat.(it作主语) I spent 100 yuan on this coat/(in)buying this coat.(人作主语) I paid 100 yuan for this coat.(人作主语 This coat cost me 100 yuan.(物体作主语)8. Sometime(将来的)某时, some ti

15、me一段时间, sometimes有时, some times几次9. few(几乎没有), a few(一些)+复数名词 little(几乎没有), a little(一点儿)+不可数名词10. a (large) number of(许多) a small number of(少量的), the number of 的数量 A number of students are in the classroom.许多学生都在教室里. The number of the students in the classroom is 30. 教室里学生的数量是30.11. both(and)(两者)都

16、all (多者)都 the other(两者中的),另一个another(多者中的)另一个 between(and) (两者)之间 among (多者)之间neither(两者)都不 none(多者)都不12. 赢: win+比赛/奖 beat+某人/某团体 13. 参加:join+某人/组织 take part in+活动14. in the south of, to the south of, on the south of 在的南方Hainan is in the south of China.(海南在中国范围之内)Hainan is to the south on Hubei.(海南在

17、湖北范围之外,且不接壤)Hunan is on the south of Hebei.(湖南在湖北范围之外, 但接壤)15. 太多: too much+不可数名词, too many+复数名词; 太: much too+形容词或副词16. too, also, either, so 也 I like English, too. =I also like English. I don't like English, either. You like English, so do I.(你喜欢英语,我也喜欢.)17. so, such 如此 She is so clever that ev

18、eryone likes her. = She is such a clever girl that everyone likes her. 她如此聪明,每个人都喜欢她.二、重点词组句型1. better and better越来越好, more and more beautiful 越来越美丽2. 10 minutes' walk= ten-minute walk=10 minutes on foot 十分钟步行的路程(表示路程,用来回答how far)3. ss +原级as像一样, not as/so +原级as 不如 He is as tall as you. He is not

19、 as/so tall as you.= He is shorter than you.=You are taller than him.4. somewhere interesting有趣的地方 something important 重要的事情 somebody else 别的人5. enough food足够的食物(enough+名词), big enough足够大(形/副+enough)6. one of the most useful animals 最有用的动物之一(one of+最高级+复数)7. I didn't go to bed until my father ca

20、me back last night. 昨晚直到我爸回来我才去睡觉.8. I'm sorry to hear that. 听到这我很难过.9. too+形/副原级to do 太而不能, so+形/副原级+that+从句 如此以致不能 not+形/副原级enough to do 不足够去做 My daughter is too young to go to school. = My daughter is so young that she can't go to school.= My daughter is not old enough to go to school.10. I was the first (student) to get to school yesterday. 我昨天是第一个到校的(学生).11. It's easy to have a healthy lifestyle.= To have a healthy lifestyle is easy. = Having a healthy lifestyle is easy. 拥有健康的生活方式很容易. (动


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