五年级下册 unit part B lets learn教学设计_第1页
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1、Unit 5 Whose dog is it?B Lets learn 教学设计 一、教学目标1、知识目标:(1)听、说、读、写以下单词或词组:yours, his, hers, theirs, mine, ours, 并在具体情境中理解对话。(2)学生能够在图片和教师的帮助下理解对话,并能在情景中熟练运用以上六个单词进行交谈: Its your dog. The dog is yours.2、技能目标:(1)能听、说、读、写以下单词:yours, his, hers, theirs, mine, ours的发音及使用,并运用到真实情境中,并能在情景中熟练地运用名词性物主代词。(2)能够在具体

2、语境中正确使用新词汇,并正确书写。3、情感目标:(1)感受英语的乐趣。(2)感受中西方文化的异同,了解西方文化中的关于某件物品是谁的表达。二、教学重点1、句型:Its your dog. The dog is yours.2、词汇:yours, his, hers, theirs, mine, ours三、教学难点 1、能听、说、读、写以下单词:yours, his, hers, theirs, mine, ours的发音及使用,并运用到真实情境中,并能在情景中熟练地运用名词性物主代词。 2、并能在情境中运用句型Its your dog. The dog is yours.及其他相关形式的句子

3、。四、教具准备 教师准备与本课时相关音视频、单词卡片及课件。五、教学过程Step1:板书课题:1、 情境导入 师:Today we will have a school trip.Please guess where will we go?Look at some pictures and guess where is it? 生:The nature park! 师:Yes, this class we will visit the nature.Are you happy? Lets sing a song and begin our trip.2、 呈现新课(1) Lets go to

4、the nature park.What can you see in the nature park? 生:I can see a panda? 师:What is he doing? 生:He is eating.(2) What can you see this time? 生:I can see two pandas. 师:What are they doing? 生:They are drinking.(3) Lets chant Panda,panda,a cute cute panda. What is he doing?What is he doing? He is eatin

5、g,eating,eating,eating. Pandas,pandas, cute cute pandas. What are they doing?What are they doing? They are drinking,drinking,drinking, drinking.3、 Lets go on our trip 师:What can you see? 生:I can see a monkey. 师:What is he doing? 生:He is climbing. 师:What are these monkeys doing? 生:They are playing.4、

6、 Lets chant. Monkey, monkey,a funny ,funny monkey. What is he doing? What is he doing? He is climbing, climbing, climbing,climbing. Monkeys, monkeys, funny ,funny monkeys. What are they doing? What are they doing? They are playing, playing,playing, playing.5、 Lets go to the next place. 师:Who is she?

7、 生:She is a squirrel. 师:What is she doing? 生:She is jumping. 师:What are they doing? 生:They are sleeping.6、 Lets make a chant. Squirrel, squirrel, a lovely ,lovely squirrel. ? ? She is , , , . Squirrels, squirrels, lovely ,lovely squirrels. ? ? They are , , , .7、 Repeat the words8、 Lets talk A: What

8、is the _ doing? B: Its _. A:What are these _s doing? B:They are_.9、 Look and Guess10、 Is the _ _ing? Yes,it is./No,it isn't. Are these _(s) _ing? Yes,they are./No,theyaren't.11、 Our school trip is over.What have you seen in the nature?What are they doing?Lets talk about that. M:Welcome to th

9、e nature park.What can you see? S1:I can see a _. M:What is it doing? S1:It's _. M:What can you see? S2:I can see _. M:What _ _ doing? S2:They _ _. M:Is the _ _? S3:_ M:Are these _ _? S3:_12、 板书设计: Unit5 Whose dog is it? What is he/she/it doing? He/She/It is jumping sleeping eating drinking playing climbing What are they doing? They are jumping sleeping eating drinking playing climbing六、教学反思: 本节课的设计力求以学生为主体,以任务为中心,以活动为方式,放手让学生自己去发现问题、分析问题、解决问题。整节课教学设计的宗旨是为课堂教学服务,让学生成为直接的受益者,有利于


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