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1、Committee members, decisions,such as membersoftheCe ntralMilitary Commission.Thesecond ple naryse ssion,is held intwose ssi onsbeforethege neralele ction,mainlyto discussa newStatepersonnelissues. But by t hethird剑桥商务英语实训指导书( 教案 )一、实训项目在整个专业实训环节中的地位本实训项目是通过一系列规范、有效的商务仿真场景交际练习对学生进行商务口语基本技能和技巧训练,结合社交英

2、语-电话用语;会议组织安排;商务贸易活动-产品推销、商谈技巧;招聘员工;公司介绍;价格谈判等模拟 现场商务交际实践,使学生们在全面提高五项基本技能(听、说、读、写、译)的基础上,培养学生的商务意识,掌握商务礼仪;提高话语分析能力、逻辑思维能力、语言组织能力和双语表达能力。它是专业课学习的延续和发展,提升学生从业竞争能力及职业素养的有效途径。二、实训项目的要求项目一:社交英语,电话用语(1) 了解社交和电话相关知识;(2) 掌握英汉社交用语中的文化差异;(3) 熟悉社交和电话常用表达方法。项目二:会议组织安排(1) 了解会议组织安排的相关知识;(2) 掌握会议组织安排相关程序;(3) 熟悉会议组

3、织安排相关表达方法。项目三:商务贸易活动产品推销(1) 了解产品推销的基本常识;(2) 掌握产品推销的主要步骤和注意事项;(3) 熟悉产品推销的表达方法。项目四:招聘员工(1) 了解招聘员工的基本知识和常见问题;(2) 掌握招聘员工流程;(3) 熟悉招聘员工的相关表达方法。项目五:公司介绍( 1 )了解描述公司组织结和的基本常识;( 2)掌握公司主营方向及业务描述;( 3)熟悉公司或产品的相关要素以及表达方法。项目六:价格谈判( 1 )能拟定商务谈判计划。(2) 掌握商务谈判中报价还价阶段的策略。lenary sessi on,e achsession oftheCe ntral Commit

4、teeofnationalinstituti onsand personnelpr oblem s have beenarra nged,youca nconcentrateon nati onal developmenta nd reforms.Previousple nary se ssion isofte n brandedw ith acentralleadi ng collective ,oftenbyl ooki ng atthe thir d plenum ofthe init iative t ofoundthe curre nt central lea dership col

5、lectivegover nance characteristi cs.Fromthe analysis of theprocess ofeconomicreform i n Chi na, plenary sessi on, 12session,14, 16plenaryse ssion have programmaticmeani ng,respective ly, marking t hefour stage sofChi na'seconomi c reform,and t hatthestart-up phase ofreform,reform,constructionpha

6、se and perfe cting theS ocialistmarketeconomyframework stage ofsocialistmarketeconomy.Previousple nary sessiontopics propose dto thethird plenary sessi on of"taking class struggleast hekey link," shifted to socialist modernization;12session marked t he changefrom ruraltourba n, esta blishe

7、dwit hpublic(3) 能灵活运用价格谈判中的让步技巧。实训项目具体操作过程和内容项目一:社交英语,电话用语词句的拓展:国际电话中的常用语Hello. May I speak to Mr. Brown?Yes, this is he speaking.Who's speaking, please?I'm sorry, he is not in now.Would you like to leave a message?Mr. Brown is on another line now.Hold the line a moment, please.May I have Ex

8、t. 5883?I can't hear you.Would you speak a little louder?I'm sorry. I have the wrong number.You are wanted on phone.Will you ask him to call me back later?I was cut off. Will you connect me again?We'll call you back in a few minutes. Will you hang up and wait, please?I want to place an o

9、verseas call to New York.Could you tell me the time and charges after the call?Sorry, I can't wait. Please cancel the call.This is the Singapore operator. Would you connect me with Mr. Lee in the International Department?This is the overseas operator in the United States. You have an overseas co

10、llect call fromMr. Smith in San Francisco. Will you accept the charges?交际实践实训练习(O=Operator, C=Chinese)O: Is this the Silver Star Trading Company?C: Yes, it is.O: This is the overseas telephone operator in the United States. We have a call for Mr. John Wang in the International Finance Department fro

11、m a Mr. Robert of ABC Company in New York.C: From whom, did you say?O: From a Mr. Robert of ABC Company in New York.C: Thank you. Just hold the line, please.(Several seconds later.)C: Hello. I'm sorry but Mr. John Wang is in a conference right now.O: Oh, is that right? When will he be free?C: We

12、ll, he'll be free around four o'clock.O: I see. Just a minute, please.(Several seconds later.)O: Hello. How about Mr. Peter Chen, then?C: Yes, he's here. One moment, please.Peter Chen: Hello. This is Peter Chen speaking.O: Oh, Mr. Chen? Will you hold the line, please?(Pause)O: Thank you

13、for waiting. Mr. Robert is on the line. Go ahead, please.Peter Chen: Thank you.实训练习二In this part, you and your partner will ask and answer questions.Set 1Question CardYou need to ask your partner for this information about a phone questions.Date of MessageName of callerNew arrangementReason for chan

14、geContact number .Information CardThis is the information about the phone message. Try to answer your partner 's questions.Telephone MessageDate: Tuesday 13th December ( 9: 50 am.)Message for: Jane Aston (Marketing)Message from: Mr. Kim Lee (Sales Director, Seoul Motortec)Meeting next week impos

15、sible (all flight fully booked)Will arrive Thurs 24th for 3:30 pm. MeetingCall / fax Mr. Lee on 093( N. B. not in office 18 th /19th December)实训练习三Set 2Question CardYou need to ask you partner for this information from a message given over the telephone.DateCallerPhone No.:New arrangementReason for

16、changeInformation CardThis is the message given over the telephone. Try to answer your partner's questions.To: Joe2nd MarchMr. Peter Johansen called from Stockholm V olvo office. He can 't visit you today - has another meeting.Will come on Thursday.OK?Call him on Tel: 08576 0663项目二:会议组织安排(一)

17、背景介绍:Are meetings important for companies? Why? / Why not?Is it essential to have a proper timing when running a business meeting? Why?How important is it to set the agenda of a conference in advance? Why?ea a si .e v e.-a.e.eesPv. y . aeicta led.-.v ekg -.- - v- c c.igva. . sF .-.-.e. .-.2i46.- s v

18、ga.g .s.V.akg .eaat a u-.- T c-Uc-s a ,f -. c awk .g. .calsake 11yPv. y - .-s-.-g . t .a-. . k. r 1r.e . u.Do you think it important to visit the place for a meeting before booking it? Why? /Why not? 实训练习一Set 1 Preparing for meetingMini-presentationWhat is important when selecting a place for a busi

19、ness meeting?Size of rooms availableFacilities offeredCost of hiring 实训练习二Set 2 How to Chair a MeetingMini-presentation Have you ever chaired a meeting? Do you think it essential to have a good chairperson when running a meeting? How important is it to keep control of the meeting when it proceeds? W

20、hat kind of chairperson do you think is a qualified one?实训练习三Collaborative Task and Discussion You have been asked to organize a meeting for all staff in your department. Talk together for about 2 minutes about what you need to do and decide which three things you should do first. Here are some idea

21、s to help you. Prepare refreshments Book a meeting room Decide on the agenda of the meeting Invite all the participants Decide on the date and starting time of the meeting Set a time limit for the meeting Ask the participants to prepare for the meeting项目三:商务贸易活动-产品推销)词句的拓展Manufacturercoordinate d ec

22、onomic, politig cultural ,socivalang breeutionalreform.chi evea comprsmoot h pron of awell -offsociety and reform theobje ctives ofthepr ogramme.enateverysession oftheCPCCeOne,holdiceimportance onNovember 9,2013 to thcountrysi -oes;research "villagentralCommittee in aplenarysessi on washeld imm

23、ediatelyaftertheparty'sCongress,onthe theme"personnel",discussi ng ele ctionCentral'stop lea ders,nofthe Standing Committeeofthepoliti calBureaOur products have met with great favor overseas.Why not place a trail order to sound out the market potential?I strongly recommend this ite

24、m. I m sure you ll be pleased with it.Our products are very good in quality, and the price is low.Our products will be well marketable in your area.Good quality and reasonable price will promise our products strong competitiveness.DealerCould you tell me about your sales network?What was the total a

25、mount of your sales last year?Have you got the samples?If the quality of your initial shipment is found satisfactory, large repeats will follow.I think these patterns are quite good.Could you give us some idea about your prices?Comprehend by analogyDo you have any cheaper ones?Do you have something

26、less expensive?Any particular color?Do you have any preference for color?实训练习一A: Nice to meet you.B: Nice to meet you, too. Mr. LiA: My firm has sent me here to inquire about the possibility of promoting our product export to USA.B: How s your product better than the competitor s?A: Our product is o

27、ver and above our rival s product, and yet we re able to sell it at the same price.C: How many different models do you offer?A: Our products are available in various models and sizes. Here is our latest catalogue, which shows most of our product. We will not only supply you with the highest quality

28、goods but also provide a good after-sale service. If you find the quality of our products unsatisfactory, were prepared to accept return of the rejected material within a week.stmarketeconomy.Previousple nary sessiontopics propose dto thethird plenary sessi on of"taking class struggleast hekey

29、link," shifted to socialist modernization;12session marked t he changefrom ruraltourba n, esta blishedwit hpubliclenary sessi on,e achsession oftheCe ntral Committeeofnationalinstituti onsand personnelpr oblem s have beenarra nged,youca nconcentrateon nati onal developmenta nd reforms.Previousp

30、le nary se ssion isofte n brandedw ith acentralleadi ng collective ,oftenbyl ooki ng atthe thir d plenum ofthe initiativetofoundthe curre nt central lea dership collectivegover nance characteristi cs.Fromthe analysis of theprocess ofeconomicreform i n Chi na, plenary sessi on, 12session,14, 16plenar

31、yse ssion have programmaticmeani ng,respective ly, marking t hefour stage sofChi na'seconomi c reform,and t hatthestart-up phase ofreform,reform,constructionphase and perfe cting theS13session at atime whe n both t he ol d and theectivcehcaonorisdmi sforthenationofpower restrictinew systemnance

32、aa nd re ctifythe economicngthe n anti-corr uptii on ionrsdtietur;ti14 .Fairandefficientand aut horitativeSocialistjudi cialsystem, safeguard t hepeople'sinterests.onal innovationa nd i nstituti onal protecti on, sound improveme ntstyle normal system.Plenary session, build theConstitutiChi na,e

33、nhaofadministrativelaweer, must adhereto thenforceme nt, ensuret hatthe rig httoexerciseorientati on ofa dvanced Socialist culturjudicial power indepe nde II. I_I -r e,adhere to thedevelopmeh Chinesecharacteristing mechanism ofjudi cialpowe r,improvet hesystem ofjudi cialpr otection ofhumacs, adhere

34、t othe people-centre d work -orie nted,furtherdee pening reform ofculture.o improvetheculturalmanagemesh a nd imprdheretotheuthoritytoletthe pow errun inthe Sun,is shutding modern public culturalservicesystem,improvetup i n acage ofthesystem power polihelevelofcultureopening.Plecy. DecisionScie ncen

35、ary session, achievi, impleme ntation shoulngdevel opmentre sultsmoreequitableng ofpowerfulsyste upreformm,improvethe system of punishing a nd preventingofsocial programsa ndsolvethe i ssuesof concern tng politicalind strive toachieveB: Thank you for your introduction.A: Would you like to hear may p

36、resentation and let me show you how it works now?B: Yes, please.实训练习二Set 1 Mini-presentationWhats important when promoting a new store on the first day?Low priceOpening ceremonyPromotional gifts实训练习三Collaborative Task and DiscussionYour company is going to introduce a new foreign product in your cou

37、ntry. Talk together for about 2 minutes about some of the things that are important for the product promotion and decide which three would be the most important. Here are some ideas to help you.Price of the productPackagingAdvertisingOffer of free samplesTime of the yearConsider competitor s product

38、Promotional giftsNews conference项目四:招聘员工简历ResumeSurname (family name)Forenames (given nameAddress (include postcodeTelephone NODate ofEducationList secondary schools, colleges and universities in order, their addresses and datesattendedQualificationsList the ones most important to the employer first

39、 ( degree, trade or professional qualification), state the examinations, subjects, pass grades. Full training courses undertaken relevant to your applicationEmployment history.The most recent or current job first. Give dates, employers (company), job title and main duties, your level of authorityInt

40、erests and activitiesShow the extent of your participation (organizer, committee). Awards related toactivities.Additional InformationCurriculum VitaePersonal DataFull nameDate andPlace of BirthMarital StatusHome Addressand phone numberSchool achievements( List schools and colleges attended )Postgrad

41、uate1997-2000 Nanjing UniversityCollegeSecondaryQualifications and CreditsOther Achievement and Experience( Work experience, leisure activities, skills gained )School CertificatesEnglishGrade AHistoryGrade BEmployment History ( all jobs listed)2000 to date: Secretary to the Human Resource Manager, V

42、ague and Bague Co.Ltd.AwardsScholarship, prizes, awards out school and colleges.Recreational Interests and HobbiesClassical music, reading, seeing friends, member sports and games.SkillsRemember particularly skills which will transfer to the workplace:driving, fluent writer, ability to handlepayment

43、s, organizing, personal computerAction plan(Your career aim): To be super actress/To be a first salesman, etc.Referencesattach references from Miss Annie Wang, Headmistress, Nanjinguniversity.(二)求职信A letter of application should be:1. Attractively presented to arouse the reader s interest.2. Concise

44、 and easily read to save the time and trouble.3. Informative showing that your qualifications satisfy the requirements for the job vacancy.4. Properly modest.5. Tactful enough not to draw attention to your lack of experience in any respect.6. Persuasively inducing an action to get an invitation to a

45、n interview.7. In you attitude”8. In proper language and style.SamplePRODUCTION SECRETARYI am writing with reference to your advertisement for a Production Secretary in theGuardian of 23 July 2001.I graduated from Madrid University in 1994 with a degree in Modern European languages.My first full-tim

46、e job was as a support secretary for the Training Director of a company which ran courses for software designers and IT managers. Since 1996 I have been working as a bilingual secretary for a large international publishing company.I am very interested in the position because I would like to use my l

47、anguages. I am enthusiastic about working for a TV company and feel that I have the flexibility, motivation and communication skills you require.Please find enclosed my curriculum vitae and a photo.I look forward to hearing from you.招聘方法Recruitment methodsExternal/ internal recruitment to use an age

48、ncy apply for a job by advertising the vacancy in newspapers and magazines to recruit staff through the Internet interview / select the candidates常见问题Q:Can you sell yourself in two minutes ?Go for it.A: With my qualifications and experience, I feel I am hardworking, responsible and diligent in any p

49、roject I undertake. Your organization could benefit from my analytical and interpersonal skills.(依我的资格和经验,我觉得我对所从事的每一个项目都很努力、负责、勤勉。我的分析能力和与人相处的技巧,对贵单位必有价值。)Q: Give me a summary of your current job description.(对你目前的工作,能否做个概括的说明。)A : I have been working as a computer programmer for five years. To be

50、specific, I do system analysis, trouble shooting and provide software support.Committee members, decisions,such as membersoftheCe ntralMilitary Commission.Thesecond ple naryse ssion,is held intwose ssi onsbeforethege neralele ction,mainlyto discussa newStatepersonnelissues. But by t hethird(我干了五年的电脑

51、程序员。具体地说,我做系统分析,解决问题以及软件供应方面的支持。 )Q:Why did you leave your last job ?(你为什么离职呢?)A:Well, I am hoping to get an offer of a better position. If opportunity knocks, I willtake it.(我希望能获得一份更好的工作,如果机会来临,我会抓住。)A:I feel I have reached the "glass ceiling" in my current job. / I feel there is nooppor

52、tunity for advancement.(我觉得目前的工作,已经达到顶峰,即没有升迁机会。)Q:How do you rate yourself as a professional ?( 你如何评估自己是位专业人员呢?)A:With my strong academic background, I am capable and competent.(凭借我良好的学术背景,我可以胜任自己的工作,而且我认为自己很有竞争力。)A : With my teaching experience, I am confident that I can relate to students very we

53、ll.(依我的教学经验,我相信能与学生相处的很好。)Q:What contribution did you make to your current (previous) organization ?( 你对目前/从前的工作单位有何贡献?)A:I have finished three new projects, and I am sure I can apply my experience to thisposition.(我已经完成三个新项目,我相信我能将我的经验用在这份工作上。)Q:What do you think you are worth tous?( 你怎么认为你对我们有价值呢?

54、)A:I feel I can make some positive contributions to your company in the future.( 我觉得我对贵公司能做些积极性的贡献。)Q:What make you think you would be a success in this position ?(你如何知道你能胜任这份工作?)A: My graduate school training combined with my internship should qualify me for this particular job. I am sure I will be

55、 successful.( 我在研究所的训练,加上实习工作,使我适合这份工作。我相信我能成功。)lenary sessi on,e achsession oftheCe ntral Committeeofnationalinstituti onsand personnelpr oblem s have beenarra nged,yo u canconcentrateon nati onal developmenta nd reforms.Previousplenarysession isofte n brandedw ith acentralleadi ng collective ,ofte

56、nbyl ooki ng atthe thir d plenum ofthe initiativetofoundthecurre nt central lea dership collectivegover nance characteristi cs.Fromthe analysis of theprocess ofeconomicreform i n Chi na, plenary sessi on, 12session,14, 16plenaryse ssion have programmaticmeani ng,respective ly, marking t hefour stage sofChi na'seconomi c reform,and t hatthestart-up phase ofreform,reform,constructionphaseandperfectingtheSociailstmarketeconomyframework stage ofsocialistmarketeconomy.Previousplenarysessiontopicsproposedtothethirdplenar


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