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1、Festivals around the world高一英语高一英语 陆一青陆一青Leaning aims:1. To learn some important new words and expressions and use them correctly.2. To get useful information by skimming, scanning and inferring, guessing words and summarizing.3. To develop the cultural awareness by learning different festivals.Comp

2、etition (Have a competition between boys and girls)Analysis of the text(分析分析文章文章)Type of writing(文体文体): :Title(标题标题): :Festivals and CelebrationsSubtitles(副标题副标题) 1. Festivals of the Dead 2. 3. 4. Step3: Scanning for details (in 6 minutes) FestivalsCountriesMeanings of celebrationValentine(情人节情人节)We

3、stern countriesTo show our love to our beloved.Obon盂兰盆节盂兰盆节ToThanksgiving To Easter(复活节复活节)To Spring FestivalTo Step 4 Jig-saw Reading(分段阅读分段阅读) Read Paragraph 1 and 2(in 4minutes) ( ) 1. Whats the meaning of “starve” in paragrah.1? People will die because they have no food to eat. People will feel

4、tired and exhausted. People will be sad if they cant find food. People have difficulty in finding food. ( ) 2. Whats the meaning of in memory of in Para 2? A.纪念纪念 B.记忆记忆 C.回忆回忆 D.想起想起 2.Read Paragraph 3 and 4(in 3 minutes)and decide T or F ( ) 1). Qu Yuan was a great poet that people honor a lot in

5、China. ( ) 2). The Mid-autumn Festival is only celebrated in China. ( ) 3). India has national festivals on October2. 4).Match the pictures with the names of the festivals National Festival on October 2 The Dragon Boat Festival Columbus Day (India) (China) (USA) 3. Read Paragraph 5 and answer the fo

6、llowing questions. (4 minutes) 1) What do people usually eat and do at the spring festivals? ( )2) .Whats the main idea of the paragraph 5? A. Introduce three festivals in spring. B. How do Japanese celebrate Cherry Blossom Festival? C. Introduce the customs of festivals in China. D. Introduce different kinds of festivals around the world. Step5: 1)Which festival interests you most in the passage? And why(Give at least 3 reasons)(in 5 minutes) dress up (盛装打扮盛装打扮) ancestors(祖先)(祖先)in memory of (纪念纪念) play a trick on (搞恶作剧)(搞恶作剧)honor(纪念纪念) gather (收集


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