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1、1.what does the following code do?(B)def a(b, c, d): passA.defines a list and initializes itB.defines a function, which does nothingC.defines a function, which passes its parameters throughD.defines an empty class2.what gets printed? Assuming python version 2.x(A)print type(1/2)A.<type 'int&#

2、39;>B.<type 'number'>C.<type 'float'>D.<type 'double'>E.<type 'tuple'>3. what is the output of the following code?(E)print type(1,2)A.<type 'tuple'>B.<type 'int'>C.<type 'set'>D.<type 'complex

3、'>E.<type 'list'>4. what gets printed?(C)def f(): passprint type(f()A.<type 'function'>B.<type 'tuple'>C.<type 'NoneType'>D.<type 'str'>E.<type 'type'>5. what should the below code print?(A)print type(1J)A.<

4、;type 'complex'>B.<type 'unicode'>C.<type 'int'>D.<type 'float'>E.<type 'dict'>6. what is the output of the following code?(D)print type(lambda:None)A.<type 'NoneType'>B.<type 'tuple'>C.<type 'type&

5、#39;>D.<type 'function'>E.<type 'bool'>7. what is the output of the below program?(D)a = 1,2,3,None,(),print len(a)A.syntax errorB.4C.5D.6E.78.what gets printed? Assuming python version 3.x(C)print (type(1/2)A.<type 'int'>B.<type 'number'>C.

6、<type 'float'>D.<type 'double'>E.<type 'tuple'>9. What gets printed?(C)d = lambda p: p * 2t = lambda p: p * 3x = 2x = d(x)x = t(x)x = d(x)print xA.7B.12C.24D.36E.4810. What gets printed?(A)x = 4.5y = 2print x/yA.2.0B.2.25C.9.0D.20.25E.2111. What gets printed

7、?(C)nums = set(1,1,2,3,3,3,4)print len(nums)A.1B.2C.4D.5E.712. What gets printed?(A)x = Truey = Falsez = Falseif x or y and z: print "yes"else: print "no"A.yesB.noC.fails to compile13. What gets printed?(C)x = Truey = Falsez = Falseif not x or y: print 1elif not x or not y and z:

8、 print 2elif not x or y or not y and x: print 3else: print 4A.1B.2C.3D.414. If PYTHONPATH is set in the environment, which directories are searched for modules?(D)A) PYTHONPATH directoryB) current directoryC) home directoryD) installation dependent default pathA.A onlyB.A and DC.A, B, and CD.A, B, a

9、nd DE.A, B, C, and D15. In python 2.6 or earlier, the code will print error type 1 if accessSecureSystem raises an exception of either AccessError type or SecurityError type(B)try: accessSecureSystem()except AccessError, SecurityError: print "error type 1"continueWork()A.trueB.false16. The

10、 following code will successfully print the days and then the months(B)daysOfWeek = 'Monday', 'Tuesday', 'Wednesday', 'Thursday', 'Friday', 'Saturday', 'Sunday'months = 'Jan', 'Feb', 'Mar', 'Apr', 'May',

11、'Jun', 'Jul', 'Aug', 'Sep', 'Oct', 'Nov', 'Dec'print "DAYS: %s, MONTHS %s" % (daysOfWeek, months)A.trueB.false17. Assuming python 2.6 what gets printed?(A)f = Nonefor i in range (5): with open("data.txt", "w") as f

12、: if i > 2: breakprint f.closedA.TrueB.FalseC.None18. What gets printed?(C)counter = 1 def doLotsOfStuff(): global counter for i in (1, 2, 3): counter += 1doLotsOfStuff()print counterA.1B.3C.4D.7E.none of the above19. What gets printed?(C)print r"nwoow" line then the string: woowB.

13、the text exactly like this: r"nwoow"C.the text like exactly like this: nwoowD.the letter r and then newline then the text: woowE.the letter r then the text like this: nwoow20.What gets printed?(B)print "hello" 'world'A.on one line the text: hello worldB.on one line the te

14、xt: helloworldC.hello on one line and world on the next lineD.syntax error, this python program will not run21.What gets printed?(E)print "x48x49!"A.x48x49!B.4849C.4849!D. 48 49!E.HI!22. What gets printed?(D)print 0xA + 0xaA.0xA + 0xaB.0xA 0xaC.14D.20E.0x2023. What gets printed?(E)class pa

15、rent: def _init_(self, param): self.v1 = paramclass child(parent): def _init_(self, param): self.v2 = paramobj = child(11)print "%d %d" % (obj.v1, obj.v2)A.None NoneB.None 11C.11 NoneD.11 11E.Error is generated by program24. What gets printed?(E)kvps = "user","bill", &q

16、uot;password","hillary"print kvps'password'A.userB.billC.passwordD.hillaryE.Nothing. Python syntax error25. What gets printed?(B)66% on 1871 times askedclass Account: def _init_(self, id): = id id = 666 acc = Account(123)print acc.idA.NoneB.123C.666D.SyntaxError, this

17、program will not run26. What gets printed?(C)name = "snow storm"print "%s" % name6:8A.stB.stoC.toD.torE.Syntax Error27. What gets printed?(D)name = "snow storm"name5 = 'X'print nameA.snow stormB.snowXstormC.snow XtormD.ERROR, this code will not run28. Which numb

18、ers are printed?(C)for i in range(2): print ifor i in range(4,6): print iA.2, 4, 6B.0, 1, 2, 4, 5, 6C.0, 1, 4, 5D.0, 1, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9E.1, 2, 4, 5, 629. What sequence of numbers is printed?(B)values = 1, 2, 1, 3nums = set(values)def checkit(num): if num in nums: return True else: return Falsefor i

19、 in filter(checkit, values): print iA.1 2 3B.1 2 1 3C.1 2 1 3 1 2 1 3D.1 1 1 1 2 2 3 3E.Syntax Error30. What sequence of numbers is printed?(E)values = 2, 3, 2, 4def my_transformation(num): return num * 2for i in map(my_transformation, values): print iA.2 3 2 4B.4 6 4 8C.1 1.5 1 2D.1 1 1 2E.4 9 4 16

20、31. What numbers get printed(C)import pickleclass account:def _init_(self, id, balance) = idself.balance = balancedef deposit(self, amount):self.balance += amountdef withdraw(self, amount):self.balance -= amountmyac = account('123', 100)myac.deposit(800)myac.withdraw(500)fd = open( &

21、quot;archive", "w" ) pickle.dump( myac, fd)fd.close()myac.deposit(200)print myac.balancefd = open( "archive", "r" ) myac = pickle.load( fd )fd.close()print myac.balanceA.500 300B.500 500C.600 400D.600 600E.300 50032. What gets printed by the code snippet below?(B)i

22、mport mathprint math.floor(5.5)A.5B.5.0C.5.5D.6E.6.033. What gets printed by the code below?(E)class Person: def _init_(self, id): = idobama = Person(100)obama._dict_'age' = 49print obama.age + len(obama._dict_)A.1B.2C.49D.50E.5134. What gets printed?(E)x = "foo "y = 2print

23、 x + 2D.2E.An exception is thrown35. What gets printed?(E)def simpleFunction(): "This is a cool simple function that returns 1" return 1print simpleFunction._doc_10:14A.simpleFunctionB.simpleC.funcD.funtionE.cool36. What does the code below do?(C)sys.path.append('/

24、root/mods')A.Changes the location that the python executable is run fromB.Changes the current working directoryC.Adds a new directory to seach for python modules that are importedD.Removes all directories for modsE.Changes the location where sub-processes are searched for after they are launched

25、37. What gets printed?(C)import resum = 0pattern = 'back'if re.match(pattern, 'backup.txt'): sum += 1if re.match(pattern, 'text.back'): sum += 2if, 'backup.txt'): sum += 4if, 'text.back'): sum += 8print sumA.3B.7C.13D.14E.15

26、38. Which of the following print statements will print all the names in the list on a seperate line(A)names = 'Ramesh', 'Rajesh', 'Roger', 'Ivan', 'Nico'A.print "n".join(names)B.print names.join("n")C.print names.concatenate("n")D

27、.print names.append("n")E.print names.join("%sn", names)39. True or false? Code indentation must be 4 spaces when creating a code block?(B)if error: # four spaces of indent are used to create the block print "%s" % msgA.TrueB.False40. Assuming the filename for the code

28、below is /usr/lib/python/person.pyand the program is run as: python /usr/lib/python/ What gets printed?(D)class Person: def _init_(self): pass def getAge(self): print _name_p = Person()p.getAge()A.PersonB.getAgeC.D._main_E.An exception is thrown41. What gets printed(B)foo = print type(foo)A

29、.setB.dictC.listD.tupleE.object42. What gets printed?(C)foo = (3, 4, 5)print type(foo)A.intB.listC.tupleD.dictE.set43. What gets printed?(D)country_counter = def addone(country): if country in country_counter: country_countercountry += 1 else: country_countercountry = 1addone('China')addone(

30、'Japan')addone('china')print len(country_counter)A.0B.1C.2D.3E.444. What gets printed?(D)confusion = confusion1 = 1confusion'1' = 2confusion1 += 1sum = 0for k in confusion: sum += confusionkprint sumA.1B.2C.3D.4E.545. What gets printed?(C)confusion = confusion1 = 1confusion&#

31、39;1' = 2confusion1.0 = 4sum = 0for k in confusion: sum += confusionkprint sumA.2B.4C.6D.7E.An exception is thrown46.What gets printed?(E)boxes = jars = crates = boxes'cereal' = 1boxes'candy' = 2jars'honey' = 4crates'boxes' = boxescrates'jars' = jarsprint

32、len(cratesboxes)A.1B.2C.4D.7E.An exception is thrown47. What gets printed?(E)numberGames = numberGames(1,2,4) = 8numberGames(4,2,1) = 10numberGames(1,2) = 12sum = 0for k in numberGames: sum += numberGameskprint len(numberGames) + sumA.8B.12C.24D.30E.3348. What gets printed?(A)foo = 1:'1', 2:

33、'2', 3:'3'foo = print len(foo)A.0B.1C.2D.3E.An exception is thrown49. What gets printed?(B)foo = 1:'1', 2:'2', 3:'3'del foo1foo1 = '10'del foo2print len(foo)A.1B.2C.3D.4E.An exception is thrown50. What gets printed?(E)names = 'Amir', 'Barry

34、', 'Chales', 'Dao'print names-1-1A.AB.rC.AmirD.DaoE.o51. What gets printed?(B)names1 = 'Amir', 'Barry', 'Chales', 'Dao'names2 = names1names3 = names1:names20 = 'Alice'names31 = 'Bob'sum = 0for ls in (names1, names2, names3): if ls0

35、= 'Alice': sum += 1 if ls1 = 'Bob': sum += 10print sumA.11B.12C.21D.22E.3352. What gets printed?(E)names1 = 'Amir', 'Barry', 'Chales', 'Dao'loc = names1.index("Edward")print locA.-1B.0C.4D.EdwardE.An exception is thrown53. What gets printed?(

36、B)names1 = 'Amir', 'Barry', 'Chales', 'Dao'if 'amir' in names1: print 1else: print 2A.1B.2C.An exception is thrown54. What gets printed?(C)names1 = 'Amir', 'Barry', 'Chales', 'Dao'names2 = name.lower() for name in names1print na

37、mes220A.iB.aC.cD.CE.An exception is thrown55. What gets printed?(B)numbers = 1, 2, 3, 4numbers.append(5,6,7,8)print len(numbers)A.4B.5C.8D.12E.An exception is thrown56. Which of the following data structures can be used with the "in" operator to check if an item is in the data structure?(E

38、)A.listB.setC.dictionaryD.None of the aboveE.All of the above57. Wat gets printed?(D)list1 = 1, 2, 3, 4list2 = 5, 6, 7, 8print len(list1 + list2)A.2B.4C.5D.8E.An exception is thrown58. What gets printed?(C)def addItem(listParam): listParam += 1mylist = 1, 2, 3, 4addItem(mylist)print len(mylist)A.1B.

39、4C.5D.8E.An exception is thrown59. What gets printed?(E)my_tuple = (1, 2, 3, 4)my_tuple.append( (5, 6, 7) )print len(my_tuple)A.1B.2C.5D.7E.An exception is thrown60. What gets printed?(B)a = 1b = 2a,b = b,aprint "%d %d" % (a,b)A.1 2B.2 1C.An exception is thrownD.This program has undefined

40、behavior61. What gets printed?(A)def print_header(str): print "+%s+" % strprint_header.category = 1print_header.text = "some info"print_header("%d %s" % (print_header.category, print_header.text)A.+1 some info+B.+%s+C.1D.some info62. What gets printed?(C)def dostuff(par

41、am1, *param2): print type(param2)dostuff('apples', 'bananas', 'cherry', 'dates')A.strB.intC.tupleD.listE.dict63. What gets printed?(E)def dostuff(param1, *param2): print type(param2)dostuff('capitals', Arizona='Phoenix',California='Sacramento',

42、 Texas='Austin')A.inB.strC.tupleD.listE.dict64. What gets printed?(B)def myfunc(x, y, z, a): print x + ynums = 1, 2, 3, 4myfunc(*nums)A.1B.3C.6D.10E.An exception is thrown65. How do you create a package so that the following reference will work?(C)p = mytools.myparser.MyParser()A.Declare the

43、 myparser package in mytools.pyB.Create an in the home dirC.Inside the mytools dir create a _init_.pyD.Create a directory inside the mytools directoryE.This can not be done66. What gets printed?(E)class A: def _init_(self, a, b, c): self.x = a + b + ca = A(1,2,3)b = getattr(a,

44、'x')setattr(a, 'x', b+1)print a.xA.1B.2C.3D.6E.767. What gets printed?(E)class NumFactory: def _init_(self, n): self.val = n def timesTwo(self): self.val *= 2 def plusTwo(self): self.val += 2f = NumFactory(2)for m in dir(f): mthd = getattr(f,m) if callable(mthd): mthd()print f.valA.2

45、B.4C.6D.8E.An exception is thrown68. What gets printed?(A)one = chr(104)two = chr(105)print "%s%s" % (one, two)A.hiB.hC.Inside the mytools dir create a and myparser.pyD.104105E.10469. What gets printed?(A)x = 0y = 1a = cmp(x,y)if a < x: print "a"elif a = x: print &qu

46、ot;b"else: print "c"A.aB.bC.c70. What gets printed?(C)x = 1y = "2"z = 3sum = 0for i in (x,y,z): if isinstance(i, int): sum += iprint sumA.2B.3C.4D.6E.An exception is thrown71. What gets printed (with python version 2.X) assuming the user enters the following at the prompt?(D

47、)#: fooa = input("#: ")print aA.fB.fooC.#: fooD.An exception is thrown72. What gets printed?(C)x = sum(range(5)print xA.4B.5C.10D.15E.An exception is thrown73. If the user types '0' at the prompt what gets printed?(B)def getinput(): print "0: start" print "1: stop" print "2: reset" x = raw_input("selection: ") try: num = int(x) if num > 2 or num < 0: return None return num except: return Nonenum = getinput


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