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1、上海市 2000年 11 月高级口译试题Passage 2:心脏病像其他退行性疾病一样,在出现明显而剧烈的症状前,会潜伏很长一段时间。其实,我国大多数年轻人在20 出头时就已经得了心脏病。病情一年年每况愈下,直到最后心脏病不可避免地发作。大部分人到了一定年龄心脏病才会第一次发作,比如说到了50多岁或 60 多岁。但是每一年都有数以千计的人在20 多岁时就心脏病发作,有时候甚至会有人在10 多岁时就发作严重的心脏病。在这个意义上,我们可以说,由于年轻人对心脏病毫无防备,这种疾病对他们更具威胁。Part BPassage 1:Welcome to the Donghai World Park. T

2、he Donghai World Pak, which is the largest theme park of its kind unparalleled in the Far East, features a complete collection of the well-knownworld scenic spots. Surrounded by 100 sights of historical interest and natural attraction including the seven wonders ofthe world, you will easily fulfill

3、you dream of touring around the world in a day.1The miniature replicas of the selected scenic sights wereconstructed out of top grade stones of white jade, marble andgranite,allboastingexquisiteworkmanshipandingeniousdesign.Thetouristswillfindthemselvesengrossedinaninvoluntaryadmirationofthedazzling

4、arraysoftheexactscenic reproductions that are unbelievably true to the original.Passage 2:The National Bureau of Statistics has conducted a survey among one hundred Chinese economists. Most of them think that the economic trends during the first half of the year were favorable and the economic situa

5、tion is quite ideal. With regards to the macroeconomic trends for the second half, over80% of those polled predicted that the second half would be better than the first half.With regards to China s economic growth this year, all experts predict a higher figure than that of last year, the average for

6、ecast being about 8%. However, at the same time,many experts argue that without a new round of infusion of funds, the economic growth rate of the second half could be lower than that of the first half.口译题录音文字稿 :2Part ADirections: In this part of the test, you will hear 2 passagesin English. After yo

7、u have heard each paragraph, interpret it into Chinese. Start interpreting at the signal.and stop it at the signal.You may take notes while you are listening. Rememberyou will hear the passages only once. Now lets begin Part Awith the first passage.Passage 1:The20thcentury hasseen theriseanddeclineo

8、fasuccession of industries in the United States. The automobileindustry has had to struggle to meet the challenge of foreigncompetition. Many new industries have appeared. Many of thecurrentlyrisingindustriesareamongwhatareknownashigh-tech industries, becauseoftheirdependenceonthelatest developments

9、 in technology.High-techindustriestendtobe highly automatedandthus need fewerworkersthantraditionalindustriessuchassteel-making.Ashigh-techindustrieshavegrownand olderindustrieshavedeclinedinrecentyears,theproportionofAmericanworkersemployedinmanufacturinghasdeclined.Service industries industriestha

10、tsella serviceratherthanmake a product now dominate the economy.3Passage 2:Likeotherdegenerativediseases,heartdiseaseisordinarilypresentfora verylongtimein thebodybeforeobvious and drastic symptoms appear. In fact, for most youngpeopleinourcountry,heartoftenbeginsintheirearlytwenties.Itgrowsworseove

11、rtheyearsuntilfinallytheinevitable heart attack strikes.For most people the first heart attack does not come until a certain age, say their fifties or sixties. But for thousands of people every year, the first heart attack comes in the twenties and occasionally even a person in his teens may experie

12、nce a serious heart attack. In this way we can say that heart disease is more dangerous to the younger generation, since they are not at all prepared for it.Part BDirections: In this part of the test, you will hear 2 passages in Chinese. Afteryou have heard each paragraph, interpret it into English.

13、Start interpreting at the signal.and stop it at the signal.Youmaytakenoteswhileyouare listening.Rememberyouwillhear the passages only once. Now let s begin Part A with thefirst passage.4Passage 1:欢迎各位游览东海世界公园。 东海世界公园是一座集世界名胜之大成的主题公园, 其规模为远东同类公园之冠。 您置身于包括世界七大奇观在内的 100 处历史名胜与自然景观之中,一日便可游遍天下美景。园内各类微型景观

14、的选料多为汉白玉、 大理石、花岗岩等优质石料,这些景观的制作工艺精湛无比,独具匠心,其复制程度之精确,形象之逼真,足可以假乱真,令游人叹为观止。Passage 2:国家统计局日前对100对经济学专家进行了调查。多数专家认为上半年经济走势趋好, 经济状况较理想。 对于下半年的宏观经济走势,超过 80% 的专家预期会比上半年更好一些。所有专家都预期今年的经济增长速度将高于去年,平均预期值为8% 左右。但与此同时,不少专家认为,如果没有进一步的资金投入,下半年的经济增长速度可能低于上半年。B 卷参考答案 : Part A Passage 1:在我国历史的大部分时间里, 我们一直把中国视作远居太平洋彼

15、岸的朋友。美国人民十分钦佩中国迈出的巨大步伐。贵国人民目前的生活是上一代人无法想象的。你们20 多年来所取得的显著发展在许5多领域里开辟了成功的新天地。美中两国在广泛领域里进行合作。我们美国人赞赏彼此之间互相尊重的关系,这种关系是建立在合作、 坦诚以及对彼此的价值观念与传统认可的基础上的。让我们共同承诺,为了我们两国人民、两个国家乃至全世界,我们要不停步地携手共进。Passage 2:这座大学图书馆是澳大利亚最大的几座图书馆之一藏书超过230 万册,它支持着大学的研究和教学,涵盖所有科目,并提供关于每一科目领域的收藏和服务方面的信息。大量的数据库通过网络数据库服务系统向整个学校开放, 大学图书

16、馆同时提供到达数据库的途径和不断增加的订阅服务, 例如电子刊物和教科书,还能够提供经筛选的免费网络资源来为教职员工和学生帮助。其中一些资源还能让在校外的本大学成员共享。Part BPassage 1 :Economists say that if the prices have been dropping forlongperiodsof time,the enterpriseswillbe at a lass as towhere the market demand is and dont know where to invest.Consequently,thecompaniesdevel

17、opmentandtheeconomic growth are greatly affected.Althoughtherehavebeenpositivechangesinthefluctuationof prices,thefoundationof a reboundin prices6isn t firm due to the fact that the supply is still greater thanthe demand. Whether China is able to escape the shadow ofdeflationby the endof the year is

18、 stillof muchconcerntothose in the economic circle.Passage 2 :Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation, or APEC, is the mostinfluential economic forum in our region and one of the mostdynamic organizations for economic cooperation in the world.PracticehasprovedallthemoreclearlythattheAPECApproach,whichresp

19、ondstotherealityin theregion,wellhelp its member economies to give full play to their capabilityfor common development.Economicandtechnologicalcooperationandtradeinvestmentliberalizationarecloselylinked.Andthishasexerted a profound impact on world economy and social life.We warmlywelcometheconvocati

20、onof theninthinformalAPEC Economic Leaders Meeting in Shanghai. We will makefull preparations for this meeting.口译题录音文字稿 :Part ADirections: In this part of the test, you will hear 2 passagesin English.Afteryou have heardeach paragraph, interpretit7into Chinese. Start interpreting at the signal.and st

21、op it at the signal.You may take notes while you are listening. Rememberyou will hear the passages only once. Now lets begin Part Awith the first passage.Passage 1 :For most of our history we have looked upon China as a distant friend across the Pacific Ocean. The American peopleadmire the great str

22、ides China has taken. Your people are lending lives inconceivable just a generation ago. Your phenomenal growth over 20 years has opened new worlds of possibility.TheUnitedStatesandChinacooperateacrossa widerangeofenterprises.WeAmericansappreciatethemutualrespectofourrelationship arelationshipbasedo

23、ncooperation, candor, and recognition of each nations valuesand traditions.Let us commit to keep moving forward together for ourpeoples, our nations, and the world.Passage 2 :This UniversityLibraryis oneof thelargestLibrariesinAustralia, with a stack of over 2.3 million volumes. It supports the Univ

24、ersity s research and teaching across a full range of8subjects, available about the Librarys collections and servicesin each subject area.A wide range of databases are made available campus-wide through the Networked Database Service. The university Library also provides access to these databases andan increasing number of subscription services such as electronic journals or texts as well as to selected freely-available web resources useful or sta


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