1、1. After learning for a long time,we (需要足够的时间休 息)。2. (虽然她躺下了)she couldn't go to sleep.3. The doctor (给他量体温)if he had a fever.4. You can (用 同样的方式来完成那项工作)。5. This bus doesn't go to the train station,I'm afraid you will_ (在图书馆下车)and take the A52.6. (出乎我们的意料),the US warship broke into the So
2、uth China Sea again on September 30th ,2018.7. Mom,I 'll (马上打扫我的房间).8. (别怕惹麻烦),we should help the old man.9. He (不假思索的同意和我们一起去).10. Don't (没有再三考虑不要冒险).11. John (应该待在家里)and do his homework.12. He that he doesn't need.(他不应该买他不需要的东西 ).13. Don't worry,we are (长大了能照顾我们自己 ).(enou gh14. Jun
3、k food?(孩子们应该吃太多的垃圾食品吗? ( too)15. The tourists (现在应该在北京了).16. Did you (量你的体温了吗)last night?17. He (跌倒了,伤到了右膝盖).18. (多亏了你的帮助),I passed the exam.19. If you want to protect your eyes,you need to (远离电月窗休息 一下).20. The teacher came into the classroom and (问我们发生了什么 事情).(happen)21. Alice looks unhappy,I wond
4、er (她发生了什么事).22. Frank (打中了头)by a basketball yesterday.23. I told her (用绷带包扎他的膝盖).24. The doctor told her to put her head down (因为他留鼻血了 ).25. If you just (只用水冲洗苹果),they're not clean enough.(run)26. Did you (把水用完了吗)? (run)27. (我的钱花完了 ) so I had to find another part-time job.28. He (刚才从房间里出来了 )jus
5、t now.29. He (掌管着)a big company(公司).30. We won't (放弃尽力实现我们的梦想 ).(try)31. - (你怎么了)?I have a cold.32. It doesn't sound like (发烧了 ).33. My brother (昨晚上胃痛 ).34. You (应该休息几天).35. Someone (撞头了 ) just now.(get)36. I saw a child (正躺在路边)just now.37. ?(你们准备好冒险了吗?)38. The man (同意切除它).(cut)1. she than t
6、hat one.(想出了个比那个更好的主意)(come)2. (不要忘记给我打电话 ), when you get there.(call)3. The teacher (给我们分发了些礼物 ).(out)4. Nobody (照顾那些可怜的孩子们 ).(care)5. I really (想帮你解决困难).(help)6. They arrived in Xiangyang (同时).7. I know my dream (将来有一天会实现).8. I got (满足感),when I saw the look of joy on my mother 's face.9. Crist
7、iano Ronaldo(罗纳尔多)became a soccer player (在 13 岁的时候).10. Lily the lead role in the movie.(将参加这部电影主角的选拔).(try)11. My mother (让我扫地).12. Please water.(关掉淋浴为了节约用水 )13. Its difficult (解决这个问题 ).14. The teacher has (老师有些重要的事儿要告诉你们).(tell)15. We (同意去游泳).(agree)16. She for their after-school programs.(她希望召集五
8、 个人作为他们课外项目的自愿者).17. They decided (在学校周围张贴标语,分发广告).18. Why don't you ?(你为什么不去参加篮球队的选拔呢?)19. The volunteers are trying to (想办法使这些生 病的孩子们振作起来).20. We (把会议推迟到明天).(till)21. Aron (将不再玩电脑游戏 ).(any)22. Fred (彳艮像他父亲),they're both outgoing.(take)23. My father (现在正忙着修理他的自行车 )(fix).24. Lucy is (和她的妈妈在某
9、些方面相似 ).(similar)25. I decided the children s home.(把我的自彳亍车捐给儿童之家 )(give)26. We want to (创建一个组织)to help disabled people.27. The accident to his life.(对他的生活产生了很大的影响)28. I enter a good university.(能进入一所好的大学使我很幸 运)(lucky)29. The children tomorrow s party.(对明天的聚会感至U很兴 奋)(excited)30. Mr.Li (使得我们学习英语更容易 )
10、.(make)31. I (在闲暇时间当一名 自愿者 )to help the people in need.32. I would like to around our city.(帮忙做一些事情)(help)33. She (善于讲故事 ).(strong)34. He food .(对分发食物的想法很兴奋 )35. I'm (周末有空帮忙).(free)36. He said that he (能够解决这个问题 ).(able)37. What parents do often their children.(会对孩子产生影响)(difference)38. Nothing ca
11、n (没有什么能让我放弃我的梦想).(make)5 / 1139. Anna made a plan (独自旅行).(oneself)40. The singer began to learn to sing (在 5 岁时).Unit 3姓名 分数1. My mother (要求我整理床铺 )everymorning. (ask)2. The boss (随时者B可能出去 ).(may)3. Can I (搭便车吗)? (get)4. You should (学会叠衣服).(learn)5. Could you please (不要在外面待到很晚好吗 )? (stay)6. His moth
12、er (总是很晚才下班回家 ).(time)7. Could you please (遛遛狗)after school ? (take)8. I do my homework (每天一回到家就做作业 ).(as)9. The man (扔下箱子走开了).(down)10. John doesn 1 like vegetables, (他妹妹也不喜欢).(neither)11. Tomorrow?(明天你能和我一起去看电影吗 )12. Mom, (我能出去一会儿吗?)Yes,youcan.13. We inthepast.(过去可以在河里游泳)14. (那个男孩可能是) John.15. You
13、 (可以给他写信 )to say sorry.(write)16. He (他从我这借了本故事书 )yesterday.(from)17. I hate to do chores, (我的妹妹也是 ).(do)18. Hl finish my homework (在你帮我洗餐具的时候 ).(while)19. ,LiuChang?你愿意带顶帐篷来吗,刘畅 )(bring)20. Please !(帮我倒下垃圾).(take)21. May I (借用你的字典吗)? mine is left at home.(borrow)22. Ifs a good habit (起床后整理床4甫).(mak
14、e)23. Please remember to (扫完地后要倒垃圾 ).(take)24. Mary (邀请我至U他家吃晚餐)last Saturday.(invite)25. Lets buy some !(饮料和小吃吧 )26. They (给我们提供了美味的食物 ).27. just give them money.(仅仅给他们钱是不够的 )28. There is theflooreveryday.(没必要每天扫地 )(need)29. Linda works hard (是为了赶上其他人 ).30. (我们种的树越多),thelessairpollutiontherewillbe.
15、31. Ithink (孩子们做些家务是必要的 ).32. It's theirhomework.(把所有作业花在作业上对孩子们来说不公平)33. You should (遛狗).34. Could you please (把那些旧衣服带出去吗 )?35. (孩子们越早学会独立 ),the better it is for their future.36. Our parents we need.(尽力为我们提供我们需要的一切)37. (做家务可以帮助培养 )children ?s independence.38. (那两个女孩都不擅长) swimming.(neither)39. A
16、ll of us should (尽自己的职责来保护 )environment.40. so early.(他们没有必要那么早离开 ).(leave)1. my parents don't )2. Bob)last week.3. I )my diaries just now.4. My mom is(在和我的奶奶通电话 )(talk)5. You should speak what you sdid感该说慢点,以便他能理解你说的)(so)6. Why not your parents?(:为什么不与你的父母和睦相处)7. Please(向我解释如何解答)the math proble
17、m.8. Lucy stays at home and watches TV_如是闲逛)on weekends.9. I Jim on Saturday evening色了和 Jim一起去看电影)10. Do you当你独自在家时你会感到孤独吗?)11. Im at schoo担心我在学校的学习成绩)(worry)12. My cousin(我的东西不归还 )(without)13. Do your parents on weekends贪意你周末玩电脑游戏吗?)14. I hope you can 解决这个问题)15. The boy宙到他妈妈回来他才睡觉)(until)16. Now pa
18、rents 在孩子的学习上给他们过多的压力)(pressure)17. I think it s difficult商认为小商店很难与大超市竞争 )18. On weekends,Alice likes独处而不是和朋友闲逛 )19. Life shouldnt 只是成绩),free time activities are important ,too. (about)20. As students, we should2(1c目帮助来取得更好的成绩)21. the articles?22. I like备种各样的美食)23. Don't otherall the time.(不要总是拿
19、你的孩子与别人孩子做比较)24. I think太多的压力对孩子们的成长不好)25. In some families,争从孩子 很小的时候就开始了,并且持续到孩子长大)26. your best friends?j(为什么不和你最好的朋友 分担你的问题呢?)27. Perhaps parents should what theylike.(允许他们的孩子做他们喜欢的事情)28. His problem is that he(能与他的同班同学和 睦相处)29. 不要给我太多压力 ),Im a little nervous.30. 紫我看),it s important for kids to
20、play sports after school.31. He还在生我的气)32. The problem is太难而解决不了 )33. When you(r另人东西时),you must return them on time.34. Youall the time.度该向他解释)that you don t. mind his watching TVUnit 5姓名 分数1. kate (正忙于做)the housework.2. Why didn' t (你的闹钟为什么没有响)3. Thanks (谢谢你帮我捡起我的钢笔)4. I (正在等你)at that time.5. He
21、 (暴风雨来临时他正在洗澡)the rainstorm.6. The girl is shes a bird.冲此的快乐以至于她感觉自己 像一只鸟)7. Check your homework carefully (确保没有错误)8. We should never (在困难时期我们绝不放弃 )9. The heavy rain began (猛烈地敲打着)the windows.10. I fall asleep when (吵闹声逐渐消失时)11. Mom was doing chores(当我正在为数学考试而学习的时候)12. He said it s an interesting pl
22、ace here, my friends and I(就立刻跑过来四处看看)(have)13. When we got to the place of the accidentfound the car (因为撞到树上而严重变形了)14. The traffic has to (由于大雪车辆不得不在 结冰的路面上慢慢移动)15. What was Jenny doing ?(在上周 日 上午九点 )16. I remember (离开时关门了),it s open now.17. They (正在拆除那栋旧房子 )when I walked by.18. The date (M他有着特殊的意义
23、 ).19. red (乘U余的苹果是红的) .20. A student (正默默地站在那里 )at this time yesterday.21. The event (发生在一个寒冷的晚上).22. The phone rang (当他在洗澡时).23. I (我正在前往学校的路上 )when it began to rain.24. (当我听至4这个消息时),I was reading in the classroom.25. This event is (M我彳艮重要)because it changed my life.26. He was (太兴奋了而无法睡眠)last nigh
24、t.27. The interview just took ten minutes, but it (感觉像几个 小时)28. What were they doing ?(地震的时候).29. You should stand up (当老师喊你名字时 ).30. The river (每年春天河水都要上涨 ).Unitl姓名 分数1. Its very that thing.(你做那件事是很愚蠢的)2. you work hard.(只要你努力任何事情都是可能的)3. The shirt is .(有点小)4. Playing sports is (一个保持健康的好方法)5. There
25、are many sides to a story, so we(M它有不同的看法)6. He became famous (他的第本书出版后, 他就 出名了)7. The people after hard work.(经 过辛苦的工作人们将他们的家乡变成了 一座美丽的城市)8. Last year (我第一次去了上海 )9. Two minutes ago,the girl(把你的书藏在了门后)10. They for a while.(休息了一会儿,他们继续开车)11. (从前),people here lived a happy life.12. They (去年结婚了)1.1 I (
26、爱上了这座城市),as soon as I got to Changsha.14 .Mike was (如止匕的伤心以至于忍不住哭了 )15 . the passage last month.(h 个月,他花了很长时间才写完)16 .Y0u can see (沿途你可以看见许多美丽的花 )17 .Some children (在月光下做游戏 )18 .They in one month.(他们计划一个月内完成工作 )19 .The little girl near the mountain.(把我们领至U了大山 附近的一栋房屋)20 .Y0u must tomorrow.(你明天一醒来就必须起
27、床)21 .They themselves.(他们制定了一个计划拯救自己 )22 .I m very sorry for too 10ng.(对不起让你久等了 )23 .Hehim.(他尽力让那个女孩相信他)24 .The little girl was (如止匕的高兴以至于忘了 )what her mother said.25 .The teacher will be angry (如果他不准时至U )26 .The young man (足够勇敢抓住了)the thief.27 .His mother (直到天黑才回来)28 . this is !(这是多么奇怪白一栋房子啊)29 .As
28、soon as we saw the photo, we (忍不住笑了 )30 .He wanted to be a hero who kept fighting and(永不放弃来帮助弱者)31 .They will build a bridge over the river (而不是买一 条船)32 .The students was so selfish that she(把所有的东西都据为己有)33 .He cannot turn himself into a person 7 / 11(除非他能隐藏自己的尾巴)1. (据我所知),nobody is as heavy as him.2
29、. The room is about 30 (面积约 30 平方米).3. china (在世界上拥有最多的人口).4. Children, on the table.(桌子上的东西随便吃).5. The lake (大约 200 米深).6. Open the window and (呼吸些新鲜空气吧).7. (尽管危险),they still chose to keep on going.8. We shouldnt (放弃尽力实现我们的梦想).9. We must know what to do (面对困难时).10. Sometime humans can be (比自然力更强大 )
30、.11. The school (招收外国学生 ).(take)12. Your room is (和我的一样大 ).13. My apple is (比你的大得多).14. This is (最有趣的电影)that I have ever seen.15. (个主要的原因就是 )is that I didnt remember these words.16. He because it was too dark(5为天太黑他走路时撞到一颗树 ).17. The little boy (绊倒了,右膝盖伤得很严重).18. The old man (死于车祸).19. There are 30
31、students (大约有 30个学生在教室里读书).(or)20. People (过去常常砍伐树木来盖 )their houses.21. In cold winter, lack of food.(许多里于生动 物可能因为缺乏食物而死亡)22. Some wild animals (正处于危险中).23. We should being killed.(保护鲸免被捕杀 )24. (关于鲸的一个有趣的事实是) Whales is that some whales can sing songs.25. I think teachers should teach the children(了解
32、拯救环境的重要性)the environment.26. The mountain (大约 1800 米高).27. Your room is almost (面积几乎和我的样大 ).28. A panda(比猫重许多倍).29. This is (我国最深的湖泊).30. (请随意挑选) Some toys ,children.31. Do you know that China is (是世界上最古老的国家之一 ).32. Qomolangma is (比世界上的任何一座山都要高 ).33. There are now fewer than 2000 pandas (生活在剩余的森林中)(
33、remain)34. She weighed only (她出生时只有 2 千克).35. Smoking is (吸烟有害健康,你必须 把它戒掉).1. our trip (预计在三天后)。2. This is (一个装满水的杯子)。3. (快点,会议马上要开始了)。4. The teacher (放下我们的作业 )and began the new lesson.5. Have you (你已经决定选哪本书了吗)?6. Elephants (是陆地上最大的动物)。7. He with his gun.(拿着枪朝我的房子跑去)。8. There are lots of (沙滩上有彳艮多人的脚
34、印)。9. He left (他什么都没留下就离开了 ). (behind)10. last week ?(上周你们还去了 哪里? )1.1 I (还没有完成作业)。12 .My mother went to America last week,and (至U现在还没有回 来)。13 .- (你喂小狗了吗? )Yes,I fed it just now14 .He (已经看了两个小时的电视了)。15 .(他爷爷给他取名为 ) Tommy when he was born.16 .Diaoyu Islands (是中国的)。17 .The children often (为了玩具而争吵)。18
35、.Jack has learnt(自从来到中国,杰克已经学了很多中国文化)。19 .She is (一个乡村音乐迷)。20 .They are my best friends and we (互相友善)。21 .The book Mo Yan.Q本书是莫言写的)1.1 I often .(当我孤独的时候,我经常听这首歌)23 .The book and peaceful.(U:我感觉放松和平静 )24 .She books.(已经看了至少200本不同 种类的书)25 .The book is dangerous.慑醒学生没 有思考的学习是危险的)26 .Now we can build a b
36、eautiful wooden house because my father (已经砍了足够多的树)。1.1 It s too hot, some children in the swimming pool. (迫不及待地去游泳了)28 .My mother (每天六点叫醒我)。29 .If you like ,I want (把我的朋友介绍给你 )。30 .The T-shirt (看起来很适合你)。31 .She took out the book that she just borrowed and(迫不及待的读了起来)。32 .The boy loves to imagine (未来
37、50年世界将是什么样的)?33 .I have already read a lot about the place and(M它做了些研究)。34 . (你已决定)which book to write about yet?35 .He (教会了我做饭)and I am learning to plant fruit and vegetables.Unit9姓名 分数1. Rome .缶条大路通罗马)2. They want to (温暖的地方度寒假).3. If you want to go camping, you must (学习怎样搭帐篷).4. Have you ever ?侬曾经
38、去过游乐园吗 )5. It s English.序习英语很棒的方法)6. My parents often .(鼓励我成为一个更好的人)7. The Belt and Road Initiative带路) (产 生了巨大的社会影响).8. There are in the garden.侑许多不同种类的花 )9. My good friend in English.阪得了彳艮大的进步)10. Do you know ?(如何泡一杯完整的茶吗 )11. Mary Wuhai.(从未去过)12. Huanggang?(他们在黄冈待多久了)13. The young man (曾经帮助过那个需要帮助
39、的老人)。14. Lily (还没决定去哪).15. When Xiangyang?你什么时候至"的襄阳 )16. Lots of children (已经听说那部电影了 ).17. What will our life (我们将来的生活会是什么样子)?18.If you don't go shopping, (我也不去).19.I want (居住在安静的地方).20.It is (它是如此受欢迎的节目,以至于数百万人同时收看它).21 .(不管这辆车是贵还是便宜) ,he wont buy it.22 .The terrible earthquake made (数千人失
40、去了家园 ).23 .The weather in Kunming (一年至U头者B很温暖 ).24.Spring is (植树最好的季节 ).25.On the one hand, the environment in this restaurant is good; (另一方面它的价格很便宜).26 .(你曾经去过)_Hong Kong?27 .Xiangyang is (我曾去过的最美丽的城市).28 .The North Street is (品尝美食的好地方).29 .It is the National Day Holiday .这是过国庆假期最好的方式)30 .It s unbelievable that the temperature here (几乎全年一样).31.His father (喜欢收集茶具).32.The little boy in the tree.(够着树上的球 有困难).33.Being nervous all the time (可能导致不健康 ).34 .My best friend last year.鼓励我力口 入音乐俱乐部)35 .She (已经取得了彳艮大的进步
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