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1、【精品文档】如有侵权,请联系网站删除,仅供学习与交流现代外语教学复习资料.精品文档.现代外语教学复习资料绪论我国外语教学存在的问题:(P2-P5)1. theoretical researches are weak2. teachers' faculty is not strong3. schools are short of teaching resources4. teaching concepts lag behind the society5. education is mainly exam-oriented6. the interference related to pow

2、er and money is serious第二章1.外语教学研究的三个层次:(P32-P38)ontology: essential characteristics of language itself and language teaching2.语言的本质特点:1). the most important tool to communicate2). a linguistic system made up of various subsystems3). a tool to think and a carrier for culture4). require special physi

3、ological basis2.外语教学研究的三个层次:(P32-P38) positivism: principles of foreign language teachinga. systematic principleb. communicative principlec. cognitive principled. cultural principlee. affective principle外语教学研究的三个层次:(P32-P38) methodology: organization, strategies and methods of foreign language teach

4、ing存在的问题:a. exclusivenessb. one-sidednessc. intricacy第三章1.外语学习者的生理和认知因素:(P46-P52) intelligence:a. take different steps to students of different level of intelligenceb. general intelligence communication higher intelligence form2.外语学习者的生理和认知因素:(P46-P52) aptitude:a. phonetic coding abilityb. grammatic

5、al sensitivityc. inductive sensitivity3.外语学习者的生理和认知因素:(P46-P52) cognitive style:a. field dependenceb. field independence4. 外语学习者的情感因素:(P52-P55) motivation and attitude:a. Brown: global motivation situational motivation task motivationb. Gardner and Lambert: integrative motivation instrumental motiva

6、tion personality: extrovert vs. introvert5. 对教学的启示:a. strengthen students' merits in different occasionsb. change students of different personality to the contrary6. 理想的外语学习者:(P55-P56)(二语习得P122)a. group dynamicsb. use the target languagec. attend to meaning rather than to formd. use of study tec

7、hniquese. the early stages of grammatical developmentf. analytic skillsg. integrative motivation/ task motivationh . take risksi. adapt to different learning conditions7. EA的一般步骤:(P62)(二语习得P52)a. a corpus of language is seletedb. the errors in the corpus are identifiedc. the errors are classifiedd.

8、the errors are explainede. the errors are evaluated8. EA的作用:(P62)a. recognize which stages are students in/ how much contents are remainedb. evidence of how the learners learn or aquire languagec. a means used to aquire language/ a means used to inspect the essence of the language9.EA的局限性:(P64-P65)a

9、. it's difficult to define and distinguish errorsb. lack of a common standard to classify errorsc. it's difficult to distinguish avoidence from errors10. 中介语的特点:(P66)a. openb. flexiblec. systematic11. 中介语构建的手段:(P67)a. language transferb. overgeneralization of target language rulesc . transfe

10、r of trainingd. trategies of L2 learninge. strategies of L2 communication12. 成功的外语学习者所采用的五大策略:(P71)a. participate language learning positively by searching and ultilizing favourable learning environmentb. set language as a system of formsc. set language as a tool to communicated. accept and deal wit

11、h the affective needs during the learning processe. expand and revise the foreign language system by inferencing and monitoring.13. 学习者策略对外语教学的启发:(P83)a. guide students to make the best use of existing knowledgeb. make the best use of learning strategies to improve language learning abilitiesc. help

12、 learners use communicative strategies correctly第四章1. CLT的理论基础:(P89-P90)a. theories of language communication: a system made up of basic units fundamental function is communication the language structure reflect the function and communicative uasge the basic units of language are showed in the commu

13、nicative functions of discourese rather than just grammatical rules and structural characteristics learning theories: communicative principle task principle meaningful principle2. 语法编写的原则:(P103)a. systematic principleb. communicative principlec. contrastive principled. cognitive principle3. 词汇教学的原则:

14、(P108-P109)a. systematic principleb. communicative principlec. cultural principled. cognitive principlee. affeive principle3. 影响听力的重要因素:(P111-P115)a. the characteristics of listening materials (speed/pause/hesitation)b. the characteristics of the speakers (sex/authority of the speaker)c. the charact

15、eristics of the tasksd. the charateristics of the learnerse. the charateristics of the process4. 外语阅读和母语阅读不同特点的比较:(P118-P119)a. the positive transfer has its limits/ language rules and pragmatic principleb. the shortcomings of the abilities and skills on mother-tongue reading influence the process o

16、f positive transfer and the improvement of reading abilities in foreign languagec. affective factors also influence the process of reading5. 语言和文化的关系:(P128-P129)a. language is a part of cultureb. langauge is the carrier of culturec. culture is the base of language6. 文化导入的必要性和重要意义:(P130)a. cultural k

17、nowledge and accommodation ability are important parts of communicative competenceb. communicative competence is the essential base and method to acquire further cultural languagec. adapt to the requirements of special positions7. 文化导入的重要原则:(P132-P133)a. practical principleb. stage principlec. accom

18、modation principle8. 文化导入的主要方法:(P133-P134)a. annotationb. fusionc. practiced. comparisone. specifically explanation第五章1. 课程设计的阶段:(P136)a. fact-findingb. the theory and practical evidence of course design and syllabus designc. make the goals to plans, recognize the aims and contentsd. prepare the mat

19、erials and compile the textbook2. 教材编写的原则:(P144)a. authentic principleb. gradual principlec. interesting principled. diverse principlee. modern principlef. practical principle3. 合格的外语教师应具备的素质:(P151)a. solid professional knowledge and skillsb. abilities of classroom management and implementc. good ch

20、aracters and delightful personalitiesd. systematic knowledge of modern languagee. considerable knowledge of foreign language acquisition theoriesf. knowledge of foreign language teaching4. 外语教学的实施的主要过程:(P155)a. needs analysisb. curriculum designc. material developmentd. classroom instructionf. cours

21、e evaluation5. 传统课堂教学模式(PPP)的不足:(P156-157)a. teaching model is teacher-centredb. the result of PPP model is exam-oriented educationc. students haven't received enough inputd. mislead students to a worry learning way6. 课堂教学最基本目标:(P159-162)a. cultivate students' interestsb. provide authentic l

22、anguage inputc. help students use learning strategies which are benefit to foreign language learningd. help students overcome the difficulties during the learning process7. 外语测试的类型:(P167-170)a. 测试目的: aptitude test achivement test diagnostic test proficiency test exit testb. 外语测试的类型:(P167-170) 测试的方法和

23、方式: direct testing indirect testing 测试题型:a. discrete-point testingb. integrative testingc. 外语测试的类型:(P167-170) 考试成绩判别的标准: norm-referenced testing criterion-referenced testing 判卷标准:a. subjective testingb. objective testing8. 效度(test validity):(P170)a. whether the test can test what it meant to exactly

24、b. content validityc. criterion-related validityd. construct validitye. face validity9. 信度(test reliability):(P172)a. whether the result of the test are reliableb. test itselfc. marking of papers第六章1. 外语教学法的主要流派:(P180-P206)a. The Oral Approach and the situational Language Teachingb. The Audiolingual Meathod


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