1、瑞萨电子 2012 年下半期商 FAE 能力测试及认证MCU 部分公司名称 参加名字 邮件第一部分选择题(每题 3 分,共 60 分)1.RL78 系列中关于选项字节(option Byte)下面描述错误的是C About option byte of RL78 series MCU, which statement is wrong.A) 选项字节为设定在特定 ROM 中的配置字,设定单片机的主要硬件状态Option byte is a configuration set in ROM, important H/W setting is configured hereB) 可以通过选项字节设
2、定 Flash 操作模式以及内置振荡器的频率Flash operation mode and internal oscillator frequency can be set by option byteC) 可以设定 RL78 系列单片机的工作模式:单模式或者启动模式RL78 series MCUs operation mode(single chip mode/boot mode) can be set by optionbyteD) 使用引导交换时需要在 000C0H-000C3H 和 010C0H-010C3H 中设置相同的值When using boot swap,be sure t
3、o set the same value in 000C0H-000C3H and 010C0H-010C3H2.关于 SAU(Serial array unit)的 simplified IIC 通信,其所不支持的功能是_A For simplified IIC communication simplified IIC does not support.A): slave transmissionC): Parity error detection flagofSAU(serial array unit),which one is the functionB): master recepti
4、onD): manual generation of start&stop condition3.对于某 RL78 系列单片机,假设它有 2 个单元共 6 个通道的 SAU(serial array unit)请问他无法实现的组合是B For RL78 series MCU, assume it has 2units and 6channels of SAU(serial array unit),which kind of combination is impossible.A) UART*1ch and CSI*4chB) UART*2ch and CSI*2ch and simpl
5、ified IIC*2ch C) UART*3chD) Simplified IIC*6ch4.窗口看门狗定时器产生硬件复位的条件中错误的是B About reasons of hard reset of window watchdog timer, which statement is wrong.A)看门狗计数溢出the watchdog timer counter overflows B)在窗口打开的时间向 WDTE 寄存器写入正确值the magic word is written into WDTE register when window is open C)WDTE 中写入错误的
6、值wrong value is written into WDTE D)对 WDTE 寄存器执行位操作The WDTE register is accessed by a 1-bit manipulation instruction5.关于 RL78 系列的 Boot swap 和Boot cluster,下面描述正确的是(多选):ACD In RL78 series,about Boot swap and Boot cluster, which statements are right(multi-select)A):每个都有 2 个boot cluster,每个 2KB1Every chi
7、p has 2 boot clusters,each 2KBB):每个 boot cluster 中都必须存放完全相同的启动程序In each boot cluster, exact the same boot-loader program must be programmed C):可以通过boot swap 切换启动区,保证至少有一个启动区能够正常工作By using boot swap function its possible to switch boot cluster,and ensure at boot-loader is in order.D):Boot Cluster 位于
8、Code Flash 中Boot cluster is located in Code Flashleast 16.关于 RL78 系列中的 DataFlash,下面描述错误的是C In RL78 series, about DataFlash,which statement is wrongA):最小写入大小为 1Bminimum write size is 1BB):最小擦除单元为一个 Block:1Kminimum erase size is 1block:1KBC):如果不数据可作为 CodeFlash程序DataFlash can be also used as Code Flash
9、 for program if not used to save data D):在运行程序的同时可以同步进行 DataFlash 操作Data flash can be operated simulatenously when application code runs7.目前 RL78 提供了哪几款板子可供客户进行评估(多选): ABC Which board does customer can use for RL78s evaluation(multi-select)?A)RPB RL78B)RSK RL78C)RL78 Target boardD)IECUBE8.请选出可用于 RL7
10、8 量产烧写的编程器: C Pls. choose the programmer for mass production of RL78A)E1B)MINICUBE2C)PG-FP5D)IECUBE9.以下关于 RL78 低功耗的描述错误的是:C Which statement is wrong about standby mode:A)提供了 Halt/STOP/Snooze 待机模式RL78 Provide three standby mode: Halt/STOP/Snooze mode B)STOP 模式下,RAM 保持RAM will be retained in STOP mode
11、 C)Halt 模式下外设操作停止Peripheral will be stopped in Halt mode D)Snooze 模式下可以触发 ADC 转换操作A/D conversion can be triggered in the Snooze mode.10. 以下关于 LVD 描述错误的是:A Which statement is wrong about LVD:A)LVD 的比较电压可以通过寄存器设定Detection voltage is selectable by general register LVD 在 STOP 模式下仍然运行LVD is operating in
12、STOP mode可以设定低于检测电压后产生中断或复位B)C)2Generate a reset or internal interrupt when supply voltage is lower than detection voltageD)LVD 的检测电压高于 POC 的检测电压Detection voltage of LVD is higher than Detection voltage of POC11. 以下关于端口的设置错误的是:B Which statement is wrong about setting of PORT: A)作为模拟输入端口,需要设置寄存器 PMCx
13、x,ADPCPMCxx and ADPC should be configured for analog input port.B)所有引脚都可以通过 POMxx 设置为开漏输出Any pin can be configured as N-ch open drain output modeC) 可以通过PIMxx 寄存器设置 TTL input buffer TTL input buffer can be selected by register PIMxxD)寄存器 PUxx 只对输入端口配置有效PUxx can only be used for pin set to input mode1
14、2. 9. RL78 系列MCU 复位后以A作为系统时钟工作For RL78 series, MCU operates withas system clock after resetA) 内部高速时钟B)内部低速时钟High-speed on-chip oscillatorLow-speed on-chip oscillatorC)X1 振荡电路(X1/X2)X1 oscillator(X1/X2)D)子系统时钟 32.768KHz(XT1/XT2)Subsystem clock (XT1/XT2)13.RL78 系列的内存系统,从地址 0x00000 至 0xFFFFF,主要段的排列是B(不
15、考虑 2nd SFR 和镜像区)In RL78 series,memory mapping from address 0x00000 to 0xFFFFF,how every segment bearranged.(dont consider 2nd SFR and Mirror area)A):RAM->SFR->DataFlash->CodeFlash B):CodeFlash->DataFlash->RAM->SFR C):SFR->RAM->CodeFlash->DataFlashD):DataFlash->RAM->S
16、FR->CodeFlash14.RL78 系列的堆栈在进行 PUSH 压栈时的 SP 地址变化是A in RL78 series,when using PUSH,SP address change asA) :SP 地址递减B) :SP 地址递增C):随机分配 D):不变化SP address decrease SP address increase random assignedNo change15.对于 RL78 系列的镜像区,如果通过 PMC 寄存器选择镜像的地址为 0x00000-0x0FFFF。并且镜像区地址如下图所示(F2000-FEEFF)。则如果要的值至累加器 A 的话
17、如何通过汇编表示A ROM 地址为 0xE000 地址For mirror area in RL78 series, if using PMC to set mirror address as 0x00000-0x0FFFF.and if mirror area address shows as the figure below(F2000-FEEFF),if we want to copy data inaddress 0x0E000 in ROM to accumulator A,how should we express in assemble language3A):MOV A,!0E
18、000HC):MOV !0E000H,AB):MOV ES, #01H and MOV A, ES:!E000HD): MOV #01H, ES and MOV ES:!E000H, A16. 下面 RL78(e.g.RL78/G14)系列中的哪种功能可以实现特定模块之间的触发操作,譬如通过定时器定时来触发 AD 的变换:D Which function in RL78(e,g, RL78/G14) can realize hardware trigger between peripherals.for example to start AD conversion after timer in
19、terval.A):ISRB):DMAC):BGOD):ELC17. RL78 的 CPU 有内 置乘除 法 器,请 问 硬件运 算 的 16bit*16bit=32bit 和32bit/32bit=32bit.32bit 各需要几个周期C Hardware multiplier/divider is embeded in RL78 series CPU,how many clocks will be cost to caculate 16bit*16bit=32bit and 32bit/32bit=32bit.32bitA):1 个,8 个B):2 个,8 个C):1 个,16 个D):2
20、 个,16 个18. 对于 RUN/STOP/HALT/SNOOZE 模式的迁移请问正确的状态迁移图是B For RUN/STOP/HALT/SNOOZE mode in RL78, which mode migration figure is right.ABCD19. RL78 系列中的各个时钟源中,哪一个不可以作为 CPU 时钟B In RL78 series MCU,which clock source cannot be used as CPU clock.A):Internal high-speed oscillatorC):32768Hz sub-clockB):Internal
21、 low-speed oscillatorD):external oscillator/external clock20. RL78/G13 的电压范围是A?4operation voltage range of RL78/G13 isA):1.6V-5.5VB):1.8V-5.5VC):2V-5VD):2.5V-5V5第二部分填空(每空 3 分,共 30 分)1.在 TAU(Timer array unit)中使用 ch0 和 ch1 输出 PWM 波形,ch0 为主通道,ch1 为从通道,如果设置 ch0 的数据寄存器 TDR00 为 0xF000,则如果要输出 100%占空比,则 ch1
22、 的数据寄存器 TDR01 至少需要设置为0xF001 Using ch0-ch1 of TAU(Timer array unit) to output PWM.ch0 as master and ch1 as slave.If data register TDR00 of ch0 set as 0xF000,if you want to output 100%duty PWM the minimumdata register TDR01 of ch1 should be set as.2.请填入下图 ABC 所对应的 CPU 状态:A: POR RESET_B: LVD RESETC: PO
23、R RESET Pls. Describe CPU state in A/B/C:3.100pin 的RL78/G13 选择 P56 作为 INTP1,请用 C 语言描述如何设置 PIOR 寄存器:PIOR =PIOR | 0x20;Choose P56 as INTP1 for 100pin product of RL78/G13, Pls. describe how to configure PIOR with C language:4.SNOOZE 模式可以通过 有效的 CSI0/UART0 数据接收 和 有效 AD 数据转换 释放SNOOZE mode can be released
24、by valid_CSI00/UART0 data receptionandA/Dconversion 5.RL78 系列中,高速片上振荡器最高工作频率为32MHz,-2085°C 全温度下在 1.8-5.5V 工作时的精度为:+-1% For RL78 series,High speed on-chip oscillator can run up to _32 MHz,precision is +-1% from-20 degree to 85 degree when operate with 1.8-5.5V power supply.66.使用 CubeSuite+开发 RL7
25、8 系列,如果需要ROM/RAM 的使用量以及各个段的地址分配情况可以的输出文件是map 文件 If developing RL78 MCU in cubesuite+ environment, ,if customerconsumption of ROM/RAM and segment details, can refer tofilewanttocheck7第三部分问答(每题 5 分,共 10 分)1.IEC60730 是欧洲针从 2007 年开始对系统安全性发布的标准,主要用于家电领域,包括各项系统稳定性和可检测性要求。请描述一下 RL78 系列如何通过硬件功能实现对IEC60730 的支持(至少 5 项,每项一分)IEC60730 is a system security standard released in Europe in 2007 for home appliance. Including system reliability and test request.Please describe how RL78 can easily supportIEC60730 with its safety function.(
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