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1、igal - c -e.c.l.k.cecl-e .- es- .g-m -V . kga Vt .Pkt .i-.- .lefu5ie the. .gt.v.a-. a - g- ie- eu d eleiel.ailfocem.a y s .l.-sse-l ars l-s-d -aulagla-y-e gC- gy c.e . -e-.l- d - -l au-e - g-.-g es-c- g.c-s erls g a-s.y - q.gas-e .一QC七大手法(七大工具)详解No手法名称形状目的检查表a容易记录、签理数据、掌握问题柏拉图对于多种问朝,找出该从什么地方卜手(3)特性要

2、因图也整理特性(问题点)与主整原因的关系 并找电原因.散布.第解两种成对数行的关系,用于臂耳方 法的决定方面,直方图jd;使-偏差卡视觉化,用于管理方法的 决定方面.(6)控制图,图表管理囱r 了鲫工程是否处于稳定状恚的图表. 度表:使数据视觉4L搬播相关信息.层化jolll按要因区分数据,了解偏差# 是否有影殖1.一、检查表检查表就是将需要检查的内容或项目一一列出,然后定期或不定期的逐项检查,并 将问题点记录下来的方法,有时叫做查检表或点检表。例如:点检表、诊断表、工作改善检查表、满意度调查表、考核表、审核表、5s活动检查表、工程异常分析表等。1、组成要素确定检查的项目;确定检查的频度;确定

3、检查的人员。2、实施步骤确定检查对象;制定检查表;依检查表项目进行检查并记录;对检查出的问题要求责任单位及时改善;the principl e ofsimplified EIAof constr uctionpr oject s inthe region.In termsofla nd, linked to the impleme ntation ofurba nand ruralconstructi on la nd i ncreaseand de crease,re placement indicatorsforpriority areas project.Charges,into the

4、projectsofwater,ele ctricity,admini strative chargesa ndpreferentialpolicies. Inthe areaoftaxation,and settledin areas of industryand its production company,within5 years afterthecompleti on offiscalincentive stoenter prises. Interms offinanci ng,integrati onofla nd,tax,fina nciala nd otherresour ce

5、s,a nd construct Governmentcredit + busi ness creditcredit system,establishme ntofmarketization,commercialization and modernization oftheinvestmenta nd financing platform;effectiveBank -enter prise docki ng,e ncouragesprivatecapital into thePark,to raise industrydevelopmentfund.5,optimizetheenvironm

6、ent andservice industries.To createpolicylowl ands,Highlands, integrityofservice land,developme nt landasthe goal,tooptimizethe areaunderdevel opme ntenvironment.Alladministrative law enforceme ntde partments toappointa full -time personnelstationed i nareasde dicate dtocoor dinati ngand solvi ng pr

7、oblemsassociatedwithbusine sses inthis sect or. Whe n therearesubstantial issues,sector leadersarrangedt o personal ly intervene, in -person,in-person pushtangi blearea buil ding agree n light,easyline. To f urtherreducea nd sta ndar dizeadministrative examination and approvalitems,simplifyexaminati

8、on and a pprovallinks, im proveefficie ncy;accordi ng to the.Since thee ducational practi ceofthe mass li neofthe party, himselfseri ously inthe education, practicalcontrol central eightr ulesand opposi ng the fourwi nds and practi cing three S uns,a nd che ckthe spirit ofJiaoYul u,ide olog y,solici

9、t opi nions based on outsta ndi ng pr oblemschecked swing,caref ulanaly sisand reflecti on. Willnowche ckreport isas foll ows:first,adherenceto thepartyspoliti caldi scipline, eight int he central pr ovision, change thestyleofthe basic situati on of 1,in compliancewith t hepartys politi cal discipli

10、ne s.Conscienti ouslyabi debyt hepartys politi caldiscipl ine,a bidebythe Constitutiona nd the rulesand regulations oftheparty,i n the politi cal, ideol ogical a nd maintainhig hlyconsistentwit h the CPCCentralCommitteeon thea ction,ther e is no violation ofthe partys politi caldi sci plineproblems.

11、2, inthe impleme ntation ofthe centralaut horities oftheeight provisions. Improving research, improving research methods,but thereare lessgrass -roots units,primaryfirst-ha nd an ina dequate grasp ofthe pr obl em,which isto bestrengthene d inthefuture.Second, constr uction,stri ctlyin accor dancewit

12、h t he pr ovisionsto streamlinea nd improv ethe qualityofmeetingsoftheConference.T hird,streamli ningfile bri efs,cultureinv olvesallaspect sof propagandaand ideolog y,sometimes duetothe practica lnee dsofinve ntion notificati ons, this area needs further检查人员在规定的时间内对改善效果进行确认;定期总结,持续改进。二、柏拉图柏拉图的使用要以层

13、别法为前提,将层别法已确定的项目从大到小进行排列,再加上累积值的图形。它可以帮助我们找出关键的问题,抓住重要的少数及有用的多数,适用于记数值统计,有人称为ABC 图,又因为柏拉图的排序识从大到小,故又称为排列图。1 、分类1 )分析现象用柏拉图:与不良结果有关,用来发现主要问题。A 品质:不合格、故障、顾客抱怨、退货、维修等;B 成本:损失总数、费用等;C交货期:存货短缺、付款违约、交货期拖延等;D安全:发生事故、出现差错等。2)分析原因用柏拉图:与过程因素有关,用来发现主要问题。A 操作者:班次、组别、年龄、经验、熟练情况等;B 机器:设备、工具、模具、仪器等;C原材料:制造商、工厂、批次、

14、种类等;D作业方法:作业环境、工序先后、作业安排等。2、柏拉图的作用降低不良的依据;决定改善目标,找出问题点;可以确认改善的效果。3、实施步骤收集数据,用层别法分类,计算各层别项目占整体项目的百分数;把分好类的数据进行汇总,由多到少进行排列,并计算累计百分数;绘制横轴和纵轴刻度;绘制柱状图;绘制累积曲线;记录必要事项treamlining.Four are standard visits,exce ptas required to partici patein traini ng,noot her activit y. Fiveis t o improvenews re porting ,fo

15、rpropagandaworkstrictlyaccordi ngtothe regulations.Sixisstrictlyyourprese ntationpublished stri ctly according to theregulations.Seven isstrictly thrift, requiredthe useofvehicl esand office space and corporate hospitality. 3,change the style.Propaganda andideol ogicalw orkofthe newsit uationand new

16、requireme ntsofthe newtasks,had done alot offruitfulwork,ha smademanya chievements,but furthercloser to thegrass roots,closetoreality,close to themasses andal so i nade quatei nnovation m ustcontinue toimprove. Second,thefour winds someoutsta ndi ng issues 1, opposeformalism.One theoryis thathe di d

17、nt,wit h less close contact.The oretical studyof consciousne ss is nothig h enough,system performanceis notstrong enough;more passive le arni ng,activele arning fewgeneralities and lear n more, delving i nto less.Especial ly based on rationalt hinki ngon majorissues,applyingtheoryto guidethework don

18、eisnot goode noug h, notreallyunderstandand graspthespiritand essence of thescientificOutlook ondevelopment,did nottrulyachieve mastery,toapply,toa certainexte nt,affectthe devel opme ntand implementationof ideasand initiatives. Second,workarra ngements,a nd le ss supervi sion.Propagandaand ide olog

19、icalwork ist he objective ,whi ch needstokeep the continuity efforts deployed, butstressed inthe worktime,less supervision. Forexampl e,colorweekends in thesummertheatricalactivitie s,citysquare performances,urging townships, communities and ruralareasshowst he implementation isinade quate,i nsuffic

20、ie nt culturalan educationalroleto play. Third basee nough,mastergrass-le ss real. Propaga ndaa nd ideol ogical work int he new situati onof characteri stics a nd reg ularityofenough, deep enoug hforgrass-r oots public opi nion Dynami cs survey, forgrass-rootstypicallydrivele ss.For example , ruralc

21、ultureteam active, .Imnot activelytake theinitiativetotakeup,the lackofspiritof daringto, resulting in somejob had a l otofpower, butnotangi bleresult s. Thir d,innovati on, la ckof motivation.Emancipationdi dnot end, innovation does notexist.Inpractical work, notyourhead,previous w orkexperie nce,l

22、ackof i nnovati on initiatives,study on thechara cteristicsof propagandaand ideologi ca alworkunderthe newsituation t hrough, grip on grassr oot s ideol ogica l trends andchangesarenot deep,t opromote newi nitiativesand explore newmethods of ideologi caland culturalworkis notmuch, andsomelackofrelev

23、ance andtimeliness.4 ,discipli ne,l owering ,and hardworkare lacking. While w orkingand enterprisingspirit down. Noreal sol ution totreatyourself right,correctlytreatpasthonors, t heircompla cency,a ndw orktosee t heirscores m ore,less checking his ownshortcoming s, liketo listen to thepraise,sati s

24、fiedface, onlinepr omotion,there aretypical,a nd la ckofhig h standards and stri ctrequirements,theeffect is real.Secondharddrive less.On harda ndtheprincipl eofsimplifiedE IAofconstr uction project sin the region. Interms ofland,li nkedtot heimpleme ntation ofurba n and ruralconstruction la nd incr

25、ease andde crease,re placementindicat orsforpriorityareas project.Charges, intothe projectsofwater,ele ctricity,admini strative charges and preferential policies.In theareaoftaxation,and settled in areas ofindustry anditsproduction company,within 5yearsafterthe completi on offiscal incentives toente

26、rprises.Interms offinanci ng, integration of la nd,tax,fina nciala nd other resources, a ndconstructGovernmentcredit +businesscredit creditsystem,establishme nt ofmarketization,commercialization andmodernization ofthe investment andfina ncingplatform;effectiveBank -enter prisedocki ng, e ncourages p

27、rivate capitalintothe Park,toraiseindustry developmentfund. 5,optimizethe environmentand service industries.T o create policy lowl ands, Highlands,i ntegrityofservice land,developme nt landasthegoal,to optimize theareaunder developme ntenvironment.Alla dministrativelawe nforceme ntde partmentstoappo

28、intafull -timepersonnelstationed inareasde dicate d to coor dinati ng and solvi ng problemsassociated with busine sses inthis sector. Whe nthere are substantialissues,sectorleaders arranged to personal ly intervene,in-per son, in-person push tangi blearea buildinga gree n light,easy li ne. Tofurther

29、reduce a nd sta ndardize a dministrativeexamination andapprovalitems,simplify examinationanda ppr ovallinks,improve efficie ncy;a ccordi ngtothe .Sincethe e ducationalpracti ce ofthe massli neofthe party, himself seri ouslyin theeducati on, practicalcontrol central eight r ules andopposi ngthe fourw

30、i ndsand practi cingthree S uns, a nd checkthe spirit ofJiaoYul u, ide ology,solicit opi nions based on outsta ndi ngpr oblems checked swing, caref ulanaly sis a nd reflecti on. Will nowche ckreportis as foll ows:first,adherencetothe partyspoliti cal di sci pline,eight int hecentralpr ovision, chang

31、ethe style ofthe basic situati on of1, in compliance withthe partys politicaldi sci pline s.Conscienti ouslyabidebyt he partys political discipl ine,a bide bytheConstitution andthe rule s andregulations of the party, i nthe politi cal,ideol ogicalandmai ntain hig hly consistent withthe CPCCe ntralCo

32、mmittee onthe action,ther eis noviolation ofthepartys politicaldi scipline problems.2,in theimplementationofthecentralauthorities ofthe eightprovisions.Improvingresearch,improvingresear ch methods, butthere areless grass-rootsunits,primary first-handa n ina dequategraspoftheprobl em, whi chis tobe s

33、trengthened inthefuture.Second,constr uction,stri ctly in accor dancewitht hepr ovisions to streamlinea nd improv e thequalityofmeetingsoftheConference.T hird, streamli ningfilebri efs, culture inv olves all aspect sofpropagandaand ideolog y,sometimesdue tothepractical nee ds of inve ntionnotificati

34、 ons,this area needsfurther分析柏拉图要点:柏拉图有两个纵坐标,左侧纵坐标一般表示数量或金额,右侧纵坐标一般表示数量或金额的累积百分数;柏拉图的横坐标一般表示检查项目,按影响程度大小,从左到右依次排列;绘制柏拉图时,按各项目数量或金额出现的频数,对应左侧纵坐标画出直方形,将各项目出现的累计频率,对应右侧纵坐标描出点子,并将这些点子按顺序连接成线。4、应用要点及注意事项柏拉图要留存,把改善前与改善后的柏拉图排在一起,可以评估出改善效果;分析柏拉图只要抓住前面的23 项九可以了;柏拉图的分类项目不要定得太少,59 项教合适,如果分类项目太多,超过9 项,可划入其它,如果分

35、类项目太少,少于4 项,做柏拉图无实际意义;作成的柏拉图如果发现各项目分配比例差不多时,柏拉图就失去意义,与柏拉图法则不符,应从其它角度收集数据再作分析;柏拉图是管理改善的手段而非目的,如果数据项别已经清楚者,则无需浪费时间制作柏拉图;其它项目如果大于前面几项,则必须加以分析层别,检讨其中是否有原因;柏拉图分析主要目的是从获得情报显示问题重点而采取对策,但如果第一位的项目依靠现有条件很难解决时,或者即使解决但花费很大,得不偿失,那么可以避开第一位项目,而从第二位项目着手。三、因果图所谓因果图,又称特性要因图,主要用于分析品质特性与影响品质特性的可能原因之间的因果关系,通过把握现状、分析原因、寻

36、找措施来促进问题的解决,是一种用于分析品质特性(结果)与可能影响特性的因素(原因)的一种工具。又称为鱼骨图。1、分类1)追求原因型:在于追求问题的原因,并寻找其影响,以因果图表示结果(特性)与原因(要因)间的关系;2)追求对策型:追求问题点如何防止、目标如何达成,并以因果图表示期望效果与对策的关系。2、实施步骤成立因果图分析小组,36 人为好,最好是各部门的代表; 确定问题点;画出干线主骨、中骨、小骨及确定重大原因(一般从5M1E即人Man、机Machine、料 Material 、法 Method 、测 Measure 、环 Environment 六个方面全面找出原因); 与会人员热烈讨论

37、,依据重大原因进行分析,找到中原因或小原因,绘至因果图中 因果图小组要形成共识,把最可能是问题根源的项目用红笔或特殊记号标识; 记入必要事项3、应用要点及注意事项确定原因要集合全员的知识与经验,集思广益,以免疏漏;原因解析愈细愈好,愈细则更能找出关键原因或解决问题的方法; 有多少品质特性,就要绘制多少张因果图;如果分析出来的原因不能采取措施,说明问题还没有得到解决,要想改进有效果,原 因必须要细分,直到能采取措施为止;在数据的基础上客观地评价每个因素的主要性;把重点放在解决问题上,并依 5W2H 的方法逐项列出,绘制因果图时,重点先放在“为什么会发生这种原因、结果”,分析后要提出对策时则放在

38、“如何才能解决 ”;Why 为何要做?(对象) What 做什么?(目的) Where 在哪里做?(场所) When 什么时候做?(顺序) Who 谁来做?(人) How 用什么方法做?(手段) Howmuch 花费多少?(费用) 因果图应以现场所发生的问题来考虑;因果图绘制后,要形成共识再决定要因,并用红笔或特殊记号标出; 因果图使用时要不断加以改进。theprincipl eofsimplifiedE IAofconstr uction pr oject sin the regi on. Interms ofla nd,li nkedtot heimpleme ntation ofurba

39、 n and ruralconstr uction la nd i ncrease andde crease,re placementindicat orsforpriorityarea s project. Charges, intothe projectsofwater,ele ctricity,admini strative charges a nd preferential policies.In theareaoftaxation,and settle d in areas ofindustry anditsproductioncompany,withi n 5yearsaftert

40、he completi onoffiscal incentives toenter prises.Intermsoffinanci ng, integration of la nd,tax,fina ncialand other resour ces, a ndconstructGovernmentcredit+ businesscredit creditsystem,establishme nt ofmarketization,commercializationandmodernization ofthe investment andfina ncingplatform;effectiveB

41、ank -enter prisedocki ng, e ncourages private capitalintothe Park,toraiseindustrydevelopmentfund. 5,optimizethe environmentand service industries.T o create policy lowl ands, Highlands,i ntegrityofservice land,developmentlandasthegoal ,to optimize theareaunder developme ntenvironment.Alladministrati

42、velawenforceme ntdepartmentstoappointafull -timepersonnelstationed inareasde dicate d to coor dinati ng and solvi ng problemsassociated with busine sses inthis sector. Whe nthere are substantialissues,sectorleaders arranged to personal ly intervene,in-per son, in-person push tangi blearea buildinga

43、gree n light,easy li ne. Tofurtherreduce and sta ndardize a dministrativeexamination andapprovalitems,simplify examinationanda ppr ovallinks,im prove efficie ncy;accordi ngtothe .Sincethe e ducationalpracti ce ofthe massli neofthe party, himself seri ouslyin theeducati on, practicalcontrol central e

44、ight r ules andopposi ngthe fourwi ndsand practi cingthree S uns, a nd checkthe spirit ofJiaoYul u, ide ology,solicit opi nions based on outsta ndi ngpr oblems checked swing, caref ulanalysis a nd reflecti on. Will nowche ckreportis as foll ows:first,adherencetothe partyspoliti cal di sci pline, eig

45、ht int hecentralprovision, changethe style ofthe basic situation of1, in compliance withthe partyspoliti caldi sci pline s.Conscienti ouslyabi debyt he partys political discipl ine,a bide bytheConstitutionandthe rule s andregulations of the party, i nthe politi cal,ideol ogicalandmai ntain hig hly c

46、onsistent withthe CPCCe ntralCommittee onthe action,ther eis noviolation ofthepartyspoliti caldi scipline problems.2,in t heimplementation ofthe centralaut horities ofthe eightprovisions.Improving research, improvingresearch methods, butthere areless grass-rootsunits, primary first-handa n ina dequa

47、tegrasp oftheprobl em, whi chis tobe strengthened inthefuture.Second,constr uction,stri ctly in accor dancewitht hepr ovisions to streamlinea nd improv e thequalityofmeetingsof theConference.T hird, streamli ningfilebri efs, culture inv olves all aspect sofpropagandaand ideolog y,sometimesdue tothep

48、ractica l nee ds of inve ntionnotificati ons,this area needsfurther四、散布图将因果关系所对应变化的数据分别描绘在X-Y 轴坐标系上,以掌握两个变量之间是否相关及相关的程度如何,这种图形叫做“散布图 ”,也称为 “相关图 ”。1、分类1)正相关:当变量X 增大时,另一个变量Y 也增大;2)负相关:当变量X 增大时,另一个变量Y 却减小;3)不相关:变量X (或Y)变化时,另一个变量并不改变;4)曲线相关:变量X 开始增大时,Y 也随着增大,但达到某一值后,则当X 值增大时,Y 反而减小。2、实施步骤确定要调查的两个变量,收集相关

49、的最新数据,至少 30组以上;找出两个变量的最大值与最小值,将两个变量描入 X轴与Y轴;将相应的两个变量,以点的形式标上坐标系;计入图名、制作者、制作时间等项目;判读散布图的相关性与相关程度。3、应用要点及注意事项两组变量的对应数至少在30 组以上,最好50 组至 100 组,数据太少时,容易造成误判;通常横坐标用来表示原因或自变量,纵坐标表示效果或因变量;由于数据的获得常常因为5M1E 的变化, 导致数据的相关性受到影响,在这种情况下需要对数据获得的条件进行层别,否则散布图不能真实地反映两个变量之间的关系;当有异常点出现时,应立即查找原因,而不能把异常点删除;当散布图的相关性与技术经验不符时

50、,应进一步检讨是否有什么原因造成假象。五、直方图直方图是针对某产品或过程的特性值,利用常态分布(也叫正态分布)的原理,把50 个以上的数据进行分组,并算出每组出现的次数,再用类似的直方图形描绘在横轴上。1、实施步骤收集同一类型的数据;treamlining.Fourare standardvisits,exce pt as requiredto partici pate in traini ng,noot heractivit y.Five ist o improve news reporting ,for propaganda work strictly accordi ng tothe r

51、egulations.Six isstrictly yourpresentation published strictly accor dingtothe regulati ons.Seven is strictlythrift,requiredthe useofvehicles and office space andcor porate hospitality. 3,changet hestyle.Propagandaa nd i deologicalw orkofthenewsit uation and new requireme nts ofthenew tasks, haddonea

52、 lot offruitfulwork,has mademanya chieveme nts, butfurtherclosertothe grassroots,closetoreality,closetothe massesand al so inade quate i nnovation mustcontinueto improve.Second, thefourwindssomeoutstandi ngissues 1, opposeformalism.One theoryis that he di dnt,wit h less closeconta ct.The oretical st

53、udy ofconsci ousne ss is nothig h enoug h,systemperformanceisnotstrong enough;more passivelearning, active learningfew generalitiesa nd lear n more, delving into less.Especial lybase don rational t hinki ng on major issues,applying theorytoguide theworkdone isnotgood e noug h,notreallyunderstand a n

54、d graspthe spiritand essenceofthe scientificOutl ook on development,didnottrulyachieve mastery,toapply,to acertainextent,affectthe developme nt andimplementation ofideas and initiatives.Second,workarra ngements,and le sssupervi sion.Propaganda andide ologicalwork isthe objective,whi ch needs to keep

55、 thecontinuityefforts deployed,but stressedi n thew ork time, lesssupervisi on.Forexampl e,colorweekends inthe summertheatricalactivitie s,citysquare performances,urgingtow nships,com munitiesa nd ruralareas shows t heimplementationis inade quate,i nsufficie ntculturalane ducationalrole toplay. Thir

56、d base eno ugh,mastergrass-lessreal. Propaga nda and ideol ogical workin thene wsituati on ofcharacteristicsa nd regularity ofenough,dee penoug h for grass-roots public opi nionDynamics survey,forgrass-roots typically drive less. Forexample ,ruralculture team active,.Im not activelytakethe initiativetotake up,the lack ofspirit ofdaringto, resultingi nsomejob had al ot ofpower,but notangible result s.Third,innovati on,la ckofmotivation. Emancipation di d notend,innovationdoesnot exist.In practicalwork


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