外文翻译 建设工程质量检测行业现状及发展对策_第1页
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1、本科毕业设计外文文献及译文文献、资料题目:Construction Quality Testing Industry Status and Development Strategies文献、资料来源:期刊文献、资料发表出版日期:2021.3.9院 部: 土木工程学院专 业: 土木工程班 级: 土木072姓 名: 田洪金学 号: 2007011300指导教师: 周广强 刘清阳翻译日期: 2021.6.7外文文献:Construction Quality Testing Industry Status and Development StrategiesAbstractWith China'

2、;s accession to the WTO, the foreign advanced detection of a large number of institutions will enter the domestic, For long-term protection of the domestic state of the detection unit is an unprecedented challenge. 因此,本文通过分析该行业的现状,找出行业开展中存在的问题以及面临的挑战,并对行业开展的对策进行了探讨。Therefore, this paper analyzes the

3、 status of the industry, the development of the industry to identify existing problems and challenges, as well as the development of the industry's response are discussed. 关键词 检测,行业,现状,对策Keywords detection, industry, strategy 11. 前言Foreword 建筑业是一个关系到国计民生的支柱性根底产业。The construction industry is one

4、of the pillars of the national economy and infrastructure industries. 特别作为我国正处在快速开展阶段,全国上下都加大了根底设施的建设。Particularly as China is in a rapid development stage, the whole nation is increasing infrastructure construction. 同时加上建筑业作为拉动经济开展速度的重要力量,因此建筑业正处在大开展阶段。Meanwhile coupled with the construction indust

5、ry as a driving force for economic development speed of the important forces that the construction industry is in a phase of great development. 一方面我国的建筑市场正处在十分活泼的阶段,同时也是处在市场竞争极不标准,问题丛生:首先是导致压级压价、回扣、垫资“三把刀盛行,地方保护、行业保护抬头;二是建筑领域管理体系缺乏科学性,法律性文件和管理性文件不配套,与国外先进模式相对差距较大;三是建筑队伍供需严重失衡,建筑队伍技术含量和人员素质普遍不高1。Whil

6、e China's construction market is in a very active stage, but also at extremely competitive market norms and plagued with problems : The first is to downgrading prices, kickbacks, Loaning "three knives," the prevalence of local protectionism, the rise of trade protection; Second, the co

7、nstruction sector's lack of a scientific management system, legal documents and document management do not match and the advanced foreign relatively big gap between the model; three construction teams is a serious imbalance in supply and demand. construction teams technical content and the quali

8、ty of personnel is generally not very high 1. 随着我国参加WTO,对于整个建筑业的冲击必将产生深远的影响。With China's accession to the WTO, the impact on the construction industry as a whole will have a far-reaching impact. 建筑事业是入世的一个重要方面。WTO construction industry is an important aspect. 主要涉及建筑业、勘察设计咨询业、房地产业、城市规划、城市市政公用事业以及

9、与建筑领域相关的各项中介效劳。Mainly related to the construction industry, the survey design and consulting, real estate, urban planning, cities with municipal utilities and construction fields related to the intermediary services. 在WTO协议中建设事业所属领域属于效劳贸易协议的范畴。In the WTO agreement, the cause of building a service be

10、longing to the scope of trade agreements. 从效劳贸易协议的内涵看,目前我国建设领域在当前国际贸易中根本处在劳动密集型的效劳层次上,而兴旺国家那么已经是技术、知识和资本密集型的效劳层次上。From the trade in services agreement connotation, At present, China's current building in the field of international trade at the basic level of labor-intensive services, while devel

11、oped countries have technology, knowledge and capital-intensive service levels. 从总体上讲,差距比较大。Generally speaking, the gap is relatively large. 我国参加WTO ,必须按照WTO 有关协议中关于权利和义务平衡的原那么,在享受一定权利的同时,还要履行相应的义务,承当开放市场所面临的风险和压力。China's accession to the WTO must be in accordance with the WTO agreement on the r

12、ights and obligations of the principle of balance to the enjoyment of certain rights, we must also fulfill its obligations, commitments, open markets and the risks facing pressure. 作为建筑行业的一个组成局部,工程质量检测随着全民质量意识的提高而不断被人重视。The construction industry as an integral part of quality testing with the qualit

13、y of people and raise awareness of the people to keep. 检测行业从开始出现开展到今天,都是作为建筑行业的附属局部出现:一种是建筑施工企业的内部试验室;一种是科研院校内部的教学科研性质的试验室;一种是各级质量监督管理部门设立的带有政府色彩的监督检测室。Detection of emerging industries from the beginning of development today, as the construction industry is a subsidiary portion : A construction ente

14、rprises is the internal laboratories; A scientific research institutions within the nature of the teaching and research laboratories; One is the quality of supervision and management at all levels established by the government with the supervision of color detection room. 三种形式的检测单位一直以来按照各自的工作领域开展检测工

15、作,并且一直按照附属于母体的部门形式进行运作,还没有形成独立企业运作的理念。Three forms of detection units have been in accordance with their respective fields of work and testing work, and has been affiliated to the parent body in accordance with the department for operation is not yet in independent operation of enterprises idea. 但是随着

16、入世的冲击,检测机构根据国际通用要求必须成为具有独立法人资格的机构,应该是第三方独立的效劳中介机构,由于定位的逐步明确,各类检测单位都开始着手进行转变。However, as the impact of the WTO, according to international testing organizations general requirements must become independent corporate qualifications, should be an independent third-party intermediary services, the posit

17、ion becomes clearer, Detection of various units have started to carry out changes. 在转变的阶段,应该认真从行业开展角度研究如何能够在逐渐标准化、正规化的市场经济中成功转变成适应市场变化、快速成长开展。In a transitional stage, it should be seriously from the perspective of the development of the industry in how to gradually standardized, regularization of th

18、e market economy into successful adaptation to changes in the market, the rapid growth and development. 行业概述Industry Overview 21行业背景2.1 Background industry 检测行业现状 Testing Industry Status 检测行业从形成到今天大约经历了十五年-二十年的历史,十几年时间已经使检测行业规模由小变大,工作类型由单一到综合,检测市场化概念从无到有,从暗到明,如今全国各种建筑工程检测机构近5000家,其中企业试验室数量大约占40%,监督检

19、测机构占30%,科研院校检测力量占30%。Detection industry from the formation of today approximately 15 years of experience - 20 years of history, 10 years has made detection by the small-scale industries in turn, the type of work to a single integrated, Detection market concept from scratch, from covert to overt, var

20、ious construction projects throughout the country now testing nearly 5,000 institutions, corporate laboratory quantity of approximately 40%, oversight agencies detected 30%, research institutions detection force for 30%. 数量众多的企业试验室属于第一方试验室,即企业为了保证自身产品质量而设立的试验室,由于其自身性质很大程度上限制了他们走向检测市场的步伐,作为企业内部附属机构的地

21、位使其在经济实力、检测能力、规模和技术力量等个环节处于劣势,在检测市场所占市场分额约20%。The large number of enterprises belonging to the first laboratory to laboratory, which means that enterprises in order to guarantee the quality of their products and the establishment of the laboratory, Due to its nature to a large extent, limited their

22、testing to the market and As a subsidiary body within enterprises in a position of economic strength, the ability to detect, size and technical strength sessions at a disadvantage in the market testing the market share of about 20%. 各级监督机构设立的检测室由于有了政策上的绝对优势,由于其政府背景,使其克服成立时间短的劣势,通过垄断检测任务的形式很快在规模和检测能力

23、上占据优势,成为目前检测市场中主流检测力量。The establishment of oversight bodies at all levels of detection Room With a policy of absolute advantage because of their government background, it formed a short time to overcome the disadvantages of monopoly through inspection missions in the form of rapidly in size and dete

24、ction capabilities to gain the upper hand. Detection become mainstream market forces detection. 但是垄断行为的副作用是其长期处在政策保护状态,相比其他机构效率低下,技术水平不高,效劳意识差,自身竞争能力差。However, the side effects of monopoly behavior is at its long-term policy to protect the state, compared with other inefficient institutions, technic

25、al level is not high, poor sense of service, their competitive ability. 科研院校随着事业单位机构改革,不断加大检测业务投入,使其变成主业开展,并相继将其转型为第三方独立法人检测企业。Research institutions with institutional reform of public institutions and to keep stepping up the detection of operational inputs, it becomes the main development of the in

26、dustry. and the gradual transition to an independent third party for the detection of corporate enterprises. 它们依靠原来国家科研投入的优势,在技术力量、硬件设备和办公场地方面有着不可比较的优势。They rely on the original national scientific research strengths in technical strength, hardware equipment and share office space due to the advanta

27、ges. 由于他们最早走向市场,在市场竞争中已经总结了许多经验。Since they first enter the market, and competition in the market has summed up the experience of many. 检测行业特点2.12.1.3 detection industry characteristics 检测行业是政策性较强的行业Detection industry policy is a strong industry 检测机构由于建设工程质量的相关管理规定应运而生,检测市场的形成和开展受政策导向直接影响。The testing

28、 organizations as the quality of construction projects related to the regulation came into being. Detection market and the formation and development of policy guidance directly affected. 检测机构的资格认可和行业资质管理本身就是政府政策调节的手段,检测市场的大小同样也是政府质量管理政策直接决定,因此,检测市场是不完全开放的市场,检测行业是一个政策导向性很强的行业。Detection of accreditati

29、on and quality management industry itself is the government policy adjustment means Detection of the size of the market is the same quality management policy decision directly, it Detection market is not fully open market, detection industry is a strong policy-oriented industries. 检测行业是带有很强的地域性Detec

30、tion industry with a strong regional 由于检测行业是政策性很强的行业,因此各级地方行政主管部门都会根据自己地方实际制订有地方特色的管理要求,特别是行业主管部门设立的资质审查注册制度直接决定了检测机构的效劳范围以所在地为主,外地机构打入本地市场受到严格限制。As the test industry is highly policy-oriented industries, Therefore local administrative departments will be in accordance with the actual formulation of

31、 their own places of special local regulatory requirements, special departments in charge of the industry is the ability to set up a registration system to review the decision directly detect the scope of services to the main location and overseas institutions to enter the local market under strict

32、restrictions. 另外工程质量检测本身需要大型的检测设备,并且样品的检测具有明确的实效性,因此从交通、本钱、运作方便性考虑,检测工作跨地区开展具有难度,从而决定了各行政区域内市场的独立性。Another quality of the project itself needs to detect large-scale testing equipment, and sample analysis with clear effectiveness, and Judging from the traffic, cost, operational convenience considerat

33、ions, and testing work carried out with difficulty across regions, so as to determine the jurisdiction of the market's independence. 检测行业目前技术门槛不高Testing Industry current threshold is not high technology 因为检测行业长期处于政府垄断经营之下,检测市场化程度较差。Detection of long-term because the industry is monopolized by th

34、e government, the degree of market testing poorer. 长期处于保护之下的检测机构往往以附属部门或科室形式运作,没有形成一套独立运作开展的管理模式,特别是与国外先进的检测同行相比,在检测工作管理方面缺少科学的系统的内部管理体系和经验。A long time under the protection of the testing agencies often subsidiary departments or sections operation, not formed a separate set of operational developmen

35、t management, in particular with foreign advanced detection comparison, Detection of the lack of management of the scientific system of internal management systems and experience. 由于以上原因,通常的检测单位对设备场地等硬件和技术培养等硬件的投入较少,以至于长期停滞在低水平重复开展的态势,因此造成目前虽然政策垄断成分高,但技术门槛低的现状。Due to the above reasons, the usual det

36、ection units to the venue and other hardware equipment and technical training hardware input, the extent of the long-term stagnation of low-level redundant development momentum, thus causing the current policy, the element of monopoly, But technical threshold of the low status. 检测行业体制单一Detection of

37、a single institutional trades 检测行业由于强烈的政府色彩,使其体制往往锁定在国有事业或企业单位,民营资本和外资一直注视着这一领域,但是由于政策所限一直无法进入。Detection industry because of strong government color, it is often lock system in state-owned enterprises or enterprise units Private capital and foreign capital has been watching this area, but the policy

38、 has been limited by lack of access. 因此目前的检测行业体制单一。Thus the detection system of a single industry. 但是随着国有事业机构改革,使检测机构股份制改造成为可能,伴随着我国参加世界贸易组织的深入,开放建筑市场成为必然,可见目前的格局十分不稳,政策的变化立即打破现有的平衡。However, with the reform of state-owned utilities, testing organizations may become joint-stock reform, With China'

39、;s accession to the World Trade Organization in-depth, open architecture market has become inevitable, and we can see that the pattern is very unstable, The policy change immediately break the existing balance. 第二章 行业困境Chapter II trades plight 3.1 行业面临困难和挑战3.1 industries facing difficulties and chal

40、lenges 作为建筑行业的一个组成局部,工程质量检测随着全民质量意识的提高而不断被人重视。The construction industry as an integral part of quality testing with the quality of people and raise awareness of the people to keep. 检测行业从开始出现开展到今天,面临的困难和挑战来自各方面。Detection of emerging industries from the beginning of development today, we are faced wit

41、h difficulties and challenges from all quarters. 政策风险3.1.1 policy risks 检测行业是受政策影响程度很高的行业。Detection of industries affected by the policy is the high level of the industry. 它的产生和开展都是政策导向的结果。The emergence and development of policy-oriented results. 而首先面对的问题就是政策风险问题。And the first to face the problem is

42、 the policy risk. 我国的检测类的标准、标准的制定和执行与国际接轨程度不高。Our analysis category of standards and standardize the development and implementation of international standards is not that high. 我国目前使用的检测标准均为几十年前老标准,这些标准与国际标准相差很远,随着我国入世,各种标准都面临更新和接轨问题。China's current testing standards used several decades ago are

43、 old standards, those standards with international standards is far below With China's WTO accession, the various standards and are facing a convergence problem. 在这种标准的演变中,原有的设备、技术力量、运作方法都会进行较大的变动。In this evolving standards of the original equipment, and technical forces, methods of operation wi

44、ll be larger changes. 检测行业必须面对来自以上政策的变动带来的风险。Detection industry must face from the above policy changes bring risks. 入世的挑战3.1.2 WTO Challenges 从行业形成到开展到今天,检测机构中都是作为建筑行业的附属局部出现,还没有形成独立运作的管理体系。From the formation of industry development today, institutions are testing the construction industry as part

45、of the subsidiary there. have formed an independent operation of the management system. 但是随着入世的冲击,检测机构根据国际通用要求导那么25来管理实验室2,而对于国内的检测机构来讲导那么25的管理要求不仅仅是陌生的东西,更重要的是对于其中的管理思想是完全全新的体系,我国的检测机构在这种管理模式的经验十分缺乏。However, as the impact of the WTO, according to international testing organizations General Requirem

46、ents - Guideline 25 to laboratory management 2 For the detection of domestic institutions in terms of Guide 25 of regulatory requirements is not only stranger things More importantly for the management thinking which is completely new system, Our testing organizations in the management of this very

47、lack of experience. 因此整个行业正The entire industry isFacing industries in the transition stage. 行业中存在的主要问题3.2 sector the main problems 检测行业面临的不仅仅是各种风险和挑战,应该认清行业存在的问题和缺乏,才可能作到有的放矢。Detection of businesses are facing not only a variety of risks and challenges, there should be a clear understanding of trade

48、 issues and inadequate, only be achieved targeted. 目前的检测市场十分混乱,由于局部施工单位对质量意识的认识停留在资料过关的阶段,并且检测单位目前是被动的接受施工单位的委托,因此在检测和被检测之间的关系不仅是委托被委托同时又是检测和被检测,在经济关系和公正性的看似矛盾的两者,许多检测单位很难把好关。3.2.1 currently testing the market very confusing. As part of the construction unit of the sense of the quality of informatio

49、n to stay in the clearance stage, and the current detection unit is a passive acceptance of the construction unit entrusted Thus the detection and the detection of not only the relationship between the commission has been tasked also is testing and testing, In economic relations and impartiality of

50、the two seemingly contradictory, and many units it is very difficult to detect good relations. 导致检测市场上评价一个检测单位工作质量的标准不是严谨而是能否在必要时的灵活和方便。Testing the market to evaluate a detection unit quality standard is not stringent but whether the necessary flexibility and convenience. 在这样的环境中,不可能培养出依靠信誉品牌立足的检测单位

51、。In such an environment, it is impossible to cultivate brand reputation based on the detection units. 目前的检测单位大局部面临如何从母体脱离,是否脱离、脱离以后如何生存的困扰。3.2.2 current detection unit faced the question of how to most from the mother, separated from the survival of future troubles. 局部已经脱离的单位实质上在名义上的脱离,从行政管理和经济来往上仍然

52、不是独立的。Some units have already moved away from the essence of the name of the detachment, from the administration and from the economy still is not independent. 因此,作为真正意义上的独立运作的检测机构如何管理、如何生存开展还没有太多可借鉴的经验。Therefore, as the true sense of the operation of the independent testing organizations how to man

53、age, How to survival and development have not too much experience to draw on. 检测单位由于长期处于附属地位,因此在技术、人力、资金的投入缺乏,因此与其他行业相比或与其他领域的检测机构相比,技术含量不高,并且技术开展速度很慢。3.2.3 detection units in the subsidiary as a long-term position in technology, human resources, capital investment is insufficient, and So compared w

54、ith other industries or fields with other testing organizations, the technical content is not high, and technological development at a slow pace. 随着我国建筑业的蓬勃开展,特别是我国参加WTO,对尽快提高检测单位的技术能力和技术水平要求迫切。With the vigorous development of industry, especially China's accession to the WTO, right as soon as p

55、ossible to improve detection units the technical capacity and technical requirements of urgency. 第三章 行业对策Chapter III sectoral responses 建筑业在我国正处在高速开展阶段,随着全国质量意识提高,检测行业充满开展的潜力和希望。Construction industry in China is in the stage of rapid development, with the heightened awareness of the national quality

56、, Detecting the development of the industry is full of potential and hope. 社会一方面对检测的要求会更迫切。The community of detection to the more urgent. 同时会更高要求。The same time, higher demands. 因此作为检测行业的出路必须将检测变成产业化,最终成为真正意义上的第三方公正性的中介机构。Therefore detection industry as a way of testing must become industrialized, ev

57、entually become a true sense of the impartiality of the third-party intermediaries. 作为检测机构为了适应将来的开展必须作到:As testing organizations in order to adapt to future developments must also : 提高检测质量意识Improve the monitoring and quality awareness 全面引入导那么25国际通用的实验室的管理要求成为大势所趋。Introduce a comprehensive internatio

58、nal Guideline 25 generic laboratory management requirements become the trend of the times. 我国检测行业最缺乏的是通过质量体系的运作来保证检测公正性和权威性。My test industry is most lacking is that through the operation of the quality system to ensure detection of justice and authority. 国内的检测机构要与国际接轨必须坚决不移地执行导那么25的各项要求,而导那么25的核心就是全

59、面的质量管理。Detection of domestic institutions and the international community must continue to implement the guidelines of the 25 requirements, Guideline 25 and the core is a comprehensive quality management. 我国检测行业普遍的检测质量意识不高,在内部质量管理方面的经验不多,但是不能因为目前执行困难而放弃,而是应该一方面努力向国外同行学习实验室管理方面先进的经验,一方面因地制宜的逐步摸索一套适合中国国情的质量管理模式。My test industry generally detection quality awareness is not high, the internal quality management experience little, But no


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