



1、 中式婚宴菜单AChinese Wedding Menu A鸿运当头鸿运乳猪全体Roasted Suckling Pig Platter (Have to be whole pig)喜结良缘黄金焗虾球Frying Tailed Prawns with Pickle Duck Egg龙凤呈祥XO酱翡翠炒兰花蚌Frying Squid with Vegetable and XO Sauce天长地久蜜瓜脆奶拼海鲜卷Deep Fried Seafood Rolls with Crispy Honey Milk情定今生玉竹花胶炖水鸭Double Boiled Mountain Mushroom and

2、Fish Maw & Duck海誓山盟清蒸生猛龙膽斑Steamed Gentiana Garoupa with Soya Sauce浓情蜜意松茸水晶鸡Steamed Chicken with Wild Matsutake and Ginger心心相映瑶柱鲜菌浸田园菜苗Stir Fried Seasonal Vegetables with Mushroom & Scallops佳偶天成瑶柱鲍汁烩伊面Braised E-FU Noodle with Dried Scallop in Abalone Sauce百年好合莲子百合红豆沙Sweet Red Bean Paste with

3、Lotus and Lily Buds丁财两旺广式美点双辉映Chinese Petit Fours甜甜蜜蜜环球时令新鲜水果盘Sliced Seasonal Fruit Platter每席人民币6,999元/10位,每加多一位加收人民币699元,需另加15%服务费RMB6,999 per table for 10 persons, additional at RMB699 per person, subject to 15% service charge婚宴套餐Wedding Packagei 婚宴当日入住酒店希尔顿蜜月房1晚并享受酒店行政楼层专属礼遇One night stay in Hilt

4、on Honey Moon Room and enjoy executive lounge benefiti 婚宴当日2小时豪华婚车深圳市内接送服务Luxury limousine service for 2 hours on wedding dayi 婚宴前已选菜单六人试菜一次Pre-wedding food tasting session for selected menu for up to 6 personsi 新人专属婚礼管家1名One wedding butler for bridali 精美新娘手捧花球及6朵胸花One bridal bouquet six corsagesi 新

5、娘化妆间及贵宾休息室1间Bridal room and VIP roomi 婚宴当日由婚礼管家为新人呈送温馨套餐Warm set-menu service for the couple on wedding dayi 提供嘉宾签到台经典花艺装饰及签到册1本Seasonal floral decoration for reception table and guest registration booki 每席5套精美婚宴宾客请柬及每席筵席均提供经典花艺装饰Provide 5 set wedding invitation card and seasonal floral centerpiece

6、for each tablei 精美婚礼蛋糕模型Elegant dummy wedding cakei 婚宴期间提供祝酒仪式香槟一瓶One bottle of champagne for toast ceremonyi 50张婚宴嘉宾停车专用券Free parking for 50 carsi 享受希尔顿荣誉客会会员婚礼积分HHonors wedding pointsi 于酒店举办满月酒或百日宴可享受8.5折优惠15% discount for full moon party or 100 days partyi 婚宴期间为您宾客提供预订客房优惠价格(15间起)Enjoy the specia

7、l guestroom rate for your invited guests预订10席以上可以享受上述优惠Book 10 tables or above can enjoy the benefits额外婚宴礼遇Add-on Wedding Benefitsi 婚宴菜单6,999以下可选2项Wedding Package 6,999, your choice of 2 from the benefits belowi 婚宴菜单7,999以下可选3项Wedding Package 7,999, your choice of 3 from the benefits belowi 婚宴菜单9,99

8、9以下可选5项Wedding Package 9,999, your choice of 5 from the benefits belowi 婚宴菜单11,999以下可选7项Wedding Package 11,999, your choice of 7 from the benefits below 婚宴期间提供全场软饮2小时无限畅饮Free flow of soft drink for two hours during wedding 筵席开餐前迎宾鸡尾酒小吃2款(50人份)Welcome reception with snacks and cocktails for 50 guests

9、 婚宴期间提供酒店指定红葡萄酒1瓶/席Complimentary one bottle of hotel house red wine for each table 婚宴当日额外入住希尔顿蜜月房1晚并享受酒店行政楼层专属礼遇Additional one night stay at honeymoon room with executive lounge benefits 希尔顿专属订制婚宴精美伴手礼(婚宴保证出席人数之50%份)Hilton tailor made delicate chocolate gift (50% of guarantee guest) 酒店一楼易糕点价值200元消费礼券1张One gift voucher for RMB200 at EZ Go 酒店一楼大堂吧精选惬意双人下午茶套餐2套及香槟2杯2 set high tea for 2 persons with 2 glass of champagne 酒店二楼念西餐厅浪漫双人自助晚餐餐券1张A Romantic dinner gift voucher for two at Mis.U 婚礼一周年纪念日当天免费入住希尔顿豪华房1晚First anniversary with one night stay in a Hilton Luxury room 婚宴当晚入住价值人


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