1、通导设备、助航设备试验(航行)(Communications equipment and navigation-aids equipment test on sailing) 电11、 航行灯、信号灯两路电源相互转换及通电效用正常。(The power shifting between navigation lights circus and signal lights circus is eligibly, and the electrifying performance is normally.)2、 白昼信号灯的配备、安装及效用正常。 (The fittings, installatio
2、n and function of day-night signal lights are normally.)3、 磁罗经照灯指示及系统效用正常。 (The function of system and indication of magnetic compass light is normally.)4、 测深仪测深及零位准确、信号清晰。 (Echo-sounders operation and its zone position are accurately, and signal is clearly.)5、 计程仪效用正常。 (The function of speed log is
3、 normally.)6、 两台雷达艏标志线正确,旋转按钮效果好,图象清晰。电源绝缘100M。(The marking line of two radars is accurately, and the function of revolving button is perfectly with clear images. The insulated resistance is 100 M.)7、 对内对外广播(喊话)、声力电话、雾笛、警铃效用正常,声音宏亮。(Native addresser and foreign addresser running normally, the functi
4、on of the sound-power telephone, fog horn and alarm bell is normally with sonorous sound.)8、 电台:天调、天线及主机安装符合要求,天线绝缘50 M,效用正常。(Radio station: the installation of adjuster, antenna and main device comply with the request, the antenna insulated resistance is 50 M, all of them work perfectly.)9、 卫通C站、GP
5、S、航行警告机、气象传真机、气象仪等效用正常。(The function of INMARSAT C Ship Earth Station, GPS, NAVTEX receiver,Weather facsimile receiver and weather device is normally.)10、 甚高频各功能键工作可靠,语音清晰。 (The function-key of VHF Radio Telephone works reliably with clear sound)11、 主桅各设有一根避雷针,材料为20mm的紫铜棒。 (One lightning rod to be s
6、eparately set on the main mast, which material is purple copper rod with 20 millimeter diameter.)验船师:(Surveyor)船东代表:(Ship-owner deputy)检验员:(Checker)重庆长航东风船舶工业公司(Chongqing DongFeng shipbuilding corporation)质量计量处(Quality measure department)年月日(Date: )电缆托架、电缆敷设(Cable bracket and cable installation)电21、
7、 电缆托架符合工艺图纸要求。(Cable bracket shall be in accordance with workmanship drawing requirements)2、 托架安装牢固,相邻距离符合规范要求。(Bracket installed tightly, adjacent distance shall be in accordance with the rules requirements.)3、 托架走向平直,转角弯度处理正确。(Bracket tended towards flat, the bending degree of slewing angle treate
8、d correctly.)4、 水密和防火分隔的电缆贯通件焊接可靠。(Watertight and fire-proof divided cable connecter welded reliably.)5、 电缆符合设计要求。(Cable shall be in accordance with design requirements.)6、 电缆敷设平直,排列整齐包扎符合工艺。(Cable installed flat, and arranged orderly, lagging suit to workmanship.)7、 电缆穿过水密及防火分隔的舱壁和甲板所用填料符合要求。(The s
9、tuffing used by deck and bulkhead separated by waterproof or fireproof and penetrated by cable shall be in accordance with requirements.)8、 艏部的电缆通过左弦空舱,电缆敷设符合工艺要求。(Fore cable penetrates port void tanks, cable installation shall be in accordance with workmanship requirements.)验船师:(Surveyor)船东代表:(Ship
10、-owner deputy)检验员:(Checker)重庆东风船舶工业公司(Chongqing DongFeng shipbuilding corporation)质量计量处(Quality measure department)年月日(Date: )燃油-废气组合锅炉试验记录(Testing record of fuel oil and exhaust group boiler)电3名 称(Name)起动A(Start A)运行A(Operation A)电动机绝缘M(Insulated resistance of motor)控制箱绝缘M(Insulated resistance of c
11、ontrol box)1#水泵(Water pump )2#水泵(Water pump )1#油泵 (Oil pump )2#油泵(Oil pump )手动: 给水泵二台和输油泵二台分别在炉旁和机旁操作正常;燃烧系统工作正常;蒸汽压力0.72MPa自动排汽,0.74MPa报警并停止燃烧。(Manual management: two feeding-water pumps and two feeding-oil pumps operated normally on the side of furnace and engine. Combustion system works well, exh
12、austing automatically when the steam pressure rise to 0.72MPa, stopping burning and alarming when the steam pressure rise to 0.74MPa.)自动:(Automatic management)1. 蒸汽压力MPa及以下点火并小火转大火; MPa大火转小火; MPa停止燃烧。 (Litter flame to be changed into conflagration when the steam pressure is not higher than _MPa, and
13、 conflagration to be changed into litter flame when the pressure reach to _ MPa, burning to be stopped when the pressure reach to _ MPa.)2. 前扫汽 S,后扫汽 S。(Pre-scavenging _ second and aftscavenging _ second.)3. 水泵自动、高低水位报警、过低水位自动停止燃烧功能正常。(Water pump to be alarmed automatically when the water level reac
14、h to higher or lower position, and automatically stopped burning when water level reach to low-low position, those function are normally.)4. 燃油输送泵切换、故障报警、故障停止燃烧功能正常。 (The function of oil feeding pump switching, failure alarming and stopping burning because of failure is normally.)5. 火焰故障、绞链未合等报警、停止燃
15、烧功能正常。(The function of flame failure alarming, hinge unclosed alarming and stopping combustion is normally.)6. 监测报警台延伸报警正常。(The function of Extension alarm of monitor alarming console is normally.)验船师:(Surveyor)船东代表:(Ship-owner deputy)检验员:(Checker)重庆东风船舶工业公司(Chongqing DongFeng shipbuilding corporati
16、on)质量计量处(Quality measure department)年月日(Date: )冰机试验记录(Testing record of refrigerating plant)电4名 称(Name)起动I(Start I)运行I(Operation I)电动机绝缘M(Insulated resistance of motor)控制箱绝缘M(Insulated resistance of control box)1#压缩机(Compressor I)2#压缩机(Compressor )1#风机(Ventilation fan I)2#风机(Ventilation fan )3#风机(Ve
17、ntilation fan )4#风机(Ventilation fan )冰机控制箱指示、仪表正确,手动、自动操作可靠。(The indication and gauges of refrigerating plant control box are correctly, manual management and automatic management are reliably.)鱼库、肉库超温报警效用正常;压缩机压力大于1.8MPa报警并停机;监测报警台延伸报警正常。(The alarming function of fish room and meat room beyond the
18、rated temperature, compressor will alarm and stop when the pressure exceeds 1.8MPa, and the function of Extension alarm of monitor alarming console is normally)验船师:(Surveyor)船东代表:(Ship-owner deputy)检验员:(Checker)重庆东风船舶工业公司(Chongqing DongFeng shipbuilding corporation)质量计量处(Quality measure department)年
19、月日(Date: )空调系统试验记录(Testing record of air condition system) 电5名 称(Name)起动A(Start A)运行A(Operation A)电动机绝缘M(Insulated resistance of motor)控制箱绝缘M(Insulated resistance of control box)压缩机(Compressor)风机(Ventilation fan)空调控制箱指示、仪表正确;各开关转换可靠;手动、自动操作可靠。(The indication and gauges of air condition control box a
20、re correctly, every switch-shift is reliably, manual management and automatic management are reliably.)压缩机压力大于MPa报警、小于MPa报警,油压差小于 MPa报警。(Compressor will alarm when the pressure exceeds _ MPa or lower than _ MPa or the oil differential-pressure lower than _ differential-pressure.)验船师:(Surveyor)船东代表:(
21、Ship-owner deputy)检验员:(Checker)重庆东风船舶工业公司(Chongqing DongFeng shipbuilding corporation)质量计量处(Quality measure department)年月日(Date: )生活污水处理装置试验记录(Testing record of sewage treatment plant) 电6名 称(Name)起动I(Start I)运行I(Operation I)电动机绝缘M(Insulated resistance of motor)控制箱绝缘M(Insulated resistance of control
22、box)粉碎泵(Smashing pump)流程泵(Flow pump)反送泵(Returning pump)排放泵(Discharging pump)控制箱指示正确;(The indication of control box is correctly.)各开关转换可靠。(Shifting of every switch is reliably.)验船师:(Surveyor)船东代表:(Ship-owner deputy)检验员:(Checker)重庆东风船舶工业公司(Chongqing DongFeng shipbuilding corporation)质量计量处(Quality meas
23、ure department)年月日(Date: )机舱水雾系统试验记录(Testing record of mist water spray system in engine room) 电7名 称(Name)起动A(Start A)运行A(Operation A)电动机绝缘M(Insulated resistance of motor)控制箱绝缘M(Insulated resistance of control box)水雾泵(Mist water spray pump)控制箱的指示、仪表正确;各开关转换可靠;手动、自动操作可靠。(The indication and gauges of
24、control box are correctly, every switch-shift is reliably, manual management and automatic management are reliably.)集控台上火灾报警装置:220V和24V供电正常;主机、三台发电机、锅炉、分油机、焚烧炉的手动喷淋可靠;以上各处自动喷淋效用正常。(Fire alarm device installed on control console: power supply is normally with 220V or 24V; the manual water-spray and t
25、he automatic water-spray of main engine, three generators, boiler, purifier and incinerator work reliably.)机旁和驾驶台复示器显示正常(Indication of repeater on the side of main engine and bridge is normally.)验船师:(Surveyor)船东代表:(Ship-owner deputy)检验员:(Checker)重庆东风船舶工业公司(Chongqing DongFeng shipbuilding corporation
26、)质量计量处(Quality measure department)年月日(Date: )机舱油水分离器试验记录(Testing record of oily water separator in engine room) 电8名 称(Name)起动A(Start A)运行A(Operation A)电动机绝缘M(Insulated resistance of motor)控制箱绝缘M(Insulated resistance of control box)水泵(Water pump)油污水分离器控制箱的指示正确;手动操作可靠。(The indication and gauges of con
27、trol box of oily water separator are correctly, manual management and automatic management are reliably.)自动分离效用:自动打水、分离、油分浓度检测、油分浓度大于15PPm停止排水并报警、小于15PPm自动排水等功能效用正常。(The automatically separating function is normally, including automatic suction, separating, monitoring oil content, stopping discharge
28、 and alarming when the oil content exceeds 15ppm, and automatically discharging when the oil content lower 15ppm.)验船师:(Surveyor)船东代表:(Ship-owner deputy)检验员:(Checker)重庆东风船舶工业公司(Chongqing DongFeng shipbuilding corporation)质量计量处(Quality measure department)年月日(Date: )空压机系统试验记录(1 # 2#)(Testing record of
29、air compressor system and ) 电9名 称(Name)起动A(Start A)运行A(Operation A自 动(Automation)电动机绝缘M(Insulated resistance of motor)控制箱绝缘M(Insulated resistance of control box)起 动MPa(Start )停 止MPa(Stop)1#空压机(Air compressor )2#空压机(Air compressor )两台空压机控制箱的指示正确;手动操作可靠。(The indication and gauges of control box of two
30、 air compressors are correctly, manual management is reliably.)两台空压机控自动效用正常。(The automatic function of two air compressors is normally.)集控台上运行指示正常。(Operational indication of control console is normally.)验船师:(Surveyor)船东代表:(Ship-owner deputy)检验员:(Checker)重庆东风船舶工业公司(Chongqing DongFeng shipbuilding cor
31、poration)质量计量处(Quality measure department)年月日(Date: )CO2 系统施放报警试验(Alarming test of CO2 system discharging) 电-101 220V和24V对报警箱供电正常。(Power of 220V or 24V supplies to alarming box normally.) 2 失电报警正常。 (Alarming of power failure is normally.)3 系统的模拟施放报警和泄漏报警正常。(Simulated discharging alarming and leaked
32、alarming are normally.)4 机舱、1#货舱、2#货舱的模拟预施放和施放报警正常。(Simulated pre-discharging alarming and discharging alarming of engine room, cargo tank and cargo tank are normally.)验船师:(Surveyor)船东代表:(Ship-owner deputy)检验员:(Checker)重庆东风船舶工业公司(Chongqing DongFeng shipbuilding corporation)质量计量处(Quality measure depa
33、rtment)年月日(Date: )声力电话、程控电话试验(Test of sound power telephone and programmed telephone) 电11 声力直通电话:驾驶室机舱,驾驶室舵机间通话功能正常,话音清晰;集控室35#左右舷加油站活动电话效用正常。 (Sound power telephone to be communicated directly. Communication between bridge and engine room, bridge and steering gear room is normally with clear voice.
34、 The communication function of active telephone fixed on 35# port/starboard gas station in the control room is normally.) 声力选通电话:驾驶室船长、轮机长、应急发电机室、CO2 室、消防站、集控室效用正常,话音清晰。 (Sound-power selection telephone: The communication function among wheelhouse, captain room, chief engineer room, emergency genera
35、tor room, CO2 room, firehouse and control room is normally with clear voice.) 程控电话:各电话之间通话正常,高级船员室的电话可以通过广播对外喊话。(Programmed telephone: The communication between telephones is normally, the telephone installed in senior-sailor room can be called to outside by speaker.)验船师:(Surveyor)船东代表:(Ship-owner d
36、eputy)检验员:(Checker)重庆东风船舶工业公司(Chongqing DongFeng shipbuilding corporation)质量计量处(Quality measure department)年月日(Date: )广播系统试验(Test of broadcasting system) 电12 1 两路220V和两路24V电源供电正常。(Power-supply of two circuits with 220v and two circuits with 24v is normally.)2 广播主站收音和放音功能正常,广播主站对外、舱内和岗位喊话功能正常。 (The f
37、unction of receiving and sending of main broadcasting station is normally, the calling function of main broadcasting station to outside, inside of tanks and post is normally.)3 广播遥控站:驾驶室、CO 室、消防站、舵机间、艏楼喊话功能正常,广播主站喊话优先。 (Remote control broadcasting station: the calling function of wheelhouse, CO room
38、, firehouse, steering gear room and forecastle is normally, the calling of main broadcasting station is preferential.)4 岗位广播强制功能正常。 (The imperative function of post-speaker is normally.)验船师:(Surveyor)船东代表:(Ship-owner deputy)检验员:(Checker)重庆东风船舶工业公司(Chongqing DongFeng shipbuilding corporation)质量计量处(Qu
39、ality measure department)年月日(Date: )充放电板、无线电充电器、主发电机/应急发电机/救生艇蓄电池充电器效用试验(Function test of charging and discharging board, radio charge, storage-battery charger of main generator/emergency generator/lifeboat)电13 1.各类蓄电池组的安装符合要求。(The installation of all kinds of storage-battery shall be in accordance
40、with the requirements.)2.充放电板对通用蓄电池组充电效用正常,蓄电池组放电正常,蓄电池组充电方式为浮充,充放电板对外供电正常,充放电板上的仪表、指示灯、开关等正常可靠,24V绝缘监测报警效用正常。(The function of charging and discharging board to general storage-battery is normally. Discharging of storage-battery is reliably. The charging method of storage-battery is floating charge.
41、 Power-supply for outside of charging and discharging board is normally. The gauges, indicator light and switch of charging and discharging board to be operated correctly. The function of insulated monitoring alarm with 24v is reliably.)3.无线电充电器的无线电蓄电池充放电效用及指示正常。(The function and indication of radio
42、 storage-battery on radio charger.)4.主发电机充电器能同时对两组起动蓄电池和一组备用蓄电池充电。(Charger of main generator can make charge to two groups of starting storage battery and a group of stand-by storage-battery at the same time.)5.应急发电机起动蓄电池充电器能同时对常用蓄电池和备用蓄电池充电,断开对24V蓄电池充电,能对救生艇12V的蓄电池充电正常。(Charger of starting storage-
43、battery of emergency generator can make charge to general service storage-battery and stand-by storage-battery at the same time, and to 12v storage-battery of lifeboat normally.)验船师:(Surveyor)船东代表:(Ship-owner deputy)检验员:(Checker)重庆东风船舶工业公司(Chongqing DongFeng shipbuilding corporation)质量计量处(Quality me
44、asure department)年月日(Date: )通用报警、机舱报警灯柱、冷库呼叫、病员呼叫试验(Test of general service alarm, alarming lamp column of engine room, refrigerated storage calling, patient calling) 电141.通用报警系统的220V和24V电源供电正常,手动和自动(七短一长)发讯功能正常,消防控制站能发讯报警,火警能触发报警,通用报警能触发号笛和通过广播报警。 (Power-supply with 220v or 24v of general alarming
45、system is normally, the function of manual and automatic transmittal is reliably. Fire control station can send alarming signal. Fire alarm can start alarming. General alarm can start horn and alarm by broadcast.)2.报警灯柱(集控室、机舱、二甲板、机舱棚)报警正常。声力电话、应急车钟、CO2施放、机器故障、火灾报警、通用报警等发讯通过灯柱报警。两路220V供电正常。 (Alarmin
46、g lamp column including control room, engine room, the second deck and engine case works normally. Some device including sound power telephone, emergency telegraphy, CO2 discharging, machine malfunction, fire alarming and general alarm send alarming signal by lamp column. Power-supply of two circuit
47、s with 220v is normally.)3.冷库呼叫系统:鱼库、肉库、蔬菜库呼叫时,厨房和集控室有声光信号。 (Refrigerated storage calling system: There should have sound-light signal in kitchen and control room when calling come form fish storage, meat storage, vegetable storage.)4.病员呼叫系统:驾驶室和病员室呼叫功能正常,并有声光信号,同时二副房间和主甲走道有光信号。(Patient calling syst
48、em: the calling function of wheelhouse and patient room is normally with sound-light signal, at the same time, there is light signal in main deck passage and the 2nd Officer room.)验船师:(Surveyor)船东代表:(Ship-owner deputy)检验员:(Checker)重庆东风船舶工业公司(Chongqing DongFeng shipbuilding corporation)质量计量处(Quality
49、measure department)年月日(Date: )应急发电机自起动试验(Automatic starting test of emergency generator)电15应急发电机处于自起动准备状态,当主配电板失电后,应急发电机立即自起动,并升速至转/分钟, 再合闸,完成时间为秒。(The emergency generator shall be in automatic stand-by state, and to be started immediately when the main switchboard failed, and to be closed after ris
50、ing to _ r/min. The completed time is _ second.)主配电板恢复送电后,应急发电机主开关立即自动脱扣,并降速至怠速状态,延时分钟后自动停车,为下次自起动作准备。(Main switch of emergency generator to be opened immediately after main switchboard restoring and decelerated to slow speed, then stopped automatically after delaying _ min, prepared for next start.
51、)发电机连续三次自起动失败报警功能正常。备用蓄电池起动发电机正常。 (The alarming function of three times consecutive self-starting failure of generator is normally, and generator starting by stand-by storage battery is normally.)验船师:(Surveyor)船东代表:(Ship-owner deputy)检验员:(Checker)重庆东风船舶工业公司(Chongqing DongFeng shipbuilding corporatio
52、n)质量计量处(Quality measure department)年月日(Date: )火灾报警系统试验(Test of fire alarm system) 电 16 1 火灾报警装置的220V和24V电源供电正常,电源故障报警效用正常 (Power-supply with 220v or 24v of fire alarm device is normally, and power failure alarming is reliably.)2 火灾报警按钮和探头布置符合设计要求。 (The arrangement of probe and button of fire alarm s
53、hall be in accordance with design requirements.)3 火灾报警按钮和探头模拟故障报警效用正常。 (The stimulant failure alarming of probe and button of fire alarm works normally.)4 火灾报警装置各功能效用正常。 (Functions of fire alarm device are normally.)5 火灾报警2分钟后没有得到处理,延伸至通用报警效用正常。(It will extend to general alarming when the fire alarm has not been treated for two minutes, which operates normally.)验船师:(Surveyor)船东代表:(Ship-owner deputy)
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