1、Using language and reading in workbook At the end of the 16th century, English was only 1 (speak) by people in England. They were native English speakers. However, 2 _ English language has changed quite a lot over the last four centuries. Old English sounded more 3 less like German for it was 4 (bas
2、e) on German, but modern English sounds more like French than German 5 England was once ruled by France.spokentheorbasedAs/for/because Two men had a great influence on the changes of English. One was Samuel Johnson, who wrote his dictionary and the other was Noah Webster, 6 wrote The American Dictio
3、nary of the English Language 7 gave American English its own 8 (identify) Today, China may have the largest number of people 9 (speak) English. A lot of Chinese people speak English 10 a foreign language.whothatwhichidentityspeakingas高考必背作文高考必背作文假设你叫王明,昨天收到了笔友假设你叫王明,昨天收到了笔友David的的e-mail,得知他不久要到北京来学习
4、中文。,得知他不久要到北京来学习中文。他想了解如何学好中文。请你用英文给他他想了解如何学好中文。请你用英文给他回复一封回复一封e-mail,介绍学习中文的体会和方,介绍学习中文的体会和方法,提出你的建议,以及表达你帮助他学法,提出你的建议,以及表达你帮助他学好中文的愿望。好中文的愿望。DearDavid,DearDavid, ImgladyoullcometoBeijingtolearnChinese.Chineseisveryuseful, ImgladyoullcometoBeijingtolearnChinese.Chineseisveryuseful,andmanyforeigners
7、dyou.Ifyouhaveanyquestions,frombooksbutalsofrompeoplearoundyou.Ifyouhaveanyquestions,pleaseaskme.ImsureyoulllearnChinesewell.pleaseaskme.ImsureyoulllearnChinesewell.HopetoseeyousooninBeijing.HopetoseeyousooninBeijing.Yours, WangMingYours, WangMing【翻译】亲爱的大卫,我很高兴你会来北京学习中文。中国是非常有益的,许多外国人正在学习,现在。这很难为你,因
8、为它是相当的英语不同。你要记住尽可能多的中国话。同样重要的是做一些阅读和写作。你可以看电视,听广播练习你的听力。你最好不要谈论与中国人民。你可以学习汉语,不仅从书本上,而且从你周围的人。如果您有任何问题,请问我。我敢肯定你会学好中文。希望能尽快看到你在北京。此致,王明 STANDARD ENGLISH AND DIALECTS What is standard English? 什么是标准英语?Is it spoken in Britain, the US, Canada, Australia, India and New Zealand? 是在英国、美国、加拿大、澳大利亚、印度、新西兰所说的
9、英语吗? Believe it or not, there is no such thing as standard English. 信不信由你,(世界上)没有什么标准英语。Many people believe the English spoken on TV and the radio is standard English. 许多人认为,电视和收音机许多人认为,电视和收音机里所说的英语就是标准英语,里所说的英语就是标准英语,This is because in the early days of radio, those who reported the news were expec
10、ted to speak excellent English. 这是因为在早期的这是因为在早期的电台节目里,人们期望新闻播音员所说的英语是最好电台节目里,人们期望新闻播音员所说的英语是最好的英语。的英语。However, on TV and the radio you will hear differences in the way people speak. 然而,在电视和收然而,在电视和收音机里,你也会听出人们在说话时的差异。音机里,你也会听出人们在说话时的差异。 When people use words and expressions different from “standard
11、language”, it is called a dialect. 当人们使用不同于当人们使用不同于“标准语言标准语言”的词语和的词语和表达时,那就叫做方言。表达时,那就叫做方言。American English has many dialects, especially the midwestern, southern, African American and Spanish dialects. 美国英语有美国英语有许多方言,特别是中西部地区和南部地区的方言,许多方言,特别是中西部地区和南部地区的方言,以及美国黑人和西班牙人的方言。以及美国黑人和西班牙人的方言。Even in some
12、parts of the USA, two people from neighbouring towns speak a little differently. 即使在即使在美国有些地区,两个相邻城镇的人所说的方言也美国有些地区,两个相邻城镇的人所说的方言也可能稍有不同。可能稍有不同。 American English has so many dialects because people have come from all over the world.美国英语之所以有这么多的方言是因为美国美国英语之所以有这么多的方言是因为美国人是来自世界各地的缘故。人是来自世界各地的缘故。 Geogra
13、phy also plays a part in making dialects. 地理位置对方言的形成也有所影响。地理位置对方言的形成也有所影响。Some people who live in the mountains of the eastern USA speak with an older kind of English dialect. 住在美国东部住在美国东部山区的一些人说着比较古老的英语方言。山区的一些人说着比较古老的英语方言。When Americans moved from one place to another, they took their dialects wit
14、h them. 当美国人从一个地方当美国人从一个地方搬到另一个地方时,他们也就把他们的方言随着搬到另一个地方时,他们也就把他们的方言随着带去了带去了 So people from the mountains in the southeastern USA speak with almost the same dialect as people in the northwestern USA.因此,美国东南部山区的人同美国因此,美国东南部山区的人同美国西北部的人所说的方言就几乎相同。西北部的人所说的方言就几乎相同。 The USA is a large country in which many
15、 different dialects are spoken. 美国是一个大国,有着许许多多彼此不同的方言。美国是一个大国,有着许许多多彼此不同的方言。Although many Americans move a lot, they still recognize and understand each others dialects.虽然许多美国人经常搬家,但是他们仍然能够辨别和虽然许多美国人经常搬家,但是他们仍然能够辨别和理解彼此的方言。理解彼此的方言。standard 标准标准, 规格规格dialect 方言方言southern 南部的南部的midwestern 中西部的中西部的Span
16、ish 西班牙的西班牙的 New words play a part 扮演一个角色扮演一个角色 eastern 东部的东部的 northwestern 西北方的西北方的 recognize 辨认出辨认出, 认出认出1. Why are there so many dialects in the US? Because people have come from all over the world. Geography also plays a part in making dialects. Its believed to be the English spoken on TV and th
17、e radio.2. Whats the standard English?Read the passage and answer the questions.1. What is standard English? 什么是标准英语什么是标准英语? standard (n.)标准标准, 规格规格 (adj.) 标准的标准的 meet standard 符合标准符合标准 standard of living 生活水平生活水平 on a standard 根据某一标准根据某一标准Language pointsWe should try to raise the standard of living
18、.提高生活水准提高生活水准 The mountains are not high _ world standard. A. by B. at C. to D. on2. Believe it or not, theres no such thing as standard English. 信不信由你信不信由你,世界上没有所谓的标准世界上没有所谓的标准 英语英语。 believe it or not 信不信由你信不信由你 Believe it or not, all the people present have agreed to the plan.3. This is because in
19、 the early days of radio, those who reported the news were expected to speak excellent English. 这是因为在早期的电台节目里,人们这是因为在早期的电台节目里,人们期望新闻播音员讲极好的英语。期望新闻播音员讲极好的英语。这是一个主从复合句。主句是这是一个主从复合句。主句是This is, 从句是由从句是由because引导的表语从句引导的表语从句: those were expected to speak excellent English. 在表语从句中又含有一个由在表语从句中又含有一个由who引导的
20、定语从句,修饰表语从句引导的定语从句,修饰表语从句的主语的主语those。 当一个句子的主语为当一个句子的主语为this, that或或it时,时, 可以用可以用because引导表语从句。如:引导表语从句。如:That is because he doesnt like coffee. 那是因为他不喜欢咖啡。那是因为他不喜欢咖啡。It may be because the exam was too difficult. 那或许是因为考试太难了。那或许是因为考试太难了。4.expect : Vt. 期望,预料,认为,预期期望,预料,认为,预期usage: expect sb to do sth
21、指望预料某人做某事指望预料某人做某事 Sb be expected to do sth expect +that-clause认为预想认为预想 expect sb/sth 期待着某人或某事物的到来期待着某人或某事物的到来 expect to do sth 指望希望做某事指望希望做某事I expect so. 我想是这样。我想是这样。I expect not. I dont expect so.我想不是这样。我想不是这样。expect & wait forexpect 主要指心理状态主要指心理状态(a state of mind),),含有期盼的意味。含有期盼的意味。wait for 则指一种行
22、动则指一种行动(a sort of activity),特别指什么都不干而专,特别指什么都不干而专门等待。门等待。5. However, on TV and the radio you will hear differences in the way people speak. 然而然而, 甚至在电视上或收音机里都会甚至在电视上或收音机里都会听到人们在说话时的差异。听到人们在说话时的差异。 the way后面接定语从句时后面接定语从句时, 关系代词关系代词用用that/in which或不用关系代词。或不用关系代词。 I did it in the way that/in which you
23、taught me.I dont like _ you speak to her.A. the wayB. the way in thatC. the way whichD. the way of which6. America English has many dialects, especially the Midwestern, southern, African American and Spanish dialects. 美国英语有很多方言美国英语有很多方言, 尤其是在中尤其是在中西部西部, 南部南部, 黑人和西班牙方言。黑人和西班牙方言。 especially 尤其尤其, 表达事物
24、不寻常或表达事物不寻常或 特别重要特别重要 specially 专门专门(指专为某一目的指专为某一目的)Our garden is beautiful, especially in autumn.I came here specially to see you. 8. Geography also plays a part in making dialects. 地理位置对方言的产生也有影响。地理位置对方言的产生也有影响。 play a part in的意思是:起重要作用;的意思是:起重要作用; 扮演角色。扮演角色。 He has played an important part in sav
25、ing the girl. He was invited to play a part in this TV play.1参加某活动参加某活动. .She plays an active part in local politics(当地政治当地政治).2. 对某事有影响对某事有影响, 对某事起作用对某事起作用She played an important part in the success of the plan.Geography also plays a part in making dialects. 地理位置对方言的产生也有影响地理位置对方言的产生也有影响.拓展:拓展:play
26、a role in与与play a part in的意思相同,常可以互换。表的意思相同,常可以互换。表示示“扮演角色扮演角色”还可以用还可以用act, act a / the role of等。如:等。如:Who is acting Hamlet?She is acting the role of Juliet.即学即练即学即练 根据括号内的提示,用根据括号内的提示,用play a part in的适当形式完成句子。的适当形式完成句子。1. My friend Jim is looking forward to _(扮演角色的(扮演角色的机会)机会)this series.2. A good
27、diet _ _ (在帮助人们长寿方(在帮助人们长寿方面起着非常大的作用)面起着非常大的作用). plays a large part in helping people live longer a chance to play a part in9. Although many America move a lot, they still recognize each others dialects. 虽然许多美国人经常搬家虽然许多美国人经常搬家, 但他们但他们 仍然能够辨认彼此的方言。仍然能够辨认彼此的方言。 recognize意为:意为: 认出,承认,认可认出,承认,认可 ,常构成短语常
28、构成短语recognize . as / to be .,表示:表示: 把把看做看做 ; recognize sb. by sth. 表示:表示: 从从/根据某根据某物认出某人。物认出某人。1. I hadnt seen her for 20 years, but I recognized her as soon as she came into the room.2. The government refused to recognize the new school.3. He is recognized to be / as their natural leader.4. I recog
29、nized her by her red hair. 请用下列词组的适当形式填空。请用下列词组的适当形式填空。 believe it or not; be expected to; by underground; pay attention to; play an important part; in the way1. Some people dont like to go to work _. 2. The headmaster _ in the good running of a school. by undergroundplays an important part3. _, he
30、is really a foreigner.4. You will _ work on Saturdays.5. Please _ the difference between the two words.pay attention toBelieve it or notbe expected to 1 Mr. Huang will _ in the movement. A. play a leading part B. take parts C. play leading part D. take a part 3. _ of the students who took part in th
31、e military training is 450. A. A number B. A lot C. Lots D. The number 4. Sometimes _ English is quite different from _ English in many ways. A. speaking, writing B. spoken, written C. speaking, written D. spoken, writing 5. Can you tell me if you have found the key _ your car. A. for B. to C. about
32、 D. byADBB 6. When we visited Zhou Zhuang again ten years later, we found it changed so much that we could hardly _ it. A. remember B. think about C. believe D. recognize 7. It is so nice to hear from her, _, we last met more than 30 years ago. A. whats more B. thats to say C. in other words D. beli
33、eve it or not 8. They lived a hard life and were often made _ for over ten hours a day. A. work B. to work C. to working D. worked 9. Do you have any difficulty _? A. on listening B. to listening C. for listening D. with listeningDDBD 10. Please tell me the way you thought of _ the garden. A. take c
34、are of B. to take care of C. taking care of D. to take care 11. Can you explain how it _ that you missed the morning classes? A. came across B. came to C. came up D. came about 12. China Daily is _ a newspaper, for it can also serve as a useful textbook for English study. A. more than B. more or les
35、s C. less than D. more and more 14. The reason _ being late for the meeting was _ his little son fell ill this morning. A. for, that B. why, that C. for, because D. why, becauseBDAA 17.“Not all of the dinosaurs were dangerous”. This sentence means _ . A. none of the dinosaurs were dangerous. B. all of the dinosaurs were not dang
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