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1、What is Etiquette?Etiquette is the code that governs the expectations of social behavior and the conventional norm. Etiquette is an unwritten code, which evolves from written rules, for the Greek equivalent of "etiquette" is protocol, the written formula for ceremonial. It usuall

2、y reflects a theory of conduct that society or tradition has invested heavily in. Like "culture", it is a word that has gradually grown plural, especially in a multi-ethnic society with many clashing expectations. Thus, it is now possible to refer to "an etiquette" or "a cul

3、ture", realizing that these may not be universal. Etiquette fundamentally prescribes and restricts the ways in which people interact with each other, and show their respect for other people by conforming to the norms of society. As prehistoric people began to interact with one another, they lea

4、rned to behave in ways that made life easier and more pleasant. Manners had a practical purpose. Then early civilizations developed rules for proper social conduct. Etiquette is dependent on culture; what is excellent etiquette in one society may shock in another. Etiquette evolves within culture.Et

5、iquette originated in the French royal court during the 1600-1700's. The nobles who lived at court did not work, and so they developed elaborate social customs mostly to avoid becoming bored. The nobles drew up a list of proper social behavior and called it etiquette. This word came from an old

6、French word meaning ticket. This code of behavior soon spread to other European courts and eventually was adopted by the upper classes throughout the Western world.Western EtiquetteIn the West, the notion of etiquette, being of French origin and arising from practices at the court of Louis XIV, is o

7、ccasionally disparaged as old-fashioned or elite, a code concerned only with "which fork to use". Some people consider etiquette to be an unnecessary restriction of freedom of personal expression. Others consider such people to be unmannerly and rude. For instance, wearing pajamas to a wed

8、ding in a cathedral may be an expression of the guest's freedom, and may also cause the bride and groom to suspect that the guest in pajamas is expressing amusement or disparagement towards them and their wedding. Etiquette may be enforced in pragmatic ways: "No shoes, no shirt, no service.

9、" Others feel that a single, basic code shared by all makes life simpler and more pleasant by removing many chances for misunderstandings.Basic Table Manners in Western Culture Manners in every country are different. What is polite in China may not be polite in the USA, Australia, UK, Germ

10、any, France, Canada, or New Zealand.We must know the following basic rules.1. Put the napkin on your lap.2. Wait until everyone has been served to begin eating.3. Everyone begins eating at the same time.4. Do not make sounds when eating.5. Sit up straight at the table and bring the food to your mout

11、h: do not lean down to your plate.6. Do not lean on your arm or elbow while eating (as well as before or after eating): you may rest only your hand and wrist on the edge of the table.7. Try to be friendly with others. If you are a man, you should pay attention to ladies sitting closest to you. Pass

12、the dishes to them, serve them, etc. Equal attention must be paid to children.8. Hold the knife in your right hand, and fork in your left hand.9. Cut large pieces of meat, potatoes and vegetables into bite-size pieces; eat the pieces one at a time.10. Each time you cut a small piece with the knife,

13、put it into your mouth with a fork.11. When eating spaghetti, hold your fork in the right hand. Wind the noodles up on your fork: the spaghetti on your fork should be eaten in one bite. It is very impolite to eat half your noodles and allow the other half to fall back on your plate.12. While eating,

14、 remember not to talk with your mouth full of food.13. When the hostess/host offers you food, give her/him a direct answer; if you refuse the first time, she might not ask you again.14. At the table, ask others to pass you dishes that are out of your reach. Good _expression to know is: “Please pass

15、me the_.”15. When you have finished your meal, place your knife and fork side by side on the plate.16. Never use toothpick at the table: it is impolite.17. Before you leave the table, refold your napkin and put it beside your plate.18. When you are unsure what to do, observe the way your western fri

16、ends eat in order to avoid mistakes. SOCIAL ETIQUETTE HOW DO I INTRODUCE PEOPLE? Always remember to introduce the person of lesser importance to the person of higher importance. How one decides on importance is totally left to ones discretion, but here are a few guidelines that could

17、ease the matter. It is rank, not gender that is important in a business setting. Age, experience, job level and public recognition are the key factors while determining importance. So, introduce a younger person to an older person, a co-worker to boss, boss to a client (the client ranks higher in im

18、portance than anyone else in the company!) and lay person to an official. Whilst being introduced, stand up, or at least make an attempt to rise. Smile and greet the person before shaking hands.  HOW DO I MAKE MY PRESENCE FELT? Attending a business/social event is just 80 per cent of the j

19、ob done. The rest of the 20 per cent involves singing for your supper, i.e. contributing to the event in the most positive manner! Be prepared: Get information about your sponsors/hosts or fellow guests before the event. You need to present yourself and your business organization in the most profess

20、ional manner. Make your presence known to your hosts and to peer. Circulate and meet as many people as possible. This is not the time for you to stand on formalities and wait to be introduced, nor is this the place for you to slink into a corner with an old acquaintance.Avoid making a beeline for th

21、e buffet or bar. Its not easy to eat and make conversation at the same time, and theres nothing worse than waking up in the morning and realising that last evenings alcohol-induced wit was just hot air!  GO ON, INTRODUCE YOURSELF Picture this. Youre at a party where you dont know a so

22、ul. The set is hobnobbing and youre watching all the action. You ask yourself if you should be walking up to complete strangers and introducing yourself and the truth is yes. It can be intimidating but then, the corporate world is not one for the faint of heart. Make your presence felt by introducin

23、g yourself. Take the initiative at a cocktail party or a large gathering where the host maybe too busy to do the honours. At a meeting or at the dinning table, you could be the first to start the introductions. In case someone is already doing this and forgets your name or to introduce you, just vol

24、unteer the information yourself! Remember to give your full name when introducing yourself. Provide some information about yourself and avoid the honorific. So, while it is not quite alright for you to say you are Dr. Rahul George go right ahead and say Hello, Im Rahul George. I specialize in treati

25、ng phobias in children. BE SENSITIVE TO THE DISABLED We may ooze confidence in the boardroom or while meeting a new client and even while telling a lie. But most of us feel awkward while interacting with people who may be physically or even mentally challenged. It is important that we lear

26、n to be sensitive to their condition while striking a balance between rushing to help, and pretending that the disability doesn't exist. A small tip- absorb the person and not the disability. You can also keep these pointers in mind during your interactions: Before offering help, ask. If your of

27、fer is refused, don't insist. Don't substitute volume for slower or clearer speech. Keep away from external aids like a guide dogs, wheelchairs, cane, or crutches, unless you have been specifically asked to help with it. Don't identify people by their disabilities. Manish is “Manish” and

28、 NOT “Manish, the deaf and dumb guy”. A physical impairment is distinctly different from a mental one, so pay attention to what the disability.  BE SENSITIVE WHILST SMOKING Smoking, once considered the symbol of being cool, is today, a sign that you are uncaring not only of your own health

29、, but also of the effect of your toxic fumes on others! If you have to smoke, remember to check for no smoking signs, and to ask those sitting in close proximity to you if they mind, before you light up In an office, no smoking is often an unwritten code. Be considerate of others. Those in cubicles

30、next to you should not have to be subjected to your second hand smoke. Even if you are lucky enough to have your own cabin, give a thought to your visitors, and open a window occasionally to clear the haze. When in someones home, look out for ashtrays. If they are absent, its a clear indication that

31、 smoking is not welcome there. Dont embarrass your host by asking whether they mind if you smoke, and dont cloud up the bathroom by smoking in there. Go out into a balcony or garden. If you are a non-smoker, dont react violently to someone who lights up in your vicinity. Ask them politely to put out

32、 their cigarette. There are very few who will not oblige, or at least move away from you.  PARTY ETIQUETTE The festive season is the time to unwind, meet with business associates outside of office, get together with friends, and celebrate. Surprisingly, this is also a time when people are

33、so stressed out, they dont enjoy the get-togethers, and festivities. Here are some tips that will help you get over the holiday-entertainment blues. Plan your parties, and send the invitations well in advance. With so many events happening, your guests will appreciate having enough notice to plan th

34、eir evenings. Send in your RSVPs within three days of receiving the invitation. If you promise to attend, do attend. Never ever foist extra guests onto your unsuspecting hosts. Cramming too many events into too little time is a major contributor to stress. Prioritise; plan your evenings realisticall

35、y. Exercise restraint with alcohol, off-colour humour, gossip, and physical demonstrations of appreciation.  BUSINESS ETIQUETTE BUSINESS LUNCH ETIQUETTE As schedules become more hectic, the business lunch continues to grow in popularity. Make sure to do things right when meeting over

36、lunch with a prospective client or important associate. The last thing you want is for your encounter to be the final one.Avoid extravagance. Pick a quality restaurant noted for its good food and reliable services. Book a table that is in a quiet corner where business can be discussed without too ma

37、ny noisy disturbances. Leave instructions at the counter to usher in your guests to your table. You need to stand up when someone arrives and wait for them to be seated before you sit down. If the client has a cocktail, follow his lead. If they order alcohol, you can too, but limit your drinks to on

38、e or two light ones. If they don't drink, you don't. Enter gracefully, dont be late. People typically have a limited amount of time for lunch. Take time to chat. Dont delve into business until youve placed your order. Instead, make conversation, and try to get beyond the weather. Most people

39、 love to talk about themselves, so ask thoughtful questions that arent too personal in nature, and actively listen to your dining companions responses.Despite all of your preparation, you may make a faux pas during a business lunch - remain calm. A fork could slip out of your hand, or a piece of foo

40、d could get stuck in your throat. Pardon yourself, smile and continue the conversation. Your ability to handle a glitch with grace will make a far deeper impression than any minor blunder could. The most important people are the ones sitting in front of you. Remember to turn off all cell phones. If

41、you answer a phone call and discuss other business in front of them, the meeting may be over before it began. Order with care: Ignore your craving for the barbecue pork sandwich or any other potentially messy dish. By sticking to easy-to-eat items, youll save yourself the embarrassment of sauce drip

42、ping down your shirt. Also, dont order the most pricey entrée if youre not paying, and follow the lead of your host when it comes to appetizers, desserts and other extras.  MAKING A CLIENT WAIT An urgent and unexpected task may lead to unavoidable delays at times. The situation become

43、s even more critical when one has a client waiting in the office wondering about the appointment that had been fixed well in advance! So, how does one avoid alienating a customer who has been inadvertently placed in such an awkward situation? First, take the trouble to make apologies in person. Tell

44、 your client how long you are likely to be delayed. If you are away from office, have your secretary or a colleague do this for you. Offer refreshments and reading material. This is definitely an occasion to pamper him. Don't keep him waiting longer than 15 or 20 minutes. If you can't get aw

45、ay from the urgent task delaying you, explain the situation, apologise and schedule another meeting. Call to express regret for wasting his time. Making amends and restoring goodwill should be your top priority. LEARN ABOUT THE ART OF GIFTING The act of gifting is a symbolic way of marking

46、 special occasions, impressing another, expressing thanks, and sometimes offering a bribe! Your reason for gifting is your business, but here are some tips on how to do it graciously. Ensure that your choice of gift is appropriate for the occasion, and for receiver. For instance, a chocolate cake gi

47、ven to a friend on a diet would be a little thoughtless! Sometimes very expensive gifts could embarrass the receiver, especially if he is not in a position to reciprocate with one of similar value. Be sensitive to this issue. Certain companies have strict policies about their employees NOT accepting

48、 expensive gifts or any gifts from business associates. Take note. Be careful when considering your choice of gift, by keeping the nationality of the person in mind. Certain items may signify mourning, or be considered a bad omen and the last thing you need to do is upset a foreign business associat

49、e, whom youre trying very hard to impress. EXPRESS YOURSELF THROUGH YOUR BUSINESS CARD Business stationery is the first step in building a corporate identity. It allows a free expression of ones true personality in a smart, 'business sort of way. If you are an artist, or employed in th

50、e media you can give your imagination free rein. For most other kinds of business, it is best to be conservative and project an image of practicality.The finer print The purpose a business card is to introduce you. It is also an invitation to establish and retain communication. Your card should bear

51、 your name, position and responsibility in the organization, the name of the business, address, a scaled down logo (if any) and information about how you can be contacted. Use a standard sized business card. If your card is too large to fit into a card holder or wallet, it will end up in the back of

52、 a drawer or thrown in a dustbin, and its of no use to anyone there! The standard business card measures 31/2 inches by 2inches. The most appropriate font size for a business card is 8-10 point for name and business name and 6.5-8 point for address and other information. (AVOID) RUNNING ERRANDS

53、 FOR YOUR BOSS  In an ideal case scenario, the boss would never ask a subordinate to run personal errands for him/her. Reality, however, is very different, but when handled with deft and poise can turn a no win situation to a win win one. When asked to run a personal errand by your senior,

54、 tell him/her that it is beyond the limits. Citing pressing office work as reason also works. These reasons are good enough to put off even some of the most pressing seniors. Another method is to avoid running personal errands for boss would be to tell him/her in a casual manner, preferably away fro

55、m the office that official work doesn't give you time to run personal chores. S/He might not be thrilled about it but a mixture of diplomacy and firmness should be convincing. As a senior executive, don't ask juniors to run errands for you. You know they have a right to refuse, but chances a

56、re that they will not. Resentment doesn't make for the best work environment!  HOW DO I MEET A CUSTOMER OVER A MEAL?  Meeting a customer or prospective client over a meal has become a common practice today. The meal may be as casual as a sandwich in a fast food joint or an el

57、aborate lunch or dinner at a more formal restaurant. Whatever be the case and setting, one must follow certain rules to make the conversation and meeting effective: Ask for food preference, but dont leave the responsibility of choosing the restaurant to your guest. Keep in mind his preference, the l

58、ocation of his office and of course your budget while making the choice. Be specific about the time and place. You dont want to be sitting at a restaurant called The Residency while your guest is waiting at the foyer of the Residency Hotel, wondering why you havent turned up. Confirm your reservatio

59、n at the restaurant, and confirm the meeting with your guest.  HOW DO I DECLINE AN INVITATION TO A MEAL?  A working lunch or dinner is common corporate practice in most business houses. Once an invitation has been extended to you, it is your choice to accept or decline it, but it is your obligation to follow through with it once you accept. Give your response as soon


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