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1、Unit 1 Can you PIay the guitar?本单元知识点讲解:重点短语:Play the guitar 弹吉他PIay the pia 弹钢琴SPeak EngliSh 说英语 makefriends 交朋友help Sb With Sth帮助某人做某事talk to.跟说Play the drums 敲鼓be good With和相处得很好。Orl the weekend 在周末music teacher Wanted 招聘音乐老师 1 .play的用法Play表示“玩(球类)”时,名词前不加任何冠词。PIay basketball Play SOCCerPlay表示“演奏

2、 弹奏(乐器)”时,表示乐器的名词前需带定冠词the.PIay the PianO 弹钢琴PIay the guitar 弹吉他练习:1. Doyou like PIaytennis?A.a B.the Can D.the2. -DO you Often PIaySOCCer With your friends?-No,I Often PlayPianO in my free time.Aa/the B.the;/ C./;the D.the ;a3join的用法: 加入某一组织,并成为其中的一员。DOyOU Iike IDjOintheEngliSh club?你愿意加入英语俱乐部吗? jo

3、in sb“加入某些人中,和某人共同做某事”COmeandjOin us.来加入到我们中吧。join Sb in Sth加入到某人的活动中。She IikeS tojoin US in the game 她喜欢加入到我们的游戏中。练习:1.Tbm likesftball.Hewantstheclub.汤姆喜欢足球,他要参加足球俱乐部。2. LOOk .They are dancing. Lefs(让我们和他们一块吧) 4help名词或动词“帮助,帮忙”helpSbWithSth(在某方面帮助某人)With后接名词或代词。 Can you help me With my English?help

4、Sb(to) do Sth帮助某人做某事,在该句中to可以省略。PIeaSe help US StUdy EngIiSh 请帮助我学习英语。CanyOU help US find him.你能帮助我们找到他吗?练习:1 .Xiao Li Often _his mother_housework.Ahelps ;to B.help;toCheIPSM/ithD.help;With2. He Often helps his mother do the housework,(改为 同义句)He Oftenhis motherthe housework.5. be good With和.相处得好。Are

5、 you good With children?你和孩子们相处得好吗?My teacher is good With us.我的老师和我们相处得很好。练习: My friend is goodme.A. for B.with C.at D.on拓展:英语中有很多类似be good With的短语be good for.Xt.有好处的 be good at (doing) Sth 擅长做某事。be bad for对有害的6. speak En glish 说英语(DSPeak+语言“说某种语言”SPeakChineSe/English.说汉语/英语拓展:Saytalk和tell的辨析 Say意为

6、“说.J,后面接说的内容,也WtodOf表示对某人说”HeSaySSOrTytome. talk “交谈,谈话”一般做不及物动词。IaIkwithAosb “与某人交谈”talk about Sth “谈论某事”They Often talk about the game 他们经常谈论比赛。tell U讲述,告诉”侧重中传达DOn,tell him the news.别把这个消息告诉他。MyfatherOften tell me a StOry.我爸爸经常给我讲故事。7. call Sbat拨打某个电话号码找某人。at后常接电话号码。其中Call是动词。意为“打电话”。 延伸:CaIl做名词时

7、,常用短语:give sb a call给某人打电话。PIeaSe CaIl Zharl Heng at 622-6033.8. show 做动词,意为“给看,展示,出示”ShoW Sb Sth “把某物给某人看”Can you ShOW me your new schlbag?我可以看看你的新书包吗? 用作名词,意为“表演,展览”a schl ShOW学校演出。a car ShOW汽车展览会 a flower ShOW花卉展览9. a IittIe有一点,稍微 a IittIe 一点(不多),表示数量,与some, mucha lot of (许多)相对,修饰不可数名词。There is a

8、 Iittle milk in the glass.#子里有些水。 它相当于一个程度副词,与very,very much相对,修饰形容词,副词或动词。SWimming is a IittIe interesting.有用有点有趣。10. Can you PIay the PianO OrtheViolin?你会弹钢琴还是会拉小提琴?该句是一个选择疑问句。选择疑问句就是用Or连接的可供选择的疑问句。注意:选择疑问句回答时不能用yes或No,回答。IS this Perl yours Or hers?-IrS hers.Can you PIay the pia or the violin?-The

9、 Piano.11 .Can you PaIy the guitar?你会弹吉他吗?这是一个由情态动词Can开头的一般疑问句,用来询问对方是否能做某事。Can是情态动词,和其他动词一起构成谓语,没有人称和数的变化,后接V原。其肯定回答用YeS ZI Carl.否定回答用。NoJcarYt.My father Can Play football.My fether Can,t PIay football.Carl your father PIay football?YeSZhe Can /No,he can,t课堂练习:一.单选题1 一 CanyoU?-YesJ am in te art CIU

10、b now.A.swim B.paint Cdance D.sing2-Can you Play the guitar?-YeSZbUt I Can,t PIay it VeryAbaclB.badlyCgOOdD.well3. -Can you SPeak En glish ?-YeSZbUt Only.Amany B.a IittIe CSOme D.much4. -Do you Iike your EngIiSh teacher?-fes.She is goodus.A.for B.on C.with D.at 5 .Are you a StLIdenta teacher?-I am a

11、 StUdentA.or B.and CbUt D.so6. -Ca n you _me With my En glish?-OK.Alearn B,speak Cleach D.help7. Make Can PIaypiano.He CanjOin te music club.A.a B the C/ D.an8. Do you Often PIay _SOCCer With your friends?A.a B.theC.an D./9. Lucy Oftenher motherthe housework.Ahelpsg B.help;toC.helps;WithD.help;With1

12、0. I try On (试穿)those shoes?.They arejust Orl show.A.Can;YeSyoU CanB.Can;SOrryyOU don,tC. Can; Sonyyou Can,tD. Can; YeSZyOU COUlCI.句型转换:1 .Do you Iike apples? DO you Iike bananas?段为选择疑问句) DO youapplesbanan as?ZMary Can play the violin.(变为一般疑问句)PlaytheViolin?3. We need SOme help.(变为否定句)Wen eedhelp.4.

13、 The b(巧 Can Sing English SOngS.(为否定句)The boyEnglish songs.5. Can LUCy SWim?(作肯定回答)Yes7.课后作业:一.单选题1 .There is Onlymilk in the glass.Can you go to the StOre to buy SOme for me ?Ajittle B.a IittIe Cmany D.a few2. do you Iike comedies?BeCaUSe they are interesting?AWhen B.Where C.Why D.What3. What Can y

14、ou do ?-I CanA.play the guitar B.play ViOIin CPIay the football D.play a guitar4. Why CIOeSn,t Tomthe conversation?AjOin B.take Part CjOin in DjOin to5. -Katezcan you CIanCe the disco?-YeSllA.may B. Can CmUSt D.do6. -Who isman in a black hat?-ItSJim BrOWnWe Often PIaybasketball together in OUrfree t

15、ime.A.an;a B.a;/ C.the; a D.the;/7. May I Park my Car here,sir?.You may Park it OVerthere.A.Yes, you mayB. Yes, you Can CNOZyOU needn,t D.No, you mustn,t8. HeIIOZmay I SPeak to Sandy?A. Yeszm ROSeB. I CaIl back againC. Yesz I Can,t hear youD. .This is San dy SPeaki ng.9, Are you a StUdent Or a teach

16、er?A.Yes, I am. B.No,I Cmnot C. m a StUdent D.She is a teacher10. How is your schl trip?-GreatJ Canyou the photos.A make B.find C,show D. buy11 .Can your friend,Tdny,the Piano ?-YeS.He IikeSit Very much.A.B.play;PlaySB.play;PIayingC.plays;PIaySD.plays;PIayi ng12.Carl I help you ?IWanttobUyabk.A.B. N

17、o,tha nksB.Tha nks a IOt C.Yes,please D.You, na/elcome二.完形填空:Jennifer is Very well-known at SChOOIAImOSt everyone 1hebecause SheiSa VerSatile(多才多艺)girl .She Can 2 all kinds Of musical instrments(乐器)。Like the 3 Zthe ViOlin 4the ClnJmSSO She Often PIayS in the evening PartieS at SChOOLShe Can also dance _5_ .Many girls Want to Iearrl dandng fromJerlnifer doesherSPOrtS WeILJShe is a good runner and She Can PIay 7 WelLShe also IikeS drawing _8.She is also a good StUdent at SChOOLHer EngIiSh is Very Very g the English SPeeeh 9_Jennifer is SUCh a good girl that we all IOherIASeeB,showsCknowsD.f


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