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1、Previously on "Nashville".下一站歌♥后 前情提要You're still digging out from the hit you took你们目前还没有从泰迪开♥发♥案破产的when Teddy's development went bust.泥潭中解脱出来Bottom line, Joe. Stop spending money.说重点吧 乔 别再乱花钱了You think he's lying about something.你认为这是他撒谎的原因吗A

2、mayor with secrets is easier to control.身负秘密的市长 更容易操控What is his problem with my career?他为什么这么不支持我的事业He hates your career because of Mom.他不支持你的事业是因为妈妈Mom had a singer/songwriter friend. 妈妈交过一个朋友 是词曲唱作人 You mean like an affair?你是说他俩有婚外情吗You've proven to have the same disregard她对我们的婚姻毫不在乎for your

3、marriage that she did for ours.你面对自己这段婚姻也同样冷漠I'm trying to do the right thing,我想做正确的事But none of it feels right to me.但这一切感觉都不对I feel like I need to be letting you go.我觉得我应该放你走So why don't you, Ray?为什么不放手呢 小蕾My mother is a drug addict.我妈是个瘾君子I need you. There was a time when I needed you, to

4、o.我需要你 是啊 想当年我多么需要你I'm your mama!我可是你亲妈Your girlfriend's got it.你女朋友很有天分I think she feels like you might, you know, leave her.我觉得她怕你可能会离开她What is going on with getting Deacon Claybourne on my tour?不是说让迪康·克莱伯尼跟我去巡演的吗I want him.我需要他You deserve someone you can count on.你该找个能靠得住的人I'm no

5、t that guy.我不是那个靠得住的人Oh, look.快看It's Juliette Barnes.那是茱莉亚·巴尼斯Do you know how much I have missed this?你知道我有多怀念这一幕A lot?朝思暮想吗Yeah.是啊A lot.朝思暮想What?干嘛Rayna.蕾娜Hey, sleepyhead.贪睡虫You planning on getting up today?你今天打算起床吗Yeah.这就起I'll see you downstairs.我在楼下等你Take your time. Thanks, babe.不急 谢

6、了 宝贝Everybody knows what's going down大家都知道怎么回事Miss Barnes!巴尼斯小姐Miss Barnes!巴尼斯小姐Yes?什么事Lord, what'd my mama do now?天啊 这次我妈又犯了什么事Look, if you want her, just-you can take her.要是你们要把她带走 请便吧She's all yours.她交给你们了We actually came for you.我们其实是来找你的What the hell is this?到底有什么事Shoplifting is a c

7、lass "A" Misdemeanor.入店行窃是A级轻罪I'm sure by now you've seen the video.我想你现在已经看到视频了吧About 4 million people have.有四百万人已经看过了Seriously?开什么玩笑Get a real job.找点正事做吧Oh, god, I've done it now天啊 这事我已经做了Will you tell me what's really happening你能不能告诉我with the polls with Teddy?泰迪的投票结果如何He

8、's always so upbeat with me.他对我总是报喜不报忧He's down 12 points.他落后12个百分点No. Are you serious?不是吧 你说真的Rayna, he is practically on life support.蕾娜 他现在命悬一线Hey, girls, ten minutes.姑娘们 让我们单独聊十分钟I don't think she can hear you.我觉得她听不见No, she heard you.不 她能听见你说的It's called selective listening.这就是选

9、择性收听I was texting Virginia about my homework.我在给维吉尼亚发短♥信♥问作业的事呢See, I told you she could hear me.瞧 我说了她能听见Aunt Tandy, daddy's gonna win, right?坦蒂阿姨 爸爸会赢的 对吗Absolutely.绝对的He has a fund-raiser this weekend.他这周有个筹款会Really? I could sing.真的吗 我可以去献唱You sing? Yes, I sing.你去献唱 对啊 我

10、去You should sing. I could sing. Would that help?你该去 我可以去 会有帮助吗Well, Teddy wouldn't say so, 要是泰迪肯定不会这么说 but, yes, that would help.但是没错 一定会有帮助的Easy. Done. Just tell me where and when.就这么定了 告诉我时间地点It's at the country club.就在乡村俱乐部No. Mom.不是吧 妈妈Mom, there's this video online.妈妈 网上放出一段视频You

11、9;re not gonna believe it.你肯定不会相信的It's about Juliette Barnes.是关于茱莉亚·巴尼斯的4 million views. Not bad.四百万观看 真不赖Yes, she's seen it, because everybody's seen it.对 她看过了 因为全天下都看过了Baby, you got any more cereal?宝贝 你还有麦片吗All right, well, just come to the house when you land, okay?好的 你一落地就来家里好吗A

12、t least something made without raisins.有什么是不加葡萄干的You know I hate raisins.你知道我讨厌葡萄干All right, Makena's on her way to J.F.K.好了 马卡纳正赶去纽约肯尼迪机场Makena? Yeah.马卡纳吗 是啊Why? Doesn't she have 干嘛 她不是还有Kristen Stewart to worry about?克里斯汀·斯图尔特的烂摊子要收拾吗When you're at the center of a publicity nightm

13、are,你现在是舆♥论♥的众矢之的you generally need your publicist.你急需公♥关♥帮你应对You're kidding me, baby. You got no milk.开什么玩笑 宝贝 你家没牛奶I cannot believe she has to stay here.我真不敢相信她必须待在这儿After everything that's transpired in the last 48 hours,在过去48小时内爆出的这些事中that'

14、s what you can't believe?让你难以置信的是这件事You know what, Glenn? You need to relax.知道吗 格伦 你要放松点As Makena would say, any publicity is good publicity.马卡纳一定会说 爆料都是宣传的好机会Yeah, well, I don't think she'd say that.是么 我觉得她可不会这么说At least I look good.至少我看起来还是美的Hey. How was your day?今天过得如何It was long.太漫长了

15、They make you show up at 6:00.让我们6点集♥合♥Turns out there's some noise ordinance.结果因为什么烦人的规定Couldn't even start till 8:00.8点才能开始Oh. How about you?你呢Uneventful. Yeah?就那样 是吗Waiting on news that's never coming等着一通永远不会响的电♥话♥from a phone that's nev

16、er ringing.期待永远不会成真的消息Well, look, just the fact听着 就凭你that you got to record a demo with Watty White-跟维蒂·怀特录制了小样这一事实I mean, people would kill for that opportunity.我是说 这样的机会就能让多少人羡慕不已I know. I know.我知道 我知道All you can control is what you put out there,你能做的就是把歌♥写好唱好not whether some publi

17、sher will be interested.不用管有没有发行商会感兴趣Yeah, well, I just wish they'd tell me no是啊 我只是希望他们能亲口拒绝我so I could put it out of my mind.这样我就再也不用惦记这事了Well. if you really wanna put it out of your mind.如果你真的想把这事抛在脑后Anyone home? Gunnar.有人在家吗 是加纳Seriously?搞什么Uh.sorry to just show up like this, but I thought抱歉

18、突然来访 只是我觉得you'd wanna know as soon as I'd heard.你应该也想马上知道What?什么We got the deal.我们成功签约了Are you serious? No.真的吗 不No? He's messing with you.不是真的 他逗你呢I'm messing with you. We got the deal!我逗你玩呢 我们签约了Don't you mess with me!别吓我啊Oh, I'm so excited! We got a deal!我好激动 我们签成了Oh, my go

19、d. I can't believe it.天哪 真是难以置信Dreaming about me梦到我So I heard a rumor today that you're gonna be今天我听到了个传言doing a set for me at the country club.说你要在乡间俱乐部为我演出Well, I hope it's more than a rumor.我希望这不只是传言And I hope they're putting out a press release.我希望他们能发篇新闻稿That's why I'm d

20、oing it. They did.我就是为了宣传才答应的 已经发了And thanks.谢谢你I really mean it.我是认真的Babe, you know you can tell me if things aren't going well.宝贝 事情不顺利时你可以跟我说Things are going fine.没什么不顺利的All right, well.这样啊.12 points down doesn't exactly sound fine.支持率下降12个点可不算顺利Hon, who-who told you that?亲爱的 谁.谁告诉你的My si

21、ster. The mouth of the south.我妹妹 南部小喇叭Right.我说呢She's also the one who told me about this fund-raiser.筹款的事也是她告诉我的Okay. That's internal polling that she's talking about,她指的只是内部投票and there is a huge margin of error.而且这样算误差很大All right, but if you're not telling me anything,好吧 但如果你什么都不跟我说

22、then she's the only one I've got to listen to.我就只能听到她的说法Coming home and telling you难道我每天回家后都要跟你说about everything that's going wrong,哪些事情出了问题吗the-the-the country club, your dad being involved-乡村俱乐部啦 你父亲参与其中啦Honey, I'm just trying to spare you.宝贝 我只想让你省点心Well, I appreciate that.谢谢你And,

23、 you know, I was gonna talk to you其实我正要跟你说about this whole country club venue.在乡村俱乐部筹款的事Maybe we can think about changing it.也许我们可以换个地方I mean, I can sing anywhere, hon.我是说 我在哪里都可以唱歌♥I can sing at the airport.我可以在机场里唱Mars.火星上Hell. There you go.地狱里 少来这套Connecticut.或去康涅狄格A disturbing subject

24、 for a lot of parents-这个一个困扰着众多家长的主题Yes, we know. Of course.是的 我们知道 当然No doubt you've all seen or heard about您一定已经看到或听说了We called Makena.我们给马卡纳打过电♥话♥Country star Juliette Barnes' shoplifting incident.乡村新星茱莉亚·巴尼斯的盗窃事件Tomorrow, I guess. Baby, lookit here.明天吧 应该是 宝贝 你

25、看看There's at least 20 different kinds of nail polish in here,你这至少有20种不同的指甲油all different colors.颜色都不一样Now why on earth do you go and steal 'em既然你这什么都有when you have all these here?到底为什么还要去偷Why don't you just mind your own business?你管好自己的事不行吗Can't you do something with her,你就不能想想办法摆脱她吗

26、like send her back to Birmingham?比如送回伯明翰什么的That's for the judge to decide at her hearing.这要由她的听证会法官决定I can't do anything.我没办法What, in seven weeks?什么 那还要七周呢Can't you do something? Pull some strings?你不能做点什么吗 走走后门Tell them who I am.告诉他们我是谁Doubt that'll do much good right now.那样估计不会有什么帮助

27、的I can't be around her for another second.我连一秒都不想跟她多待了There she is! I see her! The thief!她来了 我看见她了 那个贼You've been stealing!你个小偷You've gotta be kidding me.不是吧Stay down. Just stay down.趴下 趴下就好I think we should turn around.我觉得我们应该回去This is a nightmare.真是场噩梦She's here!她来了Thank god. Maken

28、a.谢天谢地 马卡纳How was your flight?旅途顺利吗It was torture. No internet.太可怕了 没有网络I landed to 75 e-mails. How's everyone here?我落地时有75封新邮件 大家好吗Oh, hi, to you, too.你也早上好So I drafted out a release on the plane.我在飞机上起草了个新闻稿We need to get the statement out immediately.我们得立即发出去No. No release.不 不发新闻稿Can I have a

29、 moment, please?能让我静静吗I'm trying to get in touch with my center.我正在寻找我的中心We need to issue a statement.我们需要发表一个声明Says who?谁说的Says your fans who bought tickets to your concert.掏钱买♥♥你演唱会门票的粉丝们说的They at least need some sort of explanation.至少你该给他们个解释Now we need to get ahead of t

30、his thing,我们得处理掉这件事or else the fallout could be huge,否则后果将会很严重so I have scheduled an interview with "G.M.A."所以我安排了个"GMA"的采访"Good morning America"?“早安美国”吗Isn't there any other news?没有别的新闻台了吗Isn't there an election going on or something?他们不是在报道选举还是什么呢吗No, no.不 不I

31、am not letting any negative energy in.我要抵御一切消极能量No interview, no statement.不接受采访 不发表声明I have a tour to prepare for,我还有个巡演要准备and that's exactly what I'm gonna do.这才是我要做的Namaste.合十礼Hey, Deacon. Bucky.喂 迪康 我是巴奇Hey, Bucky, what's up?巴奇 什么事Uh, I wanna see if you're free Friday night.我想问问你

32、周五晚上有空没Sure. For what?有空 什么事Uh, Rayna's doing a gig.蕾娜有个演奏会What are we doing? What are we playing?我们要干什么 演奏吗Country Club. It's a fund-raiser for Teddy.在乡村俱乐部 为了给泰迪筹款H-have you talked to Rayna?你跟蕾娜说了吗'Cause I'm supporting Coleman.因为我支持的是科尔曼Well, look, Deacon, I mean,迪康 你看啊you know, po

33、litical affiliations aside,抛开政♥治♥因素不说she needs a guitar player, so, um, I don't know. You good?她需要一个吉他手 所以. 行吗Yeah. All right. I'll be there.好吧 我会去的Hard to say "No" to that family.那家人就是让人没法拒绝You finally did.可你还是做到了They made it easy for me.他们做的事帮我下了决心You wanna

34、talk about it?想谈谈这事吗You're not my therapist, Coleman.你又不是我的心理医生You're my sponsor.你只是我的赞助人The same thing.都一样And this is my office.这就是我的办公室That is what we call the wall of fame-那是我们的名人墙People who started out with publishing deals,那些与以作词作曲出道的艺人Just like y'all, hoping for that famous singer就

35、像你们一样 希望有名的歌♥手to cut one of their songs.能够选中他们的歌♥Come on. Let's keep going.来 我们往里边走Uh, down the hall we've got the writers' rooms.楼下大厅有词曲工作室We'll show you in a minute.一会儿带你们去参观Out back there's a patio. Feel free to use it后院有一块露天天台 你们休息whenever you're jus

36、t restin' and not workin',或者不工作的时候都可以随意使用And in here is the kitchen that is available to you 24/7,这里是厨房♥ 全天24小时可用and it is fully stocked.食物储备充足You mind? No. Go ahead.我能吃点东西吗 当然Come on. I'll show you the writers' rooms.来吧 我带你们去看看词曲工作室They're down this way.这边下楼梯That'

37、s mine.那是我的Uh. sorry. Jeanne said I could.不好意思 简妮说可以随便拿Should've put my name on it. Hailey.我就该把名字写上 我叫海莉Gunnar. I'm new here.我叫加纳 我是新来的I know. I'm Jeanne's assistant.我知道 我是简妮的助理I-I heard your demo- "Fade into you."我听过你的小样 "隐于你身后"Literally, I-I cannot stop playing

38、that in my car.在车子里播放的时候 我简直停不下来Hey, we lost you.我们都找不到你了Sorry. I was just meeting Hailey.抱歉 我刚和海莉说话来着Hailey, this is Scarlett, my partner. 海莉 这位是斯嘉丽 我的搭档My-my w-writing partner.我的创作搭档Nice to meet you.很高兴认识你Um, Jeanne wants to take us to dinner tonight.简妮想今晚带我们去吃晚饭We take all the new writers out to

39、celebrate.我们会带所有新写手出去庆祝一番的How many, um, should I make for the reservation?你们有多少人要来You can invite whoever you want-your boyfriend,你们可以邀请任何人 男朋友or your girlfriend or. whatever floats your boat.或者女朋友 想带谁来带谁来I should bring my boyfriend if that's all right.如果可以的话 我想带我男朋友Yeah. My boat's just me.没问

40、题 我就我一个人At the moment. It's a. kayak.在此刻 我就是个王老五We'll see you later tonight. Come on.我们晚上见 走咯Have a good first day, and, uh,祝第一天顺利keep your mitts off my yogurt.把我的酸奶还给我We're bringing in everything,我们应有尽有so if it's up to you whether you use the full band or no.所以这取决于你是否需要一整个乐队Yeah. Ye

41、ah?必须的 确定吗You know. if the guys are willing to do it,如果那些人真心想看let's give these people a show.我们就秀给他们看Sure.没问题Oh, you know what? We'll probably have to get不过 我们可能需要somebody else for lead guitar, though.再找一个主音吉他手There's no way Deacon's gonna wanna do this thing.迪康绝不会来的Uh, well, I assum

42、ed we would be using Deacon.假设迪康可以当主吉他手Unh-unh. He hates all this kind of thing-他一向不喜欢这类活动Country club, daddy's gonna be there.乡村俱乐部 我爸爸也会去No, no. I mean, shoot, I don't even wanna do this,得了吧 说真的 我都不想做这事So there's no way he's gonna wanna do it.更别说他了Well, I-I talked to him about it,我

43、之前找他聊过了And he didn't have a problem with it. You did?他说他没问题 真的吗Yeah. I mean, if you want me to call him back对啊 如果你改主意了and tell him you changed your mind, I can-想再联♥系♥一下他 我可以.No. No, no, no. He said that?不不不 他怎么说的He said it wouldn't be an issue.他说不成问题All right.好吧If he ca

44、n deal with it, I can deal with it.如果他都能扛住 我一定也没问题Katia was thinking this would be perfect for "Tumbleweed."凯迪亚觉得这是"风滚草"风格的完美诠释Really? Well, I look like a hillbilly.是吗 我看起来就像个乡巴佬Yeah. You kinda do.还真挺像的According to the notes,根据调查报告It's straight off the runways in paris.这种风格紧跟

45、巴黎时尚潮流Okay, well, here are my notes. This does not look sexy.我的报告里写着 这看起来一点也不性感This looks poor. I kinda like it.看起来穷兮兮的 我还挺喜欢的Well, you would.和你挺搭的Maybe next year.也许明年吧Glenn?格伦You cannot be serious about this outfit.让我穿成这样 你是开玩笑的吧What?怎么了I just got off the phone我刚接到美国乡村音乐奖with the executive producer

46、 of the C.M.A.S.执行制片的电♥话♥You're welcome to attend,你可以参加活动But they're removing you from their list of presenters.但他们把你从主持人名单里剔除了What?什么You know, this isn't the first call I've gotten.这不是我接到的第一个电♥话♥了You're the butt of every joke on the la

47、te-night circuit.你是深夜节目的嘲讽对象"S.N.L." is doing an opening sketch,"周六夜现场"为此做了一个开场短剧for crying out loud.这都在搞什么名堂You know, I know you don't wanna hear this,我知道你不想听到这些but as quickly as you came up in this business,你在演艺圈红得越快That's how fast you can disappear.被人遗忘的也就越快People like

48、 Martina McBride, Rayna James-大众喜欢马蒂娜·迈克布莱德 蕾娜·詹姆斯Their longevity wasn't a given. 他们的演艺事业不是天上掉馅饼 They had to earn it.他们是努力打拼来的And as good as you are,你这么优秀You haven't earned it yet.可惜你还没有打拼成功He's right.他说的没错This is a make-or-break moment.现在就是成者王败者寇You have got one shot to set th

49、e record straight,挽回你的歌♥唱事业在此一举To be the person the world thinks you are.做一个众望所归的你You wanna keep living this life?你想继续现在的生活吗I suggest you take it.我建议你照做Schedule the "G.M.A." Interview.和"早安美国"预约访谈吧I'll do it.我去就是了So I packed up my car in Austin,我从奥斯丁整装后Drove to Nash

50、ville,开车来到纳什维尔And started knocking on people's doors开始挨家挨户的敲门till somebody hired me.直到有人肯雇用我I was lucky enough to land at the Bluebird.我能入驻蓝鸟咖啡馆真的很幸运That was almost three years ago.一晃差不多三年了And you? How about you?你呢 你的经历呢How'd you get out here? How'd you start writing?你是怎么来到这里的 怎么开始写歌&

51、;hearts;的Oh, actually, I came out here 'cause when I first met Avery,其实我能来到这里是因为我遇见了艾弗里It's where he wanted to be, always.总是他想去哪 我就去哪The writing thing was kind of an accident.开始写歌♥是一个机缘巧合When I was little, my mama taught me that小时候 我妈妈教我Song lyrics were just poems put to music.歌&a

52、mp;hearts;词就是把诗篇融入音乐中And she used to get the little CD jackets她曾经有些CD唱片with the lyrics printed on the inside里面有印着歌♥词So I'd know what I was singing along to.好让我知道在唱着些什么And soon as I could write,从我会写字开始I started trying to write my own poems and stories.我开始尝试着写诗和写作And you love it?你喜欢吗Yea

53、h, I. I do.还不错It's just always amazed me,常常令我惊讶的是When you're trying to create an image,当你想创造一幅画面The difference that a word makes.一个用词的不同 就能带来天翻地覆的变化A-and the more specific you get with that image,当你越想描绘出画面的细节The more universal it becomes.整个宇宙都能慢慢展现在眼前I-if you know what I mean.你们听懂了吗I don'

54、;t want to go on and on, though.我不想再喋喋不休下去了Um, obviously, I'm just starting out.很显然 我才刚起步而已And you're better than a lot of people但你显然要胜过who have been out here doing it for a lot longer than you have.这个行业里的很多老人Thank you.谢谢Oh, and her uncle is Deacon Claybourne.他叔叔是迪康·克莱伯尼Well, that expla

55、ins a lot. Quite a pedigree.原来如此啊 真是音乐之家Actually, a lot of what I learned is from Avery.其实 我都是跟艾弗里学的He's an incredible songwriter.他是个优秀的创作者Come on, Scarlett. It's true. You are.别这样斯嘉丽 你本来就是Stop it. No, they have a band.别说了 他们有个乐队They play at the 5 spot all the time.一直在5点俱乐部演出And they're

56、really amazing.他们真的很棒That's enough, really.够了 别说了No, 5 spot's great. Good for you.不会 5点俱乐部挺好的 你很棒Yeah, well, I love playing there.是啊 我喜欢在那儿表演or anywhere, really.或者其他地方 也好So where are you from, Hailey?你又是来自哪儿呢 海莉Colorado, weirdly.科罗拉多 奇怪吧Why weirdly?为什么奇怪We're still missing a few host com

57、mittee folks,还差几位主办委员会的成员But we'll go ahead and get started.不过我们会直接开始的Rayna, we are just absolutely thrilled蕾娜 我们真的很高兴that you're doing this.你能来表演It's gonna be like old home week for you.你会感觉像是和老友团聚The tickets just flew out the door大家一听说你要唱歌♥once everyone found out you'd be singing.票很快就销♥售♥一空Well, I'm thrilled to be here,


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